Hi r rl - r-i ft VBBBBaav SCHOOL CMLVKZH HAS VZrZCTlVt rfZSlGHT.. (frfj. ?rOrjfr iitjwj ee cio resek' i' yew sJwioV rMj, do tWr iew, C p-y. see tkt ifcey bve &ii. Pat Edison Mtd Lmpt iff 4 3 HMSON MAZDA fxtmpJ ELIO'S JANUARY Clearance SALE Trrmn xrvVR west prtice rcpkrt Z-Piece SuitdfnctofHiig: be ehest and QQ Cfj (frcr. ltg; $75M Hearawce v i7 .O U SRArLRSvS AXMINSTTER Rt'CS 2 Only Seamless Aminster Ruars lively deMied. haw dHp ivt pile wbieh JaKtine ftar and durably SiwJhc. Jt $42.00. QOO AH aeaancPrfe ?UU KKDS COMPETE ( Onfy Ked (npfete-eabfe prin and fit mat trjw. SHee P6' ami 9? Of. Ifegfttar t?AOVV ft Onfy ReversfBfe Woof Rua: A beautiful rjjjf for tSe ReProm. J fowr Mwr, gmn blue, rose and 8foe. 25JS. Jtegafar i0. CO Off Specfel.. . t?ti.AD AXMINSTER MATS pemt ?0.JU SKAMLKS3 AXMINSTKR KL'f; 1 Only 55eamfess Axmfnsler Raj? Size CO A A A (Wxlft.KetC. 2ZM, Special V.UU COXGO.KLrM fJOW) SKAL RL'fJH ft Confcofetim Oofrf Seal Haz-he Q A A A 10f5, KefrWM. Specfal V,7,uu SPKLVO MATTRESSES I Only Spring filled Mattresses Skeptnjf on one of thexe high rftiality mattresses i Kke Q Q O ff A ?Ieepin on air. Keg, $37-50. Special . . V u UUN'0AIX)W RED 1 Only Runjfalow Reel mplete. Si55e QjO AA Us. iUf&WtJM). Special t?XO.UU V3M tuner mnm STILL LOOK ! TI7TTTT7T7T ramp ;jJe of cartraa. Kitimaat Band Stages Concert Tr.e new United Choreh mtodoa (yat Thoma Crosby paid Jte fhrjt 'isit to Kmmaaf a few day ao and for the benefit of Dr. O. Z. Iarty of BeUa Eelte. who- wa on board the KKhnaat Concert Band ae a special eoneert which the doctor enjoyed ?ery much. The band wa under the batwi of Tkom-a If Nyce and the program m-"luded: My Re?kr.eivt ' "Queeit City" and "iMfla Out marches; Stradella- and Uhe Cayalry overturen: seieetton fom Pinafore" and "Over the Wave" waltz lrbr a hMerrat there were ocal ofc by jrtz-jear-akl Charlie fthaw Jr. and by 8a Sftaw. The former Aftftar "W6me ok the fcanse" and tke i .'tey "Te WatW ir Watting for c S tTTC tl TTS10NS i rUXV rUlLXV PrDrn Hie Waterfront. J 5,Lr"AECTin'-n-rr jpMfcMHr tiorbM ttlr w "VOW" m U."icfcT Miwwr j rt Crh JVtJrt 7W 3rma ieavaax xoxbaer a V , j I 3rtb AaMTtra. St3Pr dk ! Il : - , paattetf aa r deo ia ikr.m mwtr airtani ma mr Jant! , UmkiSi. i!5Lirtirijrsii : p iEciH:i -v.. - . 1 t . Clrtwii or D laaim. rtaaetaaT nv aat Otwtk. Tar Inn Mwiil , , . . aaaai "HOMIir ITA , F '" a ruiln ar 9dwrt wane j''i.. : " " ; Death Car aaht ai the iaaertar Etartnx bmi dMhW br promt k - j-s3K- ' b-f'fcr. aatf tvjMd tka aa air ptu bctov State Ortla yrarr or o liMtaw aow th ap tb of a Ofetu.fnaa SnttV AUriJJ DfiUlV VERSDALZ - tpnMtf t iuw )vn niteA- t0 Prime Vaamsc Onton liaai Trr mTAnmrn " CT A v -i., -.;r. taanf tkr Rpwt 4n?MaH a- ma Catala. Oaai Jaaaw dltf aai IS SH 11 V hM( -r ''ac ' r ,lwr aT Ih mam tt b- 3rrt onat :5 thar aaarr ikJ wiau f I XIVJica fossx ii nez lie- so.i:c-r i jaws awMiar aoat aa the BU 3uei mc nrtxai 'br saath and mnt ? '"Tr-rn 3 jowm. iav r.r-;; ! H laaa. nam it ihiaMllMii ai uw- 'r- ftwt-Vmr OniUin is Gcrsunr'. ta a ewe laaab. T&e " I atf BtacB at r .tomsc of tkr tti 9o jbmL af- OMr eaaae to a aao. or Caor ta thr cab br anW nat The Hiaaniaiw iwuipiedaaj fbi Mm napart aa Janata ftl in Twar aa xlaan Utr tar ofher natrrtala atdcti br ao otter .