I i i p.vrrr two TUT DAILY XT1T8 . ' Monday g Don't Buy Your 51 .W M If y H V. ST S SLIPPERS Until You Hare Seen the Finest Selection of $lippers Ever Shown In Trinre Rupert We have Just received 600 pairs of Ladies'. Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children's Slippers in all the very latest styles, colors and variety of qualities to suit everyone. Paris Maid, Steel Arch, Rib, Crepe, Velvets, Satins, Kids In all Colors. Mules, Dorsay's and Opera and Moccasin styles and Felts. Your Headquarters For Slippers Is Here Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue fl. F PULLEN - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . . local readers. oer line, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ee Paid In advance, per wesi Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, ihe British Empire and United States yearly period. paidJn advance By maU to all other countries, per year News Department Telephone S6 V Advertising and Ciiculatton Telephone M ' Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulation! il y Km" n mr r-r 3 JD2 .25 Mrnday. November 23, 1938. AROUSING FEARS In connection with a letter Dublished Saturdav de Irttltnrl tr minfn II.. T ; L":UU: .1 i C i 1 T 1 juwcu iu ijuuie ui. munis risuueui, cunur ui ixie uuuruai of the American Medical Association, in regard to a proposal to expend large sums in a public health program, aimed at preventing infantile paralysis. He says: "Un-! I . 1 1 1 1 Ml t 1 inanv peopie wno seem to De 111 can oe suddenly returned to health through the mental helpfulness, or shall AVA'AWAViVAI'WWWAWWAWAV.'.VWWJ' f Nanaimo-Wcllington and Hulklcy Valley Coal Telephone 651 or 652 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rbval Bank Ridg. Alberta Foothills Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY riJONl 57 If you lose anything advertise lor it- I Royal Hotel Now Has Substantial Lead In City Rowling League "m rrtme m Zleman $5 Vance $J to. Montesano a Franks West 3 Total 3 Royal Hotel m Schrirb! ..141 $5 Donald 143 rm 11, inn cm rem im W. Smith 148 E. Smith 155 Total 720 '5 Grotto 1 h Aremlssen 181 S. Domlnato ..165 f Stiles 146 U&jao&j&f Bury . rvs m m iv avenge scorer was Nels The City is as follows: Royal Hotel Grotto Old Empress Printers of Old Empress with ; The second fixture l 178 197 .159 'J2Q9 .899 1 148 Moran 138 Total - 779 Old Empress 1 Clccone 148 Wendle - 168 Ourvlch 148 Klnslor 191 Gunderson 180 Total -...835.. 179 107 145 135 179 805.. 177 183 167 145 147 819 2 160 154 142 172 188 816 2 189 179 163 172 203 .906. 3 144 180 139 13(1 153 757 3 173 17ft 137 143 163 League standing to .19 ,15 .12 8 .M3, Girls' Bowling 3.00 9.0P. League Play Alpha 8 12 15 19 Holds Lead With Beta Gamma Following And School Girls Bowling League tooic place on Saturday morning wlfj some thirty-five girls participating jin the games. Most of the girli 'showed much Improvement in their i playing and the scores on aver- fending public health campaigns, "possibly we may be al-,aJ"e "Build B. tu we learn more about it, any program which contem-l plates prevention of infantile paralysis by medical meth-! 1 P-nfn-y-J ods is a bogus campaign." In this connection doctors do " ridcIiCd .not seem to know enough about cause and prevention of M'AL 'common colds to enable them to give specific effective dir-;"'K, ections to patients, either how to avoid or cure them. Rorniicn I We would not think of making light of the value to DCLdUbl the community of a reasonable amount of preventive ed-,pjnv ,ucation and of the excellent work done by many medical i men. mucn oi n is necessary out some seems unnecessary. What we object to is propaganda which make- 5 C. Payrolh- M mm i "I have been using this milk .many years and find it good i I.. i m .l i . jjsyciucaiiy minueu person- 11 11 is true mat many doctors use mental treatment as an aid to medicine, might it noti PAPIFir Mil K 1 AVy 11L,1V be equally true that manv are made ill bv mental surr. gestion? Irradiated of Course THREE WAY Close Race Fur National Hockey Lcatue Honors Canadiens Win Their First Game Royal Hotel Defeated Prlntert . two games to one in the City NEW YORK, Nov 28: CP--Chl- E?lin? League yesterday to sub- cago Black Hawks, Boston Bruins ftantlslly improve Its margin of aad New York Americans are In a leadership over the second place three-way Ue for leadership of the Grotto which dropped a fixture National Hockey League as a result three games to nil to Old Empress. of week-end "nla v. A single nolnt High i Qunderson S 20". behind these three teams are the New York Rangers and the Toronto Maple Leafs while the Detroit Red Wings and Montreal Canadlens are till far In the rear. The Canadlens scored their first victory of the season last night with a close win over the Detroit Red Wings at Detroit last night. The next games will be Thursday night with Boston playing the Canadlens at Montreal and Detroit at 140 Chicago. 