at PAu TT70 THF DAItT NTT7S !'' .WrtnesAiy. Shoes Of Distinction STYLED BY PERTH Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes In All the Modern Styles And Shades Sold By- V F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor News Department Telephone Advertising and Oiculatlon Telephone ... Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations DAILY EDITION STRATEfiTr necessary for the invaders to maintain. DR. MANION'S WESTERN VISIT 86 9 F.virWlv tha r.n e xti..- T"tal 795 Z lZl nu' iaPc.Ui ii"King was sunicient warn-i 'Rex 1 Jll- cmese against trying to defend a large city e Bury 150 agamst invaders. The Chinese army has again retreated Ii,ler - following out the policy set at the Lginning of the war ? leRen Bury 253 By surrender ng both Hankow and Canton the ChiMBe1wiUrSr l! if pr,estlgf with)he world but was bter to with-' Sndicap :::::::: m S draw than to put up a futile defence. i Total .. .......... 929 If the morale of the Chinese troops has not been BB-Sl$ter?!- ' ; -1 weakened by the steady withdrawal, if Y n0fhin ?w ? ? ckens -- view 01 trie tne extremplv extremely lone lnno- lino ine np of pnmmnniWinnc ,:a: t-i. UNEMPLOYMENT AGAIN The Speech from the Throne yesterday, speaking of unemployment, stated that "further efforts will be made as far as possible to create and stimnlnrp BECOMING TIRESOME The news dispatches coming from Spain are tiresome. , I ney do not seem to mean anything. Today one side seems to be winning and tomorrow the other, 'it seems almost like a stalemate. It is a pitty that the European powers cannot get together and stop it. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. H Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 It IS- u"u (Alexander 133 " J-hiiis t!?,,st interesting feature of the document? im:n 1S tne oinciai declaration of policy of the provincial government for the session. If the government is able to bring about establishment of a few industries such as n nnln mill nf p Mrs. uicKens sr Handicap 84 Total .891 Knox Cheater 66 Scharff 160 , Dr. Manion seems to have made a good impression in ,B,0Ulter vm nuw ui suuuicui a.j. as a juny gooci ieuow, a good mixer and one who is willing to at least pretend enjoyment of the most trivial entertainment. He is said tn hp vivacious and keen and able" to adapt himself to -any com-1 pany. We wish the new leader had been able to visit Prince 166 Mrs. Scharff 157 Brassell 123 Handicap 85 Total . 757 Merchantettes 1 pert or any similar enterprise, it would create employ-.'SK?7 : ' f ment. The building of the Alaska Highway would create ,Gurv!ch ' m employment and so would the completion of the highway' Houiden m between Prince Rupert and Edmonton. We shall be glad clccone 146 to hear of any move that will give men who want to work ?na"f ap - i" an opportunity to get off the relief lists. SJ. nirds 825j iPierc? H2 Turgeon L..,....141 164 iKeron ta iCroxford 169 Handicap 41 Total 825 The standing to date: Blue Birds 9 j Rangers ' 7 Rupert. Possibly when he comes west ao-ain tbo Wnl m sit. V Conservatives will be able to prevail upon him to visit the'Merchantettes .Z'".t city so that, if at any time he should become Premier, he ex -would have us in mind. In any event he is a bit? man and' ,.aple f.s 5 oU,.U 11 j. 1 i , . 0 , . 7 nox HOiei yc oijuulu mi line tu near mm speaK ana see wnat sort of a man he is to meet. Trv a Dallv New rraifled ad a DnvBicinn' formula that Denented ufferert for over 60 TW It v,.n , m J " AVUil uo more man n a. with whlXh i ti;l..I Aithw d I H.v THMA Fev.r, preventing "EF needles luffering. You simply Inhale ma luraea. Your ntarnt Drug Start $1 .00 pr tin. trlil ilu 13c Alo obUintbl la riirtu form. nvriorop ura iMa o. United MiaDimnea jam Twvmo, (.aunt ORT BLUE BIRDS .Bagged Moose In STILL LEADi0otsa Country Retain Firs,t Place in Ladies' Bowling: League Although Beaten By .Merchantette Last Night 2 125 121 228 132 193 19 818 2 170 204 207 143 150 31 905 2 96 128, 79 111 146 115 675 2 188 91 162 100 153 164 858 2 209 85 100 95 155 84 728 2 107 175 124 116 115 85 722 2 127 119 133 130 146 113 952 2 238 179 180 182 132 41 952 3 5 5 5 6 6 7 11 3 186 134 186 17! 159 19 851 3 197 103 153 143 189 55 840 3 140 96 129 140 122 115 74? 3 168 117 129 102 193 161 873 3 223 George Bryant and F. X. Good Had Enjoyable Hunting Trip Returning Home Last Night Although defeated two games to Geore Bryant and F. N. Good one by Merchantettes last night. ; arrived home on last nM's train Blue Birds continued in the leader-itom a hting trip to Ooa Lake ship of the Ladies' Bowling League where theV bagged a moose and Results of other fixtures were as i geese and ducks. The weather follows: ! was perfect and they had a very Annette's, 2; Rangers, 1. Big Sisters, 3; Knox Hotel, Rex, 3; Maple Leafs, 0. 0. enjoyable time. The only drawback to 'the outing was that their ! guide was taken 111 suddenly while High average scorer for the eve- "CiC " . 7, l , nlng was Betty Sisters with 213. Individual scoring was as fol lows; Annette's I Basso-Bert 146 Johnson 124 Skattebol .216 Owen 163 P. Dickens 193 Handicap 19 Total 861 Rangers 1 Berg 181 Petersen . 