THE DAILY NEWS SLL DPA LIE ASOT | FROM HOME TO HOME.’ HOTEL ELYSIUM STORAGE | the bp h al : G. T. P. Transfer Agents | HERSHERES EEE ESze3: Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. 8 OFFICE~—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 68 2 ASN, = ease gibi - V. F. @. GAMBI || Pe sme oniaean there cs Si ee - ere SR REE eS —————=— { 1 ere W L. BARKER j ITEMS OF... Bt S S | Architect SPORT} — BS || = THE COSY CORNER =|) gsjaieint tit uo j ts { nK 4 Prince ge | Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office, @ rerirrermivnss cmiocitiivia rie R | DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN ae f] Is Jack Johneon mione’ upert : H. Gordon Munro W. Nichclson Lailey Real Estate and Stock Brokers he st hat , ee: a om , MUNRO & LAILEY ) AGREEMENTS FOR SALE 2_ PURCHASED | svn Sails Every Friday at 8 am. for P a is ; little geen of the pee aa wd iw day yorins ‘Rupert Architects, rhe big VANCOUVER, Vil TORIA, SEATILE 0 8u vies 0 tas to women : an ‘ of the oe nee Rupert Stork Building, s i Avenue. : rt Pm and m Stew t 1 hi SA FPRINcE sonn | ate in vited to contribute to its columns, an | to take part in its discussions. Sug- | | Ae e ar He Every Wednesda m. tor Stewart, | Sees and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | @ a sme el A a et re He oe ae Pp notte “sland “y For. perticulars | Oe pete cee ae STUART & STEWART ~ - hone 260. | = — ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS = ee me ae tt le Np Fs tl Pe Os be ul te ildi . 2 * { i on Seer ven ee | DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT [rub well into the silk. This will | law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 || ( ike a nesdays and § Sh ae net only remove all dust and| Prince Rupert P.O. Box 851 | Fi y cif ( "arand ee oe Railway ayeteer? for| Te One of These Dishes on Your|erease, but will make the ma-| ] j \ d . D + ant ¢ Table Tomorrow. | terial look like new. ep CARSS, C. ¥. BENNETT, B.A. j j twits For full it een servations ana| ed White ciocti should be well! of British Columbte £ BO. Onerat ; . . . ‘ite d i * tehewan j / / rf A. E. M: MAS’ TER | Cocoanut Cheese Cakes—Take Seer am _ er Bo ry aoe = ie eS ee j ‘ , ‘ ij : NERAL AGE ‘ND TRUNK equal weight of grated cocoanut| °C" We! Deing usec Lo -apply CARSS & BENNETT Ge Verchandise Largest Stoch { { PACIF! ae fd - Gasier aneke ad cle we ee Brush out and the cloth BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. j . {{ . Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines ive onde Set a “ean or the| ill be found quite clean. Ofee—Exehan block, corner Third avenue and } j nd a Good Judge - wie OCS . i bhai ; 5 xth street. l . n a ood Judge, Too. * : white of an egg. Let this simmer ro ore oe Satin—Rub, | Fy: y . f as over the fire until the nut is ten-|#ecording to the grain o 1¢ Lot st [ rices Northern B. . few f der, stirring it carefully all the} Satin, with very dry bread crumbs WM. S. ne L.D.S., D. 0.8. | ntry , ‘ ime te even s bur > Stand | slightly tinged with washing blue. ENTIST. j / ; a time to prevent its burning. Stand Crown ard Bridge Work a Specialty. | { pees es se et eilealiedle He Tet rt ees eee SE] ms d CANADIAN lit aside to cool, and when luke- \ scrap of old white silk should All dental operations skilfully treated. | Gas { 3 an ia { . Jon ¢ art atal warm add the yolks of two well| be used to apply the breadcrumbs | toca sunsthoties adentnlotueed Soe te F petolewe — - a, vs prod beaten eggs and half a teaspoon- land the satin well brushed after-| feigerson Block. Prince Rupert. ary the | ful each of rose water and orange | ¥4r d with a soft brush. KAIEN HARD W ARE COMPANY b : | lower water. See ors ae | Alex.M.Manson B.a., W-E. Williams,B.A. LL.B F ~- B.C, Coast service —~ Famous Princess | : a Maxims and Moralizings. WILLIAMS & MANSON I iding and a | German Toast—-Makes a nice , F THIRD ANZENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No th vo pudding. Cut thick slices of| Be wisely worldly, but not | ie etc. f x tl ir > 2 | bread and dip them each side in| orldly wise,—Quarles. | 5 Beilters Sheet and Plate Glass i i ote: Princess Beatrice milk (enough to soften), then] He makes no friends who never | Prines Rupert, B.4 Plumbers es Plate Glass Mirrors | { f Sunday, December 31st, at 9 a.m \dip in beaten eggs, put in a pan|made a foe.—Tennyson. Deiat ove Pane pI r ’ : | ; , ; } . 