-day, IVfnb.i7MlMBi A Cigarette Cas6 FH& ' We believe we hare a food rnouth stock to suit.ahyone. We of course have the Itonion In various model from $7J an many other kinds from $1.13 to SG.S4. We hare several made of , toll like metal which I ,ppod to alwajs star the mt color, from KM lu JC.50. o3 I LI MI Jewellers Hint STOHE WITH Iht C10OV BURNS LAKE I : G-wans and son. Kltky. tk f jr Red Deer Albert. VL 3 M. Oowans Sr. will rf after having Mer and family, al-" Oowans. who W Mntec at Red Deer. fa- OK'fo te east. Mi Middlrton is a patient ft MLE Must sell N-xsh Sedai. overhauled and painted. ' 'joe victor comoinatiun. , -ttL 3, Solid walnut llvlnft1 w-i table, steel guitar, ruw uu drapes. Phone 884. I3J3 0 fiirc en -lt Althitmlna '.Hit rtrniMA ilv lniVi nmfl i"-t 111 WAITED a Yirn n ks smm iAAAnn nnn Tpen:er tools, also boat clamps. nuu j imv is 1 1111 v ur . PERSONAL 283l OF 30, 40, 501 WANT VIM ?igor tor rundown body? Tr-J8TI?EX Tablet ot raw oyster unulants and tcncral body si 5 ft f f ulu of first pncfcige. maker fund iu low price. 80UI by all M "od dniir-jif tf htf HAVE HELPED 1IUNDHKDS ' SJf T0 OBTAIN positions an LefjS lr Carriers, PosUI ClerklCu jSjjf Ifms Ejtnmlnem. Clerks, aml'ljf oMiri n, ric aim v Oil h'p yoo. Write u for pro''f5 nd free Information. M.C.C.,if fthooU Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest lf panada. tr -Sjf m Mtr.Mr. roi nt or hkitikii' Ik M.illf. ,.f h. tHmliiUlratlon r ,h Mrr of llif Rlal le ft S NOTICE lhn.t by of 1tt w e, r-wwr, the nm cy of J? 7n,r A, D 1B38. I aimolnUd fetf w'h- ( ith mtwt oT IaO SU lv4, ajxl 11 -artto batlni ? almi Uw mid -4it r hw'STf imii to fiimWi iuivr profirrly lMVMtli1iM A T 1010 at rH all. ?rTa Z? ,t"WWu to the n1a are r- "uiw to m, rorthwlUi. NORMAN A. WATT Official Attmintawrtor, a ...ua fl 11 71)38. ,7Ul d"y 01 Novwuber, A, SM1THERS STEWART David dedde of Stewart left lost $ week ir Varue. to meet Mrs. t Geddes who is eemlng out from Dundee. SwUand, tt Uke up rel- denee in Stewart. Mx. Oeddei ha 2f oiirthasM the Brooerty In Stewart 2? "z 1 sst week Her friends' hiwhand who Is employed at -d to leam that she U.jji, mumuti mine. nicely issinrn FOlt SALE Gifts Twin Set 1 A Pakrlte and Vanity $12.50 ft,,d $18.50 Gladstone. Bag Elk Groin Cow- 22.00 "4aavr 1.1.1. oi, i" I of eight years' attendance.at school 'without missing a day, Catherine Jack of Stewart had the misfortune the i Premier left WUt week for Vancou yer where they will spend the! j Christmas and New Year holiday j season. I Mrs Lome Jamleson of Juneu hat arrived at Hvder for a tfftt. ' Mrs. Jamleson" husband had the misfortune several months ago to SALE Fire-room modern break his bark In an accident at Ambrose Ave Apply 637 the AUuka-Juneau mine at Juneau. Arbrse Ave tf After having achieved the record 1fc!L X- Biaioauauact Uaby High Chair-Enamelled with tray Pedal Kar C?ltWsVfSVIr0r1aVIIVl'l $6.75 S2.75 Tricycles S6.S0, 87.00 and $8.00 Doll nugRles 2.50, $5.00 $6.00, $9.00 w- $5.00 Scooters $4.00 and $6.00 EU(rs THIRD AVENUE Itours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. TTI12 mn,Y news In the north. He was at Skagwaylslble. The continued mild weath-when there waa- only one cabin jer with little? snow is favoring the there and in 1897 went into me carrying on 01 mc www Mr. T nrook and Mtt n rhru-.t contract chicken-pox and 'haa.Klondvke from Dyea over the Chll tie of Terrace, after visiting friends . had 10 stay at nome- Ikoot Pas. For more than twenty l,n Smithers for a few dayi. left for , - years Mr. McKenzle has been lo- liome on Tueklays train. The WlHkrn Lamble of Prince Rupert, cated In the Portland Canal dis-ladles left Terrace in July for anwal a vUltor In Btewart last weckttrict. extended trip to the East to visit m us,nc- fronds arid relatives at many Dlac-i Provincial Constable J ec as It had been a. Ions time clnee Mr either of them had visited their. re,,a," ,n ine oia Jacuson jiouse ; renef duty. Constable Todd served old home since coming to the west. Pn Colbla Street at StewarV , tor flve yeafs with the Shanghai They went straight bk to Ontar-J ' I municipal police and was In the lo and then took In the other prov-i Angus McKenzle, veteran pros-' Chinese metropolis until last May Inces at they proceeded west on!pector and miner of Northern Brl- following the Japanese occupation. their way home, visiting In Saikat-, N'h Columbia and the Yukon, left chewan. Alberta and sevwal mints . Stewart last wek to spend the win- Work It being continued on the in British Columbia. They feel that ter visltun In Toronto, London, new Bear River wing dam here. Ths ; z they have had a wonderful trip andi0ntar, and Detroit Mr. McKen crews are being rotated in order toj f. one whleh was thoroughly enjoyed zlc na8 bem welt over forty years spread out the work as far as pcx- S? but they are lad to get bark to; . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 iW British Columbia again and to their lwgjiwj home In Tmaee. 