Tuesday, June t, 103a: FLYING OF : Summer Train PASSENGERS Service Soon TransCanada to Defer Service iln. til Pilots net More Training.; VANCOUVER, June "iV icP, Major P. R. MacLaren D.S.O., vlcer president of TransCanada " 'Alr mile for every mall flown with air mall, it Is announced. - The Dally llew Las in audited circulation. Play safel i' Trains a Week, to Be Effected Nxet Week Lines, douDis rauur passenger mmm.r ,rnln carrying service will be Instituted Ad- 50c, local ne of the Cana(Uan Ma0ona, this year oy rransuanaaa. visaing here, ne saia h was acqiraDie mai pilots should have more winter flying experience. TransCanada will receive GOc pet- Railways will come into effect next week, giving five trains a week in either direction. Trains will leave for the East at 6 o'clock Monday, TueAiay, Wednesday and Friday evenings and at 11 o'clock Friday mornings. Trains will arrive from the East Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights at 11 o'clock and at 2:30 Monday and Saturday IN THE HYGIENE COVET of jusvce "Undue Fatigue" Charge Against Housewife Btfore Mr. Justice Kruschen) Mother-in -lavs evidence Coviistx.: Do you know the prisoner? WrrxEsi: Yes, I do. Tht'ltiy . , , Ji'ucC; (ittrnly)! Do not be abusive. Coussrx: Why do you consider her fatigue unreasonable? The beat of ua ret tired lome times, you knew. Wrr.Nf.ss! Yes, we do when we've dont a g6od day's work. But the is tired .before she begins. Yawning through breakfast, neglecting her home. JiDCi: As an experienced woman, wtiat advice did you give to this young girl to help her prevent, fatigue? WnxtM; My advice to lief 1 to d a good day's work octsjtlon&riy, mt Uow can the do that if the It wntV Didn't you advise her to take Kruschen Salts? Puvwu: (excitedly) t My lord, the advised me not to. I wanted to take Kruschen. Jr-Dcij W-H-A-T-l U'rtxtss: I don't believe io these , , Jew : Take that woman out ol court. Prisoner, though you have clearly been neglecting your health, I do not think that it was through your own fault. You realized the need for Kruschen, to I dismiss the charge against you. Paisoau: Oh, thank you I J truer.: But I warn you: Do not miss 'the little daily dose' in future. I shall expect to bear no more about yawning at breakfast or at supper either. Otherwise the consequences will be very serious indeed. Parson u: I stall start Kruschen tomorrow Piy lord, .. x jwci. Very fowl. Whrn "girls like you get married they often give up outdoor sports and spend much too much time indoors, cooking and managing the home. The need for Kruschen is never stronger. The little daily dose helps keep you as fit and young looking as you were at school when you spent half the day playing tennis and hockey. riisoxu: Oh, I am so glad to hear ' you say that, my lord. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Kruschen Isa combination M several mineral salts which your body mutt ret, in tome way to keep the blood pure, the inside clean, and the tyt- TASTKI.KSS IN CJOrTEF. OR TEA tem generally toned up, but which you, tn't get In Nature's dwri Way withput. abundant exercise and fresh air. You should have those salts every day; hence the importance of the "little daily dose". Kvery drug counter sells kruschen in 25c. 45c and 75c bottles, ,' the Uttlt daily dost that doei it. JUNE SALE Paints, Wallpapers, Pictures, Muresco, Etc. To the highest cash purchaser during this sale we will give the pick of any picture InKe. store, values as high at $10.00. PrlcesWere A'evpf So I-ow As At This Sale WALLPAPERS 10C Per single roll, from t PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT $3.25 At, per gallon' v;,....." v PURE UNSEED, OIL STAINS- $1.85 Anv polnr.. Per uallon ii Every article In our, stock reduced. Don't forget we can t - save you money Silversides Bros. - mmmmmmmm Cheaper Feed Havlnr a inrplnj ot BUlkley Valley whsat it Is; peceisary. to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Bar Money. Prince Rupert Feed Vlggo Klhl, Internationally famous pianist, in recital, United Church, Wednesday June 8, at 8 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j, ZarelH. Proprltor -A HOME A WAV .FROM DOME" Brie $i.oe O eottooina Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, D.C. Phone 281 r.O. Po 1M Halibut Sales Summary American None. (132 K. 8. Orskov ".arrived in the city on the Catala Sunday night from Vancouver, being here to join' the staff of Chrlss Mill Bakery. Provincial Constable Balfour Munkley has arrived In the city from Victoria to Join the staff of the staff of the city detachment for temporary duty. ft. M. Wlnslow, assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., will sail on the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver. While In the south he will at- Funeral Yesterday Canadian 16,600 pounds, 7c and 4c to 8c ahd 4c. Canadian Unome, 6,700 pounds, 8c ahd 4c Cape SpencerroOO;. pounds, 7 v? and 4c. Annie Louise, 2,000 pounds, 7c and 4c. Try a Dally Hew, ciESfiltled vertlsement for best result.. ad Announcements All advertisements In thL col-imn will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. 