0. PRINCE RUPBRT = HARDWARE oo pe to dd I gen hunt When I For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle greased with just sufficient hot} Duty only knits her brow when oe Varnis e Graniteware hed I is heard J. G. McNab General Agent butter to fry. Cook till light) you fly from ber. Fellow her and) JOHN E. DAVEY : that what light | brown, then - inkle sugar ad che Ree acre a a oe ei TEACHER OF SINGING D ‘Stay Satisfactory f ey is a lawyer, = -j/and serve with jam sauce. wo resents make e heart grow) MON RCH MALLEABLE Range."’ Oe lhe had formed one opinion of m« eggs will be sufficient to dip|fonder.—Frank Clemins. PUPIL OF WM. FOXOM, ESQ. A.B-A.M., 100, SNS I : ‘ rood das LINDSAY’ CARTAGE andj nearly a dozen slices of bread, | When.the right kind of a per- L ener ee : B ae | : 4 yea ater Her ._| GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances | eas Srd Avenue Phone 206 and Green 258 | PRINCE RUPERT | A. M. BROWN Sid, Sykes, Manager SMITH & MALLETT ty hare thY hé ‘felandscwhom-~vou: tave: fomeotten: ih HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURBR P ‘ 1 Manat Be ‘ ' Pie z THIRD AVE ? . ei ih : sesminte ih: evan a ap bt tees Repairing a Specialty. west and Most Up-to-date Hote Vancouve P dis, "Modine. Reeaiidlellale oth ie the rush and worry of the weeks gone by. If so study our Complete Stock Carried. x t Caf Moderate Prices 7 pod Per a ga & catalogue. Select some suitable gift and have us attend Outside Orders Promptly Filled. Sheet Metal Work et ; ; 1142 Pender Street West * 4 Vancouver, B.C. d Ave. «ave, bet. thie ene Z to the matter for you 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts p sn r . ri oie To all our patrons we ‘nd the compliments of the 8 NEW YEAR. WANA When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the $ ig / / Bi } 4S S Lid English and American Billiards 3 A N N E , . 3 enry ir vs ons, ° | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. \RLTON HOTEL | A” || (Sees es ers and Siloeramit VA 3 for Brass, Copper, Lead, | | gg Jewellers and Silversmiths — 4 > . | Froest Ca ELSE OS Oe hie ds, -s Rubber Boots, Solder, | |g HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS. - VANCOUVER a ie sos cea TTILD Wake in, cath coum 3 Dross and Bottles ig Hotel Central $5 Axsesc — - oO 4 | 3 Gr iT Bs I wa ed aig ig percoses ane Ameena re a CORNE! IRDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS ; oe ; p j \ eeu eated, modern convenience ' : STREETS $1] tine America an pla rince Rupert Cash StOre | |#dacrsseasesseserserserseracesceazes iieeeeewag | Wickentene: Ted $19 Excetientiy a! wit p | HEE chic paauieintiine Prveridiar g steam | t ght, a i 735 THIRD AVE. | — : WW Yr wr g abs jand the hotter the toast is served | m has too smalla ghhse he does hae a ately Gretclas vary tesbedt -| the better. his work so well as to make the ___peRBRY @& Com, The : at A popular mould of cold meat] place bigger.—L. B. Briggs. cans 5 TDA 73 is made as follows: Melt half an| My rule is to-go straight for- REAL ES?atTR : Xie are equa a t MADE AND nt . f Tealy fa ; : .,;ounce of dripping in a small;ward in doing what appears to ve Kitsumkalum Lane For Sale coas OCS, REPAIRED ”P NS glad jsaucepan and when quite hot put/right, leaving the consequences KITSUMKALUM > R-C. Skeena Mail and Express jin a sliced onion and fry till ten-/to Providence.—Benjamin Frank- | _-_ aa eS P JOHN CURRIE | der Add half an ounce of flour} lin. Chi Sw and Fan Leave *acific Tra Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. oD AVENGER - vainczrurertT}/and two tablespoonfuls of stock, | \ cheerful mind is not only et weeping preace ce Cleasing ’ a es ages for interior poir ierp a een ans |stirring all the time. Boil well, | disposed to be affable and oblig- | Prepare fer winter by getting yous “far : acs , and insure prompt forwarding fadd a dessertspoonful of catsup/ing, but raises the same good naces and fiues put in ir by s and correspondence addressed to and the same of chopped pars! h or In those Who come within 3 PO 8 t Hazeltes. B. C G. A. Sweet, Manager E oO r Rent. Mix well into this half a pound of |/its influence.