7 ' . L, O. Calder. until recently of the local branch of the Rnval Ttantr Af Hannfia who has ml reached the age of superannuation j? and Is retiring from active service, J will leave Smlthera on Thursday for bjl "an extended trip to the eastern province to vtrit there with friends g and relatives. Mr. Calder has ms.de many friends In Smithers and dr. 5? strict since he arrived here five 2J years ago. sueceedhif Charles Reid 5 These all regret his departure but hope lo see him occasionally m the M course of hto traveU when he de- tf clde to take this district Into his K Itinerary A. Dando of Victoria ar-rived in Smithers two weeks ago to Sx take over the duties being relln- Sf quhhed by Mr Calder 2? CHRISTMAS Fbrsythe Today's Christmas gift special is this marvelous shirt value. Seldom are we al)Ie to present such an outstanding quality -at such a low price. Visit us to see the Nmany other fine men's wear gifts on display. Prices are always reasbnahle. Fraser & Payne's ot D. W. McLeroSn who recently XWS&52WZ left for Vancouver. - - ? B n Lakh Itoipltal, having ur J. D. Dunlek has arrived at i l. err ration for appendicitis, stewart from Vancouver to Join her REDUCED WINTER FARES to VANCOUVER ' - """CaIlInr at (Jcean Falls and Powell lUvr r . r ' S36.00 Ite,urn Meal. and Hcrth Included THURSDAYS rlnre Rupert J 1:15 p.m. Sjuthbound Rate Effective No. 1st Until Feb. 2. Relurri Limit, 31arrh 31. J V-C9-38 panadian National Steamships That all the Family Will Enjoy Toys And Wheel Goods For the Young Occasional Chairs aaBBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaaaaRViv Living Room Table r $8.75 ttnd $11.75 Tea Wagart Solid walnut Coffee Table Solid walnut $24.75 $10.00 Solid Walnut End Tables $6.50 and CO AA $12.00 Bridge Set 4 chairs and fa & 81 5 If II 0 1 I s h ; o o o o s o o o o o 0 !8 Tags - Seals Personally I'nfnrl Grectinij Card Boxed Assortments AUn(iay Variety At Resnrr Block lo :o Wm. m 3SSSSSSSSSH P 1 BWBSSSSSt -Mil iSl8 - longer stop-over arranged for the! company's steamer Catala on Its. weekly call at this port. Mrs. Murdock Mclntyre of Stew-i Mrs. Sinklewlcz and two children. art underwent, an operation in who have been residing in the Salo Vancouver last week and is report- house on Ninth Street, moved last ed to be doing very well. week to Thirteen Mile. Mr.Blnk- w! Todd! Carl Hqlterman. assistant mana- mine. and Mrs. John Skletnes are!nas been assigned to Stewart for 8er the Union Steamship Co.. has lewicz is employed, at the Premier Mrs. Rlgden. who recently cut her mlssioners here that, whenever It is hand severely with an axe. ij mak-found possible, there will be a ing good progress toward recovery r-i - . aau fHR STMAS CARDS - Gift Wrapping: 4. DIBB PRINTING CO. Phone 231 REGAL SHOP Closing Out SALE ra Ta i sui. We have been able to bring forward many lines that Lack of room prevented us from showing previously. "Your Inspection Cordially Invited" Everything Must Be Sold Including Fixtures Regardless of Price g Reserve Your Christmas Goods Isow lule lhere Is a Good Selection Nanairno-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulklcy Valley Coal ; Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone G51 or C53 o a a o o o WWWAWAVAV.VAV.V.SW.V.VAVAW.V.WWiV Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon ' 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'beuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Go. Ltd. Prince Rupert British Columbia Give those Christmas pft in persori thu year Winter fare with tong limits on sak fipw. Spedaljy priced hoIicJay travel commence DeccmbeivSO. Yj?u don't have to kaye 2ctinatiorf ' until January 7. Fare and.k third for the round trip. If, you can't spend Christmas with , them, have tficmJcome. X6 your by prepaying- their ure? Well arrange ticket deliveries anywhere . . . at to ejtri cost. Rick the air-coridittoneu CONTINENTAL LIMITED- day totchts it for konomy ttixul. For Information, Call or Write: CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 For Best Household Coal MRSr C E BLACK NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.09 op. v 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O.B01IW Venetian Blinds rioneer Brand PHIL LYONS Phone Green 885. NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST,'. Phone RED. 392 . INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HlLLMAN" CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient. Service ; Walker's Music Store ; Large Stock Music. Helntzman, Nordbeimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" t Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Music ? Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, : Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 ? CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave-Prince Rupert, B.C, Phones' 18 & 81 P.O, Box 575 FOH SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S' Economy Store Where Dollars Have MoreV Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion,