PAGE nvo School Specials BOYS AND GIRLS S001S $ SHOES t All the leading makes including: Greb, Soman's, Jack & Jill, Little Pal, and Hewestons. We can guarantee the quality and they are priced as low as cheaper shoes. You .cannot go .wrong on these .dependable lines. Family shoe store nD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. miSCK HVPERT - BRiriSU COLCMBIA PabHshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, ay Price Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Annus '" ' " " fL F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES Ctty delivery, bj Cirri ex, yearly penoo, paw la advatce Paid in advance, per wetk Paid In adracce, per month By mail to all part ol British Columbia, the British Empire . and rrni. . ... - ' - t ... r , . wuww ouiu, yeany penoa, paaa in advance By mall to all other countries, per year J ' " News Department Teiepnor.e AffextWnx and Cucuuun Telephone I ember r Audit Bureau ol CirtaUttoni 3.00 XK Saturday, September 10, 1938.: iHLL HE BE SENSIBLE? Man in the Moon The world Is letting a little Uirea of Hitler and -the Sudeten i Whether it's war or whether it's bluff The whole of the world has had enough Of Hitler and his swaggering stuff Perhaps alter all it is .only guf f .Or a certain Sunday corning the castor of a neero conereea-. tion noticed that an old face had. i reappeared among his nock and j I after the sermon, made it a point j to welcome the supposedly jepent- &m oacx-sucer. i "This is the first time I hare teen you at church for a Ions Ume.' he said, "I'm shly jlad toj rr . j "Ah done had to come." ex-1 plained Rastus. "Ah neec'sj strengthenin'. I'se got a Job white-1 washing a chicken coop' an' bull! j in a lence aroun' a watermelon patth.' A tramp paused outside a large house and as he did so another of his kind came shuffling' out of the pate. "Any luck, mate?" asked the first tramp. "It alni no use trying there.' jwas the reply. "It's a poverty- stricken 'ole. There was a counle o" women tryin' to play on bre punKsn- planner. The .Commissioner, beine of a conscientious nature, made It a I point to visit the schoolrooms fre-1 quently. In each room he mart n .. .little talk In an .effort to interest the children in the everyday things jof life. Or rtrto ertV maa t -"Helling them of the blacksmith j r. Ana what kind of arm has fie, blacksmith?" he asked. "Big!" shouted the children. arm bigger than mine?" He works!" came the chorused replv. Sport Briefs We can quite understand why the Nazi oligarchy in hanwell AZJ ? Berlin would like absorb Czechoslovakia's 6 square o?4ht ww.v 4miiu ouwauince aim an einnwogicaj mixture: w- nas oia m for playing goir of nearly 15,000,000 jeople, says the Victoria irnes. Ac-1 "s?51 moke in Britain. cretion hn such n nlo u-mtlfl imm0ocni.nU., i- n H bad ills first lesson at rix in Greater .Germany, brine the unranaohJfitn mL d-hls giog n&a.W to a realization, and furnish the much-needed eco-i! - iiouue reviver. , , have their picket j Unfortunately for Reichsfuehrer Hitler, hpwever, the r wanoaratta. Australia, sept political and human obstacles are formidable ones. More 10: ,CP,-A counciuor brought a thaa 12,000,000 jCzechosloyaks, quite irrespective of their, SrJ'iS f T?- here and Skvic and various other racial, classifications, strongly' cmaSSH object to any semblance of submission to the technique of .town business was being covered the swastika which adtfed Austria to the Third Reich.) And, of course, it is thoroughly well known by this time' father and son i that the policy Df "boring from within" has not moved as LOIDOM. Sep. io: cp)-a. w. smoothly as anticipated in the war-born republic." But it STJS? h Z !fnowUng Jr was partof the Nazi chieftain's pose as protector and fa- tZlXl ther confessor .of all his compatriots, whether they be inMhe second successive year They ."PRe reaches of the Amazon or in .Chicago's - "bad beat Harrogate by 22 shot u 16 lands." - - - I in the final. It was alsp a part of the Hitler plan to try to convince 7nrC the world that the Sudeten RprmnnW. nit nf h 5 aah hnn t . ..Q golf -F of 0F ALL ah TRAWS were eaeer to fail at th tW. wTf .D?N-8t- JO: CP-Brick. .ism. yarious types of technique have been" applied to pro--duce the necessary effect. To a point, perhaps, it has succeeded. ut it is beginning to be apparent now that it h?s been nyerdone. The Sudeten Germai? leader,' Herr .Konrad Henlein, carried out his instructions tolerably .well. By the middle of last May, at the start of .the com-munal elections, the stage appeared to be ready or tj.e long.