176 j 154, 813 ' 3 180. 13ft 133 1C4 203 820 . 2 I Chicago I7ti rxjsion Americans Pinr" Toronto .... 223 Detroit ... 851 Canadlens : for for 1 5 people continually conscious of ills or prospective ills. Thif;every und'oi cooking, it goes ai' ASS I FIE 0 FUK KENT .'OK RENT Six room fully modern house,, yarni. Phone Dlut 276. 280 is tiii: m ritoin contT or hkitish In thr .Mattrr nt t)r "AUmlnHraf Ion Mf .tnii In the Mtftlrr oi lti ;lal- nt Iumc rnrlirn, l)rrruifl. Intrttale TAKE NOTICE thfct by order of III Honour. W. K. ViAwr, the 17th day oT November. A. D, J 938. 1 vu appo4nte4 admlrcUtruU of the mittii oi Imuc Forkw. dtcecxed. and alt 'partita havuif claim arJttvit the Ud taiM.lt ert hereby required to lurnteh, wne, properly Yrruira, ro me on or Defore trie 171(1 day of December, A. D. 1938, and ill pftrtteg Indebted to 4hc tttU are required to pay die (mount of their In-detotednraa to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official AtfcrUnUtmtcr, Prince Rujit, B C Da.ted thla 17t4j day of November, A D 7938. ZM 4 leai, it is contenaea ny many, tends to cause the spreafi a wmppea cream., 5 of illness rather than its prevention. Mental illness seems !We ?uy "by th!, caw- xtdds to be just as real as physical illness, else why is it that T. 2 ouriam,ly pre'eri? we say the spiritual helpfulness of a strong-minded of PJclfJJ The letter we quote is a long one and shows a keen prefenence for 5 5 5 .5 4 2 1 F A P 3 23 18 11 1 25 11 it ; 3 24 27 11 2 17 11 10 4 19 H 10 7 19 27 4 7 16 33 3 total of 3083 and Beta and Gamma are close runners-up with 2939 and 2529 respectively. High scorers for Saturday were: Alpha Nancy Bremner and Jean Cameron each with 131. Beta Palma Loves tad with 141 Gamma Helen Leslie with 154. : 1 5 5 In the HlKh For Your Every Reauty Need Whatever beauty terviee yon require from manicure to facial . . . you will find our work of the finest, up-to-date quality. Our operators are all highly skilled and long experienced, and you can trut them to bring out. all . the beauty that is rightfully yours. Telephone today 55 for an appointment. MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. $36 TUB INCREASED DEADLOCK l ! hex Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim WaUt Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 THE SEAL QUALITY REGAL SHOP Closing Out Sale . Having Decided to do Out of Husiness by the End of the Year w. This Store wi ,k. coscd Tuesday 29U? . '; Final Sale Opens Wednesday .'Nth Watch This Space Tomorrow For Details BASKETBALL IS PLAYED The second gamcj of Inter-house week-end scores were as follows: . basketball were played in the Ar Saturday Chicago, 4: Americans, 6 Detroit, 0; Toronto, 5. Sunday Canadlens, 3: Detroit, 2. Americans 2: Boston, 8 Chicago. 1: Rnneers. 0. The standings to dater' W D'X inory Saturday morning withOam ' ma wlnnlnsr both the Senior and (Junior. . The score of the Senior game l.was 35 to 3 and the Junior game 24 t0 21. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Vancouver. 2: Seattle. 3. Portland, 3 Spokane 1 L 11 linn in l GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canals g company with as all the year round payroll In Prlnca Rupert ffl Canadian Pacific Transconlinent.il Trans-Atluntic Trans- lacifir To Vancouver via Ocean FalU and Way Hortn S. "Princes Adelaide- Every Friday 1 p.m. TO VANCOUyhU UItKCT November 1th. I7h. 28th. December 8th, 19th rui.NCESS Excursion Fare Vancouver nd Keturr. on Sale, Nov. lit, 1938 to Feb. 28th. IJM. Final Return Limit afarch Slut, 1555 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent prince Rupert. n.C. 4J CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING POMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED .'KAIL HKITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturer!, of Elephant Hrand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phospbatea, Hulphate el Ammonia, Suprrplios- . hatevCimplete Fertilizers Producers & Kef incrs of Tadannc Hrand Metals Gold, Sliver, Electronic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Hlsmulh, aT 5 5 3-Piece I Dining Room Suite Hiiffet, Table and fi Chairs 365.00 Complete Bed Full .size lied, Slumber Kinjr Sprinjr and Ostermoor .Mattress $15.00 Fawcett Range White Knrtmel, Complete With Oil Jfarnrr $60.00 Large Dresser $12.50 Pedal Car Rocker . . . TOYS 00000000O00009000P0000OOOOO0000000C0 Vou'II Always Do Hotter at ELIO' Hours From 9 a.m. to :.10 p.m. l, 111 THIRD AVENUI'2 Prince Kupfll Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Santhvichcs or IIorH (Pociivrc One Package Serves Pour Peopte Ki-eps for Weeks In ItefrUerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storagt Co. Ltd. I'rlnce H....e,t llrllhli Ww ' .Al