RAQS rOTJB Waterfront Whiffs Salmon Canning to Commence With Opening of Sockeye Season Tomorrow-Night Halibut Landings Light This Week siderable activity ls expected in the train ,from nere fr the East, A !NB iiri -5 . i -I'jri r C-2388W E3 it C 3 j With the difference between canners and operators as to the sockeye price for the season iroincr to arbitration. packing of the fall varieties of pinks and chums. The fishermen are ask- Trince Rupert Delayed ing 47&C, the same price as was Making of repairs to the steamer .Cambrai Chapter Outing Enjoyed Twenty-Two Members on Thiirsday Evening Ticnic preparations to return home. Mrs. T. Fraser, regent of Cambrai Chapter, was In charge of gen- The bis diesel powered cannery-tender Ketchikan, one of the vessels of her type ever seen , here, arrived In port at 9 o'clock waning iba.uoo pounds at Seattle .this morning, bringing in tbe yesterday as follows: Reoublic, 38,- Ketchikan baseball team which 000 pounds, San Juan, 7c and 7Vic; Coolldge, 32,000, New England, will play a series of three games with Prince Rupert this evening E MODERN, up-to-date on values when you decide on your new car. Buy the only low-priced car.with all these modern features! . . . Buy the oZy low-priced car that combines 83-horcpowcr performance with Hydraulic Brake 9afety! ... . Buy the only low-priced car that gives you Valve-in-Head Engine economy with tlio .SSSKRi oSilcntJodie9 h rk r! Br.i r. --.,, W,, lJJO ,, y0 J00 wm j--,, jjg teU,n- ....... f! .1 . Mil ri ... . o Phone 52 juui menus ; nuy a nevroiet benefit by its modern completeness and pocket your gav. ings on first cost,on running costs, on upkeep!" low Monthly PoymMfc m lh Cf raf Motm ImMnwnf fan ROYAL MOTORS A Jrd Ave. and 7th St. THE DAILY NEWS Prince George Is Right In Line Of Development; Town Progressing In Various Ways . By II. F. rULLEN wtv - Iuuvuu Ttnh nntiVinnfpfl rnnirl irrnwth. In both places visitors. two 1 'l. " ' J osAVly one of the most promls- members of Cambrai Chapter,' , sold ij at m-Pmmnhlv hifrh nrices Prince imPeriai,orderofDaughtersof theireal estate was unieasona ing features of Prlnce Oeorge l3 Empire, participated in the chap- Rupert and Prince George were to be sister cities witn tne fact ntat lt ls developlnK ,nt0 ter's annual picnic which was held1 considerable edge going to Prince Rupert as the terminal an important air centre, one at the summer camp of Mrs. George port of a huge transcontinental salmon cannintr is sehpflnlprl tn rot nnrW wav in P-inrc. Peters at McNlchol Creek. Between railway system. Prince George has 5:30 and 6 o'clock the members fulfilled the expectations to about Runert district Snndav pvpnino- eVnmg with th nnonincr nf 0f tUa fnl f LS, ,?fly lth. tnt,Perin theiwere conveyed across the harbor by the same extent as Prince Rupert Season for fishing With SOCkeye glllnets. Expestations are!Bruce Wilson and Geoffrey Willett'both falling far short but keeping for a fairly good rim of SOckeyes. While the market for who had offered the launches for about the proper ratio. They are this variety is not very strong this 'the occasion. pretty much independent of each year, the canners will, ho doubt, be at 10 P-m- on her return to Van- AIter a hearty supper in the cab- other, serving the northern part of open to receive all the fish that of- Ouver and waypoints, brought In jn tne girls gathered on the beach the province as distributing centres fer. For cheaper grades of fish, somc sixty passengers Including aroimd a huge bon-fire where the ' as shippers of national products however, the market is reported to about twenty-six round-trippers playing of Softball singing and and providing at the same time . . ' . .... . . 1 -...14.-. -J 11.1- OTlH fmtrtAan irrVin tnnli- Vi .m 1 - n a l .1-. Knnl dc .quite guoa wus year ana con- vut..w wu luutw evening story telling took nlace until ten-,ine 'wo Dest "laitwewa iui iuv-ai the development of agriculture Both really exist in order that they may serve the nation and not as paid for sockeve last vear. while Prince Rupert, which stranded in rni nrrrtntrpmon ,-hiiP Mrs r.nntJ merchants sometimes think so the canners have offered 45c. This Johnston Straits just north of Sey- Irey willett supervised the serving that tncv mav make monev out of is the noint that will eo to arbitra- rnour Narrows In a dense fog on f TPfrochmpnts 'the country. Most business peopl tlon. f.HJn.. 1 i 1 1 i , muu uiuiiiuig wiuie uiunouni Thnw nrMPnt .Pt-f Mrs T Prns. would