Saturday, June 25, 193&. THZ DAILY NEWS ' fen FOR SALE lit Estate of J. A. Swanson J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Iildg. PanYnn FniwlTlirc? VU1I M. VU XJVjUUl Clean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Home Cooked Meals Beautiful llarber View Hoard & Room $40 Mo. and Up tAU White Help" KNOX HOTEL HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 Phones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 Stop In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Bite" Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFI Phone CI for Best Household Coal MRS. C B. BLACK The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done, with the "Resonoscope" by O. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th Bt. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash lor Old Gold. Bulger's, ti Miss Muriel Eby, who has been on. a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday after- , noon. LEST WE FORGET! Members of Canadian Legion and Women'3 Auxiliary meet at Club' Rooms 2:15 tomorrow to Join with I. O. D. E. for observance of Decoration Day (144) 1 M anil Mrc TV f Serilihrt urtll Tenders will be accepted by the lrav(? on next Monday evenlng's undersigned for the boats "My- train for Hazelton and, taking their fanwy" and "Klnahan" up to noon, rar ihim wU1 drlve from lhere July 2nd. Tenders may be made on a motor vacation trip through for the two boats or separately. The tne okanagan Valley and elsewhere highest or any tender not necessar in the to California. James Uy accepted, Smith will be arriving here at the DEPUTY OFFICIAL week-end from Ilazelton to relieve ADMINISTRATOR on tne iai Government Tele- - - absence. graphs staff during Mr. Schubert's PRIZES ARE PRESENTED I. O. D. E. Awards Made at Booth Memorial School Miss MeTcer Is Honored The presentation of the prizes awarded by Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Emplre( to pupils of the Booth Memorial School who led in general proficiency in English ard 'Social Studies took place yesterday afternoon in the auditorium. Mls3 E. A. Mercer, principal, presided and present on the platform were also Mrs. John Manson, T. W. Brown, who has been on a trip to Vancouver on legal business, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. A. D. Chappell of Hazelton, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived fn the "city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon and proceeded to the Interior by the evening train. Inspector W. J. Service arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday 1 - afternoon from Kamloops rjollce for "D" Division. He was accompanied by Mrs. Service and family. HEAR George S. Pearson Minister of Labor Speak on the Unemployment Situation tonight over B.C. Network. 6:30 to 7 p.m. Decoration Day "We shall not sleep. "If ye break faith with us who lie Dell. Many Pupils In Piano Recital Students of Miss Margaret McCaf fery and Miss' Jean McLean Acquit Themselves Wiih Credit Piano pupils of Miss Margaret McCaffery and Miss Jean McLean were in annual recital at the audi torium of Booth Memorial Schoo! last night. Before an nndienee of Darents and ik m-acanf cA a nrncrrnm which e ,i,n. ihpr nri7Ps were hand-l And it is with tnese wno snarea "Sonata (C minor)," (Beetnov- some books (those days "over there" that we en)," Annie Peterson. An unexpected incident was the I can enter into the fullest commun-j nresentatlon to Miss Mercer oy wie;n. m, h.c ""-""" pupils of grades six, seven and i rled out tomorrow under the aus-elght of an artistic Cinnabar vase j pices of the Imperial Order. Daugh-nd a beautiful bouquet of roses ters of the Empire at the Soldiers' t oHnr the nresentatlon, Sylvia, Plot in Falrvlew Cemetery, our j Vio reeret of thouchts will be with those whose i;roxioiu cAiJitoom - "t - j i I the pupils that Miss Mercer women resting piace is mere, wim uiose not be their principal next jmi. inwmuuisiiiu;uui;' '"- ; The children realized how mucniwar cemeteries ana wnn inose they owed to her and would alwayv whose resting place no man knows. remember her wltn nappies we snail Keep ianu thoughts. Miss Mercer was taken completely bv surprise. She assured tbe children that she would treasure very highly tht exquisite gift. She had always been proud or the children in 'the school and had had the happiest of times with thein. The reorganization of the schools in Prince Rupert mean', some changes