1 Eagle'? Dance June'. 8. Vlggo Klhl Piano Recital June 8. Anglican Tea,;, Mrs. G. Arnold's, June 23. rhones 18 ahd 81 P.O. Uox 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE i i Groceries Veretablts - Fruits I v Confectionery Tobaccos ! i 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion TITE DAILY NEYf3 PAG r&tiQ LOCAL NEWS NOTES f I Mrs. J. a. Vlereck and Miss D. Tonight's train, aut irom tne Fowler are sailing this afternoon East at 11 o'clock, was reported r Change In Time TaM'e. rilln riJon the Catala fnr a triD to Vancou- this morning to be running on ver. time, T. A. McMartln left by last even ing's train on his return to-Smith-ers after spending the week-end in the city on business. D. W. McLeman of Stewart, whose wife passed away In the tlty a few days ago, will sail by the1 Prince George Wednesday afternoon on his return to Stewart. BLACKHEADS BUtkhtada go qulrajy bj a tlmplt jrwthod that juit dlaKlret them. Get two ooncrt of peroxine owor from your dniKriit. rub thia with a hot, wet etoth (entlr or h blaakhrada- -and you will wondar wsera they hut font. "v a Hollywood cwmnUiln. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Finnle will sail : Thursday night on the Prince tend the wedding of his daughter, George for Vancouver where they Miss Rosemary Wlnslow. ' will embark on the motorship Am- f erika and travel via the, Panama There will be u Special Dinner rjarlal to Aberdeen, Scotland, to pay Meeting of the Prince .Rupert a visit. Chamber of Commerce In the Com-, modore dare at 6145 pjn. Wednes- MrSi Annie Taylor, mother of Mrs; day, for the purpose of hearing an Mabel Thompson of this city, re- address, by Mr. F.W. Nlcholls, Dom- fumed on the Princess Louise yest- lnlon Housing Director. Others than Urday morning from a visit with ! Chamber members Interested are relatives in Montreal. Hamilton and welcome upon notifying the secre-'parry sound. Her many friends will tary. A large attendance Is earn-j be glad to know that Mrs. Taylor, estly solicited. . ( 133) who has been away for eleven Flowers In Tribute To Mrs. McLeman s months, has decided to reside permanently in Prince Rupert. The city fire department to two alarms on Sunday. One 'I was -a false alarm to the Waldron 'Apartments at 4:55 p.m. caused by (children tampering with an alarm j box. The other was to a 6tump fire Those sending floral tributes at on Conrad Street at 10:05 p.m. Yes- the funeral yesterday afternoon of terday afternoon at 2 o'clock the trip Lit Mrs n W. MrLeman of .. department was canea to a smoKei (Stewart were: Mr. and Mrs. Norman scare In the 600 block on Sixth Av-Fraser; Mr. ind Mrs. D. C. McRae. enue East. There was nd daihage iMlss Marjorle Lawrence iBtewart), in any case. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carolan (Stew-! art), Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrie and Hon. W. J. Asselstlne, minister or Jack, H. W. M. Rolston (Stewart), mines and M.L.A. for Atlin, arrived Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod 8tew- In the city on the Catala. this 'ah), Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hunter, -afternoon from Stewart, where he jMr.fartd Mrs.t. OBehnfctt Stew-' has been spending the pait few lartiki .Mr. and Mrs. J.'Buckshori days, and will proceed by tomor- (Stewart), Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Es- row evening's train to Smltners and Eelmont ;Stewart). Mr. and Mrs. Fox (Stewart). Miss Blanche Cur- ' tin, Mr. and Mrs. D, Flnlayson and ifamilvi Mr. and Mrs. James Mor- .rice (Stewart) Llttlt, Moth;r, jHugh and Jack (Vancouver), Mr. and Mrs. James 'Captain, Mr. and . Mrs. M. J. Dougherty. Dad, Barbara I and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford (Stewart), R. E. Moore and Mi. and; Mrs. Harry Zeffertt other interior points. He will return to Victoria by way of Prince George and the Quesnel and. Bridge River districts. His secretary, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. James Sinclair, accompanies him. Kate. Betty, Nellie, k Overwaitea Ltd., Phone 843 BUTTER First grade. 3 lbs. Pry's Cocoas-lb. tin Honey Oraham Wafers Per pkg Clilpso Soap Flakes Large pkg. l'urex Toilet Paper 3 rolls 89c Overwaitea Jelly Powders ,4 ffp Aylmer Ked- Plums Per tin ..' Del Maiz Niblels 2 tins for Dried Peaches 2 lbs. French Creams Per lb. Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. Canned Milk Per dozen 19c 19c Quiet Wedding Saturday Night Miss Jane Robinson Become Bride of John Ellert Erlckson A quiet but interesting wedding took place Saturday evening at 8:30 at the residence of the of 10W 25c , 29c 19c 23c $1.15 1 Quart Johnson Glo-Coat, 1 Bottle Johnson Furniture Polish-Both for 99c Many Flowers Toilet Soap -j Q V WtAk O Hoyal Crown Soap .6 bars Lettuce Per head , Strawberries Per basket New Green Cabbage Per lb. ., Australian Grapes- - 2 lbs ficiating clergyman, Rev. Edwin E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Church, when Miss Jane Robinson, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, James Robinson' of Victoria, brtanie the bride of John Ellert Erlckson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erlckson of this city. Witnesses of the cere-. 15c 19c mony were Mrs. ' E. E. Brandt and Earl Erlckson. Mr. and Mrs, .Erickson, who will have the congratulations and best wishes of many friends, will reside in the city. The groom has lived here since boyhood and Is In the service of P. Bums Co. Ltd! The 25c bride has aen year or so. 5c 15c 5c 35c FreeDelivery on- Orders'I.OO ahd Over here for the past Canadian Legion Executive Meets Committee Chairman Named for -Annual Picnic to be, field Soon The executive of the.local branch of the Canadian Legion met last evening In preparation for the reg- uiar monthly meeting on Wednesday. President Jack Preece was in the chair and other members present were W. 3. Ranee. H; A. B.ree O. J. Dawes, J. M Walker, M. J. Dougherty, C. L. Barker, H. Smith, H, T. Lock and D. C. Schubert. In addition to routine business, committee chairmen were named for the annual picnic to be held at Digby Island on July 3. lUsIlEO FUK SALE FOR SALE Furnished cottage at Salt Eakes. Phone1 'Blue 727. (133) FOR SALE Houses. 317. Phone Green (136. FOR SALE 38 ft. Halibut boat. All ready for fishing. Complete with gear. No reasonable offer re fused. Apply McLean's Boat Yard, Seal Cove.. tf. FOR SALE Rpoonrl hnnri Mnnvpr sweeper and washlqg machine.' $10 each. 329 5th. West. Phone! Green 402. (132) FIVE-ROOM summer" house for sale at Lake Kathlyn near Smlth-ers for $300, half cash, balance one, two and three years at six per cent original cost $1500. Ap ply to Watson's Store, Smithers, B.C. (134) PERSONAL EXAMINATION FOR CIVIL SERVICE CLERKS You have time to ensure success at, the coming clerks' examination If you write us Immediately, for prttTVf&&g$!L but .re markable successes, "over - many, years. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. t.f. LOST LOST Brown suede glove a week ago Saturday on Third Ave. or Sixth Street. Finder please call Dally News. t.l. THE ' SEAL QUALITY ffi 3p lip pit! GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Cockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Warn : canning company with An all the year round, payroll In Prlnct Riipert Delicious Quaker Puffed Wheat is shot from guns. That's why it gives you quick food energy. Each grain is exploded to eight times' its size to release its nourishment more quickly and easily. Crisp and delicious, one serving of Quaker Puffed Wheat, with milk or cream, actually provides the food energy of two whole Quaker Puffed Wheat I lamb chops. Yet boys and girls ereiywhere who have "pernlckry appedecs just love Quaker Puffed Wheat. Treat your family to this famous cereal regularly. Get a box of Quaker Puffed,1 Wheat from your grocer today. , 1 rprpjoin the DICK TRACY Secret Service Patrol! " " Get your membership, secret code book, certi6care aod Dick Tracy I LIC badge. Just lend your name and addresi, together with 2 box tops t so UickTrcy,Dept.NtOO,Skatoon.SluTomaketeitrenyforyou, With "d ' ',e Mother a wide variety in the world's moat delicious cereals, you may send box tops from Quaker Putted VC'heat, Box Tp Quaker Corn flakes, or Quaker Puffed Rice. Letter Size Linen Finish Writing Pad And English Made Mechanical Pencil With Extra Leads BOTH for 39c For Car and Household Use 75c Chamois Size 16x18 And a 25c Sheep's Wool Sponge BOTH for 89c Ormes Ltd. tThn Pioneer Druq&iate The Vteull Store ' Phones: 81 & 81 Open DaUy Prom 8 a.ra. till 10 pjn, Sundays and Uolldays Prom 12 noon till 2 a.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S. S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thtrrs. a.m; Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. tf convenient pteasa purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE The BEAUTY REST MATTRESS All Sizes ; The SLUMBER KING SPRING All Sizes .-. - Phone 775 For Thus Who Want Something Better $42.50 $14.25 327 THIRD AVENUE If you lose anything, advertise for it.