Monday, January 31, 1933. ' S..I'- Pioneer Of City Goes To Georgia Ceorge Eckerman Honored. IJeforn Leaving After .Many Years Kesldence Here Leaving the city on the Princess Norah this afternoon Is one of the old timers of the city. Georse Eckerman. for a number or years in the employ of Edward Lipsett Ltd. and formerly with Mussallcm's and other firms, He Is going through to Georgia state whero he expects to go into the electrical business with his son-in-law. Mr.. Eckerman, who was a pro minent member of the Christian i Science Church, was surprised one evening recently at his flat by a number of members of that organization who came to present him with two Prince Rupert pictures as mementoes of his stay In the city- Prior to that he was the Kucst of honor at a banquet In the Boston Cafe at which a presentation was made. The staff at Edward Llpfett's on Saturday gathered briefly and presented Mr Eckerman with a fountain pen and pencil set. Mrs, Eckerman left for Georgia some time ago. 4. Announcements All advertisements ln this column will be charged for n full month at 25c a word. Bapti. .(. Supper, February 3. Valentine Cabaret, Benefit Boys Band, February 11. Cambral Valentine Dance, Feh ruary 14. Masonic ruary 17. Ball, Thursday, Feb- February 17 and 18, "One Dellr lous Night," United Church. C N R, A. Annual Dance. March Geo. Coffin D.O, IMi.C, Sp.O. Chiropractic Specialist No. 4 LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. WHAT CATHARTICS DO TO YOU I Harsh pills and purgatives .olltn. over-sUmulave your Intestines . . , and leave them weak and listless. It your constipation Is of the common type that Is due to insufficient bulk, there's a better way to treat it. Kellogg's All-Bran supplies the bulk you need. It absorbs moisture and sol-, tens like a sponge. This water-softened mass aids elimination. But All-Bran does still more. It contains vitamin B, ... the vitamin that helps tone the Intestinal tract. Eat Kellogg's AU-Bran every day and drink plenty of water. Made by Kelloeg to London, Ontario. VISITOR AT CADET DANCE Lieut. Commander Champion And Officers in Attendance at Affair Saturday Night An Interesting feature of another highly enjoyable' dance for the local Sea Cadets Corps Saturday night was the presence cf 'Lieut. Commander C. C. Champion Jr. and other officers of the visiting United States naval air squadron as well as Squadron Leaders Earl MacLeod and T. F. Stevenson of the Royal Canadian Air Force Lieut. G. H. Greenwood, command lng officer of the Sea Cadets, wel corned the visiting officers as well as those of the wardroom mess of the Royal Canadian Naval Volun . itcer Reserve. Lieut. Commander Women's Hospital Auxiliary Uall, Champion spoke In reply, express IVbruarv 4. Mng appreciation of the hospitality I he and his officers and men had United Missionary Tea, Febru-'been extended here. The boys gave ary 8. .three cheers for the Americans. I F. A. MacCallum. responding on Ridley Home ailc,, February 10. behalf of the members of the R ;c. N. V. U. wardroom mess, re- ilerred to the fact that It vas President Roosevelt's birthday ano mentioned the antl-lnfantlle paralysis campaign which was. beln-; conducted throughout the United States on that-day. Music for Uie Sea Cadets' darw was by the Serenaders' Orchestra Refreshments were served and the boys' dance concluded at midnight ! after which the members of the B C. N. V. R. wardroom mess ana their ladies carried on entertain ment of the United States officers TLNKEK AGAIN CHAIRMAN G. P. Tinker was re-elected chairman of the hospital board at the first meeting of the new board today. F. S. Walton Is vlce.chairman and H. W. Birch, managing FOR SALE On Third Avenue Demers Old Established Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Business Excellent Location. One Block From New Post Office Site SNAP FOR CASH A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service LOCAL NEWS Look! 2 for 1 at Ideal Cleanen starts Mon. and till Feb. 15. All orders cash on delivery. . (20) St. Andrew's Cathedral Congre gatlonal Meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock. Vancouver In the Interests of Mr Johnstone's health. FLYING BOAT OF UNITED STATES NAVY SQUADRON -IS LOST ENROUTE HERE (Continued from Page One) turned back and found the five ' fliers In the launch which half an hour before had picked them up from their rubber boat. The fliers had abandoned plane partly submerged on a rock three miles north of Oonxe Island. While How Plane Was Lost Lieut. Horton and his companions were staying aboard the disabled plane awaiting the arrival of the fcal. when the plane struck the rock Sunday morning and began to sink inside of North Island In Milbank Sound. The planes of the squadron are wln-engined flying boat. The en-;ines are COO h.p, Wrights. The fliers in charge of the six jlanes are Lieut. Commander C. C. Champion Jr., flight captain, Lieut. C- S. Smiley, Lieut. H. B. Miller, TRAPPERS And Dealers ! I have a big order for alt kinds of furs. Send your furs right in to me. If you do business with me once you will do it all the time. Money wired as soon as goods received. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable raa DAH.V NTfWS., PAOE TOREK Father And Son Service Is Held Crusaders Tuxis Square at First United Church. The Father .-and. S3p service of the Crusaders-Tuxis .Square was 9i held yesterday morning In First I United Church with a large con- In attendance. Rev. J. Dr. Richardson and Dr. Rice.Uregatlon thU'--jacKSOn atwu us tua""m" wmi Vancouver dentists, sailed morning on the Catala for Anyox. Joe Scott returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a vacalon trip to Vancouver and else where in the south. Maurice Davey leading the res ponslve reading and Malcolm Wilding giving the scripture read ing. Ken Schubert and Elmer Hanklnson were ushers while othrr members of the group were in Mica XJarlo T nnff "TViaf Mr. and Mrs. George W. John-1 .... ... ..... . nn stone returned to the city on the Jun,or ch0,r rendered an an. Catala this morning from a trip to them. Ned Tobey gave a talk on the relationship of the Tuxls group to the church. Wilfrid Hicks, sup- Ai-intnnrfpnt nt the RnnHnv Kfhnril C. P. R. Steamer Princess Norah,' . ,, ,. eo Capt. William Palmer. Is due in port th t0 h faith ln llfe and ln A. M - nt il t -Mi. m.nn. K ai j:ou mis aueniouii irum o.aB- th nmmm nf their irrmins way and other northern points and will sail at 5:30 p.m. for Announcement was. made of thi annual Father and Sort supper to be held on Thursday night of this week when members of the Ex plorer. Trail Ranger and Tuxl: croups will meet togetner wun their "dads." Surprise Party Was Enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. V. B, Cook Honored On Wedding Anniversary the plane was awaiting help. It A "delightful surprise party wa urn. Mi,oht. m th umd nnd went held at the home of Mrs. R. C It the occasion of Strachan. being on the submerged rock. Thereupon they took to the rubber boat and ine, Z,,? ""I"?U Ul mi headed for the steamship chan- iin" "irs- - nel. The plane is undouDtedly a total loss. Bridge was played, the priza winners being; ladies first, Mrs Alex Murray; ladies' consolation Mrs; R. Duncan; men's first, J McLcod; men's consolation, W. Bi Cook. After refreshments were servec' Malcolm Lamb 'presented to th bride and grom of nine years ar and break up. It was then theyp handsome 32-plece dinner set cook to the rubber boat one by oneithe recipients responding suitably to go to the fishing boat wmcn Games, dancing, and. singing Lieut. Commander Champion hadwere tnen enjoyed bringing a hap sent and which by this time was. py evening to a close. standing by. Cadet L. E. Mattraw" Those present were Mr. and suffered somewhat from exposure in the frosty weather but was not in a serious condition. The fliers had Iiau to k llianv make a tv quick 4u.w.. getaway and Mrs. Jack Munro, Mr., and Mrs. R Duncan, Mr. and MrfA. Guyan, Mr. and Mrs. "M. H'Tamb, M; nrrl Mrc A V WnnH Mr' rinH Mrs. j . ... . , wwy, .... . ..u ....... lost everything they had with them., Thomas Williams; M&v W. Finlay-The rescue boat headed with the 'son. Mrs. Alex Murray, J. Mc- fllers for the steamship channel , Leod, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Cook where the Catala picked the party UD. and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Strachan. At i n'elock Sundav afternoon the Mrs. T. A. McWaters, who has Catala transferred the fliers to I been holidaying in Vancouver, re U.S.S. Teal which followed the Ca- turned to the city from the south tala into Prince Rupert early this cn. the Catala this morning. norniug. The transier was maae FOtf SALE Lieut. M. T. Evans. Lieut. P. H, Har- " FOR SALE- House and Jt furniture u Horton. I rington and Lieut J. A. The squadron is proceeding to '"f10' rJo' etc" ffi flew' E4st. (45 6h,Ayenue which Ritka to relieve one outh to Seattle last week, two of 50 pje;ep. ayettc' "complete fb? he six machines stopping here ov- rnight on Thursday while the :ther four went direct Trom Sitka n Friday, landing at Everett that night on account of thick weather ()n Putrct Sound and continuing the thirty miles Into Seattle Saturday. The Teal, following arrival today, did not land here but anchored at Seal Cove with the planes. The Teal, after picking up the moorings here, will leave this after, noon for Seattle. Before leaving here, Lieut. Com mander C. C. Champion Jr., com mander of the squadron, sent in his official dispatches on the Incident to the Navy Department. baby. $25 up prepaid. Also: Shop ping Service. charge 20'. P. J Box 381, Victoria, B.C. (2(b FOR SALE-8 room house, bath, toilet, good kitchen stove, $450 cash, clear of all encumbrances We have other snaps on our list of property for sale. Collart & McCaffery Ltd Third Avenue. Phone 11. (25) FOR RENT FOR RENT 5-room furnished house. 