paos rovn LEGION IS IN SESSION Various .Matters Dealt With At Regular Monthly Gathering The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League took place last evening In the clubroom with president Jack I'recce In the chair Considerable discussion took place regardjng the notification to the hospital committtee of the branch of 'the admittance of ex-service men to the local hospital The hospital committee reported their difficulty in knowing when ex-service men other than members of the Legion are admitted to hospital. As a result, they are not able to visit them and attend to heir needs as hey would wish. Hope was expressed that all ex-service men. whether Legion members or not, will advise the admitting nurse that they are ex-service men and that relatives of the men will advise the Legion when ex-service men are in hospital or ill at their homes. Report from the president of his attendance at the Sea Cadet display recently was heard with interest. The Legion unanimously endorsed his action in offering to supply two uniforms for the ca dets. WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Salmon Price Meetings to be Held pouna Here Next Monday Dr. Kergin On Week's Cruise Halibut uation Better Sit- A committee representing the British Columbia salmon canners will arrive in Prince Rupert on the steamer Princess Charlotte next Monday morning to hold meetings here with fishermen's organizations to discuss salmon prices for the coming season,. The Native Brotherhood of British Columbia Is one of the organizations which has received notice of the visit of the committee. Dr. W. T. Kergin and party are on a week's cruise aboard the power cruiser Full Moon to Warke Canal and other district waters. The party Includes Dr. Ralph Outerbrldge whose marriage to Miss Margaret Kergin, Dr. Kergln's daughter, will take place shortly. Edward Lipsett. who has. been on a visit to his local waterfront business during the past week, will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return to Vancouver. I San Juan, 8Jic and 7c; Majestic, 1 38,000 pounds, Whiz, 8fec and 7c; JSonla, 18,000, Booth, 8 Vic and 6c: P. C. Hergert, 14,000, Washington '8iic and 6c. The P. C. Hereert also had 7200 pounds of mixed cod. 1 mostly line, which sold for 2e mr . - , The newest boat of the American halibut fleet, the Juneau-built vessel Sylvia owned by Louis and Vincent Anderson, has Just left the Alaskan capital on her initial trip of the season to the fishing grounds. The Sylvia is the ninth new vessel of the American fleet this season. The funeral of the late Mrs. Emma Eliason. wife of Capt. Anton Eliason of the Seattle halibut scooner Seattle, is taking place at Seattle this afternoon. Mrs. Eliason died two weeks ago and her funeral was delayed until the return of Capt. Eliason to Seattle from the fishing grounds. According to a statement Just issued by the United States Bureau of Fisheries storage stocks of halibut on May 15 this year totalled 3,800,000 pounds as compared with 4,653,000 pounds at the same date last vear. A smaller nronortinn of THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT HEARS HOW IT 31 AY BE GIVEN BUILDING ASSISTANCE (Continued from Page One) value of good houses. This was something that must be guarded against. Under the Dominion Housing Act,. Mr. Nicolls continued, provision was made for a system of monthly repayment which included principal, interest and taxes. He explained the factors in connection with the entry of lending Institutions Into a community and told of the process of getting loans. Of prime Importance was the record capacity and reputation of the prospective borrower. Briefly, the procedure of getting a loan was to choose a suitable site, have plans prepared by a capable architect or designer, select the builder, tabulate the entire cost, present the figures to the lending Institution and make application for a loan. The borrowers' equity usually consisted of the property with cash or material on the ground. After being duly checked up, the application for a loan would be approved or otherwise. First the prospective borrow er would have to put up his share this year's halibut is going into and then tne funds under the loan storage this year, more of it be-,would come as work Pressed ing consumed fresh. This makes! As tne house was belns erected the market situation more encour- regular Inspections, usually four The power cruiser Silene, Capt. 'agg although it Is by no means Bob Frizell, left at-midnight last stronS as .yet. J. S. Wilson reported on the Boy' night for a week's trip to the Queen, - Scout display which he attended Charlotte Islands. C. C. Mills, J. O,1 C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Capt. as representative of the, Legion Johns and A. C. Small were among George Coles, Is now on her way and on wTiose behalf he made a jthose on board. Various Island presentation of a Union Jack. He points will be visited. had been very favorably Impressed with the type of leadershio the Four halibut vessels for the annual picnic -which will branch Protesting against the sug be held to Digby Island on July 3. ship subsldy to A letter from Prime Minister steamers. A of the Prince steam- north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and, on ' her arrival here within the next few landed days, will go Into the local dry dock boys were so fortunate in having catches totalling 100,000 pounds at for annual overhaul on completion and his report left the members in Seattle yesterday. Two sales for of which she will go Into commls-no doubt as to the value of the the day were: Seattle' 39-000 Pounds sion in a general freighting ser- work under the local scout associa-( tion. Mackenzie King acknowledged re- Further arrangements were made '"W Pf a telegram from the i vice ior me summer. Tne Prince Charles. Cant. Jnmps Wall Ipavoc were made. Since there were no lending Institutions closer to Prince Rupert than Vancouver, it was evident that It would be impossible to makt loans on one building, Indeed thirty-three loans would have to be going at one time to Justify the cost of inspectorial and other services. It was possible, however that, if there were fifteen loans, ,a lending institution might be interested. Mr. Nicholls doubted If any action could be, obtained with than mteen application. He Vancouver on Saturday evening of,less . . .. .. "pointed to the case of Nelson inis weeK, inaugurating tne sum-;where the Sun Ufe Assurance Co mer service between Vancouver and Rupert Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. ri,H Make the Bride happy with one of these ELECTRICAL GIFTS TOASTER- No electrical appliance it more uteful whether tt be the ordinary kind or the modern utomitic St. 95 toaster. We have them all from up MIXER - A hundred extra handi for the bride's kitchen! An electric mixer that makes food preprtior $)Q.95 p,M'Ure Zo - up SILEX COFFEE MAKER -A sure way to keep the groom happy is to give him really good coffee for break. C az fast. Silex coffee makers are "tops" at . . Q up WAFFLE IRON -For light meali or midnight inicks the waffle-iron is just the thing good looking, H too, at viyw u up ELECTRIC CLOCKS - Electric time is the 'right time. We have electric clocli for every room in the house- j or, bedroom, living room or kitchen A" M ," up AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRON - Even bride, must iron occasionally! An automatic iron makes it ew-and o7i t beautifully streamlined, too. at.,......,., X 'i ROfSTER-Here ! a "v"y sPeeiir prwWJfor . very specia bride. Will cook an entire meal (or 4 people. $0r- 00 Ideal for any home Z j...,...,.. 