ml Aii.V icnmnN DAILY NEWS THE PA01 TWO Sale End SPECIALS Only a Few More Days and Our Most Successful Sale Will He Over. Here Are Just a Few of Our . Last Days' Bargains Ladies' Straps, Oxfords and Pumps Regrouped to clear. Reg. $5.00 ' Men's Calf Dress Oxfords durable -Neat and The Home of Good Shoes $1.95 $2.85 All Lines of Running Shoes Reduced to Lowest Possible Prices Family shoe store ltD. . Tuesday, June 7. 1938. WILL IT Bti WAR? It looks as if the more aggressive countries arei determined to bring about a war in which the British m-pire may become involved. Only the utmost forbearance on the part of Great Britain has kept her out of trouble so far but there, is always a breaking point and it may be reacneu at any time. A LEAGUE OF NATIONS It is reported on pretty .good authority that it was a league of three .nations that prevented an attack; on Czecho-Slovakia recently France, Great Britain and Russia. But for the fact that these nations were united, the'Germans would now be fighting for or have taken that country that is partly surrounded by German territory. The lesson to be learned from this is that, if a small league of nations can prevent war, how much more effective would be a larger leaerue if the nations were really in earnest in sticking together and forgetting what the .consequences might mean. It is the timid beonle such as those who urge intervention in-Spain arid then speak ? L i i. ..A? .1- i.Li'l. !. 1-, , 1 . 1 against intervention eisewnere mat are liKeiy to jean a country into war. CONTROL OF HONG KONG, A member of Japan's House of Peers is urging that Japan take over control of Hong Kong. Doubtless, the Japanese would like to have this fortress but we are quite safe, in saying they will riot get it except in a terrific struggle With Great Britain and probably also the United States. We do not think they will get it. Fresh Local Raw Arid Pasicurizcd Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PDONE-57 The Central Hotel ROOMS ana CAFB Phone Cl for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. feLACK Captain Pickerell Heads Revolver Shooting Team OTTAWA, June 7: According to an announcement ffom here .today I pete against teams' from England, I United Stales an'd Cuba. Capt. Pickerell spent sortie time 1 while here. THE DAILY NEWS. - prince rupert - BRinsu Columbia tmtmmmammmmmm.i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert L vx4r II Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue J iJvlLIJcLIl k. F PULLEN - - Managing-Editor TONIGHT Gi 15 SUBSCRIPTION KATL'S Legion vs. Merchants City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In $5.00 Paid li advance', per we;t .. Paid In advaricfi, per month By1 mail t6 all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid hi advance .-..w...:........-.?..., By fnall t6 ail bther countries, per year ; News Department Telephotis .. ........i 86 Advertising and Oiruiauon Telephone .. 9j , Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulations .12 .50 3.00 9.00 BOWLING DEFERRED AGAIN ciatlon's Lawn. ORT It was expected to get the Ca nadian National Recreation Asso- . . . . . , 7 nrvm uowung league "v play under wayJast night but tl'.e Weather Man again intervened and rain caused further SPORT CHAT The following team has been se- Johannesburg 'branch of a Leeds manufacturing firm. W. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. Currle, Mill Bay. Central C. Closter, Digby Island; L. Gentry and Gus Leighton, city. Knox James Naulf, city. SOFTBALL CHAMPION Old Massett Defeats Skidegate In Thrilling Teh Inning Battle To Win Queen Charlotte title Capt. R. O. Pickerell of the Invest MASSETT, June 7: As a resull tlgatlon Department, Canadian Na- oI a tournament in which O'd tional Railways, Winnipeg, has Massett. New Massett and Skide- been appointed captain of the Cc- participated, Old Massett' won hadlan revolver team .which will the Softball thamnionshln of the Massett and Skidegate was a thrill Ing encounter. From the very opening, it was a ding-don,? affati Old ,Massett-P. Adams. O, Adams. .R. White. R. Amos, P. Jones T. Edgar, A. Adams, P. Bell, H. Bell. Skidegate A. Collison, O. Brbwn,. .in! Ti r . I Tl DaK.U. i f Young, A. Moody, S. Young and R Cross, i . Confirm Supremacy War IS always horrible and Canadians Of all people (evening: Pierce; W. Murray and R. From the start the natives started are least inclined to enter into a conflagration which may engulf the world but, if they have to fight, they will spare no effort in making their influence felt. Evidently there is fear at Ottawa that war will come and that Canada will find it her duty to take part. We all hope it may not be so. MAKE NEW FRIENDS People in business realize more and more how necessary it is to continually make new friends, attract new customers, continue to expand. If they let up on their missionary work they begin" to lose some of the old ones and drop behind. What is true of business is true of every profession, organization, church, or welfare group. There is no such thing as standing still in this world. It is a world of ac tion and those who do not make progress will eventually orop out oi the raqe. has been appointed manager of the On Victoria Day Old Massett New Massett and had no dif- lected to represent the Canadian ficulty in winning another game Legion In the Stuart Benefit Shield to prove their undisputed Cham f vt ii -n oontrtct Vi n VfofoVlllltc fVltc rl-.n cVitrt iViA crra KnJ n r 17' in 11 . Sam Currle jr.; Simundsen, Camp- thrills came when Oliver Adams' belh Howe, Dickens, and Scherk. with two' away, stole frftm first to ' Spares Rol Judge, W. Vance and A. second to third to home without! Hardy. me oau Being once pitcnea over the piate. Jim Brough, star pf the Leeds . ... ' . . , The teams In this game a were as club in the English rugby league. follows. Old Massett II. Bell, R. Amos, P. -Jories.