wr- ... . . . L the father of tne cnuaren, di Fair official! here tald they L reasonably certain" that the, be quintuplet would visit the wilsn next year. understand the parent have rca. agreed" a Fair ipokes-i .3.1 Premier Hepburn of On-i hj rajed no objection and aafoe was the first to agree on . i . a i a prcrr.- thai we omen wxmia oruer.f contract providing for the ex- n rf the quints for the aev- tncr.'h- of the Fair would be d -:'Ji!3 the next few weeks. lfpokrjr.a.1 said, but salary had been dUcved as yet. lief Engineer Defence On isit To City fria:"- t ' r tyhmedlln. r -' - ' the Department Tafior.ii Dr fence, and Flight' rerir-t t F Luke of th t! Car fa Air Fonre arrived it'"-' . h CaUla last nltht i Sehmedlln Bugadler III a W)MIIVUtMt 9 ':',;uarter t Isnr t,".es a the entrance of h Rupert Harbor Flight Ueut I j t . pay a vUlt to Allford tJs an air ba Is being in 1 Amtnran club. MpL Ctu.i "Oil uucci nies Changed emetlc Campaign Continues Mnna With Removal Of Sltns U'hlrh llnnnrril L.. Hebrews CONFIDENCE IN CANADA OTTAWA Demands from dealers and Investment houses in the United States for the lue of new 110.000,000 Dominion thlrtv- rjj.l J"r nircc prirrni puhui in .it lork iai week indicate the con fidence of the financial world in the economic noundnm of Canada, lion, Chatles A. Dunning, mlnUter of finance, said today. 111-YEAIt SENTENCE NEW YORK Robert Irwin, eccentric young sculptor, who pleaded guilty to the Easter 1937 triple-slaying of Veronica Gideon, attractive model, her mother and Frank Byrnes, a boarder, was sentenced today to 131 years In stale prison. FOHDIIAM'JOIINSON DIES VANCOUVER Hon. J. W. Ford-ham Johnson, IJeutenant Governor of British Columbia from 1931 to IB3C. died today on his seventy-second birthday. He had been In poor health for some time, Fordham Johnson was president and managing director of the British Columbia Sugar Refining Co. for many years. are in Ottawa TTIf TTV AC i of preparation U 1L 1 I Uf ird (f he can make It. Ill-d it'' to Vancouver on the (r- Trow afternoon. WINGS I! CHINESE IN1XICT DAMAGE SHANGHAI The Chinese are ,m,tA t tor. inrtl.4 liHrr 1 Ihor damage through fires and explosions on Japanese arsenal and munitions plants in China. KIDNAPPING wv I nt.vMPlA Washington Nov. 28: GET GOALIE : tv,mii.h Cni.i k ity. i nn men, HV.I. U1UM HUIU ... . ' . - . - tOlympla Jury Recommends Life Imprisonment for Doctor ana Three Companions CP After ten hours aeiiDcrauon. turv veAterdar found Dr. Kent I Barry, . ... i.v t.'i..., : first degree kidnapping In connec im Islands Islands-Fresh Fresh to to strong strong east cast' '5n . , , T , lotte 1 tte " Austria against In Jews . ',' unsettled ,MnH nnrt and mild mild with with' ulot signs from some eighty ira!iV . T.i WCSt UOMl Ol VUllWMIll In V! Wl-t. ..r a 'or Jews. l is iy Alberta Is IC Dead I latH P'te Special Care "MlIELLER, Alta.. Nov. 28: Respite best efforts of medl- n4 nursing attendants, Molly x (lay old child of Mr. Summary Pressure remains comparatively high over British Columbia but a pronounced low area Is centred southwest of Vancouver Island. Showers have oc- rnrred on the north coast while over the interior It Is moderately' cold. Prince Rupert and Queen Char-i winds, Fresh strong southeast winds, unsettled. and mild with rain. TODAY'S WEATHER IIV . .. ninnHv pnttprlv U-inrt. three miles per nour; hrhv l fn-Ounr t..f.nt r.ui r.u swell. Mi.!. . ... ... I T nnanrJi barometer. 29.71; temperature, 47; I je Haiti Both Sides Moving in Connection With French Labor Uprising PARIS, Nov. 28: (CP) The General Confederation of Labor Is I still planning to proceed with Its (general strike call on Wednesday I In protest at the Daladler govern -Imtnt's labor decrees. At the same time, the government Is contempla- counter moves. ' Itlng Railway workers are offering to compromise In their demands as ers at Dunkerque have been called lout In a new strike as government continues. Labor Minister Pomaret announced today that he had received assurances that department star, banks and Insurance comnmles would all rema'n open despite the, i general strike can. ! .Iohn Oueen Has 3,300" Majority Man Re-elected Mayor Of Winnipeg By Substantial Margin entity election