1 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED ntlNCE RUPERT AND STEWART had been persuaded to come In and make loans. Appraisers had been appointed and other steps taken and the net result was one house. Naturally, the company was dis gusted. In certain Quebec communities local guarantees had been made against loss, said Mr. Nicolls Somehtlng like that might be done here either by responsible organiz ations or the municipality. A local housing authority might be form ed. "Unless a reasonable number of prospective loans are available you might as well forget It," Mr. Nicolls quite candidly said. General Discussion After' his main address, Mr Nicolls Invited. questions from the audience. In answer to L. W. Pat-more, the city commissioner said that a zoning bylaw here was already In process of formulation Mr. Nicolls emphasized the Importance of keeping out the shack type of house and the regulation of certain types and sizes of houses In certain areas. John Mitchell asked if it would not be possible to cut down the cost by appointing a local Inspector. Mr. Nicolls said that the lending institutions had trained men especially for his purpose and, for a start at least, they would Insist In using them. Later an acceptable local man, might be used. Earl Eby brought up the question of 25-foot lots which led to considerable discussion, Mr. Nicol's explained that it was necessary to have six feet between the house, wall and the lot line which left" only thirteen feet on a twenty-five foot lot. Therefore, it could be quite readily seen that loans could not be secured for houses on 25-foot lots. The government certainly would not be a party to Issuing loans for houses crowded on small lots. The city commissioner suggested that people with twenty, five foot lots might be able to make arrangements with the city for exchange for two lots. Col. J. W. Nicholls inquired as to the possibility of an industrial corporation acting as the lending institution in financing its employees and getting the government's twenty percent. It was necessary Mr, Nicolls replied, for the corporation to have authority to make KEN RAYNER (Over 25 Years Experience) For Your Radio Troubles Let me check over your set which includes General Inspection, Testing Tubes, Cleaning Set and Speaker, Realigning All Stages, Soldering Aerial and Ground when necessary, $3.95. Phone Black 712 loans under the supervision of the banking or Insurance dpartments It might be possible, however, U make arrangements with the lending Institutions. Under restrictions speculative builders could not take advantage of the Act. Loans could be paid off in less than the specified twenty years' time. It should be remembered, however, that the Dominion Housing Act was not designed to help prospective builders who were In a position to erect homes under already existing financing facilities but was meant to encourage those who were not In such a position. Houses built with such loans could be trans ferred, if it became necessary, to other persons of equal credit risk The fact that a building site was not on a sewer line and a septic tank would have to be used offered no difficulties. In some communi ties there were even private water systems. Mr. Nicolls emphasized his de sire to be advised at this1 time of all definite applications so that he might check up on them itnd have something definite to offer the lending institutions in regard to coming Into Prince ( Rupert, He mentioned the possibility of fur 'her legislation being enacted that might aid in extending the bene fits of the Act to sucn outlying communities as this. Mr. MacCallum inqulrfdafcto the wssibillty of a civic centre, being 'nanced under the' Dominion Housing Act. There hadt been no provision for this s0 far, Mr. Ni colls answered. Eventually, It might possibly be done under some community development scheme. It might also be accomplished as a self-liquidating public work. City Commissioner In the course of brief remarks at the opening 0f the meeting, City Commissioner Alder mentioned how the city was short of modern homes. In the past there had been little outside money available to assist in home building. Hi mentioned the Industrial possibili ties of the city through development of natural resources and expressed hope that Mr. Nicolls might find It possible to recommend assistance by lending Institutions for home building and modernization here. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Nicolls on motion of J. J Little and City Commissioner Alder. This afternoon between the houn of 2 and 4 Mr. Nicolls Is In at tendance at the city commissioner's office to meet prospective local borrowers under the act. Yesterday he spent much of the day In session with civic authorities and representatives of local building Interests. Thones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Stop In At MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY For a Dish Of FROSTKIST ICE CREAM "A Delight In Every Rite" Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas, Milk Shakes Opposite Canadian Legion HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 f LiNie, tn lougn.iin or m i I th British Empirt... An M- if lariout trio in iht gaytsr, I noefiatt muiieal of themolll 1 1 I - .A BEGINS FRIDAY FOR 2 DAYS Last Times Tonight Itelte Dit'ij In "JEZEBEL" COOK BOOKS Make Excellent Gifts The Canadian Cook Book General Foods Cook Book Mrs. Beetou'a . DICTIONARIKS Webster's Vest Pocket Webster's New Universities Modern University, with Atlas . Funk and Wajnall's Standard ... 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Itt $2.M S2.M J HO SIOD Slit 50c $1.40 $1.00 .65 JO M iO it 40c and 65c .'5 $1.50 2.23 See our approval sheets for your .foreign stamp coi!tilon Changed every two weeks Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One 'Packdirc Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator If you lose anything advertise for it.