-Mattera oataot 4rT,eal r nn-Tr lant iawtr ; itlar tes ftaa 9ar.' uanaaa wttaar' da Rant aftM- cuia l-" Tftrjr aqaw ftre u aalk 'c ilT lay ; macti 'Jir ajM atim ?bmr had faln. Laa mid tu w M Hr aar at tar Imaar. uleiit riar bflaaajni o a H Uo oxwia mr of dv la Hans warfnc; a ratneoat. rate ir bo ptt iick w in talag tar laosr ToefitWin ! laaimjr into ttu 3rttuti Otlana rdntettanoa ir. rrw '.fir AMttrrn Hia aattv ortKWf m QnTa Ijtaml. wi tti.-Civx Rtrr. tj thrtr partm 'lrtorf thrni. A reftrf vaprUan rjHd air roar Anierteam -antn .'oyl aarf aapalies. Thar J WUUaau. Aaerteai. -.ator j another atio !ta ie-. -tartle jito thr jungle n watch ror -iv uaai pUoC aryf? "tmant Tmm the jaterfo -Jie miaanr artator Ihint th arlooatrflM of tmnati ir. he rjmae Karnar Mmntatns. Hi larf been rrjvwtW aa Hartng mar tf a rutttvr anr BrUMf mth diem -vn iaUe4 bf a tube aa a 'Vhtr GoT sad onaMe to leave and aa rtarlna been eXaptecT ta h lane -rah and mable to retar jt 'iviiiastion. A". litem, on ill return rrora hL suX, expedition lata the autte' :and in skneh (or the atbwuu American, dedfited he bad photo-4raph that ii ntm fteer, Redfem had craahed in that dla y!et f am certain that Iledfem. u :ne S11 attre. ia aomewttew in area. ' VWtama deeteied I 4o iot tteiietus Ob anyone from -vouide Wan sn him He. eannnt "ome ut for the mpe reason hat ne cannot; store without food and he Indiana cannot brin him nut deeaue they do- not know any-here hijt the immediate rtei-nity of their vWafes ' The Indiana may be ttontiie. iK.f r do not thtnir they killed him Indication are atao that far from iim plane beinr preserved n wmethingr to worship, it was brolr en up and jjart are probably ir. 'ru huw of medicine menV W1U :am declared. . ItScnaany Cat m tachena aa m a trto XahaMl Satantay tb iatna; in ajaeef for JBtrhcU Cam for am in oaaacrtion tth the 9a aVtf bebajr eterted on tar lacaalf raterfrnnt for arOUersr erf thr 1 Bautrry Don't Penalize fontli On Relief 4etol Virher TTiinlu Thry 9hooi StM Have Rlfht to lliny BOBTOK Jan. 31: CP IBott a r ?brti KM Grade v Uarae. Per a. Colden Bantam. Corn-2 tin Ayhner Boneless Chicken- P - tin Kanh Carrit 2 iarne buTcr.ex Graeri iaBvaaawj ajaxhaV aaeKhr fbroau trrarterd hens at the T C A 'or brlata Iwttefed that thoae or. -etirf ahoakf not be denied mar Tarertt U1 penaat: in thinking hat a boy i oasT tUr notauMt be uae he conakieni mairtaai alter e haa neither a job nor aeeaaui ated -apttal jays Wt IQiott '-n hat a s)rt shoohf not take a jot o .wpnlemrnt her haBhatur bad- ' AetaeUy -osth ia aUtta tc' take greater rrnjiiaiaiHj than :U) eiders erer did and baa mace ini 'iattve ' Mra mot n-m ta behere hat the Amertean borne ia diar.-egrattne. and rinds eaaae for ie-ianam rather :han peaaladari in nany poiMdepraaon fartora Toong married women aao at - ..... ow to ?raoole vith the ronomU rcamtar.cj -r.ai allot them ac ordlnc o .i.