-h,inted-at (jpup. But Downing Street and thVQuai d Qmay issued mqdest, yet effective, warning! The racial extremities of Adolf the Nazi suddenly became chillej. It was a narrow escape. During the lastihree months, moreover, Europe has several times been -brought up perij.ousjy nar to an .open breach. On neither occasion was Adolf s.ur. . ran tciiiauian Pacific Transcontinental jl.rans-AlIantic To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Pcrrts 88. 1 al. I J.N r . ' "' "Prinepts ?.'rT "'vy p"uay 10 p.m. TQ VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE September 7th. 17th, 27th ' October 7th, 18th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific erjrtcf Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince, Rupert. B.C. layers, clerks tax collectors.' labor ers, mechanics and many oth?r trades were represented in the Artisan pollers Junior Tournament. A bus driver .negotiated one hole after 18 strokes. LAYOUT BY CABLE OAKLEIOH, Australia, Sept. 10: CPJ C. H. Allison, learfintr nriti.v. golf architect, has cabled his lay- j- wu yiaua aig iui4il ugu CJUO - nere, LANDS SALMON I SHELBURNE, NS.. Sept. 10: (CP) ' Gordon Robinson says his wife.j who was fishing with him on the1 Clyde River, can verify this one. He hooked a 2-pound grilse. The, fish fought and leaped in the air. At the fourth leap, the salmon' lumped into his canoe. j . JJXP BEGUTAY ACT Be: CertUlcaie 'of Title No '12: the Bwrt Hal of the South Weft Quarter of Seoqon Five S). Townhlp Three (3), Recge Five (5). Ooaet D"-trlct, ta the -Province of BtlUsh Coi umblf. aald to ont1a Eighty (101' jcree. more or ten. , - f WJCEREAfl proc of Ip of .the V?Te CtrUfloate' of Title lasued in the suae of Jofam A. Halraxnm i hn rni thls qtflc notice Is hereby glren t I alhall, .t the expUuttcm .of one' tnonh from Ui date -of the flret )ptfllicatloa hereo. Ucue k Prov4elpil Orrtinakte cf TlUe la lljuu .of ptiA lout ,ojerUflw un-leee id the meantime talla objeoUon be made to m la .nrlttog. " " - ' " DATED at the Land Regtotry Ofnee, Prince Uupert, B. O. thle 8r dij r-t Auguat, A. D. 1938. ANDREW 'THOMPSON, 1 Deputy Eegietrar of Title. 1 THE DAILY XTWS Saturday Sy: DERBY WINDER AND .GOLF CHAMP IX BRITAIN'S SPORT SPOTLIGHT A French horse and an American golfer have been taking prominent parts in the sport picture of late, over in England, and here they are after their triumphs in the Derby and the amateur golf championships, respectively. At the top, the horse. Bois Houssel. Owned by Peter Beatty. son .of the late admiral, and a 20-1 shot in the Derby, who romped off with the 159th renewal of the racing classic. Bois Roussei, Jockey Charley Elliot up, is being led to the paddock after -the xace. Below the golfer. Charley Yates, a member of Uncle Sam's Walker Cup team, who participated in the British amateur golf Journey at Troon, Scotland, and won the trophy he is holding by downing Cecil Ewing, of Ireland, three and tw0 in the final TODAY'S STOCKS tGaurtejti. D. JoboMou Oo.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .07'4. Big Missouri, 2Z. Bralome, 9.40. Aztec, M. Cariboo Quartz, 220. Dentonia, .05. Golconda, M3. Minto, X3',i. Fairview, .06. Noble Five, X2Vi. Pioneer, 2.92. Porter Idaho, J02. Premier, 255. Reeves McDonald, 5. Reno, 37. Relief Arlington. .16. Reward, .05 (ask). Salmon Gold; .10. Taylor Bridge, .03 2. Hedley Amal .04. Premier Border. .01. Silbak Premier, 1J90. Grandview, .06?i. Indian, JQ. Quatsino Copper, .0314. Haida Gold, OZVi-Oils A. P. Con., .16! Calmont, 25 j - C. It E., 1.95. Freehold, .04. McDougal Segur, ,13. " Mercury, jD6'i. , Okalta, 1.06. Pacalta,' .05. Home Oil, 1.00. Toronto Beattiei 1.20. T .Central Patricia, 2.45. jQods Lake, Little' Long Lac, 3.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1)8. Pickle Crow, '4.90.' San Antonio, 120. Sherritt Gordon, 1X5. Smelters Goid, '.93, McLeod Cockshutt, 3.05. Oklend, .14. Mosher, 20. Madsen, .43. Stadacona, .40. Francpeur, 20. lllnnAin 1 an ' Botttcadillac, ,06; Thompspn .Cadillac. .22. Bankfield, stMalartlc, 2.10. Preston East Dome, 1.40. Hutchison LaXe, .03. Dayson White, ,03. Aldermac, .41. Yteir Addison, 10. Uchl G.oid, l!90. Int. Nickel, 48.00. Noranda, ?Q0. Con." Smelters', 56.50. Athona, X)6'i, Hardrock, 1.83. Barber Larder, .22. 1 Baseball Scores American League New York, 2; Washington, 0. Philadelphia, 4; Boston, 3. Detroit, 11; Cleveland. 5. St Louis-Cleveland, postponed. rain. National League Brooklyn, 7; New York, 1. Boston, 2: Philadelphia, 4. Chicago. 