like to exploit the country from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, . , ... ... .. ' . ... I rather than serve it, judging from Halibut landings were light at Is taking longer than had at first' Ci' iV"- ""." -"ew-!the way they talk. We ask them: Prince" Rupert during the past week been anticipated. It had been ex-, man- Mrs- Oe0Te Peters- Mrs- Jack! "How is business?" at a total of only 331,900 pounds of pected that the Prince Rupert ( Garrett, Mrs. Wm. Brooksbank, Mrs. 1 They immediately becin to figure which 73,300 pounds was from Can- would be ready 10 sall Jrm Van- J. A. Barrie, Mrs. T. A. McWaters, 1 thclr turnover or their profits and adlan vessels and 308,600 pounds couver on Monday evening of next Mrs. 8yd Elkins. Mrs. Geoffrey WH-.not the service tney are Bivlns tbE from American. In view of the week and arrive here Wednesday ,ett Mrc Q c You Mrs D R . c"itv4 enroute to Skagway. Now. however. ' Prince George looks alter tne lightness of landines, prices were , , , considerably stronger For Can! word has been received here that Barclay, Misses Wllma Wilson, w Max, weil-beinS of a small but steady adian fish the high price of the there will be n0 sailing out of Van- Ine Heilbroner, Helen McCaffery. stream of tourists who drive in week was 7.8c and 5c which the couver Monday night. The steam- Creddie Morgan, Frances Thomson, ; from southern British Columbia Cape Spear, Kaien and Unome were er Prin George, however, will be sheila Stewart, Molly Ellison, Ella:the, U"lted, f tat!? T . Eastern Ca paid for catches of 600, 3,500 and vlng Vancouver on Wednesday stecni Norma Rogers mtf LuciUe ! te S S sS pt 8,500 pounds respectively while the J teht onlhe WJJ Brooksbank. ' j5?dS. Sey also p"oZ low was 6.4c and 5c received by the DnnBs ner n-re iriaay morning ' . . ' .,;. fn, Capella for 1600 pounds. ForyAm- enroute to Anyox and Stewart. iJs erican fish the high price of the Normal service will be resumed with bastlarii 6c and Llng cod was Jal a tatiSi wcck. was o.ic ana ac wmcn me " " f-- Edgecombe and Chelan were paid from Vancouver on July 11 for for 11,600 and 25,000 pounds res- sway, nc sailing mrougn nere pectively and the low 7c and 5c 3 8 to Anyox and Rtewart ls also which thP Ppripmi rpr-PivpH fnr id . cancelled, it is announced. 500 pounds. The grand total of landings at Prince Rupert for the season up to yesterday had reached 5,612,150 pounds of which 2,612,650 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 2,999,500 pounds from Eight vessels sold ha:ibut catches selling at 4c per pound and sable-fish at 5c. som smaller mills with a purely local business Sawmills Busy fl Oiomc the Facie 'Lake Sawmills Ltd.; with A. R. Stack as manager, -will- be cutting aboui fifteen million feet of white spruce this summer unless there should be another bad setback in the market. The output is approxi mately 100.000 feet a day, keepln? 7y2c and 7c; Jane, 18,000, Booth, I and tomorrow. In addition to the 150 men nrofltahlv emnloved at 6'ic and 6c; Presho. 15.500. SaniDlavers. the Ketchikan broucht in trip mill onrt t tVp nrnnHe v n H -H now cfcam.F ni iu i . ., - .... . , . . "... ; -w " ""i. u-uc,, juan, oc; jxoraic, ib.uuo, wniz. 6-ftc & large party or lans. They will be tlon to the employment provided Capt. Henry Anderson, which ar-jand 6c: Forward, 10,000, Booth, j here until Sunday night. Capt. Con-1 in a secondary way In supplyin-rived In port at 3:45 yesterday af-, 7c; La Paloma, 20,000, Sebastian, ' rad Wllfare is skipper of the Ket-jthe needs of the men and the mill ternoon from the south and .salledj 7'c and 6c: Yaquina, 18,000, Se- :chikan. !The product goes to the centra; TTT JTr"m- r, i, M w . buv the ontv EtonomvTBR WITH HLL IHESE FEATURES ! VESTERN MADE FOR WESTERN TRADE W Mtilrr J ilodth. and eastern United States. Provld margin of profit. Last year's cut Is being shipped now arid this year's cut will be shipped next year, at least six month beint rt- quired for the lumber to dry. Lois are cut green but the lumber must',' be seasoned. ITincc oeorne peupic can urivc over their highway system to most) the mills. They can also drive to Vancouver, Hazelton and, by I means of a small network of 'local roads, to a number of small lakes Pnnnrf nnd Prince Georee were laid out at and flshlne streams where thev nl,tif hn nmp rime. P,nth exnected to be cities of im- entertain themselves and their thirty when the happy party made'iarm proaucis ana uius u.ip.us ui piane muses lis uase mere an me time and ft ls on the line of filch. ed there is no hitch in the plans and a stopping place for plants the mill will operate steadily until going to the Yukon and Alaska, to the end of October or possibly Into the Peace River and the Macken November. , zle basin, also for east and west Other mills at present, cutting planes. It ls suggested that Prince lumber Include the McLean Timbei Rupert should get In on the clr-Company at Shelly; the S. B. Trl- cult, securing this by the granting cah Lumber Co. at Aleza Lake; the of a mail subsidy for a service Upper Fraser Spruce Mill at Hans- from Prince" Rupert to Prince ard; the Sinclair Spruce5 "Timber George. Co. at Sinclair Mills and the Red New Vost Office Mountain Lumber Co. at Penny. , Prince George expect to have In addition to the mills now new post office next year, a sum cutting and shipping lumber, the of money being already provided Stack Lumber Co. ls building the by Parliament for that purpose camps for a new 40,000 foot mil! The town ls right In line of de-at LeGrand not far from McBrlde. velopment. The businessmen are According to Information supplied alive to the situation and, aftei it expects to be cutting next year, all, the progress of a city depend The capital for this mill Is coming to a larB extent on the merchant!' from Concord, New Hampshire, and Just as the agricultural develop the lumber will be taken from gov- rnent depends upon the Tarmers. ernment leases. Cedar poles may ' May I add that the establish be included In the shipments. j mcnt of the creamery at Prince The lumber market is poor at , Oeorge was a very Important move present and the operations are be-1 and Prince Rupert benefits by srv ing carried on with a very small; curing from It a constant supply of excellent butter. Try a Daily wnv-aH The HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN Gives You a Practical and Convenient Means of Adding to, Repairing or Ke-Roofing YOUIl HOME ALBERT & McCAFFERY Are Prepared to Furnish AH Required Materials and To make complete arrangements for financing the cost over t period of one to three years under the Home Improvement plan'. SEEnrOur display of modern roofing materials in the Helaerson Bldg., 220 6th Street. We will be pleased to give you an estimate 0n any type of work required. The Home Improvement Plan now makes it possible f0r you to make your house a real HOME. For full details phone 116 or 117 and our representative will call and discuss the details In the privacy of your home. Evenings Call J. F. RITCHIE Jr., Black 800 USED FURNITURE $2.00 4 1,,r"!" $9.00 3 MS;hc,""!- $4.50 5,on,$17.00 2 ' $7.50 6-"'s;;MrtTt ., S27.5d Wdlth 30 Inches 9lif.0U HOOVEIl VACUUM CLEANER With all the m attachments $1.5U ...,Z7.50-$9.00 t VICTOR GKAMAI'IIONE Table fl.i-.ii "el $500 " 1 A 30 U-s-A- IHFLK Long , 0 - u J barrel $35.00 1 SET ()F I" VOLUMES NATIONAL tin A ENCYCLOPEDIA $20.00 Phone GREEN 916 ELIO THIRD AVENUE rrtnee Rupe.t . h : i . i rrrru TONIGHT .L7,, . FREimic ' MARCH In Cdl B. Desilllrt lM Adventure Romance "THE BUCCANEER' With FKANCISCA GAAl (At 7:24 and 9:51) ADDED Colored Cartoon -THE FLYINO MOUSE" WOULD NEWS Swain's Transfer and Taxi A. McDonald, Prop. Terra? Picnic Parties and Taxi Anj. where Special Trlpj to Like. Ue take Abo Boat Smifi " ' " on Lake Writtf or Wire for Furthtr . Information KEN RAYNER (Over ii Years Experience For Your Radio Troubles Lei me check over jour let which includes General In-spectin, Testing Tnbei, Clean In r Set and Speaker, Rt-aliening; All States, Bolderlnj Aerial and Ground when nee-essary, $2.95. rhone-niaek 7U PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD mm4 Knff-MV a SawmB T Cm Utkmm m4 frrhli. THE i SEAL "f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Faricy Red Sockeye frNKSEAL FlneHt Pink Salmon Pce bj the only canntajt company with m w the ver round payroll tt Prince Rupert NAVIAII.E WATKKN' rilO""10 ii s. c. mi. fwii""9 rum- Tlie Ilrl-mli Ctotumbta We tod hernby fflvi. iwltk that vm Work at WrtAwa, wid to ..Z, p-tiw DUrtrtot UfglMrar of u "Jt lstry DlrtU-lot of "Jf ,fuie iK ITHul Rupert,, a Wlch. n? ElvB.tnr. R1 notion TWA MzZutt& brulldinga prqpoHPd to bn c wyl) an Weitor Lot 2060. rwxrfl jw . tw voiumoia. Jlumblii, piratical ol oM moi ftw" u iwurf. of the Ilrat PUDllia,l"".v. will tmder Boatlw 7 of w mv apply to the -MUUntcr of jpg, f approval of Alio nMd U ..'Tja b'!j for lmve to ootwtruut ",uctioJ ta,tfd,mt..Vinauver lUw J0UU June 1938. ...mfA