SESSA SIE SI WIE SWS SUIS a rn = SE ate ae NS . Do You Want a Buyer for It : a Wishing you the Compliments of the season Holiday Goods at Less than eis 08ti.e, We are not going to carry them over, but have decided to —sell at a price that will SELL them. Look Out for Bargains at BIG FURNITURE STORE Second Ave. and Sixth St. Phone 62. ; Entrance on Second Avenue. { I ——— - r = : — pa 959s 9 ps Ps is os St GP ttt Pts Ps Ps pa Ps prem 2 uary, _ Ty the News W anl Ad. THE DAILY NEWS Way. TPs « a 1 Good ( eh es et Et 8 ek os FP ss Os — NOMINATION DAY FIXED Monday, 8th denuary Is the Date in Terms of Act. Monday, the eighth day of Jan- nomination day for the contest. Printed no- is nunicipal ices are to be posted and tenders 1ave been called for the publica- tion of the advertisement in terms of the act. “The News” Classified Ads. =One Cent A Word For Each Insertion= -THERE ARE NO 4 | Ft tt eee ee ee it “DEAD ONES” HERE 6 9h 9nd Ot Pd td os 95 Ps Pt Pe For Rent Ce ae, 1 tes eS A NEW YEAR'S NIGH AT THE ; Auditorium : Championship Roller Race | (ONE MILE) For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, freshly papered and clean, only $10 per monte F. McRae & Co. 5 eee 5 egmatmae “oer ramag| | Insurance er Pra OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class of | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. aN DIMI ocaraodssomensbetarlp | | Wanted {| Splendid Entry Again Who Will Win? ee ee ee eee Special Shipment of Turkeys ee Just received a large shipment of fresh Turkeys and Poultry for New Years. None Left Over From Christmas. Lowest Prices Frizzell’s Meat Market... Om he oe Ps PH DRIED BREWERS’ GRAIN Clean, bright and wholesome, low in water and carbohydrates, but con- taining nearly double the amount of fat and protein, pound for pound, than the ordinary feedstuffs in local use. It Meets all the Requirements of a Profitable Dairy Feed rice with what Is asked for other feedstuffs is triple protein value for your money. Its superiority lies in the fact that feed- ing it increases both the total di- gestible matter and the amount of fat and protein in the daily ration AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 50 PER CENT ON FEED. You should not be_ without it. Malted grains, fresh and sweet from the brew kettle dried in a continu- ous vacuum process by THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co. Limited Dryers of and Dealers in Feed Products SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS and compared in ot 9-8 ao ao Ot os ag es 9s 9s OS OS GEORGE WESTON | ae? Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept. | H. M, LEVER Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. tf R. MEHRING Maternity nurse open for engagement. Rk. SMITH Box 2159 News. Wanted. — Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women. Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 294 Red tf Wanted to rent or lease by first of January, 5 o 6 room modern house, ‘close in. State terms oe |ADMISSION -I- -i- Box 89. } SITUATION wanted—Young man with ex- perience in draughting and surveying | work; references. Box 1226, News, 296-300 7 7 | Stenographer eee Apply | tf Race Commences at 9 o'Clock Sharp 25c Wishing You All the Compliments of the Season Yours ats) for | Efficient Service Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants | position. Address “‘Stenographer.’’ 662 Cor- dova St., Vancouver, B.C. t-f tt meee trees { Business Chances om ee es ee etre sere | DON’T worry about rainy days. We do family washing at 25 pieces for one dollar Special care given fine flannels. | | Phone 118 Ploneer Steam Laundry. ili 289-300 VANCOUVER, B. C. te te MCINTYRE BLOCK, THIRD AVENURP ne ee ee mee ~~ ~~ a teh ee i ae ie te ie eh a ed . | mettre tesa ree = Williams & McMeekin r Lost and Found PESOS oe DQ EO IE SOOOO< a aa a ae ee Oe SE EE BN eek Grocers for Everybody ¢ MF) FOUND—An Irish terrier female pup. , fi Owner may have same by paying for rca this advt. at News Office 208i x rs Phone 150 , {The | People| TheInsurance. SODIe Fer aur o wry) The hone: Pooh , i Fire _—_——— : Sas sop aes = 4) Enterprising Firm is Today Es- oe ; y tablished in Fine New Aeeldecit , y Premises. Plate Glass ee Employer's Liability y Agents for the Largest Casualty Company in the World | New Year 4942 will find the|P “°poicies Written Direct A 3 well-known sign of the Mack ; OCEAN, ACCIDENT AND GUARANTY | Realty Company well established || Mack Realty & Insurance x wiover their handsome new prem- COMPAN rs ilises in the Westholme Business seas eae A | Block, Second Avenue. Today, = ry 4 the last business day of 1914, the A ¥. sy . >| firm transfers to these premises a @ 2m which are beautifully fitted in 0 Cay) y , > a ay y golden oak throughout, with all | , AY aay the latest office equipment, de- ; wat Da p | corations, furnishings and finish | ito match. The private office of| ‘ |Mr. J. Lorne McLaren, head of| P ithe firm, is furnished in Mission | , f | Style, and the whole suite forms| one of the largest real estate and C7 . . . e i i | insurance oflices in the city ; Extend to their many clients heartiest wishes for Rlavacpttcility tee any band fie it 5 > iimmense'- business. The Mack Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; , A iRealty Co. represents 15 of the|,.