t a s 0 a a g o s o o o 0 a 8 up. PAOE FOUB Xmas Greeting Cards The Largest Gift Store In The North Offers you a complete and nried line of merchandise for eTerjr member of the family MAX Badminton Tournament V " Miss Elsie Davis and Bill Murray Winners With Fifteen Couples Entered Yesterday -tiiieen couples were entered in 50c 10 $2.00 If You Arc Looking for QUALITY and VALUE Let Us Show You Our Beautiful Line of Cards ALSO CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, CRACKERS AND ETC. In Our Basement Store You will find a wonderful range of Glass, China and Dinnerware, from a 32-pieee set for $2.75 up. . Cups and Saucers Per dor. and up, from Beit Sets In Fancy Boxes and Novelty Containers. Priced from 85c . Sam Jlirmaln Vfl chairman fnr tf nlen VmrMI crtrOrA n t KfVi mnrn i 1 TYLE UITAB1LITY ELECTION in- Neckwear All well known makes. All new patterns ln Silk and Silk and Wools. Attractively boxed. Priced from Overseas Gifts for Men We Suggest Suspenders New styles ln Leather and Elastic. Bright patterns ln Plaids, Tweeds and Plains. Boxed $1.00 75c 10 $2.00 Overseas Mail Closes Novemlier 30 WAHS & NICKERSON "Worthwhile Gifts for Men" For Heat In France They Say "Chaleur" For Heat In Prince Rupert Say BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Good Glasses Per dor. and up. from sis SI s? ft V tJf n SI I S 1 w a Hi M II hi 18 I 3 B 5 g S n 9 s CB 50c HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist Visiting Officers Miss Bessie Haan At Salvation Army j Is Given Shower Special. Services Held Yesterday at Local Citadel With Good Attendance . s r'j ---o -o o o o o o o Q O o o o Q O O O o o o the event and Miss Owen Palmer1 tag and evening services. There prlze wlnners were w NeWe KU1-waa in charge of serving of re- i was special music by Mrs. A. T. er and Mrs- Petr nher. Xreshmejits. Jones and family. j Following the serving of delicious ; , . .. , .. . lrpfrhmpntt Miss Francis Stega- 1 vlg brought ln a beautifully decor- ntu oj w.uiu Willi gllLO iUl llic W ( 1 bride-elect who responded suitably W Those present were: Miss Edna tfS Dobbie, Miss Olive Gordon, Mrs. jfc Paul Stegavlg, Mrs. Roy Morrison, fa Miss O. McWhlnney. Mrs. Peter v ier. MUs Ellrabeth Killer. MUs VJi Kathleen Qlraud, Miss Lillian Moss, er Miss Nannv Pallant flu Tyi W Studdy, Miss Mlllicent Osborne Miss Clara Stegavlg, Mrs. P. Wlng-tfij ham, Mrs. Olske, Miss E. Dannhauer fa Miss K. Naylor, Miss B. McCubbln, 5$ Miss F. McDonald and Betty Cam- 8 SI Si? eron. S?i.- The Dally Nvw u an A. D, C i paoer. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, KoTeabtt 1! o Madge Macbeth Is Speaker At High School Mrs. Madge Macbeth sate an 11 lustrated lecture on Bolivia last Thursday afternoon to the students of Booth Memorial High School. The lecture was similar o 4 to the one she gave to the Women's o ' Canadian Club. gj The student greatly appreciated 9 the lecture and peter Allen, presl-! 8 dent of the Students' Council, mov-S ed on behalf of the students, a a o o o o g o o o o g Q g o Affair is Held in Honor of popular Bride-Elect 'an American tournament held yes-j Mrs. Ole Stegavlg was hostess at Wrday on the courts of the Prince There were large gatherings at? a delightful miscellaneous shower Hupert Badminton AssoclaUon. special meetings in the local Sal-, at her home In honor of Miss Bes "Winners were Miss Elsie Davis and j vatlon Army Citadel yesterday tie Haan who Is to be married William Murray with Miss Betty 'when visiting officers were In at- shortly to Jock Redpath. Miller and Donald Blake, runners-! tendance to assist Captain and Mrs. The early nart of the evenlne Ivan Halsey. Adjutant Parkinson:..., .npnt ln n,av,ns, hrM Friends Of Street And Not 01 Heart Weakness of Church In Too Many Of Its Tcople Sol Being Real Followers The subject of th? morning set- mon ln the First United Church yesterday was a character sketch1 of Ananias, the man whose name Is known throughout the world at a synonym for falsehood. Ton many of our friends are friend. of the street, tf a social party and not of the heart." said the oastor. Rev. J. C Jackson. "It Is the heart that counts. The weakness of the church is partly the result of so many of Its adherents not being made followers of it In their hearts. Ananias was nore than an average citizen. But he failed to live up to the high standard or God. That standard demands everything ln a- man or a woman. Ananias kept