-W. Marks; T. Edgar, O Adams, P. Adams, W. White and P. Bel. J New Massett B. Wallace, J. Hickman, E. Perlstrrim, E. Bridderi; N. Bridden, W. Perlstrom, A- Holland ahd Hugo. V Following the New Massett game there was a biz dance with music by the Seranaders of Old Massett, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT hbc mean.' Bay Company. SOME KNOW THAT b.p. best PROCURABLE." BUT DO YOU KNOW THAT--Hudson's bay BEST PROCURABLE . SCOTCH WHISKY it really what the name implies? It contains sortie of Scotland'. oldest and finest Malts, beautfV fully blended, so that when It reaches Canada it is really and truly the"BEST PROCURABLE" Scotch Whisky. Have you tried it lately t 40 ox. 26 or. $4.16 $3.25 Sft-lt This Advertisement Is not publishes or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BASEBALL SCORES National League v ' New York 11, Cincinnati 2. Brooklyn 9, Pittsburg' 4. Philadelphia 8, Chicago 10. Boston 2, St. Louis 11. American League St. Louis 5, New Yprk 6. Detroit 7, Boston 8. Cleveland 4. Washington 5. Chicago-Milladeiphfa, played part of Sunday double header. compete at the annual meeting of Queen charlotte Islands. The title1 pltuhP nic iumiiuun ihik iujvn.unmn c was cieciuea in a winning ten the Connaughl ranges during the nnnR game which resulted in an week of August 12. Capt. Pickerel! 8 to 7 victory for Old Massett ovei is one of the outstanding revolve! skldeeate, The tournament was .and pistol shots on the continent held at Old Massett. land field the world's formerly In the nnst game Skidegate de-championship feated New MasseU u bemg a I There will beien Canadians on -contestcd dosd malch flltnougl The final game between Old St. Louis Brooklyn Philadelphia .28 .28 .21 .22 .20 19 .18 .11 American League L 10 15 17 21 20 22 27 27 Cleveland 28 14 New York 24 16 Washington ..;;26 20 Boston ' '23 18 Detroit ... - t 20 23 Philadelphia ;17 4 23 Chicago ....';13 23 St. Louis . 1 '.12 20 as Baseball Standings Chicago New York Boston Cincinnati National League W Pet. .036 .634 .553 .512 .500 .459 .400 .289 Excellent pitching of George Brown I : of Skidegate held Massett in check J . . Last evening at the Pf nee Ru be-1 until near the end when he nn nUweA onmi. bert Boys' Band Parents Assoc! stolen bases. In the final Inning Skidegate loaded the bases and things looked bad for Old Massett Art Adams saved the situation by running back ahd snaring a long fly" over centre to retire the side At the end. of the ninth the game was a six -all deadlock, In theii half or the extra frame, Skidegate scored once but Old Massett made two In a spree of base-stealing and smart base-running. The teams "Ever get ck in on of thew tliingj?" "yi, but w. hod pltnf of St Capt." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tht purtil fttm'tn vhtik'tibJCtO ttnTb moltd. Weather forecast ; Great Convention S Of Shriners Held .565 ...', . Rii General Synopsis---A disturbance t f6 passing north of the Queen Ctor " Fgjr T ta k ,0? , . j L t Attendance J at Los An w Pro. .42 lotte Islands has taased showers on U CTedJn(f, Opening Todiy 3d the north coast but the weather haAt v lift . . . ... . I been fair and warm in other parts -LOS ANGELES, June 7, wifc of British Columbia. 1 Colorful-Ceremonies and pageantij, Prince Rupert ahd Queett Char- Motional ccmvenUon of tht At-' , ... t dent and Arabic Order of Nobla lotte Islands - strong smmiwcsi;of the Myttc shrne opened hereto. ation meeting a raffle drawing winds, part cloudy ana cooi wun day. Twenty-five thousand nobis " took place. Mrs. O. Klldal won a occasional light showers from all parts of Canada and the pair of billow slips with No. 70 West Coast of Vancouver 'Island UhltM State are in attendant! and Miss. Leona Fltzpatrick won a Fresh to strong southwest winds. Among those present c w J. cm. bridge set with No. 659. Jiart cloudy, probabl light showers, fordf Stewart Brit. .,h Colnmba UANYA TODAY, the bicycle ii recognized as the low-cost method of delivering messages tnd small par eels. Very likely there is a manufacturer, a retailer or a financial house not far from your own home . that has a job for a boy with a bicycle. Take the job and get started in business. Many a man who dines at an exclusive club, smokes expensive cigars and sits in the President's office started business life carrying messages or parcels on his bicycle. Any C.C.M. can be readily turned into a delivery bicycle by the addition of a special C.C.M. parcel carrier, which can be removed quickly when the day's work is done. A C.GM. is such a strong, well built machine that it stands up in delivery service, and runs so easily and smoothly that you can do a better job on it. If you haven't a C.C.M. Bicycle it will not take you long to pay for one, out of your earnings, on the easy-payment plan. When you are through with your C.CM. you can get a good "used" price for it. A C.C.M. has the QUALITY that riders want whether new or used. C.C.M. Bicycles are made by Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited, Weston, Ontario, branches at Montreal, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Get Your C.C.M. BICYCLE At McRae Bros. Ltd. Prince Rupert STARTED ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS ON A (icudel. A CompleteStock of C.C.M. BICYCLES Bicycle Repairs, Parts Bicycle Tires Carried By Gordon'slardware