@ cast, bal 7 per cent. , ‘ strongest fire insurance compan- | a eat , AR jies in the world. Their Realty | : , a Department is under manage- | 2 months mePers a wiment of Mr. K. J. Sheratin, who ( ion 5, $4,500. Equity A iis well known here, and their ac- Sara Fine view lots . ‘ A > jcounting department is managed) cash, "3, 6, 12 months eis cent, n an Mm iby Mr. C. V. Evitt, another old- One Tot, block 28, section 5, $52 $22 , f timer, late of the Union Bank cent, Spe SVB coOathe, as 7 pet staff. Mr. J. Lorne MeLaren|] One lot, block 11, sectior 2 1 , ection 6, $2,25¢ Half Pihimself is one of the business | 9.05% Bei be ‘7 aR | OS en A Yr S |} pioneers of Prince Rupert as well | cash,’ bal. 3, 6,’ 42 months; wit abit ) osperous Bison of the Target holder ot] "kk tn ; ; A jreal estate in the city, and his | two lots, block 17, section 7 ). One- ; & |confidence in Prince Rupert is so| [ii cash. bal. 4 and 2 years, at 7 per ; solid that he has not yet turned] pwo 14 block 42, section 7 ear , ew ear w over a single lot of his holdings, * Y bal. 6, 12 months, aa !As agents for the Westholme "We ah bale 19. 4e montis ee ri ® | business block, for the new opera} T? lots. block’ 3, ‘section 7, $550 each " % | house next door and in their own Boh ee te OREM, at T Dap ; f far-reaching business lines the! our lots, block 3, section 7, $3,000, % ° Mack Realty Co. bids fair to do Ration re Ree ey on. monte Large wi credit to the fine > > 2g Three lots, bloc sec 7 A RES ES A r 0 cnaeer.t - is sas premises "| cash, Me es Ne 18 Peratige 100% oe - } > 1 ’ SE STOT) | Inspection Visit. | T pitas DIO, #8, section 8, 91,000, On . Ar aay | General Superintendent Mehan| ner. | eee ae rs wan De %) |has returned from a visit of in- Ye an pean 38, s0chto n 8, $850. $260 A f; spection up the line, but leaves | taro lots, block 49, section 8. #40 ; y today on another trip over the | 50 cash, bal, $15 per month, ™~ ; steel. He reports excellent prog- Pie To 5 AOR 10, spas DS, $876 rach ww iress with construction. Steel will | FOR RENT. A } jbe through the Kitselas tunnel in| Store, Second avenue at Sixth street, ¢ ; FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Aja day or two now. Mr. Mehan| FOR GALE. , f bad no notification at all re gard- j Sabie with four rooms; cheap | , Representing Fifteen Fire Insurance Companies mine, she Bkeena: Cropping strike | which affects only Foley Wee J iah H. K | ° { rar 2 7 . F , , |& Stewart men. eremi ug er, Ltd. SS — - + rere , r r ¢ , Sess === === — ’ a x N . .= oa ae = — S New Location Westholme Block Second Avenue = The Kaien Hardware Co. = A 4 = == , LARGEST OFFICES IN THE CITY = = > | == Desire to extend to all their best = I ¢ | == wishes for a happy and prosper- = , i = ous New Year. = = ree et ace = E > | = cc Mees a = ry e > =< h Ha ; = = ) $= The Raion Hutdware Co. = A = = uit Greetings of the Season i FRANK D. KEELEY, Wishes to extend to his many friends and patrons 3 ..FRANK D. KEELEY. PIG POY SOOO SOO OHO OVS BEDE CHS EHS $2 Greetings and Good Wishes to Al for cevderdordevdouse Mes ROPRSPEOF ROPES eee eeeeesesseeee - ° 9 3 1 1 = - ° . s ° ¥ . = CLARK BROS, desire thank their customers ige accorded them during the year just s cit a continuance for the Year 1912 « * “ a e « ® e © a ° ¢ 2 . @ a * © a . © 4 * © & * w a ° wo » « w « e © SECO PS SES SOO OS OSES OED SEH OHO OES SEDO D® evr eeevdeuad sere eeheoyrouaehroeers '! Prince Rupert Hardware Supply Co., Ltd Extend to all their heartiest good wishes for the Year 1912. (SEB De » ‘al Cape pe? >, oe) $ § SS ate rE Aes) RS oat Wann and i Prince Rupert Hardware ii Supply Co., Ltd i eee ee ee me — i Watches All kind watches at dec reduced I Largest sto¢ town of H ex agents for Bend watches ular $5 parlor for $3.25 Phone Blaok 228 watches ATC HES Mussallom & Co. 423 Fifth Ave. Eas! The New Jewelry Store I desire to extend thanks to my many friends and 4s ners for their most generous patronage during the | / ear and extend to all my wishes for , 4 5 ¢ BJ y A HAPPY NEW YEAR ¢ 2 + 4 + $ G4 H. B. CA L ; » B, MPBEL 4 THE LEADING TOBACCONIST +< POO OOOSOOHOON HOO LHQQQQQQO SY