-ir ,:.-,r;; , -w-non; htldr'-i 29c 23c 27c Honey Graham Wafer - Q Perpk:. J.7U Giant Krusehen Salt Per bottle 69c Ayfmcr Tftmato and Teetabre Soup- 9-J tin f-rre Texa Grape-tnii4 tor Swe?t Poutoe -4 Hvt. 25c 25c 15c aiuat'i the trbo at the Caamn 'Hwasre alaa.creue tt Hue ihwatim af the jacuaeal - .. Wednesday Only fttan Germany, re-j attack Bru ( ii SprnuLv 2 lb Pears In. syrup Per Tin nl ae. .--t Mkw fcwanarf yewr. awfrfaaw44 r l. Ya i HalirtwtWt. Hr-f' -f , o rit "-bf(r al V in . - w. .. -h 'tr' 1,jtVr Irwr nia at Ttk Haaimali SV paitawr -tT jaaat ntaa. i 4 "' Htmimi aw) ipmtU flMHk h .w -VfW rtWr Tre v 1.1. mJ r T- arr,' ilulr ' , rft:.tr;r " 0VERWA1TEA LTD. ( ASTf or ( OS), RCTTF.lt Plrt Grade. 5 0'i?id Tneviay and Phone , Del jraw NHileta 1 Una White Sprinj Safmnn-TaU tin Choeniate Eri.-iirt Pr ;a Quaker Oat W.:h glaanwar Pr nkt Swift Diamond -.V Bativ Psr lb Fresh Rhubarb lb Sankt Orange 3 dor Lettaee Lame firm head. 2 head f nefrrerr on Orrfer and f r 98c 25c 10c 25c 10c 25c 29c 27c 25c 35c 15c IUIUR ItAtfiB Wstb T&e Bnaat Back, ctarts Hnriand. Jar. :t a Bran Marta Hrmarnara CP' More than iftOH nanua- novel abaat nail aar cfaaittUaia aii awarn earatored ir TaarrhumDer the Sextaxe ynma-l .and and Dartiam mumnoai .uth- iraahai. the ftzac f the aaeh proHortttes have retatved 1 Tace :n- haifoennr oT the reeaat Iwanalin rf Je Omtedl tirr t thm mnrta Panay in the YaneH start etth the tat alarm Rtear atneh. it ia Tile Jtary of T3ie Baad Bach, she vrtthut rf aCeh led a Beat L Twseii and the -ulmina.. r. owed iates the adteatnres of ioar hmi--iorce r he .l ahtlers irtwmlnr ruaae after -toni ii::nv-. : rar. the drama of he wtves, wotted and the jweathraru drred their her mends -"b" kacnee. Fnod r.otaand the ! feeertah unrest of an entire nation toward .-evolution are o -e Prominent n .he catt .r John iCnc. Bteiiani Cromweil. Hiirr. aammerftlle Andr 3ertae. lanu.e Jaaend. !foeh Beery jr.. John Bx cry Uaaei AtwOL Sprine Bylnetor. Laura Hope Crews and others The Panay bombtn; pleturf the actual enes of "he . -jnon -he Arr.erxan ?unboat . WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- A- YWfl Jotf Oot of m th- 311" urp r. S.ju- Un die ternSns ami sesnmn J3 l!l -r ;tr AMAZING VALUE! SrodelSCBTSti BR.1TN . w.tb 6 tubes, new Ssvotae Banen- iial Dmance BooHer. tune oiaauU nperiaaave spczker. Gcocs iau in; woriii-wulc mntiM wkb. trescsiious power and jdixsviq. k. PIT w NORMAN ALLEY'S OF fli J jWI A NEW UNIVERSAL I SPEOAL FrATURS! Tonirtt md T:?Mia T a -ai' 5cw ... er"emett' 'or jesr Tan:5i r. a a. Victor PROYEN Performance Don t Experiment R.( , t Victor Radio m actual operation in Northern Ri EXIF L ia RESULTS. Wri4e for fiH part ten-lurSvp rives, etc. No Oblivcutioa and Satisfaction Guaranteed Consult Your Radio SpectaBst for Northern 1U . aaaBaaftapBKBaabVEaaaaaaBaaBBBBCBBBBaBBBBaaaBaBiaaaaaBaar HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Kupert, B.C.