but, once these were accomplished, the pupils woull soon feel at home In their new surroundings. Hearty cheers given very lustllv for Miss Mercer and Mr. J. S. Wll- ! son brought this feature to a close and. following the slnttlns or tne -National Anthem, the children we're dismissed. CATCHES MONSTKK FISH j MFXBOURNE. Victoria, June 25: (CP)--J. Pearion hadn't intended to go fishing when he caught a marlin weighing 1,226 pounds, said to be a world's record. He was sitting on a beach when he saw the hu3e fish become stranded In shal low water, fastened a rope around the marlin's tall and hauled 11 ashore. iLf.D SNAP OWDER CtlAMt 4 roiRHn TV1 ,U 'AM lASM. CAMWOt Announcements All advertisements In this col-imn win be charged for a full month at 25? a word. Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby JAY ESS. fcland, July 3. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. C. Jackson, Minister 11 a.m. Communion. Subject "The Chwrch of Today" Miss Hartwlg of Cumberland will again be the soloist. 7:30 p.m Subject "The Man Wh Meant No Harm" JUNE SALE faints, Wallpapers, Pictures, Muresco, Etc. To the highest cash purchaser during this sale we will give the pick of any picture In the store, values as high at $10.00. Prices Were Never So Low As At This Sale WALLPAPERS An Per single roll, from v PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT CO QC At,pergallon PURE-LINSEED OIL STAINS C-l Off Any color. Per gallon JlXOe Every article In our stock reduced. Don't forget we can save yon money Silversides Bros. UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss nilda Bond of This City Bride of Edward Des Brisay Of Vancouver On Friday evening at 7 o'clock at the Deanery, Miss Hilda Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bond of Prince Rupert became the 'bride of Edward Des Brisay, son infrptprf of Mr. and Mrs. P. Des Brisay of trienAv Vancouver, very nev. j. a. vnu- dean or St. Andrews train eal edral. officiated at the ceremony enected g credit both upon Ihemselves and their instructresses! The bride wore a white floor- testifying to another year of pro- .alTuT":l S.," I-.. Thlrfv flP ttirtpnt! tofll' "'S U"ier "u "': un- to a&ume his new duties as com- eress fSm JSn- hat- She carried a bouquet Vrt .In the recital .from the tne small- mandlng officer of the provincial mMant wUh esi Degmncrs wj " .V rtrmp MI Rnnrf tras was ment. Miss Annie Peterson acted "V"" "B" ' " ,i of two ni nf J- w. Bond. -,M"U" MaffprvVnr; bridesmaid, Miss Edna E-iS,c Dickens, was dressed in flowered ' 1 ,... net. She carried a bouquet of red "Capriccio," Monica Holtby. "Olive's Waltz," Lois Howe. "Lazily Row," Mary Dybhavn. "Scottish Airs," Sheila MacRae. ''Romance," Arthur Lancaster,. "Persistent Child," Smith. "At the Fountain," Peachev. i ".Tolly Roger," Agnes Collins. "A Maid Charming," Jean Smith I "A Merry Peasant," Margaret Morln. I "Little Burlesque," Forbes Lee. "Musette," Margaret Carr. "Music Box," Margaret Lamb. "Whistle While You Work," Pat Lnve. "March of the Cadets," Gordon In Flanders' Fields." "Dance on the Green," Ruth Have we broken faith? Walton. It Is almost twenty years since "Waltz Etude," Ken Brocklesby regent, the Armistice put an end to the "Waltz," Jean McAfee. and other members of the execu- Great War. How easy it Is to be "Sonatina," David Johns. tlve Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mrs. G. E". cynical In retropect. "A war to end "Violin selection," Bernice and Moore and Mrs. R. J. Keron. war." "To make the world safe fdr Jack Eastwood. Mrs. Manson satd that the demo:racy." "Your King and coun- "Minuet," Pat Brocklesby. Chapter had always felt that the try need you." "When you return' "Watchman's Song," Eddie Cic- providing of these prizes was rt to Canada, there will be nothing too cone. valuable Incentive to all pupils. cood Ior vou .. "little Froggies." Joan Squires Isne thought that she had probably , u.p nrl nnt . ' "A Curious Story," Jack Mcln- been the regent to present the stand our com. tosh. first nrlzps vears aeo and she had ' .... , ''Albumblatt, Audrey Hunter. talwavs , been very Interested -w tn Oils , . raaes . wnoaia come DacK . anu . wnoac "Oypsy Dance. vv Kay Snrubsall Qj,rhall phase of the chapter's work. Prizes from whence cometh my were then presented as follows. h , We are fn wlth our com. Leading pupil in Grade Elglu. And ,n tne pWfect setUnR I Edward Lambe. J in a sacred silence, we share aealn ' Prize