1 :: n FAQS FOUR Canada1 s Favourite Tea "mm TEA Outstanding VALUES BAGGAGE Gladstone, Genuine Leather $1$ 00 Pakrite . Club Bag, Genuine Leather Suitcase, With Straps ...... Trunk FURNITURE Spring Filled Mattress .. Inlaid, Linoleum Square Yard Reversible Bedroom Rug 3-Fiece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite 9-Piece Dining Room Suite $10.00 $15.00 $2.75 $9.50 $13.75 $1.25 $3.50 $75.00 $100.00 Your Old Furniture Accepted as Part Payment ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert Goin' Fishin We Can Supply Your Every Need And Tell You Where To Get The Fish Headquarters For Sport Fishing Tackle Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Smoked "Rupert Brand" M ild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator Farewell Parly Is Held At Kitwanga Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Are Honored Before Leaving For Port Simpson party was held last Thursday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson prior to their departure for Port Simp son. The party was a great success and lasted until the small hours of the morning. W. Morgan gave a brief farewell message which was responded to by Mr Nelson. Among the guests were Mrs. William Little of Woodcock and Joseph Paulis of Cedarvale. WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Having been delayed by heavy freights and extra calls, Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Find-lay, is not due until 3:30 this afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and will be sailing soon thereafter for Vancouver and waypolnts. In addition to Wales Island and Port Simpson, the Catala called this morning at Big Bay to load box sheoks from the Georgetown Lumber & Box Co.'s mill. irea uoram, wen Known as a purser of Canadian National Steamships, was able to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday after having been a patient there for two weeks and assume his duties for the summer as cruise director aboard the steamer Prince Robert. Eight halibut vessels sold catches totalling 179,500 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Pacific, 40,-000 pounds, Whiz, 7c and 6c; Akutan, 40,000, Sebastian, 7c and 6c; Argo, 18,000, Booth, 6bS and 6c; Unlmak, 15,000, San Juan, 8c and 6c; June, 15,500, New England, 67bC and 6c; Theima II.,. 15,500, San Juan, 7c and 6c; La Paloma, 20,000 Washington, IVbc and 6c; Aloha, 15,- THE DAILY NEWS The Letter Box ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOLS Editor. Dally News: A number of parents, who have h in Ya nrpc nhmit Accredited Jil1. HiFhls have asked me what this means and whether our High School will be accredited. On tht front page of last Thursday's Vancouver Province, which I received last night, is an article dealing with Accredited High Schools which think is misleading. Therefore, may I give a Drier explanation through the medium of your paper as to what accrediting means and the requirements as drawn up by the High School Accrediting Board. In December 1930, the High School Teachers' Association unan imously passed a resolution endorsing the principle of High School Accrediting and set up a commit tee to study the whole question In all possible detail. Since that time this question has been investigated and studied thoroughly by High School Teachers and University Professors and accrediting came into effect this school year 1937-38, concurrently with the new program of studies for Senior Hlsh Schools. In brief, an Accredited High School is one whose records ar? taken at their face value so that it may grant High School gradua- tlon certificates to Its students Han 500, McCallum, cic and 6c. ThCi The academic standing of the Unimak, June, Theima II. and La I high school staff Is only one factor Paloma had catches of cod for In gaining the privilege of ac-which 2c per pound was paid. The crediting. The local high school Unlmak received 6c per pound for meets this requirement. Other rp- 1000 pounds of sablefish For the first time a large catch erican schooner McKlnley disposed of 30,000 pounds there. The Blue Fox Packing Co. has acquired a two-thirds interest in the well known American halibut boat Albatross and will operate the vessel as a tender out of its Alaska packing plant. John Danlelson, father of Edward Danlelson, now on the fishing grounds with the halibut vessel Hoover, died In Seattle yesterday. The funeral is to held the latter part of the week. Deceased is survived by three sons and five SOUTH! VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leavet Prince Rupert Every THURSDAY, 11:15 P.M. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS quirements which the Province does not mention are as follows: I 1. The hhh school uviwvi shall Mian have nave a a m n. . , . i of halibut - was sold yesterday at naslum suitable for h ,cal Anchorage, a nnnnw rro Alaska, A To clo YvVton when the ho Am a w education and shall have adequate equipment for gymnastic work and games. 2. There shall be a library of reference and other books adequate to the needs of the school These books shall be properly classified and the library shall be conducted upon approved library skills. 3. The school must, ln general, make due provision for varying Individual needs and abilities of its students, and shall provide courses not only in traditional academic subects but als0 in Practical Arts and Technical and Vocational As high schools meet these re- No less than five passenger linersjrS S?!? were ln Ketchikan yesterday Including the two Canadian ships Prince Robert and Princess Louise. Motorshlp Belolt was ln from Ketchikan this morning, having brought a carload of fresh halibut for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The Massett fish boat Attaboy arrived in port at 'noon yesterday. On board are Joslah Brown, skipper, Alfred Adams, and Alex Yeo- mans of Massett who is at patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital and will be leaving for home possibly tomorrow If weather improves. The Attaboy brought in some halibut. away with Matriculation Examlna- tions set by an external board of examiners. Thank you for co-operating with me in this matter. A. SUTTON, Principal, Kins Edward High School Fresh Strawberry Shortcake or Sundaes at the U & I CAFE Waterfront Open 7 A.M 10 P.M. The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Itcsonoscope" by G. C. WALKER -Phone I'.lue 389 212 4tli St. HI SCHOOL MAGAZINE "Aurora" For 1938 is Bright, Inter-esting and Well Gotten-Up Production Htrt't a rady-to-at ccrtal for pioplt who know thty'rt all: Ktllogg'i Iran Flakti art dtliclom to tat. Bat mert than that thty glvt yoa tht nourlihmtni of whott whtot pin titra bran for mildly loiatlvt action. Enjoy Ktllogg'i Bran Flakti. Sold by all gro-ctrt. Madt by Ktlltgg In London, Ontario. EAT TO FEEL FIT! Silver Wedding Is Observed Mr. and Mrs. Jock McGreish Honored by Their Friends On Saturday evening a host of friends made a surprise call at the A bright, interesting and well home of Mr. and Mrs. Jock Mc- gotten-up thirty-six page produc-' Grelsh. 953 Ambrose Avenue, to tlon, "The Aurora," 1938 issue of the congratulate them on the occasion Prince Rupert High School maga-iof their silver wedding anniversary zlnehas made its appearance and j Mr. and Mrs. McGreish were mar-all those who took part In its pub-(ried at the home of Mr. and Mrs lication are recelying congratula- Kingley. Seventeenth Street West tlons. iNorth Vancouver, on June 3, 1911. The magazine contains all" the us- The evening was spent playing ual features of the past with a few bridge the winners being: ladies' innovations which have served to first, Mrs. William Hunter, ladles improve it. It is prefaced with a,second, Mrs. John Laurie; men's message from the principal, Arthur nrst, J. Sutton, and there are biographies Murray. of the newest members of the teaching staff. Clever thumbnail sketches of the members of the student body are given. Various school activities are completely reviewed and a couple of short stories as well as poetic efforts make good reading. Those responsible for the production of "The Aurora" this year are: Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief, Helen Valentine. Assistants Dorothy Davies, Christopher and Bert O'Neill. Literary Editor, Bert O'Neill. Clubs Editor, Fred Sole's. Social Editors Helen Lakle, Al ma Dybhavn and Marlon McLach- which qualify them to enter Unl- j j0kes Editor, Harold Ivarson versity without passing an exter- Art Editors Sada Nakamoto and nal examination set by the Matri- Elmore Hanklnson. culation Board of Examiners. Be- Managerial Staff hind this is the idea that the high, Busuiess Manager; Harold Ponder. ?LZ Assistants-Helen Lakie. Harold ledge m of a pupil, n based upon the ' . . . , ,, . Larson and Alan Kergln. record of at least four years 0I , high school studies, provides data Advertisement Collectors Doro-whlch Is more reliable than that thv Davies. Emily Christopher, provided by writing external ex- Frances Moore; Harry Daggett, aminatlons. Mary Sievcrt -and Helen Docdor. However, my purpose in writing this letter is to point put the in adequacy of the article In- the Province. Quoting from the Province: -'It is expected that eventually nearly all schools in the prov-inve will be placed in the same position depending on the academic standing of their teachers..' McGreish, second, J. F During the serving of refresh ments Mrs. J. R. Murray presented the couple with a handsome clock on behalf of those present aftm which dancing was enjoyed for tjj remainder oi we evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs J. R. Murray, Mrs. Robert Murray, Alex Harvey, Mr. and Mrs, Robert! Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dun can, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. II. Doiron, Mr and1 Mrs. Roderick McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKenzle. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Murray, Mr. and Mrs Gus Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Klllin, Mr and Mrs. William Hun ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Laurie, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Denning, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Guyan, Mr. and Mrs Robert Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Arthui Bayne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arm-strong, Mr. and Mrs. George Law-son, Mrs. Hugh Smith. Mrs. A. J Croxford, Mrs. John Melo, Mrs, J W. Connery, Arthur Bell, Axel 01-sen and Hugh Richmond The book Is from the presses of Rose, Cowan Si Latta. G.A.H. illll COOK BOOKS Make Excellent Gifts ZZZ The Canadian Cook Book . j2oo """ General Foods Cook Book j'50 Mrs. Bcelon's J.....1Z11' 75c and $l'.50 DICTIONARIES Webster's Vest Pocket Webster's New Universities Modern University, with Atlas Funk and Wagnall'g Standard ..... Cassell's Encyclopaedia National Encyclopaedia Collins Pocket Encyclopaedia 40c $2.00 $2.00 $4.00 $2.00 $1.50 50c BIBLES - THE IIYMNARY CANADIAN PRAYER BOOK-Etc. m Lowest rrlies. BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS A Century of Girls (Boys) Stories f 50 1001 Wonderful Things in Pictures $L50 Garden City Children's Classics Including Robin Hood, King Arthur, Fairy Talcs, Robinson Crusoe and the Modern Handbook for Girls (Boys). Each $1,40 Walt Disney Happy Annual ........1..... r $L00 Boys' Adventure Series Each jIZZ'".Z !s0 Air Service Boys Series Each " !50 Airplane Girls Scries Each 50 Banner Campfire Girls Each yiu3''V"Z'".. M " " Nan Sherwood Scries Each .:. ;. . '. 50 STAMP ALBUMS Advenfure Stamp Album 1.1...: 40c and 65c Olympic Stamp Album ?! .".........;.. 75 Mercury Stamp Album .-l.i.llll'l' $L50 Modern Stamp Album ,..111111111 $2.25 Sec our approval sheets for your foreign stamp collection Changed every two weeks JEZEBEL Half Siren . Half Angd . A Gr"t Actrrs, ln , eoftheSunnySo;j HETTE DAVIS In Many men lovrd he, ,d forher.bm the onl, v.w iuvcu cailtd h wickedest lived S" the woman h.o tm With GEOKGE BRCNt" MARGARET LINDSAY, hr RY FONDA, DONALD CPJSf -Begins Wednesday For 2 Days LAST TIMES TONIGHT "HELL'S ANGELS" With JEAN IIAKLQW (At 7:30 and 9:40) Last Show it 9:io M:i-Jt..n Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food It Good The Rooms Are Clean Tbe House It Winn The Seirice Frlendl; The Rates Are Reaionttli KNOX HOTEL R. nrasel N. M. Brut! I 0 KEN RAYNER (Over 25 Years Experience) For Your Radio Troubles Let me check over your t which Includes General Inspection. Testlnj Tubes, Cleaning Set and Speaker, lit-aliening; All Stages, Solderinf Aerial and Ground when necessary, $2.93. 1'hoiif mark 712 HYDE Transfer 815 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 589 Reach uw m v - .trrfitt And district with u. rtwtise to the Dally fcew.