SS ee vol. II, NO. 2 The Daily New Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert, B.C., = WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1912. UDGE MABEE ORDERS OPENING OF 'AMERON COVE MUST Judge Mabee Hands Down Judgment i in iis Suit of Rochester and lon, One® mayor | Mr. Others This Morning in Famous Cameron Cove Case A CLEAN VICTORY FOR MR. Chairman Mabee Says the Company Had No Title to the Lands Across the Mouth BE OPENED Pe2uic sti KEPT GUESSING Rumor That Ald. Hilditch Is | | ‘Dark Horse.” ROCHESTER Betting in Prinee Rupert on jthe forthcoming municipal elee- tion was three to one in favor of Still in the Open Last Night—| | NEXT MAILS “4 For South © “ a Prined Rupert......, Friday 8 a.m, PRICE FIveE CENTS AMERON COVE HAS WITHDRAWN FROM CONTEST Frank Mobley Makes Definite Aonoenaene! Concerning the Contest---Gives His Reasons for Action DIFFICULTIES OVER SECURING A COUNCIL ‘ i Alderman Newton yesterday aft-| ‘‘My Past Experience of Municipal Affairs Has Taught Me That it Takes the Con- of the Cove and That Rochester’s Business Has Suffered in Consequence ts DOs wi evening Pyne Lo a certed Efforts of All to Make a Success,”’ He Says—Unless Council Work ~Is Given Six Weeks to Pay Damages or Must Tear up the Fill Pines Hh Wihiriwn hie oon: Agreeably With Mayor the Result is Unsatisfactory Canadian Press Despatch. 1) The mmpany had no title} fore May 1st, 1912, ordering the | didature, Frank Mobley has withdrawn |running of the city’s affairs, {il necessary to withdraw from the Oltawa, Jan. 3.—Judge Mabee the land ac ere the cove, and|G, T. P, to make a thirty-fool There is still persistent talk} fpom the iayoralty contest. The “I wish to thank most sin-{contest. The responsibility for ‘ y the statemen al as COn-|, ling for seows anc e | n unoeflicial cireles of ¢ K . > r this morning gave judgment in " ~~ tl a re : a = oa : asi) ys a ef and th pian ; ; ee: i ae . a petitions and persuasions of a|cerely and cordially all those who the good working of municipal favor of J. Y. Roch ster and a u 4 ant ACh OE WH) must be filed by January 15th and | horse eons Pati a + | large number of citizens have not| signed the large petition pre- affairs rests not only with the others on the Cameron ie Te Maman ste ee ane t a bi na otit ey oA |B rrevailed with him, While keenly| sented me and all who used their | Mayor, but with his coupoll, and question ile said that the G, T ‘ Even if the Soe. padi omimission oe a uw i ao a a te ce g | appre Ciative of the confidence! efforts to persuade me to run inj Unie ss there is a council whose PERRO MD see eo, Serpe On é lee ia a P25 oe ofl ameter me OnPat wae nt th th ge me a ire le eee in him by so many sup-/this contest,” said Mr. Mobley | tembers can work agreeably with ativan 2p es te. lose Of) th yenout the consent of! supports Judge Mabee's lugs | nat ‘ ' H ditch is |?" rters, Mr. Mobley prefers not|this morning. “T thoroughly and} jthe Mayor, while the citizens the cove is a serious inconven ! ‘ grove ng it nent ggests that the company ; ; 4) r t a but | ©° contest the mayoralty. His|heartily appreciate their confi- | Unite le support both, there will ience to tennants, Vr! i ints’ lands and|may try and settle with Roches } te oe , re a tie jreason Is first and foremost that/dence thus shown in me. But|?®& omy vagy unsatisfactory result The judgement reads 1) The | onse- by paying damages fo1 a a 2 ae ntetifa there is not the assurance of suf-|past experience of municipal af-|!0F all parties, vile ochester ane ( pi id { If th Is um 1 ove : : cie u SO oO e art of , i s { siness . YT: eae a Board find K ind th ide a4 tt fs la ( the subject. merent unison on the part of the/ fairs and busin in Prince Ru- For row boats and launches ther applicants too unt \ fi de} do i@ ba I ol ; th sea ae citizens generally to support a}/pert has taught me that it takes telephone 320 green, Davis boat paid rents which gave par i et scows | ops pat’? hh ipal F cen a to be{cour cil of aldermen to work with the concerted effort of all to make Ho nkG mn tae ian rights \ ‘ { i vith a ai ae st a jthe Mayor, nor is there the prom-|success on any large scale in this § ie. The company cut off the i ge Mabes adva , si ‘ ‘ Edge Tom jise of a sufliciently united council} place. Since this does not pre- Choicest liquors and cigars— of the cove \ 5 to ell ' 7 | W! ey tenth: HH P