——— . JDAY? $%, «ne News’ Want Ad. Way. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist —_— ——S== : eS VOL. UI, NO. 4 ————e = ———====— CIGARETTE CA TWO GRADING ACCOUNTS ARE 3 sentin.Solii a _ HIS TURKEY WAS PASSED FOR FINAL PAYMENT. SS iadian Press Despatch, in Fran 0, Jan. 5. The | state of Cali- Manitoba fornia experienced three distinet ON RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER TOM mAZ AND NICK GURVITCH WILL GET SUM IN SETTLE- on MENT OF CLAIMS. uthern “igs of the earthquake Gurvieh and Tom Mazlum {~~ ——— | don done, be paid the amounts of OUR TIMBER WEALTH Province sunts for street grading wre” RAILWAYS GIVE Quarter Million Last Month. however. commendation of the |The ( ingineer and the Board of W The matter came up at ( last night. The amounts (Canadian Press Despatch.) 102.48 for Gurvich and Victoria, Jan. 5,—The_ provin- s{ 122 for Tom Mazlum, Nick j|cial timber revenue for Deeem- G h wrote to the Council to} ber is considerably over $225,000 ct that he would accept) This sum, which includes license PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, rc shocks during last night Only slight damage was on His Farm. FARMERS RELIEF 'y:00'0 00% C.P.R. and C.N.R. Grant a Thro- ugh Rate to Duluth to Help many of his friends that the soil JANUARY 5, 1912. Site Is Chosen on a Granville REAL GOLD MINE." =" Canadian Press Despatch.) Vancouver, Jan. 5.—The site Rancher Found Gold | for the new Anglican Cathedral | Nuggets in the Crop When He|lfor the diocese of Westminster Killed. 1t—Will Hunt for Gold|hias been selected at the corner lot Granville and Twenty-sixth streets. | VANCOUVER CATHEDRAL | (Special to Daily News.) ocean saasentaleimasaseensieace Minitosa, Man., Jan. 5—Job Elliott, a rancher living close to INCORRI LE ree k Mountain, brought to town he killed for his New Year's din- INDIAN LAD ner, A large portic s black sand. Itis the opinion of |Jim Auriol in Prison Again for Theft — Had Furnished His several gold nugget ts that m of his farm named in full for his ac-|fees as well as stumpage dues i { | and after consideration is we in excess of ie ease nue atl bse iia ip ia ets sare Shack with Stok Goods— rt by the City Engineer | monthly revenue. alc ae ore nuggets Mostly of Small Value. ce Works department the : (Special to Daily News:) een vent i: Ages ' : Sits ( ast night passed the ac- Alderman Newton will hold*his Regina. ‘Sas Pa i The | eae bg: aS thifd’mavoraliy cambeian Haticlo Dh c, re ¥ sixteen, was sentenced to thirty ont “At* Gurvioh ° was Hk Hemaroxa The ‘tie ai? ailieas C.P.R, and G.N.R. have agreed to PASSENGERS SOUTH jdays’ imprisonment today for coma auaiions. bat |da re ae oer ee ; a through ra grain t }stealing blankets and a quilt from n account was paid in| mus Bian ne fats Ke 1 Duluth of 18 cent she the Rupert’s List Included 80 Second-|(eorge Broderius. He has been fants ama at: : spss as to P rhis Class Passengers. lfound guilty of a previous theft i w g the { ; f to get : je! money from the Kaien Island th grail th I g badl Amongst the passengers by the | lub. Auriol is apparently an in- SURFACE WATER PROBLEM l of ily { thc this ning |cerrigible and takes his punish- z WAS FINED FOR R Cl Be “Fe M. {ment placidly. He has been in City Is Not Liable for Cost of | THE WEATHER M M WW Hatal. oa. M. | £80! before over having liquor in Special Drains Says Mr. Peters. | _—— I D. Hall, B F. Stanenvort, | 1s possession, and is quite at a A MEAN OFFENSE [Twenty-four hours ending. 5 M Ethe ] tt. Miss E. How | Some in the Vickers-Bailey hotel. water must foll a. i i 5 Bat 30.259; 1, QO. Naheren, J. Hole, D. Higg, | Jim had been building a nest for \ temy 1.0; 1 Lemp.,|M Knigl H. ( Buaiebntioge.| timself in a litthe shack uptown se of drainage as place, as in Gite wieacat state /Man Fined $100 fain Supplying 1. ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. W: Brown, Mr. ; and had furnished the ty. and “the olty is 4 Liquor to an Indian Girl Under 1 Mrs. C, Boynt . Trodden, |" bief Vickers states, Almont. ene hak ee : | Fourteen Years Old at Kitsum- Alderman N¢ hold his|Mrs. G. D, Newton, J. Fitzgerald, tirely with stolen property, the he cost of construc von | kalum. } i mavoralts impa I \\ Angle, Miss M. Green, Mr. pole ankets, ete., being the only ar- drainage to draw sur-| he: ¢ in Empress Th eon M D'Arcy Tate, A. C. Speers, Mr.