102 Yager 253 Hallberg 105 Moss Balllnger 157 Handicap 31 i Total .....829 j Maple Leafs 1 I Nelson 157 McLeod 153 "" " H. Glass 69 Wednesday, October 26, 1938. M. Glass - 92 LaBelle 209 TiF.TIJT? AT Handicap 115 Dickens of Big ' Owing to the dry season the ; lakes are very low this year and it is difficult to get near the feed ing grounds of the ducks and geese. The shores of the lakes recede gradually. leaving a wide open space between trie water and the nearest cover from which It Is possible to shoot, The nlmrods left Prince Rupert on October 14. TWO WOUNDED TRURO, N.S., Oct. 26: (CP) Two youths were wounded by one bullet when a gun was discharged accidentally. The bullet passed through the hand of one, striking the other In the leg. lCS'FOR SALE 24 ' 112 Ford Engine. 142 j 982. no li :i 887 3 , 171 142 64 64 216 85 742 3 235 143 1 DO ' 1UO NORTH SYDNEY, N.S.. Oct. 26: (CP) Sixteen persons were arrested for offences varying from looting coal cars to causing grievous bodily harm In the busiest week-end local police have had for years. DIM FOR SALE ft. Cabin Cruiser. $125. Phone Green (25D 7; SITUATIONS WANTED 216 113 985 3 186 171 219 200 159 41 985 9 FOR SALE-iOne walnut vanity1 bureau $12; one Nesco electric oven perfect, cost $27.50 fot $15; one Spartan Radio $25; Baby's bath. Phone Red 578. (251), FOR RENT FOR RENT Thirty-six rooms, redecorated and mostly furnished In Alder Block. Some capital required for new mattresses, etc. For particulars see W J. Alder. City Hall. (252) HOUSEKEEPER, boy 9, wants position. Phone Red 821. (249) PERSONAL NEW PEP AT 40 FOR MEN, Women. New OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain 2 stimulants from raw oysters plus 4 general1 tonics to pep up whole body. Try package today. If not delighted, j maker refunds its low price. Solo , . by all good drug stores tf.' SCOTTISH Country Girl wishes j correspondence with young rancher. Reply to Mary Bruce, Cas-siegills. Ellon. Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1255) " AGENTS" WANTED" CHRISTMAS Card salespeople. Big profits now. Sell the most complete Christmas Card line. Make big money every day showing season's largest selection. Printed to order Christmas cards, with sender's name and address. Designed by leading artists, values unequalled at our low prices.; Four attractive lines including 25 for $1.00 Personals, Also many, different boxed assortments, all! big money makers. Canada's fa-, vorite "2l" card assortment is finest ever produced, sells for! $1.00, your profit 50c. Make big-money for Christmas. Start now I Cash In on. .these fast selling 1 lines published by the largest' company of its kind in Canada. Branches from coast to coast. Oet easier orders. No experience necessary, Write for free sample! book, Agents also wanted !nl smaller towns. Liberal commis-j ion. Friendly service. Premier ri Vat:-' Man in the Moon man soldier making up to a French! What about a game of badminton! j these dull days? Its a bird of a. game. See tnose boys and girl Slamming back and forth A bit of cork and feather FOr all that It is worth. Getting lots of fun From their little game And yet my pity goes to The birdie Just the same. The Lieutenant Governor tells the Legislature that his- government, meaning the member for Prince Rupert and his particular. inenas, intend to set the boys, to work. Looks almost like an election but It can't be that Guess the guy means it. A motorist who was os asked a 1 lF .Bi Hi REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 19G 1 i A Hot rpt t lime Is What You Want This Winter You can get it by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Wellington coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 i native: "Is this the road to "St. ! Ives?" and received the reply, "I 'dunno." Motorist: "Well, can you tell tne 'which Is the road to Cottenham?" A French cartoon shows a Ger-;"I dunno.' heaven and the merits asked the class to ral It tljey wanted to go to ht' M hand hands but but on one went .. up. upntyou want t . Len?" she nOrp ,, ..... Motorist. exasDerated: "Well, vou "Afamma tM ' girl, who does not look very pleased.! nn t , v, .. ..,.... I horn imm cv,. 0 He says: "What can I do madame V rV " . "',.: j T 1 don t( but Im DOt lost to make smile you at me.- The air-l swer was: "Well, perhaps you could sit on your hat," a spiked helmet. ! u uany News C'lsMui The teacher had been discussing jvertlsement for best re'su Badminton Racket Rackets of Quality SS. $36 S A Large Selection to Choose From. Models to Sui avery Taste and I'ocket Campbell's Shuttles Made better to play better and last longer. Spec fal prices in quantities to clubs. Get Your Badminton Supplies at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBRIDE STREET Phone a; USED CARS jiM Come in and See Them Nov P.O. 577 Km RAILWAY I ROYAL MOTORS To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Port Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Phone Canadian Paciti Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'acif "PRINCESS LOUISE" SS. "PRINCESS NOIWIP Oct. 28th Nov. :th, 17th. 28th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Ti ets on Sale Nov. 11. 19.1a tn Fh. 28lh. 1939. Fi Return LImJt March 31st, 193D Connections at Vancouver wltH Canadian Pacific Services , . Tickets and Reservations from WL- COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, i December Frozen HERRING BA Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storag Co. uuiid, 576 Seymour St. couver. Prince Rupert, B.C. tf.