X f I Tkti TOUR r EAT MORE WHEAT FOR ENERGY !?12'ffgli5ctiits $?.w exxry box . tr ener' kn' 9mm rmmssmimwmm Woodbury o Specia . Woodbury's Facial Soap f Cieain-r-e Jars -vitii tvo cakes . t . calres Woodbury's Facial Soap Hi' '")' All for 4'c LIFEBUOY SPECIAL Lifebuoy Shaving Cream and one - -cake Lifebuoy Soap Both for 35c William's SHAVING BLADES Leather Hcned. Made of finest surgical steel 5 for 25c Slarl (he Day with a Smile SMILE RAZOR BLADES 5 for I5c Ormes Ltd. "Jht Pioneer Druggists The ,UU Store Fhonw. 81 ft Iz Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday! and Holidays From 12 noon till t .m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. II I -i-n -m. imiin.iji.iii.L.jLiL-ijy UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers LeSve Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERI TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. io;30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office .riirt.heVrI!torinatlon Reeardlng Reservations and Tickets From '' A NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 December Frozen HERRING BAIT Gold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Sea Biscuit Wins Again Famous Horse Adds $10,000- Mary -.... land Handicap to its Laurels ... 48 , TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Foggy, calm, 46. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 44 FOR SALE FOR SALE 303 Savage Rifle. Apply Dally News. tf. TWO Roomed furnished shack, Seal Cove. Selling snap price'. Apply Seal Cove Grocery. (230) FOR QUICK SALE Household goods. 332 5th Ave. East. (230) FOUND SIX Keys on white strine. Owner CHRISTMAS, Card salespeople. Big rr.f 1 1 a n ...... ou v, . signed by leading artists, values unequalled at our low prlcps. rour attractive lines includim EXPERIENCED Woman wants housework by day. 20c per hour Phone Black 835. (229) LOST ,LOST $300, Reward $150 to finder leaving same at ponce Station. (229) "WANTED WANTEDi-Small furnished house or apartment. Phone Black 707. '' ! (229) ' . . j.t' ' . i THE DAILY NEWS an VERDICT OF ACQUITTAL (Continued From Page One) for manv vcars. rn the morning In question he and his wife. Mar broken window the window of the pilot house i Hoof broken. T Blood WaS was drPPln dropping may obtain, same by paying forl .rt0!ra from lfc- There was woman's! this this .dPrtinpnt advertisement f n-ii News. AGENTS WANTED" """ihPir as well as blood on the latrcpd klass. He cleaned off the blood' and later the window was replaced T. W. Brown, counsel for the defence, assumed that no one would consider seriously that any nad been 'v. uvni attemntpd aibcuipLpa. vmioniiaa vara line. JviaKei 1 htr j , Thprpfnrp. tho oV, '6 "luucjr every uay snowing " v """6 ui wuunainp season's largest selection. Printed-was the only one to be dealt with. w viuki nrisunas caras, witni sender's name and address. De-I 25 for $1.00 Personals. Also many ? 5 . $ Be Sure To Visit t alTiprpnr. hnvcH gicn,tn.ni. nil i ri a T m bie "monpv mo --"if vu, wcumua o ia m tmr Jin iff 1 . . ' w ,u" i cara assortment finest ever produce'd'selis $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big money for Christmas. Start now ttsu m on tnese fast selling lines miblishpd hv tHo 1 n t rrocf Wl company of Its kind ln Canada , Branches from coast to coast. ? Get pa.ilpr .rHira ii r C nil necessary. Write for free sample pooK. Agents also wanted ln V smaller towns. Liberal commls- sion. Friendly service. Premier "C Art Guild, 576 Seymour St. Van- 5 ALMER'S Coffee Shoppe Corner THIRD and SIXTH The Brightest and Most up to the Minute Eating Place ln Prince Rupert Open 7 a.m. i0 2 a.m. couver; tf. vwmuwwuwwvvwvvvw WORK WANTED Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion Alter all it had only been a little . fracas about a man and a woman I i j ui uiiuik. Aiitj ' - I lit) one UttUiUiy iVilcw Wiiai. luu 'beer and then some gin and then i happened. Defence counsel submit - .F "vw w but .leu Ulilb lb WOO ioviiftua( , (breakfast before leaving for the tnat the wound had been caused about his "kid." Mary, a idrl about deliberate attempt to kill. There fifteen vpars nf qitp nnrl nskine ,-ti,. nirion hv Mnldnii and 6c. "H"-- wa5 j7UOwc hiuiiivv wj j.i.uuwv how she was getting along. Maybe that accused had stabbed her. The i said about the Window "wild Imajrinntlnn " Tt. utls nlsr. hntntr hmlfpn with . . ... " o "- -. i ...... , iuit.uiuuj .iiu. uiibciiiaii Diooa on it. He lived on tne Doat would have refused to take down and kept a hunting knife for van some of the Information he had ,ous purposes such as cutting fish been given. It was clear that Eddie or meat. He Tdid not notice the smart was not triune thp truth glass until the 'next day. It was a He merely asked the Jury to do it week later that, the police had in-, duty, brinclng In a recommenda. Jterviewed him. '" iion of leniency If It felt so dis I Dr. C. A. Armstrong told of b- posed. ling called to attend Helen Muldot The Judce instructed the Jurj iat North Pacific. He described the in the points of law and reviewed .nature' of her wound at the back the evidence. The Jury possibly ' of the right ear whirh was not need not. trouble much about the . serious but might easily have bcci. attempted murder count. There a little lower and struck the Jugu had been inconsistencies in the HAVRE. DE GRACE. Maryland, ,ar vein- slx stitches had been re-'evidence which it was up to the Bept;,29': (CP) The famous Sea quired. A knife such as that pro- Jury to Iron out. The Jury must Biscuit added another racing laur-1 duced ln court might have caused 1 consider the two possibilities put fl to his crown vesterdav bv caD-i1116 wound. Glass might also havt (forward as to how the Injured wo- tnrlnir thp tin nnn MnrvlanH TTanrti. caused it, the doctor said in reniv man had been cut. can race.liere. 10 Mr- Brown. Constable John Wallace Toddj described the investigation into I the incident. 'Helen Muldoe had t informed him that Margaret Rob-Hnson had wounded her. He re ceived the knife from Helen Mul-floe and later turned it over to Constable vuu&utoie D. u. W. w. Taylor. i-avior. He He took took a a The Jury retired at 5:36 n.m. to consider Its verdict and returned party after the alleged affair. Hel- to the courtroom at 6:40 pjn. with muiuuc wcis in ner snacK. dipph. '"u. m aiuuikuui. ling. She was feeling good but not' In discharging the prisoner His 'very drunk. Witness found the;LordsWP issued a warning. The hunting hunting knife Knife on on the the deck deck of of wnoie trouble wouwe had nad arisen arisen through through Ahce Arm-Ught clouds, calm; Danes' boat. It .had blood on It ,tne use oI Bin and beer by accused Anyox Foggy, calm, 46. Stewart Raining, calm, 47. Hazelton Foggy, calm, 40. Smlthers Foggy, calm, 38. Burns Lake Foggy, calm, .37. He gave it to Helen Muldoe. He !and ncr friends. He discouraged Its UJ 2 1 . . lM iiau nut seen DroKen glass or a 111 ana aavisca accused to, give it up. SPEEDBOAT ItECOItl) WINDERMERE, Eng., Sept. 29: (CP) Speeding at 73 miles an hour j on Lake Windermere. Edward Spurr uuumciauy Droice tne j 'A-jjtre speed boat record. On tho rtum v. .. 7. " "c rtRtement from Willie Smart. ThciP lor Ilattened out under pres i . . . . . . . . Sl TP nf PVPn rrron for officer .denied that Smart had told him about a broken window or that, he refused t6 accept a state. ment ln regard to same. Thp find he knew about the broken window was this (yesterday) morning. This concluded the case for the crown. Defence Witness- ine oniv oience witness wasi Simon Gun-a-Noot. now serving wo months for breaking and entering. H saw Margaret. Robinson I md Willie Smart. They were drunk. Working on a net on Pmart's boat, he saw the nlass in I No Wonder You Are Constipated! What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee, toast, maybe some eggs? What do you cat for lunch and dinner? Bread, meat, potatoes? JVo wonder you're conittpated: you probably don't pet enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesnt mean the amount you eat. It meant the kind of food that forma a soft "bulky" mast ln the bowel. It'i this mass that helps & bowel movement The common sense thing to do about It is to eat a natural laxative food. Kellogg's All-Bran for breakfast will give you Just the "bulk" you need. And It gives Su, ln addition. Nature's great testlnal-tonic. vitamin B.. Eat this crunchy toasted cereal every day, drink plenty of water, and lifn will hp hrlrhtpr fnr vmil All. Bran Is made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Sold by ever? grocer. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 Halibut Sales had been "scratched." A simple charge of assault might have cov- c.,mma prpri ih whole case. There was nummary American- 133.000 pounds, 7.9c W nf corroboration of Muldoe's . . . ... ... j ...... onrt m tn x ft nnn nn 'garet uomnson, had oecn mviiea rtory that Robinson had staDDea . over to the Danes boat at Cowjner There had been drinking andj Canadian 89.500 pounds, 7.1c n-nr fnr n irini. v,nH enmn ' ..it., i ...w, t vn and 5c to 7.3c and 5c. American Seattle, 39,000, Pacific, 7.9c and drinking together and all had broken window glass Yakutat, 36,000, Cold Storage, 8.1c about the same amount to drink I l. r. Patmore, crown prosecutor. an . u I Thor, 40.000. Royal. 8.2c and 6c. v,.. u. ..i.i j .. w v...i . ... .. . . . ... I I Rernverv. ecoi 18000 Cnlrt Rt.nraw fie Canadian he said he might give her some- ! circumstances in such cases must! Lois N 39,000, Atlin, 7.1c and 5c. thing but he was drunk and did.aiways be taken as a measure of Signal, 28,000, Booth, 7.3c and 5c. ,not remember much. He remem-. COrriboratlon. There was also mo-' Margallce, 4,500, Booth, 7.2c and bered seeing -Helen bleedin? butt)ve ln Margaret Robinson being 5c. did not see how she got hurt. ."sore" at Helen Muldoe over tl ei Johan W. 11. 18.000. Cold Storaee. In answer to Mr Rrown. Witness enntrpcttnn nf htiwlntr rvrp!pnts f nr 7 9p nnH "p said, all were drinking as much as the latter daughter by him. TheJ he was. He had made a statement story about the broken window , to the police about a week latei glass and Muldoe having been cut ' Thfi Dally hva 15 an A- B- Ct but thev had not taken down In thnt wnv u-iu: a nmrinrt nllPaDcr; what he of the w cal riililn '25.00 In Prlzaa Bake Evry Wk 9J.00 will be awarded to the bye best entries deicribio In 25 word or lets. Whr like Outlier Hour ancf Tka Quaker Method of Eaiy Bread Biking". Inter Uowani tvry Week I FREE! to help yen win a I ccpr oi to tlo-bit bookltt The Quiker HWIM oi tur Juic tear oat a nA mail rnn . two blow. The Quakrr Oats Rnnnun. ,1 Dept. r-68, Bafetatooa, Betk. Plrue send me myfRtE tnpT aa.. icTfer jreaain HALF the time. with QUARTER EisiiQuakerWaqwith QUAKER rLDUR like thounndi of women, gie rouN elf new leisure aod at the time time, most delicious, wholesome brcsd and tolls. Follow The Quaker Method of U1 Bread Baking with Quaker flow. The Quaker Easy Way does awijrwith tiresome. ItnMdinr lim.nt ... fting. And remember, Quaker Flour ii specially M . milled from tout uu.a, Cansdiii U a. wneet .to give .you tne best all-pur. Quaker Method of Eatr Bresd Bskiat NO Wl Send for FREE Booklet V MHfm it mtlkmnr hlrtrf gram Pin uitr frtm Mrf mm AtnUumtOk ' . . , b. .A. t W Quaker FI e Alwv the Seme Af Ssmt. i oi me nookiet, mt uutktf Mhodof rBrd JBiklac". gij 'P-rr RADIO SHOW Is Now On 19 Electric and Nine Battery Models Priced from $29.95 to $307.00 I Robert Montgomery VIRGINIA BRUCE h YELLOW JACK With LEWIS STONE (At 8:20, Once Only. PLUS JOE E. BROWN In "Wide Open ' Faces" 'At 7:00 anrt 9 43) WOULD NEWS EVENTS 'At 8.07. On p Onv Model 97KC $152.50 RCA VICTOR Presents so complete a line that you will find in it your full requirements both in price and quality Don't Experiment When You Put Your Money Into a Radio R.CA. Victor employs 400 men the year around doing research work. They do the experimenting. When you Invest In an RCA Victor radio you absolutely know that, you have the very latest and best that the world provides. Your radio also Is the nearest to trouble-free that the Ingenuity of man has been able to devise. In Every Instance K.C.A. Victors Are Made Just a Little Better Than Seemi Necessary MacKENZlE'S FURNITUrT SOLID WALNUT BOOKCASE DININO TABLE- Whltcwood ... BUI-TEXT WhUewood .. l'honc 775 ..(..., Oateleg table , $36.00 r S7.50 I S15e50 327 f IIIRB AVKM'E