—Addison. p c. H. Corrine ‘ azelten, ' . sweet, anas ; ‘ooked meat, chopped finely, and 2 — Tactical Chimney Sweep ae Heed, o BEIRNE § s MULVANY let it get cold Grease a basin VICTORIA BEAT CALIFORNIA Puons 7 eive immediate attentior Four-roomed House _ $15.00 lwell. line it with brown crumbs fees Four-roomed Cottage $15.00 and fill it with the above mixture einen N SECTION SEVEN ae ‘ orbase | First Game a Draw, Second a Win, | wa ee ae ~t : SE cover with greased paper and TH a) Tacs, wesw seen 1} bake in a moderate oven for half | Third Is Necessary. E. L. FISHER Phy THE Three- ed Cottage ‘ hour. Turn out to serve and! Ss Funeral Director and Embalmer i Three-roome ag an hour. 1 , RI j Royal Hote partly furnished $20.00 }pour a good gray around. (Canadian Press Despatch.) CHARGES REASONABLE t Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. IN sm TION SIX ———__—_—___—— Victoria, Dee. 29. — Victoria} TO a mai ics ee 356. rt f : Pee ‘heen ioe a Four Cloth aleanlin Hints. |won the second game from the) j fi : { Ate ar - heed ene fear lo Clean Blue Serge—Sponge | University of California today in i nee ! : ay ee r ‘ with strong indigo blue water,|the series, for the Cooper Keith | F H / oe place on a board after the water|trophy, won last year by the) Appe 1's to the Business aiad Professional Man, { ee i S R. NADEN COMPANY has been allowed to evaporate and | Berkeley players; The score was | HAYNER BROS the Banker, and Man in all the Higher { } press with a warm iron. ‘six points to three. The first | uvpeRTAKERS avo EMBALMERS Walks of Life ‘ / Limited To Clean Black Taffetas—-Take | game was drawn, so a third game} Donersk Divediand , 7 ; uc sky as re red and|is necessary. | BEY > OF TE SAVES THEM ia Prince Rupert, B.C.) a5 mut h whisky as requir 7 Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86) E iE TIME IT | Corley & Burgess, Props | == ; en e is worth of the poison by a rap id sys / ae ee + — Ai » him than tem of elimination, leaving the Cee os PHONE 301 the } P.O. BOX 804 ' habit cure | drinker in the condition that , «to drag along | he was before tasting liquor Cs PONY EXPRESS : Ki to forty-two | so far as the effect of al ohol | e@W e b Rae e SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICR * itinent when may be concerned—all on | @) 7 i | a ae DnqUAP® Sestane ned Ser qeeting Bene. Por - three days, | tite for drink gone—and he 8 ad | a | a | eer ee : jections, new man. Knox Si ORARI DW Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 801 ‘ 1 with ever 1 - = e c re eee, The treatment consists of Oo P E NN E Vv Ee NS 1 NG s u NTI L 9 O'CLOCK ea the internal administration o Ree = ae Hote .Grand Hotel.. ternal treatme s actio hat removes the king . dical, a seas ere a rahe in a very ates - : ; We Loaned Wor! "s Home : drinker and the | few hours. REONDE (0 -RUENED, OR Money Free Labor Bureau in Connection vho has to drink The New Knox Hotel is run on fie Modern Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. to } becoming nerv- DRUG HABIT CURED. pia. are + iadegske . BEDS 50¢ U} F at at GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor, j ‘Way all inelina- At the Vancouver institute FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RI PER ceili eee Ora all desire and | we also treat drug addictions w by neutraliz- with uniform success. Call, Little's NEWS Agency a hol in the | write or phone for booklet, 61v- ce dding e 00 r ormation. e ‘ ‘ I the blood ing full information Windsor Hotel Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers _ THE NE Al INSTITUTE Stee CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS FIRST AVENUE AT EIG meee G.T.P. WHARF B, Newly Furaished and Per Cent. to Per Cent. to “roadway W., Vancouver, B.-C. Phone Bayview 686 Steam Heated Rooms en data Bites A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING Build This Build This ROOM IN CONNECTION % ee ie oe NORTHERN B.C, RATES 50 CENTS AN 312 FEET favis owe ro ba | LIQUOR Co. at whi Mr. Beddall of P i a shot a cr with his W. H. Wright, P. p P.O. BOX yD Let us loan you the monzy to buy or build a house or pay off a mortgage. u r. Bedda ennsylvania sho crow ' ’ | hie’ nsidered his fea suc 1 ree that Not rig ro face, manutd pa Mv ahgtneet but hie statement ee CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. The Leading Wholesalers of REL ‘ ats 9 the peace Of course such as 0 ts only, 108: : : LNER GUN was og ; we world, shoots, 30, far ane McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Northern British Columbia Dy Chee eet ig tus trials of 1875, when the rene’ make Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C. odo) ee Thany Ollier fea st nia Ke 4 the at Le " : ally desertbed ita i Let u una you ‘g phae CODY. ogthgasaes avoy 0 el | Enelesive Agente fur A W. W. GREE ae = = 1 ||BUDWEISER BEER NER MONTREAL, P. Q. Cor, Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines and Cig = = or es DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL |RUPERT’S PALACE OF " COMFORT ’