|ticles trace d home to their owner off lots by differe: ty Ae chman named | ght Moving | s and|Love, J< E. Veitch, H. Taylor, A.| itapert this morning state that 4.—Joe Bay- | auder bas asked for a return bout to be pulled off in Prince Rupert, but there is liltle hood of this being granted. Edmonton, Jan. ley last night defeated Lauder in| the third round, He is thus en- titled to the lightweight cham- | I i ; pionship of Western Canada. a ey tp eee een Lauder has asked for a return welght championship. oF Censas match: paras y has now to meet Allen of Owing to the fact that there is|Oltawa at the 133-pound weight. now a lightweight championship|There is a good deal of talk of belt for Canada, donated by that pare oneine a match here in Prince sporting celebrity, Tom Flanagan, | Rupert for Bayley as soon as the the Toronto hotel keeper, who|municipal election excitement is managed Jack Johnson at Reno,| over. It is likely that Mickey it is likely the winner of the|O’Brien of Seattle will be his op- Bayley-Lauder bout, Joe Bayley, | ponent. Bayley made many ad- vill be sent east to meet the pres-|mirers here on his last visit and ent holder, Billy Allen. ithe local fight fans are very iindineclstine janxious to see him in action j again. likeli- Telegrams received in Prince OLE JOHNSON SHOT HIMSELF Blew His Head Off in the Bush Near Kitselas with a Double | EBarrelled Shot Gun Two Days | Ago. THE TELEPHONE IN WAR News has just reached the city that a couple of days ago a Swede named Ole Johnson committed | suicide by blowing his head off | with a shot gun in the bush near | Kitselas. Ole Johnson was well known by many workers in Ru- pert and vicinity. He was a pe-| culiar man, and little surprise is | expressed at his end, Before shooting himself Johnson went the round of his friends in a man- ner which in the light of the later event was evidently intended: to} be his last farewell visit. An in- quest is being held at Kitselas. Dr. ‘Trainor, who is staying at the Premier Hotel, has the medical evidenee in charge, and Proyin- cial Chief Viekers has been noti- fied of the occurrence. Alderman Newton will hold his third mayoralty campaign meet- | ing in Empress Theatre on Mon- | day night. Moving pictures and music Be present and hear local issues discussed. st } SERGEANT “PAT” BACK He Helped the Indians Herald the New Year at Gitwangar. Sergeant “Pat’ Phillipson re- turned last night from Kitsum- kalum and the district. | He reports. fine, weather upriver hard conditions there and great good times at New Year amongst the| CONS 4 Indians of Gitwangar. They}. ; saa ie ; . raised a perfect hurricane of re- (TALIAN SOLDIERS AT WORK joicing, with war dances and all The telephone has long been a kinds of gelebrations on the first} factor in modern fighting on the of the year, field, to enable a general to direct : ee Tare his troops over wide areas, The THREE LONE LIBERALS above, one of a series ——_——— specially snapped for a syndicate Prince Edward Island Elections; of papers in which the News Are Now Over. holds a franchise, shows the It- —_-— alian engineers at work install- (Canadian Press Despatch.) ing telephones on the outer forts Charlottetown, Jan, 5.—Fulllof the city, At that time the in- returns for the island|ner forts were held by the Turks, Legislature indicate that three NC eee ee Liberals have been elected, Cox having a majority of five in the second district of Kings. ‘Twen- ty-sevyen Conservatives have been picture election Alderman Newton will hold his third mayoralty campaign meet- ing in Empress Theatre on Mon- Moving pictures and present and hear elected, day; night, music, Be local issues discussed, 3t DEMANDS INQUIRY FIFTEENTH BORN Tardy Arrival of Fire Brigade Alleged by J. E. Unwin. Twins Arrive at Home of Mrs. Bennett, an Indian Mother. J. BE. Unwin has demanded an inguiry into the cause of the de- lay he alleges took place on the By the arviyal of twin children, part of the fire brigade when his}po¢h boys, at the home of Mrs. house on Summit avenue burned, Rannatt, and Indian woman of In a letter to the Council helKitcomkalum, this New Year sea- claims that had the fire brigade son her family now numbers fif- been on the job when the alarm |jeon in all. was first rung in much of. his property might have been saved, ee The matter is referred lo the, Fire For row boats and Committee, and an inquiry will] telephone 320 green. be held, house, launches Davis boat a aaa SE