for English, Marsarcn A .. . . .Lamb. J Prizes for Social Studies Ritchie and waiter uoiussi. these times that will never be for- Edllh Botten- nay ratner tnat wil1 be even if sharper in our memories as the .nc Vo cum o! caa 6" iJIC 1U F4I'C j .i . ...u u w- Little Birds," Bernice Eastwood "Prelude," Clifford 'Wanamaker. "Sonatina," Suml Hayashl. "Valsette," Beatrice Grosvenor "Rondo," Vernon Ciccone. "Valse," (C flat major), Helen Brown. "Mazurka," (Chopin), David B?illle. gladioli and white carnations. The groom's attendant was J. J( A. Johnston, of Vancouver, ! Miss Malsle Bond of Transcona Manitoba, played the Brlday CoruS nnr.thv om Lohengrin. A wedding supper was held at noroth tne home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Bond, 735 First Avenue, The room? were decorated with pink ana white streamers, and the table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Miss Hilda Bond and John Bond sang "I Love You Truly" after the toast was proposed by J. J. A. Johnston for the future hap piness of the bride and groom. Mrs. J. Bond, mother of the bride, was dressed In flowered sheer crepe with navy accessories She wore a corsage of pink Mrs. P. Des Brisay of Vancouver, mother of the groom, was dressed In blue crepe with navy accessories Mr. and Mrs. Des Brisay left this! morning on the Cardena for Van couver and will make a tour by motor through the States for a honeymoon. The bride was dressed In a navy suit with matching ac cessories and a red fox fur. Mr. and Mrs. E. Des Brisay, on heir return, will reside in Vancouver. The bride's home has been here for years and she is well ';nown and popular. The groom is member of the crew of the steamer Cardena. They will hav. he hearty congratulations and bist wishes of many friends. The Dally News Las an audited Irculatlon. Play safe I ns!jE0 FOR SALE TOR SALE Houses. Phone Green 317. (148) TOR SALE 152 ft, pleasure boat Cabin. 5 h.p. Kelvin engine. Re cently overhauled. Phone Blut 726 hetween 6. and 7 p.m, U4j): OR SALEIS h.p. Johnson out board hy excellent condition. Two sport model boatsyA real bargain, Apply 2ifrttvh"Mjj OR SALE Piano, $75 cash. Must be disposed of thfe week. Phone Miss Margaret McCaffery. (15CK FOR RENT .LEAN, well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tU9i TJRNISHED Five room house to let during July and August, close In. Apply Box 23, Dally News. (149; WANTED WANTED Tea Cup Reader, Apply Box 22, Dally News. tf. VANTED good home for two black and white kittens. Pullen, Dally News. t.f. PERSONAL WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Lei ter Carriers. Postal Clerks, Cu toms Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.CL Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg. OldeAl In Canada. tf. PRIVATE HOME KINDERGARTENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute Winnipeg. tf Boys! Girls! Has Dad Phomised You a Bicycle if Yon Pass Your Exams? Tell Him You Want a C.C.M. GIRLS' MODEL ... CRESCENT BALLOON TIRE MODEL $34.75 $39.50 $44.50 The Royal Rewartt for your earnest effort. : The Bicycle thai will serve you well and long. v Ride A C C. M. And You Ride the Best STANDARD PRICES CADET STANDARD MOTOR RIKE Sold On Easy Terms $34.50 $42.00 $46.50 Recognized Leadership Revlon Nail Enamels The very latest in nail polishes. Come in and see the shade assortment - Price 50c For Amateur Photographers Kodak Developing and Printing Outfit No. 2 Complete all ready for use. .An ideal gift Price $3.60 OrmesLtd. TZh Pioneer Drttqgiats The XetW Store rhones: 11 ft U' Open Dally From t ajn. tilt 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays ' From U naoa till I cbu 7 D-m.- tUI S p jb- 'jq J1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T3S&. CATALA EVERY TTJES. T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:39 pjn. 19:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, T birrs, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday AJV1. If convenient please purchase tickets it efffee Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Prom A, W. NEWMAN, Prlpce Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone M8 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 59 GRASS MATS 27xS4. . Each - - 25 FELT MATS 27x54. They are suitable for any room In the home. Each ....i "Everything; for the Home" 40c 80c Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Newi that the people of the whole district ard doing the lami. I