E 80 Taxi ... .vn vir.iiT sf.uvihf. 11 ...--- ' ...i omi rurtrnus Drivers grciu. - New 1938 Plymouth) RH. No. 223. RDICT KCQUITl' . . " 1 1 t liobinson luun'i .iv of Wounding Helen Mul- i I ..... I1..... Amnnv Indians Linking of a dozen bottles l and a bottle of gin at ft and on board two Indian I boats bouna irom rnncc to North Pacific Cannery Hist 7 last caused a cono- lt led to the arrest of an woman and took up the Wt Lilt OUitUlb WU iy afternoon prior to the of Margaret Robinson who In arraigned on two counts ling with Intent to kill and IT :ase was tried before Mr. II, B. Robertson, the Jury it of Lee Gordon, forc- iobert Arthur Henry, Fred Mike Hudema, E. D. s. Nelson, Arthur Alger, bhrbtoff Sidney Elklns, V. fcnont L. E. Macey and W. Patmore K, C. for the iutUned the case showing br;arct Robinson, Hazelton, to rharced with wounding Mdse also of Hazelton, ib3 wif.h Willie Smart and Ilia cf the wounding was f'h Thomas Danes. All had r.w Day on the mornlr. . lurt 7 and they had been. K . . . . . g tcvner gin ana oecr. :t for North Pacific can- h tnrn had taxhpd -their "-v-r as was the custom' I : After they had mat distance Danes was B cJ the others were talk- p tc k of the boat. Smart Bed Helen Muldoe how was k-'-r B girl of fifteen of W .rt was sumwscd tr, lath-r He told her if she if anythine he would hrr Danps and his wo- to their own boat and IIM orr this and, after the I- Market Robinson went r ' .2 other boat and cut IMu!' behind the ear. prr- y lfV a huntlne knife w; produced in court. p Muldor was the first wlt- Bhe tcld the story of the Wi In which they had con- a dc:?n bottles of beer :t' of gin. She said the had more than herself. The a!i provided by Danes. On fay over Smart had asked i hij daughter, Mary, and 1 1 r 4t . . b1' we Ki was in neea 01 P'S She had replied that jfl not have very good clothes. and her husband auarrel-1 m . P :ns told them to stop and rarcu. Maggie had come over F boat, and struck her with f'ng knife the one produced ; ume. he said he was feeling EOOd but urns lint, rcoilu 10 had Kt.PprpH nil Vi n,nw I? not see any fight. pm Smart said he had been L'"" or the Salvation Armv nhnucd on Vaua Four) , ft- .v r Agreement German Forecast Of Terms Of Agreement Arising Out Of Four-Power Conference MUNICH, September 29: (CP) As the German delegation saw it today, the following would likely be the outcome of the four-power peace conference on the German-Gzechoslovakian issue: 1. The German army to be allowed to enter the Sudeten areas of Asch and Eger October 1 and 2 and the remainder gradually. 2. In doubtful areas, where population is divided about equally, plebiscites to be held under policing by an international army. 3. Plebiscites also to be conducted jn districts where population is preponderantly Polish or Hungarian. 4. Results of all plebiscites to be binding on the Czechoslovak government. 5. Germany to become co-guarantor with other powers concerned of the independence of what is then left of Czechoslovakia. 5. Hitler will not insist upon the resignation of President Benes. 7. Germany to reaffirm the guarantee given by Hitler in his Sportspalast address Monday night that no further demands will be made by him in Europe. CHECKING JAPANESE Chinese Counter-Attacks Hold up Advance Towards Hankow ' SHANGHAI, Sept. 29. Chinese counter-attacks were reported today to, have definitely checked the , Japanese advance on Hankow which Is still failing to make the progress which had been expected of it by the invaders. At Tokyo the resignation of For-1 cign Minister Ugakl. who differed with the Army over China policy, was officially announced today. SPEECH IS DRAMATIC Hon. Chamberlain Made Fateful Announcement Crisis Might Have Been Avoided LONDON, Sept. 29: lCP)-Dra-matlc were the circumstances of Prime Minister Neville Chamber lain's announcement In Parliament frt which had blood still on vesterday of the four-power con- Blnr - ,-,noV. thmnoh nn in-1 f orpnri held at Munich today at tcr Rev W. H. Pierce invitation of Chancellor Hitler to -examined by T. W. Brown,! seek a peaceful solution of the Ger-ppeared . for .