4; St. Louis, 2. Catch Record White Shark I HALIFAX, Sept. 10: CP) Mrs. Michael Lerner. of New York, wife of the well-known sportsman and nioneer of the swordfishinz SDOrt in Nova Scotia waters, now on neri wav to Alberta where she will hunt! . . . . escribed the fishing trip on which she caught a white shark. The 432-pound shark she hauled in after a strenuous fight set up a new record for lady anglers to shoot at. She Is also the first lady to capture a broadbill swordflsh by rod-and-llne fishing in Canadian waters, having taken a 295-pound broadbill off Louisbourg, N. S., in two hours and 50 minutes. Textbook Cost Much Reduced DUNCAN. Sept. 10: CP) Tht Duncan school board has approved a scheme of co-operative textbook purchasing designed to make the cost of education ltohter for Dar. ,,ents. Under the scheme the board would make them available at an annual rental of 95 cents. At present books for dudIIs en tering Grade VII cost $6.70. Books bought under the new plan would serve jour .classes and last Xoyi years. SNAP ' 1 r 1 t m mm CAMMO SPORT CHAT I Remember when Georges Michel Franch baker made a record when he swam the English Channel Ui , 11 hours, five minutes. 12 years ago today- Michel floated bis way tc second prize money . in .. the 1S37 Can- tv adian National Exnipuxm u-mue Old Country Soccer Enjlish league First Division Arsenal 1. Everton 2. Birmingham 1, Stoke City 2. Blackpool 2, Aston Villa 4. Brentford 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. Derby County 1, Suqderlard 0. Grimsby Town 1. Manchestei United 0. Leeds United 1. Bolton Wanderers 2 Leicester City 2, Preston North End 1 Liverpool 1, Charlton Athletic 0 Middlesbroueh 1. Chelsea 1. Ptrtsmouth 4, Huddersfield Town 0. Scottish Leaeue First Division Aibroath 0, Aberdeen 2. Ayr United 2. Queen of South 3. Celtic 6, Rangers 2. Falkirk 4, Albion Rovers 3. Hibernians 4, Hearts .0. i Motherwell 2, Hamilton Academicals 3. Pwtick Thistle 2. Clyde 1. St. Johnstone 1. Raith Rovers 2. St. Mirren 0. Kilmarnock 1. Third Lanark 5, Queens Park 1 NOT GOLF WIDOW LONDON. Sept. 10: (CPj-Sev-enteen years married, Mrs. R. A .Whltcombe, wife of .the 1938 Bri- jtlsh golf champion, says ?we are j real pals and I am most certain-1 game.'" GIRL BOWLER'S FEAT NORTHA.NIFTON, Eng., Sept. 10. 1 CP, Miss Joan McLagaii, bowling for the Home Counties against the Rest of England In a women's cricket match here, took seven wickets for 15 runs a remarkable performance in view of the strength of the opposition. Phones 18 & 84 jp. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where pollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Ileiiablc Service Opposite Canadian Legion Eire Keeps Up Land Dividing Though Costly f . IW ....y inausanas Still In. I n . - Policy swim at Toronto in bltterty-cd I "HN Eire S. water His channel time was w-l in 1927 by V. Spacek. Bo- ..W 8 hernia, who ploughed through thegJJ "rt J choy waters in 10 hours. 43 Hmi JUU1 government adopt mendatlon that powers of the Land C or tana ainsion, cs:k , 500,000 persons are iana zauiwa wn : .(J i landless men ahouj be tej. UiCU me present ie& po. late practicany i country and spi: ho'jcUiis for tlie bfr.f men. Former ow.rr-; ;sateU by he issue The objection f Coromlssipn to th; it w increasing the : State, already hea and that it makp credit to a landow dous venture From a politico. pc.. however. It wou:d op r a ht Hjpytoie jor an"? ir.ji rai ment to agree on h lircseot ana aiu)': r i. f are living on car.g, -. i i a couple of acres t iis is aespue is rss: strides made mnr-; L. i P.-i. vas Introduced by Br:-.j ernment. For the $ M!:-tijK the Land .Oomra.- i muuence or ?ne n? v at ministration has d ,d?d ifle rate ot iuoco? t ul),.V0ftl exte:.jji but it was officio. ' -JiUz of progress cann t be ri."tfi Wl MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Vio-n, Tbeorf Harmary Clashes Commencint SepUm- ber 1. Phone 5X1 Three Violins F sr Salf-Voj Reasonubia Decejnbjer Frozen HERRING BA Cold Storage ce Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd JVjnce Ruperf, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leav.e Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- frS.S. CARDENA FRInr' I) Ay, 1:3 p.m. 19:30 p.m. Que yammuycr, Thurs., a.m. Due Vancouver, WonAtJ f t ... . . . rilm vonvenieni, nease purchase Tickets ai u further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets IT" ... . . (8 w NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone