Halibut Sales Suimnary Setsuo Kuwahara, ..... t.c Mpinnunie Edwin Rlnta, Sachl Tsumura. Passed Harry Basso. Kosta Kll las.' James Stuart, George Green wood, Betty Blake, Elmore Hankln- Mrs. J D. Fraser sanca last nigm , --- ..mVnv on(1 A,an on thp Princess Adelaide for Van Clayering, couver where she will pay a Visit. Burbank. Commercial Grade X ivuss nose uanwig .., iuuy ni, 'M. erlntendent of the Cumberland Passca wim Hospital, sails by the Prince Rob- chum. Armstrong, 4rmctrnnir Hazel azel ert tomorrow afternoon on her re- Passcd-Clssie turn to the Vancouver Island town Hill, Bjorg Lu h. Emma WMHen, after a visit here with her brother Violet Dell, Violet Cavcnalic. and in-law. Mr. and Mr, E. Bertha ofior, - LONDON, June 25: (CP) Copper, zinc and lead prices are all stronc on the London metal mar son, Amy Armstrong, Ruby Suden, kct. Bar gold was up 5c yesterday Helen Leslie, Ellen Johnson, ucorge .closing at $35.23 per line ounce Cook, Douglas Payne, Mary posiuk. American 63.400 pounds, 7c a"rt 1 gtanIey B(Vujnger, Alan Smith, 5-2c to 15c and 5c. Canadian- -None. American Sitka, 36,000, Cold Storage, 7c and 5.5c. Harding. 23,000, Cold Storage, 7c and 5.2c. Frisco, 10,400, Pacific, 7.5c and 5.5c WINNIPEG WHEAT TRICE W1NN1PEO, June 25: (CP) Wheat futures were down from 1 to 4C on the Winnipeg mar ' Nan:y Brcmncr. Jack Collins, Mar I lko Kadowakl, Betty oremner. merburnc. Fred' Lewis, Jack Wear mouth. Jack Laurie, Kenneth Mc- Crlmmon, Isabel MacDonaia, L,ouise Bird, Astri Petersen, Jean McKay, Grace Lee, Betty Davey, Foster Hu- soy Yorl Hlrano, John wiiso". Ken Schubert. Rol Judge, James Hadden, Mirjorie Shearman, Albert Mali, Robert Eby, Ralph Anderson and Elllecn Mair and Paul Postolu, Irene Lindsay, Steve Mln- Audrey Anrirpv waikinson, W. . .. jjouiu - kei yesterday with July closing at tenko. jl0,3 Nelson, ruainic ----- tatr Ross, Jessie Gibson, Lloya Busses. Ronald the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Seattle, where he Is studying Journalism at the University of Washington, to! spend the summer vacation here with bis grandmother, Mrs. Peter Black, at the Central Hotel. ...I : Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Overcast, southeast mm High 12:26 pm 13.9 ft. wind, three miles per hour; Low . 6:15 ajn 2.0 It. tmeter, 29.02 (steady i; tcmper-e 18:12 p.m. 6.9 It. ur 50: sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXVII . No. 148. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1958. PRICE: 5 CENTS Ma A fi t Stop British Ship Bombing OVERLAND TO RIES LIST BELLAC00LA' ANNOUNCED Milwaukee Barrister to Hike From ITince George to Coast JASPER, Alta, June 25. On loot Many Students Win Advancement in Their Studies at Kin; Edward High School from the Fraser to the Pacific oven Arthur Sutton, principal, an-Alexander Mackenzie's trail ol 1793 nounces the following King Edward la the prelude lor Ray T. ZUlmer. High School pass list lor the year Milwaukee barrister, to this year's in order ol merit: (ujiuic viuu ""t oraae ai Columbia ice Held, Jasper National Passed with Honors Annie Pet-Park, erson. Hlrojl Yamanaka. Phvllls Starting at Prince George next Hill-Tout, Kiyo Suehlro. Malcolm week he will lollow the Fraser to Wilding, ErnUy Christopher, Alex the mouth ot the Blackwater, a Balllie, Norma Smith, Hazel Mas-Jew miles above Quesnel. and strike tin, Mlmmy Johnson, nearly 200 miles west lor Bella! Passed-Robert Rudderham, Jack C:?la through a substantial portion ( storrle. Fred Barber. Teili Tsumura. of newly created Tweedsmulr Park- Margaret Deane, Ralph Morln, Sada which was visited Dy tne oovernor- Nakamoto, Dorothy Davles, Mary , General last year. Sievert. Peter Allen. Svlvla Crox- Thb years' alpine camp, on ac-lford, Pat Wiggins, Percy Knutson, count ol its accessibility from Jas-j Robert Collart, June Hankinson, per via the new Columbia Ice Held' Hector M&cDonald, Bill Brown, Fred highway, gives promise ol being Soles, Oordon Stamford, Dorcas one of the best attended in recent ( Maclnnes, Peggy Blackhall, Tony year3. Two English climbing clubs Christian, Margaret Chrlstensen, will be representee as wen as a jonn Grlmsson. Owen Walker. Hel- cumber of American clubs. en Oreen. HI mm I In I Mieflf Conditional Norman Hebb. Passed Aegrotat Edith Cromp. Grade X Passed with Honors Itu Kanaya, Flora Leslie, Spencer Davles, Hans Petersen, Edw&rd Moore, Mary Non- Leaves Nanalmo lor Capitol (Warner. K nuiurbante I Passed- Harry Daggett, John Good, Dorothy Shrubsall. Helge HolkcsUdr Errnaf-Chrlsterrsrtf -NANAIMO, Jumr29rttn'rsAn otter lot ol 200 single unemployed! uy Miner, ., fmm Vancouver boarded -u... .yv, b&l train flat cars and autos at y u "ZZ '.,..mr vlmlio fnr the tr D m."' ''""'"'' Z: 'r , " 7 ' v.rtnrl., where Helen Ormlston, Josephine Day. Etratlon, ' If. Bessie Chandler. Jack Corbould, Z Tmp the Soncil D-nean McRae. Mario Bussanich. ;.l..m.P fr a William Manson, Tom Tom Landrey, Landrey. reUef ; ; works T program , j .Donald McCavour, William Hawes. Kadonaga stanlcy Schcrk. disturbance at Victoria Clifford Cheap Money For Self-Liquidating Projects Sought two ministers of the Alberta gov ernment are leaving for Ottawa to negatlate with the federal govern ment with a view to obtalnmc leans at a low rale of interest for self -liquidating public works pro- .4. I 1 1 1 . -.1 Vwaf ' J er, Marian McLachlan, Betty Bar-;ber. Marie Amadio, Mary Pierce. I William Barber, James Stiles, Wal-j lace Dell, Jean Ponder, Olav Rys-stad, Henry Mnntcsano. Eva Chand-i ler. Delphine Balagno, Shirley 'Hague. Edward Tooey ana jonni t Hopkins. , Grade IX I I ! . I. TTnn -r . "1 Ol T1 fl T EDMONTON. June 25: (CP) - , i Following a conference with muni-, w-w. - Crerar And Hanson Represent Canadian Government Monday At Philadelphia Anniversary OTTAWA, June 25: (Special to Daily iNews) Olof Hanson, member for Skeena, the only Swedish- WILL FLOOD MORE LANDS Chinese To Inundate Even Greater twu .-. . ' William Long, Margaret McMeekln, w. fe to jesterday said It was planned Johnson. Jean Kraus u..B uu u'u y"" judge. Kae Nlckerson, Jean -ace demon-ge' peaceful a mere r Rmmprson. Jnan Bak. Territory in Order to Drive Japanese Out SHANGHAI, June 25: (CP) With Hood waters of the Yelt low nivcr having already forced the Japanese invaders to evacuate large areas of captured territory in Central China, the Chinese are reported to be planning the smashing of further dykes west of Chcnkchow with consequent inundation of more country, a Chinese strategist said. The Japanese have already been forced, to withdraw majoi forces cast of Chengchow. Joyce Kellback, Betty Borland, Rob- J u . i ert Capstick, Alice Frlesen. faun ) 35; lUCldlS 111 Kin;, Emily Yamanaka. Alck Bill,' Ethel Knutscn, Magnhlld Storsetn.,1 nnrlnn ffnncr born member, oi the Canadian Parliament, will accompany Hon. T. A. Crerar, minister of the interior, as Canadian government delegate to the thijee hun-dreth anniversary celebration of the landing of the first Swedish immigrants to America. The Crown Prince of Sweden will represent Sweden and a great concourse of Swedes and Swedish Canadians and'Swedish Americans will assemble at Philaflplnhin fnr Hip OLOF HANSON commemoration; Mr. Crerar and Mr. Hanson will be flown to Montreal Monday by the Royal Canadian Air Force and then take the regular plane service down to Philadelphia. ' NEW RADIO PHONE NOW Prince Rupert People Can Now Talk With Boats At Sea ' A new radio telephone network J which will give Prince Rupert dir- . . I 1 1 .41 1W - txi. ucicpiioiic cuiuicuiiuii wiui a number of nearby points and with tugboats and other coastal craft is Iking established by the Northwest Telephone Company, associate, of the British Columbia Telephone Co. Bert Tupper, radio engineer of the company, has been In Prince Rupert for some days installing additional radio equipment to make this possible. The Allison Logging camp at Cumshewa Inlet on the Queen Charlotte Islands now has direct connection with the Prince Rupert ; Telephone system by means of aj radio link and the Canadian Fish- ing Company's plant at Butedale and Carlisle and the B.C. Packers' cannery at Pacofi on the Queen Charlotte Islands will be added o the network shortly. Service is also available now from any Prince Rupert telephone to all tugboats and other coastal craft suitably equipped and within a radius of approximately 150 miles. Miss E. Lincoln. Miss Katherine About a dozen British Columbia How and Miss L. Swartz, Port Simp-'.tugs, two private yachts and a sal- son school teachers, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for the south. 'Miss Lincoln Is going to Winnipeg and Miss How and Miss Swartz to Vancouver. John Robert Service arrived in vage vessel are already equipped to connect with the shore telephone system while at sea. During the last few years the Northwest Telephone Company has developed quite an extensive radio telephone network with Vancouver as Its centre. Prince Rupert, Ocean Falls, Quesnel, Zeballos and various canneries and logging camps are able to reach the Canadian and American telephone networks by means of radio telephone links connecting with the telephone lines through the .Northwest Telephone j Company's radio stations on Lulu Vuckovlch, Winnie King. Island near Vancouver. Passed HJordis Skaland, Ber-j. The places which will be lnclud-nlce Woods, Isabel McCrlmmon, ed in the Prince Rupert network Ralph Smith, Chlca Nlshlkaze, will also be able to connect with Ethel Beynon, George Storle, Dor- Vancouver and thus gain access to een Eastment, Auslaug Holkestad, the international telephone met Joy Green, Ethel Bury. Dick Wrath- work. all, Betty Dickens. 1 Prince Rupert has had radio tele- Reports will be given out. to the phone connection with Vancouver students on Monday morning. since early in 1932. Spanish Government Threatens To Bomb Italian Cities; Raids ' n ii r ni t i. a oy ii vuce s rianes i oo iviuc BULLETINS 55000 STOLEN; ARREST MADE The sum of $5000 was stolen from a cash drawer in the North Island Trollers' Co-Operative Association fish packer Hickey since its arrival in port yesterday. The robbery was discovered at noon today and early this afternoon Peter Alexander Hansen was under arrest and most of the money had been recovered. The Hickey was moored alongside Philpott & Evitt's wharf. Staff Sergeant G. II. Greenwood and Constable Terry Stewart conducted the U.S.S. BARRY HERE U.S.S. Barry, a destroyer in command of Lieut. Commander C. B. Culver in the course of a coastal training cruise, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Juneau and will be here until Monday when she will leave in - ermtlnuattoli i ofherotitHwartf voyage to .San Diego. The Barry has 120 in all on board, about half of these being naval cadets from the University of California. The ship has been as far north as Skagway and left Juneau for here on Tuesday, taking gunnery practice enroute. She is moored alongside headquarters of Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. HELEN WILLS ADVANCES WIMBLEDON, England Helen Wills Moody, seeking her eighth all-England tennis title, advanced into the quarter finals of the women's singles today by defeating Mrs. Bobby Miller of South Africa 8-6, 6-4 after trailing 1-5 in the first set. Helen Jacobs, last year's champion, eliminated Freda James of England 6-4, 6-2, in the round behind Mrs. Moody, Don McPhail of England earned a quarter final berth by default when Roderick Mensel of Czechoslovakia walked off the courts with the score one set alL TEST CRICKET PLAY LONDON Five wickels ,down for 299 runs, Australia was 195 runs behind England at close of play in the second cricket test match today. England scored 496 runs in the first inning. UNITY IN ALBERTA EDMONTON The Political Unity Council of Canada yesterday adopted a program of principles and appointed a committee of five under the chairmanship of John I. McFarland to proceed with organization of opponents of the present Aberhart government. The principles of the Council include the dropping of the' party system, reduced membership of the legislature, reduced interest rates on public indebetedness and more efficiency all' around in the government service. RAIN IN INTERIOR PRINCE GEORGE A heavy downfall of ratn here and elsewhere in the central interior considerably reduced the forest fire hazard in this district. In the Peace River and Cariboo areas, however, it continues hot and dry with serious fire situations there. Seven hundred men are fighting extensive fires in - the Peace River district. Mussolini Warns Franco to be More Careful Viscount Cecil Quits as Whip in Protest at Chamberlain Policy Non-intervention Hits Snag LONDON, June 25: (CP) General Francisco Franco has promised to stop bombing British ships in Spanish ports and to set up neutral security zones in ports, Spanish insurgent sources have told Havas News Agency. PARIS, June 25: (CP) The Spanish government is reported to have threatened to bomb Italian cities if insurgent war planes continue their raids on government towns behind the front lines. Informed circles disclosed that the Spanish ambassador to France had informed Foreign ' Minister Bonnet that Barcelona patience with TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johatton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .09 Vi. Big Missouri, .35. Bralorne, 9.90. Aztec, .10. Cariboo Quartz, 2.35. ' " Dentonia, .06 (ask). Golcondir .05: Minto, .03 V2. Falrvlew, .OSii. Noble Five. .03. Pend Orielle, 1.92. Pioneer, 3.05. Porter Idaho, .03 Vi. Premier, 2.02. Reeves McDonald, .36. Reno, .48. Relief Arlington, .14. Reward, .0334. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .02. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier. 1.75. Home Gold, .01. Grandview, .OS'i. Indian, .01 Y2. Quatsino Copper, .03 Vi. Haida, .04Vi. Oils A. P. Con., .19". Calmont, .32. C. iz E., 2.40. Freehold, .08. Mercury, .14 (ask). Okalta, 1.42. Pacalta, .072. Toronto Beattle, 1.16. Central Pat., 2.45. Gods Lake, .49. Little Long Lac, 3.60. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.10. Red Lake Gold Shore, .14. Pickle Crow, 4.80. San Antonio, 1.25. Sherritt Gordon, 1.17. Smelters Gold, .04. McLc-od Cockshutt, 3.25. Oklend, .14. Mosher, 2b. Madsen Red Lake, .39. Stadacona, .45. Francoeur, .29 4. Moneta, 1.86. Thompson Cadillac, .25. Bankfleld, .58. East Malartlc, 1.72. Preston E. Dome, .84. Hutchison Lake. .04. Dawson White, .04. Kerr Addison, 1.78. Uchl Oold, 1.93. Int Nickel, 49.00. Noranda, 65.00. Cons. Smelters, 57.00. Athona, .09'?. Hardrock, 2.45. Barber Larder. .51. Rand Malartic, .35. Aldermac, .55. i VANCOUVER WHEAT ' VANCOUVER, June 25: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.034 on the Vancouver market yesterday. raids Dy Italian planes ui tne insure gent service had reached the limit. It was also reported that Premier Benito Musolinl had warned General Francisco Franco to be more ' careful of his plane raids, especially along the Mediterranean. I Viscount Cecil Critical j LONDON, June 25: (CP) Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, who eleven years ago resigned from the govern- progress, resigned today as government whip in protest at Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's "indefensible" attitude toward the bombing of British shipping in Spanish waters. This means he no longer will consider himself bound to sup-port the government in the House j of Lords. Withdrawal Is Declared '. LONDON, June 25: (CP) Delay was encountered yesterday In planing for withdrawal or foreign vol- unteers from the Spanish civil war i under the non-intervention committee. France took exception to jcertain methods of procedure. The .sub-committee will meet again next Tuesday. NO ACTION ON REPORT Nothing To Be Done at Ottawa Regarding Grain Trading Housing, Electoral and Penitentiary Legislation I OTTAWA, June 25: (CP) It Is ' I .. J 1L.1 . I... .1.. inuniuieu mat new uuuauig, electoral and penitentiary reform bills will be put through before adjournment of Parliament next week. ' Legislation to enact major recommendations of the Royal Commission on penitentiaries including the establishment of a commission to control the penal system will probably provide the feature debate during the final weele Parliament is in session. Hon. W. D. Euler, minister of trade and commerce, indicated, however, that no action would be taken at the present session to implement the recommendations of the Turgeon Royal Commission on grain trading. Today?s Baseball National League Chicago, 5; New York, 0. St. Louis, 3: Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburg, 8; Boston, 7. Cincinnati, 6; Philadelphia, 7. (Twelve innings. Spud Davis' home run won game for Phillies.) American League New York, 9; Detroit, 3. Washington, 6; St. Louis, 12 (end of eighth Inning). Boston at Cleveland, Philadelphia at Chicago, rain. '