-. thft uw rifpnr.e. wlt-imon.nirphoslovaklan crisis. It was i -i ... Chamberlain made his momentous utterances. Enthusiastic crowds ih the streets cheered Chamberlam lst night as he left for Munich., ... V wmm Bulletins WELL-KNOWN PILOT i)IES NEW' WESTMINSTER Capt James C. (Jarvle, fresh water pilot of Northern IJriiish Columbia and Alberta, died Wednesday aboard the Northland Echo at Waterways. Alberta, it was Iwrncd today. He was born at Owen Sound, Ontario, fifty-fivt years ago and first operated Hudson P.ay craft in 1899, late bring tranfscrred to the Peace Kiver. REBELS VICTORIOUS I1ENDAYE A smashing attack by General Trancisco Franco's insurgent forces in the Guadalajara area yesterday resulted In the capture of nine positions from the loyalists after heavy casualties had been inflicted. THREATENED ABDICATION HOME It is reported here that King Victor Emmanuel had threatened to abdicate in case of Premier Mussolini taking up arms witli Germany in a European war. GREAT POKEU PLAYER WASHINGTON, I). C Senator Key Pittman of Nevada des--cribes Premier .Mussolini as the "greatest political poker player in the world's history. He has never been called and he has never put all his chips on the table." Hitler, on the other hand, had put all his chips on the I i table table and and had nau lost. iosi. Pittman nuiium pre- viitwuwE, I raBii-wtv""'1"""" i;he was a member of the inst as the Prime Minister hadi .... ... n(honv Eden would f'on Army at Hazelton. Her made a speech with reference to the an iniportant .part in jrothcrs met her at the boat .apparently futile conferences held lked after her. She lost ft: rocentlv in Germany with' Chancel- ana a half of work over the lor jutler that Sir John Simon, ?'ng. She came to Prince . oontaro handed him a nen- t soon fv. after, 1 and showed tho ciued UUUlCUVWHt(. note whereupon Chamberlain . Lii uF Kergln- who to01 out made announcement of the Munich stches the cannerv doctor . utr, nrrontrpd Up to the time of this She had nl 'y with Maggie. ad Been Drinking Danes told a similar 'e said he had been a mem """awuu 1U1 Vlllb t He was Uvlnp with Hplen pPS but lint mnrrlpH t Vinr r . w MIHlttVU VJ "a uken as many drinks 1 rc3t Asked If Via urn a rimnlr European affairs. CUBS WIN AGAIN CHICAGO Chicago Cubs won the third straight game from Pittsburg Pirates today by a I score of 10 to 1 and moved one- nnrinff hU sneech. Chamberlain, and-a-half games up in the lead-( said it was no fault of Viscount crsliip of the National League. Runclman that he had failed in,. -r'TT-T "r 'tlS INoled Writer UI said: "If Article Nineteen of the Q C-ltlUe League Covenant, providing for the; OMJS jUCCUUlDb . . . u.niln. VioH hppn nut O revision oi --- lnt oneration. the crUis might have been avoided." Queen Mother Mary was among thnsn in the gallery as Premier SIM CASE IS HEARD Hearing of Arson Case at Su. preme Court Assizes Today IS NOT GUILTY A verdict of not guiltjr was returned this afternoon in the case of James Sim chargedjwith arson at the Supreme CouTt Assizes. The jury at the Supreme Court Assizes heard the case against James Dudley Sim of setting fire to the Sunberg Appart-ment. Fifth Avenue West, on j July 30 on which occasion' a fire had been found burning In the base ment of the building, having been, extinguished by the occupants be fore the arrival -of the fire wagon. The jury retired at 1 p.m. to con sider its verdict after hearing evi dence during the morning followed by argument of counsel -and summing up by the Judge. . . V. I A. ..tJ.J the door as they were going to bed. Then they heard the voice of the acused savin": "F-isle th' Tommy" meaning Tommy Collier. He also said that Tommy was down ovn drunk. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1938. On i; r n Mr. jusuce 0Derion praiucu. Hoover Approves and the jury consisted of George! CHICAGO, Sept. 29: Speakln' Hill, foreman, S. E. Parker, W. M. here yesterday. Former President Watt. Robert Greenfield, James (Herbert Hoover said that efforts Ktlkevskey. Harry Lincoln, J. S. being made by the government effect was made last night by For eign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff. R. R. Nichol, assistant taxation commissioner for the Canadian Na- Tomorrows Tides- '.'ft'in., (p- - - -' . . - High 5:50 a.m. 16.2 It, 'v . j. ' ' 17127 ft. 17.3 ft) - Xow ..