of aldermen to ensure the smooth] vail in the present matter I deem | Savoy. uu L. Bullock-Webster. . E Mrs. ©. D. Newton Arrives by WINDING THE Cash Said to Be Obtained by False - . » BEFORE THE REBEL TROOPS) |" “""""" — al 1 WOODS H. Johnson was committed for th o trial today on a charge of havy- t . » « DR. SUN YAT SEN HAS TAKEN MINISTER WU TING FANG INTO ss sly. to apr : ing obtained the sum of $30) HON, J. M. GIBSON, MR. JOSEPH POPE, K. C., MR. E. B. OSLER, REBELS ere eruis by false pretenses. » he ae ee me stal Mi | who had the d City Clerk--Large Party to/lefi town and was spotted yester- ARE KNIGHTED IN NEW YEAR LIST. ‘ pon hannlo H tie SuTMHOnS, TeCOPMCAY eetebpate Happy Occasion. day on his return, At his pre- aes Canadian Press Despatch. : : nf na y ShanahaldanichceMibhtihe is i n 7 ee liminary hearing today he wanted Canadian Press Despatch, ‘cae i a oo Je H Rete tara és the yg round that M es rgest of the sea-|to plead guilty, but was com- London. Jans 28. Dha Neos SCANDINAVIAN SUCCESS nana ‘ 7 shels “i reatly , ATTOR! PHis s was that given by|mitlted for trial before Judge Vanhin fl list this year is nt Si a oe ind the reb a ator (1 (os. BAWoade inthe wonne: Fare MEnOD een ee fEioys and Girls of the Northland imbered, Sun Yat Sen was , : lanai aan Set hte bate ees usually short. Premier RK. L,} Made Merry in Rupert. gurated provisi rs pre a a ; a B Nile a ent vTavint Borden is made a member of the | wee er? ne wo ts 4 ll NEW FLAG | h avenue. The date CELEBRATED British Privy Couneil. In addi-| Great suecess and enjoyment 1 wiudes 5 BNE ‘ tk fam Dal etn hat th Deceml 29th, the tion five other Canadians are/attended the Scandinavian dance ress Dowager and the I FOR THE NAVY « f M1 and Mrs. EASON’S CHEER honored by the King Sir John) hetd the other night in K. of P. il court has fled to Jehol W 5 “wedi g in 1910, ane 9 Morrison Gibson, K. C. M. G.,| Hall. Over 100° persons were clica the wh he . . i the , i iiity "ai nee governor of Ontario; | npesent, and there were 50 chil- - AB MAD, SURI OS: wea S iseph Pope, K, C nl: eee ae - \ Phe Govert host and hostess | Porcher Island Ranchers Enter- as Hi : pe , Hs fer te not dren at the Xmas tree in the Ben ‘ : pon a flag for! 6 ine 400-day. elo a wedding! Steamer Celestial Empire at | unge ae _ iB Osler ee afternoon, Following is the com- h a Pe as) a ( All the ships had not needed wind-| tained Captain and Crew of the| 2 ee a Tra) in Parliament: |iltee responsible for the suc- | eg ra p a i ‘ the s er oO ie Canad i é ee : ea ni ¥ ee W be no op] bi risign is iis uni | of Pe ae ' ts witnessed aw eee Sir Rodolphe Forget, M, P.;|"V°*: set on arr ne walls of he cay t hc _ “4 the Crown and by aa ' ‘ three , . rather the fish- Thomas Cooper Boville, GC. B., | hae , : oa , ‘ag eT 4tan inal Mr. hed % ‘ tiatinotive flag ' An. eae oa By stress of weather a re | Deputy Minister of Finance. ;“@r, and Mrs, 4%, ne ae a 8 See ee cheers for Mr, and Mrs, Woods ae ing steamer Celestial Empire was} Se |John Dybhayn and Miss Petersen, meeting f the | the bD 1 of Canada he cloc cked off the first o ae Sah aap ety “ Spat ll $$ 7 ‘hind W held rhe gg W e a plus Ste } i 100 days for them, |@tiven fot nolter Jn peruee | he aig Halibut H Haul. Don't forget the basket social C0 Or eee s of the Di le h t and hostess} Bay, «Porcher Island, over the} rhe Prineess Victoria landed ont forge ie bas 5 City Police Gourt " 5 a ee A wh pap enero “re }New Year week-end. With sea-|15,000 pounds of halibut last|and dance at the K, of P, Hall 5th at 8 p.m. All thos i % ms aS capes A is drunk at a lavish supper|New Year wee aroma cancharalnight. They go below with the tonight, Dancing commences at ad ate requested { itt j % { i \ | tlow it’ th nas ind with games, music and | sonable good will the ranchers Fr i; , 30 it . MINIS! WU TING FANG head, if wship the fun was kept|invited the crew and fishermen to | Rupert Rey: a ——— fa to the small hours}take part in the New Year cele-|— ——__—-—— ' Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. oP ane |hbration in the school house, The ON CHARGE OF MURDER RUPERT IN TODAY THE GROCERS REPLY TO THE" gon aoa al) 0% tana or mumsem | Serene —_———_—_——_——- ; i lgreatly enjoyed the presentation Y. Yoshio, the Ocean Falls Jap,|Eerthed at 41: 30 After Unevent- the Savo Local Option Convention. of E SARE | ’ | = Best room in town at the Savoy ; iby the