PAGE FOCB THE DAILY NEWS I If you are rafTer- Inz from Aathma, Hay Fever or Bronchial trouble. inhale the fumes of Kellogg's Aathma Relief. You will get eaay relief. For over 60 years this famous herbal preparation has benefited thousands of sufferers. Tour Htantidrugtton Imm it ASTHMA utr I Obtainable alio In rigsrett. form. : Nurthrop anaLrmaacumKM Toronto. Canada KM ANDREW PISS Order Your Chicken Pies Now for Thanksgiving Holland Bulbs Tulips, Narcissus, Daffs. (let j Your Early Forcing Rulbs Now for Xmas IMoom ! W.GAIR Florist THIRD AVE, Powder 'Puff Beauty Shoppe Permanents, Marcels. Ftiigcr-waves, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty Phone Green 883 for Appointment , Muriel F.hv i.TI fth K BURNS LAKE BUSYPiACE Extensive Irrrnr,'T''"- V.rjfj Made to S"r4s in Interior . Town ' BtfRWS LAKL, Oct. 12. Burns Lake is a very busy place these days. The main street is being torn up. by a big government shovel and the road is being leveled and widened to eighty feet .in preparation for hard surfacing. All the other streets are being' widened and graded. A fine, new house h being ercctM by the forestry department for the Jocal ranger to live in. Mr. and Mrs. J. Berg will soon move Into their new home. t 'Address Given To Japanese Parents Miss Elsie Heaps Addresses Parent-Teachers' Association Miss Elsie Heaps A. T. C. M.. who recently arrived from Vancouver as kindergarten teacher and assistant at the Japanese Mission, addressed the Japanese Parent-Teachers" Association a few nights ago. Her address was most helpful and inspiring. Miss Heaps spoke of the place of music in the kindergarten. She is planning to devote part of her time while in the city to teaching music and theory. Smithers Boy Is Pitching Ball In Arizona League SMITHERS. Oct. 12-Jack Carpenter, son of John Carpenter of Smithers arrived at his home in Smithers last week from Arizona where he has held down the job ; as pitcher on the team from Bls- , bee. Jack is about the youngest pitcher in the league and his record for the season topped the League. After getting away to a poor start early in the season he made a whirlwind finish, winning fifteen game and losing ten for his season' performance. H? expects to continue at the game and to work his way up the baseball ladder as far as Dossiblc, ; Hfl has youth and stature on his : side and his many friends expect to sc hir Tf-n up In '.he game a few years hence. On sale now, these 'two-burner hot plates will be snapped up in tno time their value is so but-standing their, price. so attractively low. Two-burner hot plates are efficient little electrif: stoves just the thing' for' preparing light meals, midnight knacks or heating the baby's food. These have one 660-watt plate and one 1320-lvatt plate. You can .save money by buying one now ! TERRACE Tt-ae'' mild of Xnx United hH.'ts o-tVvy "nertlT "t tire h? if M" T--" ank """sldmt. Hff a "v1 n'i ih"- -c'en4 Arrrni n4h"" t of ' -"r'os Wis M'H tr V"".H r'n tv- snnrc- on fce evening of November 11 in the Oran-;? Hall. tliUonal Sunday was observed at; the Knox United Church on Sunday 'evening. The theme of the service! was "The Place of Canada Among i , 1 rAI tt rV.ll...- i t , 1 ' me nmiuiis. ruling iiiuMC iui 1113 occasion was provided by the Junior choir. A baptismal service was held at Vanarsdol on Wednesday afternoon when Loma Annabelle Mason and' Suan Isabelle Bevan wre baptized j hv Rev. .Adam Crlsn. Suitable m's- le was rendered by the children of V-narsdol School under the super-'ion of their teacher, Mrs. Robert Wilson. A Rare Bargain while the quantity lasts' TWO-BURNER HOT PLATES SMITHERS I0RE FROM Archie Sinclair, clerk in the pro vlnclal public works office at Smithers, has been a patlentln the Smithers Hospital for the past week and Is in a serious condition. His friends are glad to hear of a slight improvement recently and hope that he will soon be on the road to recovery. Mr! and Mrs. L. T. Kemple and family have arrived in Smithers from the Babine country and have taken up residence in town for the winter. Mr. Kemple is a fur buyer and has been operating In the In- the past eighteen years. jterlor-for 1 C. H. Sawle of New Hazelton was a visitor in Smithers Friday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sawle. I Travellers between Smithers and Hazelton report big improvements in this section pf road during the past year or so and state that it is In the best condition that it has ever been, The road has been widened and curves, taken. out and it Is now in first class shape for the entire distance. BURNSLAKE Bud Brunell and his sister, Poosta from Vancouver are visiting old friends arid aquaintances in and around Burns Lake. Andrew Brown Is establishing a new gas station, which, when completed,, will be one of the finest in the north country. I Mrs. Frank Bushfield Is on an ex-1 tended UId to Edmonton. Sudbury. Tgronto and otrjer points lr. the East. ! The committee in charge Is busy making preparations for to Bums Lkp district teachers contention which is to be held on October 27 and 28. Daily Ntrw u. an A. B. C. paper. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rarin'to Go The livtr should poor out two ponnds of liquid bll into your bowels diUy. If this bil U not Sowinf f reelr. rour food down t digest, tt just decays in the boweU. Gil bku up roar stomach, you ti constipated. Harmful poisons to Into the bodj, and you feel sour, sunk ana the world looks punk. A mere bowel movetnen t doeen't alwijn get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver is well. It takea those food, old Carter's tittle Liver PUIa to get these two pounds of bile flowing- freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work f calomel but have no calomel or mercury In them. Ask for Carter"a Little Liver Pills by name I Itobbornly refuse anything le. tie. Only $4-55 Complete With Gord The quantity at these prices is strictly limited and for a limited period only. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited SMITHERS Shipment From Smithers Contains Three Ounces of Gold rer Ton SMITHERS. Oct. 12. A shipment of thirteen tons of hish gradf gold bismuth ore went forward from the Glacier Gulch property at Smithers recently. The owners Campbell, Loveless and Banta have been working during the summer on the 'property and. from their knowledge of the ore and the returns from previous shipments,1 they fully expect this shipment to average better than three ounces of gold per ton. I The shipment was made to the ore sampling plant at Pr'nce Rupert which is a very great convenience to small shippers. The only complaint heard In connection with this plant is the lack of an asayer which means delay in awaiting returns from Victoria. WhPn It Is considered that an assayer at Prince Rupert could handle all the work for a territory within a rad-1 lus of 500 miles and so rc'Jeve the congestion in nhe assay office at Victoria, which is already over worked, and, also considering the very low cost of maintaining an as sayer after the original Installa- tlpn charges are made, it is hoped that this Institution will soon be Whatever Soup you make or buy ALWAYS ADD a little BOVRIL It will greatly improve the richness, the flavor and goodness and mate them as nearly perfect as they can be. Be the Life of the Tarty I'lay Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Piano-Accordion Open for Engagements Parties, Dances, Receptions, etc. Music With Kythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Kef. Mu SIC Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and- Harmony. Phone Gcccn 390 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Helntzman, Nordhcimer and Lcsage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Itesonoscope,, Phone Ulue 389 212 4th St. f m. '.4 I Elsie F. Heaps A.T.C.M. PIANO THEORY OF MUSIC All Subjects Classes for Beginners Diller Oilier Ouallle Quaille Method Method 12 Years Experience 1 14 .. . Phone ItLUE 997 CRAFTS MRS. EDGCUMBE Classes in Leather Work Metal Modelling, etc. Phone BLACK 83G Wednesday, . Oetebtn, A IT FITS INTO NO HOLLYWOOD PATTERrT? . . . This DistiDRuished and Warmly Appealing I' icturc . . . Scotland is Its locale . . . A s . ' Shepherd and Ilis Glorious Sheep Dog Its Lead in Characters . . . It Tut at Your Ileart-str r 1.1. -1 11. iir llnmnr . . Home and Ret: tor Yourself it,:, n rinN ... .iiaKcs iuu iiiuiiuc a iu j ... - t uainpun Tu 11131 still Ijapuvaic i.cij mui,-i.."e, Will Fyffe (of "Sez O'Reilly to McNab" Fame) iraF :L 1 ; as as the the dour dour Scottish Scottlsn shePnerd shepherd wlu will aSgfykk tBBBaaSijBL vt aaaaBrilMiaaalaaaliaK ' aBBliiaW ijjtjglaB aHTlaiilar1sVllsV BjWpPjjjMBB ' BLaJawlaa Lbkbhb&i2b1bVMbHbSb!bLbb(AHbhHb3 aQaaHMBEaBalaarflRH J SPflasalBaaaala Also In mickey rooney "Love is a Headache ' FRANCHOT TONE GLADYS r.EOKr.E (At 7:00 and 9:38) 'Gone With The Wind' A SPECIAL NQTICE about this outstanding book that you should own. By special arrangement with the publishers', The The MacMillan Co., we are enabled to offer "GONE WITH THE WIND" at the reduced price of $1.50 From November 1st To November 15th Only Place your orders immediately for delivery between those dates. November 16th the price will be 3.00. Take advantage pf this big saving. Do it NOW. Phone 6 For Your Reservation "GONE WITH THE WIND" Hy Margaret Mitchell eMaAs.d MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Mirrors Mirrors Round, Square and Oblong. Suitable for every room' In the home. All British plate with beveled edges. qa ft ft Price from, each JAUU See Y'ourself As Others See You Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE RAILWAY I LINES MvtTtuat Jmgr Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Pwrts SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE PRINCESS NORAII October 7th, 18th, 28th November 7th, 17th, 28th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent. ' Prince Rupert, B.C. (Al, 8.27, Once Onlt) TOXIOI'T and Tlll'ItSim KEN RAYNER FbrlYoir I RADIO SERVICE modern equipment reasonable rates Phone BLACK "It Fresh Local Kaw.And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY 0m wan, ISP THE stfAl of oiIM.m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeya PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed bj the only tannin company with w w the year round pywB B Prlne Kupf rt HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580