- 11:29 a.m. 9 ft! v i NEW YORK, Sept. 29: (CP) TO PRAYER New York Observes Five Minue rcriod at Request of .Mayor LaGuardia . tinnal Raiitt-nvs frnm wintiinpir Ik Ma vor Fiorella LaGuardia called all ' The spokesman PU1CE: 5 CENTS Czech Issue Parade Occupation" Of Small Part Of Sudetenland By Hitler International Police For Area ROOSEVELT BACKED UP His' Appeal For European Peace Finds Approval at Home And Abroad WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 21: (CP) White House attaches yester day announced the text of a per sonal message sent to Premier Benito Mussolini in the interests of preserving peace in face of the Chechoslovakian crisis. Czechoslovakia in Accord With Latest Plan to Avoid Bloodshed .Which 'Had Been So Imminent in Europe MUNICH, September 29: (CP) A German government spokesman said tonight that the Premiers of Great Britain. Fance and Italy had practically reached an agreement with Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany on the Czechoslovakian issue. He said that only one difficulty remained: the question of how quickly and : . , 1,1 how far the Czechoslovak govern- Nelson, Frank Bruce. Harry Miller.. t0 bring about peace in Europe GENEVA, Sept. 29: (CPl Robert T. Clark, Hector -McDonald deserved full support. On them The League of Nations today and W. T. Essplmont with L. y may hinge the peace of the world. passed unanimously a resolu- Patmore for the Crown and James T..tvn nark. itnr.if tlon exm-essine "earnest hope" T. Harvey for the defendant. 1 TOKYO, Sept. 29: Official Jar- that no government would at- I Mr. Patmore; outlined; the case an yesterday voiced approval of tempt to Impose "settlement by very orieny auer wnicn i nomas. tbe appeal for world peace by force" In the European crisis. Collier said that he was a laborer president Roosevelt of the United for Bennett & White and he lived states. at the Sunberg Apartment withj Hussia-Too -- MrsvSim.JKho.had beerfciseparated. IOSCOV.ViJpt,29tSovlRus-. f 4T - O fYVJ "' from her husband, the accused in sia praises the plan of President I A 1,1, I,! I J kills tasc, ivi tiic ja.i w j iiu.'c, en, ui uic Ulllicu u la Ltro 1U1 On the night of July 30 about 10 -a general conference as the moat o'clock they heard someone prowl-, likely means of preserving peace inz around the place, rapping at in Europe. A statement to this I Nations League Hopes Force Is NotToBeUsedl 1 ment must withdraw troops from 1 Sudetenland. He said that the out- , . . , I I 1 I L 1 iiook was lunaamcniauy upumiiic, Cross-examined, by Mr. Harvey.' v,ait n . i...L J,.nnii7rfTn n.Xu..:- n, . . . ... said that two Czechoslovak representatives in Munich were to take back maps to their country showing the exact plan of Czechoslovak withdrawal and German occupation. He said that conceivably the four leaders might aoon turn the discussions over to technical experts to work out the last details with agreement on the main problems achieved. Informed German sources refer red to projected march into Czecho slovakia as a parade occupation and said that Hitler had agreed that the Eger and Asch regions, on the extreme western tip or Sudeten-land..wpuld..be taken over Saturday and Sunday, other sections of Sudetenland to be occupied only gradually. Informants said that such a tentative agreement had been accepted by Der Feuhrer In place of his original Intention of having armies march into the whole area on Saturday by which time he had demanded cession of entire Sudetenland. This token occupation would show symbolically that Germany Everything was quiet lor about vt,,tr.r .h ... tn rnnfpr viih neonle of New York to observe a L.,, uD cw nf srtptn an hour. Then they heard a noise five minutes period at .12:30 munlclpal authorities. He arrived noonland Thls disclosure came as Hit-and Mrs. Sim got up and opened from Vancouver on the PrInce today to pray for the peace of the ler WM stm in peace conference the door and there was the ac- Oeorge and return on the world as an outcome of, the four- Lth British, French and Italian cused standing In the doorway. Sim said: "Take it easy. Don't get ex cited." Witness then nulled on h'r oants. and hurried out to put out a fire which they saw burning; He and Mrs. Sim's little girl, Olga Lln- qulst, tried to put out the fire while Mrs. Sim called the fire department It was pretty well extinguished when the wagon arrived. -He said tlj material produced was thai which was taken from the base- nent of the building. same vessel tonight. power conference at Munich. Germany And Czechoslovakia Slill Insistent As Outcome Of Munich Parley Is Awaited premiers. It is also intimated that the new plan calls for entry by British, French and Italian troops to"pollce plebiscites In doubtful areas. A 'spokesman said that the main rea-' son for the presence of two Czechs Voltch Mastny, minister to Ber- Jlln, and a Prague Foreign official named Masarik was so that Prague might know at the earliest possible time what must be evacu ated so Immediate preparations can t.,C u-M maae lor wunar ana w Oepienioer . COllle? safd KSHveaGwith Kir. .Sliffi.VKi: ' as his wife. The question of accused taking his wife back had been discussed and there was talk of a divorce. "HeTmd Mrs.'Sim had been home all that evening with the children and Margaret Porter was there until about ten 6'clock.j TPs thought Sim was drunk. He had never threatened Sim, only asked him not to come around when he was drunk. The fire had been set right beside an oil drum. He would think the fire had been burning about seven minutes from the way outside. Later she heard her mother get up and she got up and saw Sim at the door. They went into the woodshed and n-irinn nt iniipfi ) r (ioii nuier in eunu& jumitiiLe.avuiuautc ui uwumuiu, ..i -r. ......... xt..:ii ri n-nof TJ..;fn;n fVinf! Previously the government of um riumw . had announced nn ,nA Czechoslovakia ac thG,SllUHUOu OI' OUUtJieu ueilHMHS "l Uic.iiu;iuy.mui uavi become intolerable and "will now be terminated by me," Propaganda Minister Gbebbels, speaking in Berlin last night, declared that Germany would insist upon self-determlna Hnn for the German minority in that country. In Prague, a Czechoslovakian government spokesman expressed the opinion that the find ings of four-power conference in lunlch might prove unacceptable unless the na It was going. He said he support- to Czechoslovakia .... ' saying saying -uiga "Olga I i got got 'Con Conrad, Composer of Margy - for you gomgo, 1 and "Continental," is Dead door and wallced ou VENICE, Cal.. Sept. 29: (CP)-Con Conrad, noted song writer, whose outst anding successes Included "Margy" and "The Continental," died here yesterday at the age of forty-nine. ed Mrs. Sim and the family. Mrs. Sim had worked but not for the! past ten months. She had worked down the line. He had lived with Mr. and Mrs. Sim before they separated. Olga Lindquist, who said she would be fourteen years old next September, daughter of Mrs. Sim corroberatcd the evidence of Col lier and told of Sim calling and some Ice cream knocked at the tlon was represented in the deliberations at Munich. Later It was intimated that Premier Edouard Daladler of France would represent Czechoslovakia being given carte blanche by President Benes. It was also suggested that Daladler would represent Russia. It became known last night that an element of the German population of Czechoslovakia was not In accord with occupation of Sudeten land by Hitler. were reported last night to be fav orable to the plan of an interna tlonal police force for Czechoslo put water on the fire, sne said her vakla. The entry mother went to the show that night tlonal army into of an interna Czechoslovakia oslovak military forces are being Great Britain, France and Italy1, held at full strength ready for any sudden emergency. ceptance In principle but with some reservations a new British plan for executive of the Anglo-French scheme to cede Sudetenland to country, It was thought. , Germany. A communique an- Hungary last night sent a note nounced that Prague had adopted to Czechoslovakia demanding that a "positive attitude in principle to-lt be accorded the same treatment.' day on British proposals regarding as the Sudeten Germans In the the execution by degrees of dellmlt-matter of self-determination. Po- atlon and transfer of territories," land will also Insist on the protec-1 At London the Czechoslovak le- tlon of Its minority regardless of gation said today that Us govern-the four-power conference. ment had suggested the whole Su- Great Britain. France. Germany ideten-German issue De suomiitea to and Italy have all agreed to suspend further mobilization pending the outcome of the Munich conference. The French government Is, President Roosevelt of the United States If other efforts to solve the problem failed. nowever, empuweieu j ncucc COWBOY AMBITIONS moDiiize me enure nawou . -i EASTLEIGH, Eng., Sept. 29; at a moments notice snouia tne, (CP)char(!ed wlth theIt 0f a break down. There has conference horse hnUcr Rnd a 15.year also been an order suspending mob-!old here to,d maglstrates tn llizatlon in Switzerland. The Czech-,. .,ftnpH , hp a rowbnv." He was General Francisco Franco of In-1 Provincial Constable Andrew surgent Spain last night announced Grant, who arrived In the city yes- hls intention of remaining neutral , terday after a trip t0 Vancouver on in any conflict arising out of the 1 escort duty, proceeded to Hazelton UV.t'. train train. (Continued. on Page Two) I would probably be resisted by that Czechoslovak . crisis, l-l- sent to an agricultural approved school. on last night's