children under the direc- to Go to Trial. | ful Passage Nort Che fourth annual Local Op-| . oe eae Pe eet | i 1 of their teacher, Miss Pear —— ive n will be held in fr a clever little play A | ‘oll g mongst the EE CLUB MADE GOOD son, of a clever little play, 4 nahio:: thie (Javanela wa Following are among a the Central Mission auditorium, |qanee followed until the small | Ye 5 : ‘ade at Pt incipal names on the passenger 1 Gro A iation, | Visiting Musical Party from Mete- | \)joit street, Vancouver, on the|hours and every one MONE nt | ove “ reas " ‘5 eae , list of the Prince Es be ‘ ; ail Grocers Associé ’ r ' ade ‘ebruary|this is the best yet of the three} Ocean alls © olner Cay, +8 iarrived .at 44:90» this: mor John A. Green, Secretary of the Ret ri ieee lakatla Pleased Prince Rupert. | oyoying hue o. E baer this tgapeemest ah Of Am SERN again fa'Ruport, He ae. chabesd quan me ucae cinae ans ee s ‘ > ys ¢ ‘ al day Friday, Februar : | Says that the Cost of Keeping ’ Pesce pene anne 1 | and a jis land, Captain Hughes of me with wilful murder, the verdict | PARRGR POF e mail and 100 tons of 7 ") > - » the ein e i as 5 ne a s ate y aig ; 7 . Silvester to 2 Today than Ever Before In th vd of citizens heard / Celestial Empire and his mate, lof the Coroner's jury being that)! ight: F. M Silvester, ees h ; t} diut placing the}/@ faree Crow! : eee }Caméron, who happen to have 2 ‘ae : i wan te Clayton, A. D, McFarlane, she Nditor’s Note Some people " : eds to the| With pleasure (he perforn eh Notice. lseen Poreher Island uninhabited|the death of his comra _"“*)Helgerson and Mr. and Mrs. T. the grocer for a part, al , e ayy wholesaler) the Metlakatia Glee Club a Property vners’ meeting—5,|six years ago, were much struc k | caused by the discharge of the Cartwright. Mr, D'Arey Tate’s of the high cost of food. 1b fn ah ie nomie- | program consisting OF ne id/6. 7 and 8 vill be held in the}by the great changes now evident, igun in Yoshio’s hands. Accused] yame appeared on the list, but he Writer OF. Sam ee ae “ell is d ixcun the retailer. charming Ene tOe. ae dhe baht ter Hall on Fourth ave-|They were entertained by W./eomes up for preliminary hearing} did not arrive hy this boat, represents peuaents "‘s a the retailer dealing ; R eink: by ap cial re- | nus Wednesday at 8 p. m,, for ysims, a pioneer of the island and} shortly. cements lealers and tells Daily Ne aeaiimnaninotit YF to Rupe eae tet Ek of carrying on suchfan old “tillicum” of theirs -————__— CITY COUNCIL SAT re thew aie 05 the story. “pe.goes to one] quest, with excellent POQUie a uminces aa menaania Latope Uhl WESTON WON MILE ee : ' . ipp 108 Hy ” Manihn Prince Rupert's leading hotel—| T of A from that gen m g. Members only, Dullest malada of Their Term By JOHN A. GREEN Bie a nhana-taceuD ; H. E. GAMPP, Pres, Savoy. |First Roller Rink Race Run Off Bee cs eral s Ai aut hh l I Tom and Jerry at the Savoy. : Lat Night | as 1 Rupert. Office Took Place Last Night. ri pl h trade : } an Secretary National Retail Grocers’ !’') ss | : , ; ane val i “ove- y Dee tellog rhe ¢ f dcing busines in HOW THE DOWAGER EMPRESS LEFT PEKIN. | George Weston won the mile With a mass of local improv he m proved and econom) lrace on roller skates at the rink|ment bylaws to put through, the he greatest topic agitating ( |e ‘a ; , erverere sens es oor we ; RRA ate jon Monday night, The event was|Gity Council sat last night and n ne 4 the pees Ae ; Ihe individual grocer ¢ in es a popular one with a large audi- toiled over the routine details of day 1e increased cost of ‘ften works as a his jenes Competing with Weston : : id ts new brings up the question, oo as 16h a day | were H. Ms Lever and J. Smith.|'®® work, P ees ion Where, if at all, can the ex rg demanded by the publie | Weston tripped in the fifteenth points were raised for dis¢ ussio! 06 Of Aus delivery: of .goods at th time would nol iround and fell, but pluckily kept{in’ committee, and with their the manufacturer and pro : hg : { ght of a few years lon and in the five remaining}noses*held down to the grund- to the consumer be cheap-| !"’' Th telephone plays a very lrounds beat his opponent Leverjstone of municipal work the !, or can any part of the dis-| #8" i part and the special by nearly a lap. Council members to a man eee ling foree, as now organized, | !NPperts yods enters | rei ant’ to earn their honorarium, e :