aires John Queen a majority of 3300 for re-election for a two year term as mayor of Winnipeg. Already he has been mayor for three years. Queen ran as the candidate of .the Independent Labor Party and: a ; ircceivca me suppon 01 F with which affiliated. the Labor Party Is Garden Society Is Distributing y aged aged 50. w. and ana three omen . rri . William McAloon. James Red- JaOanCSe 1 TCCS anrf nd nnHert Rnhert Smith- Smith. guilty BUlUV of. ' ... . i l .... I Mnl tnr. I vi il M n AA Tar. lion wun ine aouucuuu uuinuuuun u aumc . - . ... - . I .kl.n STON, Nov 28: (CP TlJe turlng of Irving uacr in a anese uowenng cucrry ura wn...i ? i Tlny Thompson, pit here last August, ine jurj- rcc- were reccnuy prearaicu .rW Thehas bn undertaken by the Prince ommended life ImprUcnmenL eof r. Boston Bruins, to De- Red wing, for I15A00 cash death pelalty couia w imposea .or unen 'h lP,T Its president Charles P Balaao Balagno w L-named nlaver U an- thU offence. . 3r 1 of In jealousy. Dr. Barry was alleged In charge, me rs vr by Manager Art Ross ivw Manager Ak ..... .ia nn nf of trA trees nut out a as fnr as as oosslble' tj to have plotted the kidnapping i i i-. .a i thn handsome automobile salesman . gardeners -Zi by Frank Brlmselc, now o n the Providence Intcrna- who will use them to alter accusing Baker of raping his; good advantage ln a general corn- wife following a party last July. Weather Forecast m unity decorative scheme. In some cases It is thought there may be m-nnemtlon in boulevard deVel- opment. Cathedral Has Choral Recital --...ye i nrumheller, e- -- . ,nrnL Music Featured at Evening Service Yesterday With Ciood-Slied Congregation Present Evenlnz service at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral yesterday was featured, by a special song service by the 8enIor Choir under me ai- " . l A T f nn. recUon of Choirmaster n. caster with reicr ucn ua uiK" -i t.. AAt nn tn nrrpDUlDie cnor lit. Ill uu..". . al numbers by the choir, popular t,..mt upre sune with the large! congregation taking part. Oeneral; easi wuiu, . ' innnod to have such scacnoppj. t , . fnrm ieV. i. .uscd with the music souu,c" " il.' ef.fi moderate. ' for the sermon tcmpcrniuic., . wa3 - .. ' I fill Y I 1 1 I I 1. 1 II fl.L I A V lrnnfiA vrr uhmm choral service clrar. northeast 'inc fd or , "ni " r: mii per -hour; b. .uuticcit DUHtta UK Will", enn dlfd yesterday.. I tier. 30.02. conducted by 'Uie dean, Very Rev. Jmaes u. oid- For Christmas I Windsor States I T . . . .sl Jit Ail. me government moves 10 moDiuze wpaAimoo, half a million of them under mill- tary service In order to prevent ai tie-up. Thirty-five thousand metal work- LONDON, Nov. 28: (CP) The Duke of Windsor yesterday authorized denial ..that he might return to England for a Royal Family reunion at Christmas. Through hl- equer- ry the Duke said that he would spend the holidays with the Duchess and a small party at TODAY'S lOourteaj 8. D. Vancouver Pacific Nickel. 25. Big Missouri. .25. Bralorne. 9.80. i Ar.tec. .OSVt '"ji Cariboo Quartz, 2.45.) Dcntonla, M. 't Oolconda, X&3:. Mlnto. J03 (ask). Falrvlew. .04'. Noble Hve. .03. Pend Orielle. 10. Pioneer. 2.63. Porter Idaho. JUi Premier. 21. Reeves McDonald, Reno. 26. R.lef " "" Arlington, Salmon Oold. .08. . STOCKS 20, WINNIPEO: Nov 28: CP) TM ' SZ,"- liMMf . - - ssssw t rr a wi m s isk final counr from Winnipeg's maT . " . 2 Taylor Bridge. .04. Hedley Amalg.. .03i. Premier Border. .00! Sllbak Premier. 1.75. Home Oold, .01. Brandvlew. .07 (ask). Indian. .01. Quatslno, .04l.' (ask). Oils A. P. Con, .15. Calmont, .24. C. & EL. 2 05. Freehold. .03. Hargal. .18. McDougal Segur, Wi. Mercury. .06 V. Okalta. 1.01. Home Oil, 1.24 (ask). Toronto BeatUe, U9. Central Pat.. 2.40. Gods Lake, .32. Uttle Long Lac. 2.70. McKenzle Red Uke, U8.-Pickle Crow. 5.20. San Antonio, 1.22. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.32. Smelters Gold, .03 tj. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.05. t Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .42. Stadacona. 49. Francoeur. .23. Monea. 1.32. Boitscadltoc'.MO:- Thompson Cadillac. .28. . Bankfleld. J2. East Malartlc, 2.25. v( Preston El Dome, 1.41. Hutchison Lake, .02. Dawson White, MY2. Aldcrmac, .48. Kecr Addison. 