008 8th. Ave. E. Phone 741. (28) CLEAN, well-furnished modern aDartmcnts. Phone Red 444. (20) WORK WANTED CAPABLE Woman desires employment in respectable home, $'SQ per month. Room and board out Put your calls In early and avoid the rush. Phone Green 302. (20i timiii:k SM.K S?nlrd tnclws -will be iwlvcct b the Minim er of UumIh, at Victoria, 8.9.. not later than noon on the 21st day of libinury, 1838, for the ptircha.. of Ltoctio X23Q60, to out 3,111.000 f-ot of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, aim Balsam 011 an are nJtuattd 011 Ne Utt Blver ami adjoining TUnbc Lie-nice 2710p, flange 2, Coast Laaid Three (3), ynrs will foe ellowed for removal of timber. Furtdvr ipartjoinlairn of-' the Chief Forester. Victoria, B, C, or DIMrlct Forester, Prince Rupert, B. O. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Lieut. Commander C. C. Champ- Ion Jr., Lieut. C. S. Smiley, Lieut. P. j H. Harrington, Lieut. M. T. Evans,' Lieut. H. B. Miller, Cadet K. G.l Davis, Cadet James L. Levin, Cadet 1 Robert I. Conrad. Cadet David Perry Jr. and Cadet J. B. Dowley, Se-i attle; A. T. Reynolds, Vancouver; J. McGougan, Premier. Central H. Jerome, C. N. R.; M. Olson, Wells. Knox J. H. Lain, C.N.R.; W. F. Bartram, E, Todd, G. H. Elliott, O. K. Thomen, , J. W. Morew, D. B. Moen, E. J. Rost. J. H. Waggoner, A. Hudjohn, L. J. Carter, E. W. Stockstlll, W. Sandon, C. F. Bartens, H. Neff, H. Harrison, E. J. Odinot. Paul O. Hlldon, S. C. Parol!, A. R. Smith and E. A. SteJ-ina, U.S.N.; J. Nault, Refuge Bay; F. G. Grant, Vancouver. Royal C. H. Clark and A. Wallace, Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Grant, Balmoral; Tay Lei, H. Jones and B. Pederson, city; H. Rlnmen, New Westminster; W. J. Martin and Jack Mclsaac, city. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. R. C: Chenosky, Prince Rupert; tMr. and Mrs. A. Reld, Port Essirigton;' O. Olsen, C. N. R. F. M. Davies of the Atlln Fish eries returned on the Catala this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. "Apple Week! Help Our Okan-agan Neighbors by Buying a box of Apples." CLIMATE, SOIL, WATER pi I The climate, soil and water of British' Columbia have so much to do with, making. Pacific good, milk that no doubt their part has been equally effective ln making Okan-agan's fine apples so good, People who. have eaten them like them and they have a reputation. Pacific MUk Irradiated of Course THE SEAL of QUALITY mm i"Slilr"Si!fl5 PAUTY Ft A GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ' PINK SKAl . Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round, payroll In Prince Rupert Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell COAL TO n.KASK KVF.HYBOnl SatUfactlou Ouaranleed t'amoui Kdson Alberta Coal ISulktejr Valley Cual Vancouver Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed Cum pan PHONE: (8 and SS8 " Thrift Cash& Carry IS Money Saving Specials Fbr The: Entire Week ROBIN HOOD OATS-53-oz. I'ackac 20c Paraxon Tissue 9Ap 3 large '.-oils "V JIFSOAP FLAKES 20c Cup and Saucer Free With. Each Package Silver Leaf Lard 9Qf V-lb. packets. for Pineapple Cubes. Qr Large Tins Finest Ontario- CANADIAN CHEESE Per lb. Special Values in RED ARROW Biscuits RED ARROW RED ARROW- SODAS Largest package 18c KliD AKKOW CUOtOLAlL ECLAIRS tjQo 1-lb. cello Nabob ORANGE MARMALADE 4-lbUris..'Each Royal City Combination Special 2 Tomatoes, 2's; 2 l'easv Sieve 5; 2: White Corn. The G for OQL We have a small shipment of TERRACE APPLES To sell at, box rhone 179 $1.23 Large firm, heads. California Lettuce Each Graham Wafers l-lh, cello RED ARROW L FIURAIiS 2 lbs. Six varieties 8c 29c TOILET SOAP 9C Th rlenr. 8 hars Libby's choice Dried Apricots "fl Go I -lb. Cello Xtt Ripe.. Firm. Outdoor TOMATOES -g Small Size JUICY SUiNKIST ORANGES f An While they last. Doz. "V WE DELIVER STOP THAT COLD Dominion C.B.Q. Tablets The Little Red Box Known the World Over Twenty-Five Cents Ormes A.S.A. Tablets Per Vial of Thirty Five-Grain Tablets Twenty-Five Cents no Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules The Ideal General Tonic for Winter Months 50 Capsules .... gg 100 Capsules jj JgQ 250 Cypsulcs BLANKETS White and Grey. From " Phone 775 QUALITY PRICE SERVICE Free Gift Tokens MUSSALLEM'S Groceries Confectionery Fresh Fruits and VefftaWea $325 Ormes llcl. "Jim Pioneer Dritqgists The .IcjiII Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 am. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Cold Weather Needs $5.50 327 THIRD AVENUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprltor "A. HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot Sr. Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. flot 111