something back and he died If we would be true followers of Ood we shall keep nothing back." In the evening Mr. Jackson spoke on "The Worship of an Extinct Fire." Too many peonle kept up the form of a religion but there was no force in It. How many could repeat the Lord's Prayer and be thinking of romethlng else all the time? Too often oeoole found hrills palling Filth In Ood never ailed. It never Us thrill. Re- lost lost lost lost 'telon Jaad not 1U power but too often too much thought was liven to the form, to theologies in Impersonal discussion of mod--rnlsm versus fundamentalism. Christianity was not a proxy re-ielon. It was a living vital force. Christ lived It dallv ln all his contacts and. when He said "Follow Me." he meant people to live slml-inrlv. , The special anthem by tht Junior Choir In-the morning was W. H. Jude's setting of "There Is a Happy Land." In the evening Dr. It. O. Large sang "How Lovely are Tny Dwellings" in fine style The choir sang "The Lord Ood Will Wipe Away All Tears" and "ly-ar Then, in Love, O Lord the tawa. Hotel Arrivals Central I. A, Bradford, CNJL Prince Kupert W. H. Manuel, W. C. Stevens and 2 vote of thanks to Mrs Macbeth and, "W1 E. H. Luke. Vaneou- g also to Dr. Neal Carter who oper-i'"' s" ocwncuuu, w S ated the lantern. Royal M. S. Buchanan and II. J. Bowman, Vancouver; D. Hudema, city Savoy J. OUrlen, Usk: J. D. Hudon Vanderhoof; W, 11. Cocks, Telkwa I Try a Dally News classified ad , vertlscment for best results. Yott,Can. Rely On A Bulger Watch In all the world there are no better watches than the makes we carry In stock.1 We have the Bulova, the Gruen, Waltham, Hamilton and El(ln. For these good makes the prices run from S24.75 10 S65.00 However we have other very satisfactory watches from S10.00 to S25.00 9 Jewellers .Tnt STORE WITH TttE ClDCrX OVERWAITEA LIMITED ! Diamond Per lb. Freight Paid On Out of Town Orders of $20 or Over BUTTER First Grade, 3 lbs. AYLMER RONLESS CHICKEN Per tin ORCHARD CITY PEAS 3 tins BACON Swansdown. Pkt. BURNS PURE LARD Per lb. Vegetables 79c 29c 25c 29c CAKE FLOUR 27c 17c Kept. Fresh By Vapor Sprays LETTUCE Large. Q Per head CELERY Large. Per bunch CABBAGE Fresh, crisp Per lb. PUMPKIN Per lb. 12c 3c 2c Christmas BAKING SPECIALS Currants 2 lbs. 27c Sultana Raisin4 2 lbs. 21c Citron Peel Per lb 32c Sanmaid Seeded Raisins. I'er pkt. 16c Glare Cherries Per lb. .... 35c Pitted Dates-Z lbs ' 23c Almonds Per lb 52c Suirar House Molasses 2-lb. tin -.- 15c S-'h. tin m 33C Walnuts Per )b. 7C Iclnir Suear 1 lbs. isc Bleached Sultanas Per lb. 17c Moirs - Chocolates PUREX TOILET A PAPER 3 rolls &MX, n JUT SOAP I lAkES Large package GIANT PAL.MOLIVK 3 liars ,. PEARL NAPTHA SOAP G bars OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 21c 25c 25c 19c EGGS Grade "A" Larie. Per dozen EAGLE BRAND LOBSTER li -lb. tin RED BIRD MATCHES Pkt. Oyerwailea Per lb. 1 pound Xmas Wrapped, box TEA Fruit 42c 29c 25c Overwaitea Brand Per lb 45c, 50c, 55c COFFEE Froth Ground 25c, 30c, 35c 95 c NAVEL ORANGES New crop IS. 19c, 29c, 39c SUNKIST GRAPE FRUIT fl for APPLES Good quality. Box 19c EMPEROR GRAPES -t A, I'anrv rmalKv f I. V $1.45 B I B & B K B 3 B I BlfB t B I B IB l"B 1 B I B IBf B IB IB IB IB IMiMlMlB I'M I'M 1B1B IB LWi'Bi'B ,!'B ! B B I B fcB 5 B t B 5 B Whifflets From The Waterfront James Findlay. arrived in 7.15 last evening from inland sailed at 10 30 pjn, ljti Anyox and other northern whence she will return he row southhnimrf 1 """a. Capt. Dan McKlnnon arrived In 1 , 8outhbound on a r-iar tlti o., . .... c.,.- wt;:;NT:iJ from Vancouver to resume his post Uam Palmfr u duf as resident pilot at this port. I o'clock this afternoc:- from ' : ! north and will sail a r :j Union steamer Catala. Capt continuation of her vdj-j MBJBBB TUESDAY HirlllPOPVMTfPPsBBk ) i'l. fcklJ Bair tltil- L'bbbbbbm NEWS 17:00 and 9 2I fTTf , f L' U'.Tl ' 1 " Ut Complete Show g 23 f, ' ' -J 1 I j Ike foitaitii of fladio U m flLMBBBBBBl Bm BMBBBBy xuu BBBBBB g ft? WARWICK'! H $119.50 f For a S I 1 EDWARD LIPSETT 3 LTD. r CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK k(M M Cornel: 1.-WW-Mrr t4 ten rM9yJ' 4 (Wt nf-l ' I.IlM .!. .!' Onr SIM iait rnMi OTMU MO0IU $12 JO to ttU Demonstration in Your Own Home Phone 95 No Finance Charges on Time Payments R.E.EyoIfson Chiropractor 240 EIGHTH .VLNUK Phone IH-ACk J18 , It's Interesting to know when reading the Y)a!Iy that the ppople of the whole district are dolnc the