1.91. Uchl Oold, 1.41. ..Inty Nickel. 52.00. Norai'da, 80.75 Cons. Smelters, 60.00 . , . Athona, .07. Hardrock, 1.71. Fernland, .11. Dominion Bridge, 33.75. Chestervllle, 1.25. Taking advantage of the mlld ,-.,rIw.iainn all weather, the Prince Rupert Boys' . j n south-; ...h fttlon was was expre expressed by , Island-Overcast, tipprcc iBand turned out Rflturdav Saturday -venlnc evening a and played selections at many . . I 1 , 1 .. 1 - 1 , 1 . tn H.H.I. . n once a monm, R .cpm-rai poiuis ui uir mj. muni u of prayer beln?ithe appreclatloni or an listeners. substituted The Band is now preparing, unaer direction of Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, for its schedule or Christmas music and also a pro gram for concert work. Tomorrow's Tides Todays Weather " 6:30 a.m. 175 ft. Prince Rupert Overcast, south-east 18:14 pjn. 16.1 (t. wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 29.76 (falling) ; temperature 12 p.m. 9.5 ft. 50; sea smooth. A. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ETXXVII.NO. 27. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1938. PRICE: & CENTS T - VQ Ainti Reds Are U1NTS TO NEW YORK? ,nctmtnt of World's fair Of UI Uli Dple Denial of Tap YORK, Nov 23: (CP) Not Bulletins Getting Four Men Lose Their Lives In Great Central Lake Following Week-end Party PORT ALBERNI, Nov. 28: (CP) Four mill workers were drowned early Sunday morning when their small rowboat earthed In Great Central Lake while they were returning from a week-end party on a nearby houebout. John Ferguson, aged 65; Edward Benvin. 53; Andrew Me-rherson. IS, and Clarence Bren-ne, chilled by the cold water and unable to cling longer to the ; waaet-if ?f th Albrn ctslaftire which prorogued last week. A tion quota Is expected to be set up tII a measures to prevent wastage at the wells. Arab Revolt In Palestine Said To Be Weakening ' JERUSAIEM. Nov. 28: (CP) Under the continued British military campaign, the Arab revolt in Palestine appears to be weaken- ins. although the expectation s one heard a good deal these aays.i consisted not . . . . only ily of of a a change change j' of revaluation revauiauuu At ui of i life mc. heart but or a in the light, not of what other i- .,. rtninw hut In the liehtlHeart ynruikc wvv m'b of God. Rev. H G. Funston told his morning congregation ln First Presbyterian Church yesterday. He' GOLD PRICE UNCHANGED LONDON. Nov. 28: (CP) The price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged at $35 per fine ounce at the end of the week. (..WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICE WINNIPEG. Nov. 28: (CP) Thei Together STRIKE IS v 'DROWNING 'NEW TRIPLE ALLIANCE- N0T OVER :N? Gojtnome : TRAGEDY' GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN- IS READY FOR SIGNING Premier Chamberlain and Foreign Secretary IJalifax to Visit Italy Next No Military Commitment to Protect France I --: r!sr?!f.lhJipi!i rrevalence Ut while Clifford Gowler and death Pard Miles, the only swimmers in the party, made for shore for aid. On their return, howerer, the others were gone. The bodies were later reentered by the police. - A . . Regulations v Are Awaited Valley Productions To Issued Soon Be LONDON, November 28: (CP) The News-Chronicle (Liberal) said today that a new triple alliance was now ready for signature between Germany, Italy and Japan. It continues that "these three powers have been carrying on negotiations for transformation of their Scarlet Fever Is Exaggerated nd,Ptrf4eoum,Board troleoum Board which which "m, '55. V.t'1nV'5ceciai ine special sesVdn session at0" facllltiw haveH)een avdnabl?. MARITIMES HIT AGAIN Pope Pius Is Able To Pray Injections Suspended Al though Doctor Still Visits Pontiff Frequently arnArt ntralnst being caught up VATICAN CITY. Nov. 28: (CP) merely ln a wave or individual pope Plus toos pari in special pray a 1 ) ... . t it a, that of the week spiritual devotions at lm- the Vatican. Heart Injections have sonal surrender but snouia in- visits the Pope several times dally volve sacrifice and leadership so , that repentance might be a com- . munlty movement and not mere-ijlrt I A e HntTIP At Fort Fraser Razed By Fire Fire of unknown origin a few days ago destroyed the residence at Fraser Lake of M. M. Connelly, MLA. nrlve of wheat was off He to 8c for Omlneca. anti-Communism pact Into a close ""alliance of great military signifl-jcance." , The government announced to-Jday that Prime Minister Neville" 'chamberlain and Foreign Secretary Halifax would go to Italy during the I first half of January to confer with Benito Mussolini In furtherance (Premier of Chamberlain's EuroDean . There are six cases of scarlet appeasement policy, fever at present in the city. Dr. chamberlain told the House of ,J. P. Cade, medical health oftl- j commons today that Great Britain, ccr. stated yesterday afternoon.) ln the recent talks at Pari with Rumors of the widespread preval- Premier Edouard Daladler, had not ence of the malady are "greatly committed herself to send an ex- exaggerated." Dr. Cade said. The pedttionary force to France In the Orders in Connection With Turner type is very mild and, ln some event 0, war canes, nas oeen aniicuii or ira- r-cr-'ble to definitely diagnose, conslstlnz merely of sore throat ftnd almost lnvi?rceptible rash Enr precaution Is being taken ner Valley oil operators are wait- in. fr th rirt rri.r nf th. n-va to prevent spread and. ever since " " - , .... j , i i i- Mr. and Mrs. Con- u Mrinr,ir. market at the! ncllv were awav at the time ln Vic- WRECK OF AIR LINER One Dead, Three Missing and Two Injured as Result of British Flying Boat Crash in Iraq LONDON, Nov. 28: (CP) Airways announces that the boat Calpurnla has been found Week-End Storm Was Not as Bad WTecked on Lake Ramadl in Iraq A rridav Norweiian treighter 1th one of the crew dead, three May Not Float tha it will be some time before easterly wind or almosi gate propor-order is completely restored, prob- tlons. Two small fishing boats were ably not before the forthcomln? blown ashore. proposed Arab-Jewish conference There is some question In London If then. Repentance Is Sermon Subject Imnlierf Revaluation of Life Addition to Chante of Heart-Not Alone Tersonal as .missing and two hurt HALIFAX. Nov. 28: (CP The . Maritime provinces were swept yes- Jg5 jlgHS UI tPTriav hv the second severe snow 9 and windstorm within forty-eight hours. However, damage was not as extensive as in the first storm on Friday. Yesterday's blow was a strong Better Business G. W. Laidler of the Malkin Firm Says That Change in Ownership Will Not Affect Prince Rupert to "Now that the European situation whether a Norwegian freighter, seems to be settling down I see , which went ashore ln Northumber- signs of Improvement after the be- land Straits on Friday, can be re- ginning of the new year," said G; i floated. , W. Laidler, sales manager for W. H. Five Inches more snow was re- Malkin & Co. Ltd., who is ln the ; ported yesterday ln New England City for a few days in connection (states and New York and there were Wuh the change of control in the (storm warnings last night on the business of the firm. ' I Atlantic coast. 1 True repentance, about which ( j Asked how the change might af-Ifect the local branch, Mr. Laidler . said there would be no change. The j business would be carried on Just 'as usual with the same personnel. 'The three Malkin brothers had l j am cra Iran n ftt a Arc a hi rsHvnrn rh.lnpl fl t nnpnlnff i USUaL . i camp meeting ana assenea "doing something for God" plied something more than per-' been suspended although a doctor simply decided to sell their Interest in the business to the Western Grocers, an Independent concern, not in any way connected with any4 other wholesale business in British Columbia. All branches of the Malkin business, including that at Prince Rupert, would carry" on Baby Boy Drinks Gasoline Dies as Tragedy Takes Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. Strom of Willow River Drinking gasoline from a bottle which had been placed on awlndow sill after the liquid had been used for cleaning proved fatal a few days ago to Frederick, fifteen-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Strom, of Wllllow River near Prince Oeorge. end 'of the week with November, torla where Mr. Connelly Is attend- The child expired before medical closing at 59c. ' ln8 tne sessi0.n oi me Legislature, am toum uc guuuiMicu,