1 1 V3 1 I tl i ft I AND REMEMBER - - - , manyoiners. Easy Terms You'll Do Better At GOOD FILM LIST HERE Outstanding Pictures Booked For Capitol Theatre Here During The Coming Month -.,The coming month will bring an Dark." excellent list of picture bookings tc the Capitol Theatre here Including a number of Movie Quiz contest films. For three days at the end of this week "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," a technicolor pro- FIGHT KIDNEY ACIDS Clogged, inflamed kidneys prevent proper elimination of toxic waste mat-" ter, resulting in excess acid accumulation in kidneys and blood. Gin Pills " flush out the millions of tiny kidney v-tubes giving quick relief from back-- ache, lumbago, rheumatic pains. Let Gin Pills help you as they have : "ProTt their merit thrnuf, it I 2 tiielr uje." rum iiri's ' ):u m n ri j wr m t mini u i ENTERPRISE Oil Burner No Interest or Carrying Charges ductlon, will be presented. An- land In "The Adventures of Robin f other big picture will be "The Hood." November 21 and 22- Adventures of Robin Hood" In the Robert , . Taylor, Robert Young and Fran- middle of November.- The list of cnoYTone i m "Three Comrades." bookings for the ensuing month is November 23 and 24 George i announced as follows: Raft and Sylvia Sidney in "You ! October 26-Akim Tamiroff and and Me," and John Boles in "She Gail Patrick in "Dangerous to Married an Artist." i Know" and Gladys Swarthout and November 25 and 26 Edward G. October 27 28 and 29 Tom Kelly and May Robson In "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." October 31 and November 1 Harold Lloyd in "Professor Re-ware" and. William Boyd In "Pride e West." November 2 and 3 Jean Parker in "What Price Innocence" and Glenda Farrell in "Blondes at Work." November 4 and 5 Robert and Maureen O'Sullivan In Clitterhouse." November '28 and 29 Rogers and Douglas Fairbanks jr In "Having a Wonderful Time," and Mary Carlisle in Girls." "Thp Crnwrt Wnarc" I Tn HT1P 11 n iht . mm m ft m , im nm.i. m u ma e Rev Circulator Heater No Dirt, No Work, No Ashes. With Enterprise you get clean, healthful, just-right comfort all the time. It saves oil too because you can turn it down low when only a little heat is needed. New Enterprise Range for Coal, Wood, Oil Beauty, Convenience; Value You positively should not buy a new range until you have seen these trim, streamline 1938 ranges now on display at Elio's on? r"i r 1 1 n . o-riece Lnesterneia dime t e70 cn lO P.J.tU 4-Piece Bedroom Suite-$59.50 F&mm . ... tWTf 111 i lied, Chiiionicr, Vanity and Bench l . 'WmWmtmi TrnzrA Vel Felt Kug- 5.75 Congoleum Gold Seal CQ A A Kug Size 9xl0'z .. vfVlV Dominion Inlaid 6 feet wide. 2 square QO CZCT yards 0&'0 Harrymorc Seamless Wilton Rug Seamless Axminster Itui SlzcG'9x9- $55.00 size 9x9 29.50 You'll Always Do Better at ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A. B. C.i HAZ ELTON, Oct. 26: (CP On l'honc Green 916 , 3rd, Avenue Sunday the congregation of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Hazelton, had the privilege 0f listening to Harding Priest B. A., B. jj ID., of Calgary.' As field secretary I to the General Board of Religious b Education, Mr. Priest has had wide gland valuable experlenfe both in g. Canada and England. In lllus-trating the truth of the old pro-5 , verb "As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined," the "speaker urged B.the necessity of encouraging the j present generation to become a g: vital and forceful part of the g church. All present, whether par- ents, leaders " n religious work g with young people and children, jor the young people themselves, ' received valuable guidance from 3 the sermon given by this dlstln-g guished preacher. I Holy Communion followed morn- ing prayer and was administered by Mr. Priest. aaUted by the Rev. Frank Burling. Morning prayer g was taken by the Rev. J. E g(Blrchall. rector of Smithers. w 1 The Senior Choir, assisted by the Junior Choirs Iwhite and native), led the singing. j Afterwards, many members of n the large congregation were able u to renew acquaintance with Mr. g Priest, who was in Hazelton a few g years ago. He atfiin expressed his 5 admiration for the district's g beauty. The special preacher was motor-b ed from Smithers by the Rev. J. ! E. Birchall. rfofrf nf Rt .Tamo'c g Church there, . accompanied TWO FII MS by Mrs. Birchall and Roderick. I The visitors were guests at the Rectory and left in the afternoon for Smithers. u On Sunday evening the Church' g Army Hall was filled to capacity g for the Thanksgiving service con-g ducted by Ernesf Harris, captain. I j The choir of twenty members as- Bisted greatly with the singing,' giving in very creditable style the ' a unthem, "Great Is the Lord." St. g Peter's Junior fnative) choir also g attended. The sermon was preach-- ed by the Rev. Frank Burling. Ben ,Wale, lay reader, read the lessons .and a hort addressln the native ""Itonjriie, Wat, given b'Abcl Oakcs. j political machine In a typical Am- Algle, in command of Capt Henry Tip off . featuring the singing of lu.u.ou,, a f.uu y4unU nonular OladVS November 30 and December 1 Prospecting " herring when she Pa.ul Muni In "Scarf ace " ' received the call to proceed to the assistance f the Ivanhoe. "Professor Beware." 'The Crowd John h Boles, comprise a double bill i . picture program showing at the Capitol Theatre here tonight only. Roars," "Room Service" and "The. n n r ttMmor Prinro r.nn.i I Akim Tamiroff is the racketeer- Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse' are-capt II. E. Nedden, arrived in port'n8 political boss In "Dangerous to Movie Quiz pictures. jon lme at 10:30 this morning Know." Gail Patrick plays the part Mrs. Beckwith Wh'ffte ON TONIGHT !Passes Away From The Waterfront J The B. C. Packers Algle, formerly belonging to Armour Salvage Co., left Klemtu yesterday, having In tow the American halibut boal Ginger Ivannoe which had broken down wnue on me way in irom me fishing grounds to Seattle. The "Dangerous to Know" and "Romance in the Dark" at Capitol Theatre "Dangerous to Know," a drama of the inside workings of a powerful Numerous friends in the city will learn with regret of the death yesterday afternoon at 5:30 in Vancouver of Mrs. II. O. Beckwith, mother of Mrs. A. R. Nichols. Fifth Avenue East. After a lengthy Illness, she passed away at the home of her elder daughter, Mrs. A. M. Manson. For many years Mrs. Beckwith had resided between Prince Rupert and Vancouver. Last Christmas she suffered a heart attack from which she failed to fully recover. Just previous to that she had left Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. Beckwith. besides her two from Vancouver. Powell River and of a beautiful society girl while An- i dauehters. is survived by a son. Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 pjr. .' na MaV Won& has a sophisticated , IIarry Beckwith of Portland. She November 7 and 8 Wallace ' 'rr Anyox and Stewart whence Oriental role. The picture comes ; was in England but had resld Beery in "Port of Seven Seas" and STURGIS, Sask., Oct. 25: (CP)- she wiU retum here morrow eve-1 an ironic cumax wun ine aown-, ed for many JTars ln Canada. Herbert Marshall ahd Virginia Walter Mason, farmer in this dls.ning southbound. a J of Tamiroff when he endea- Iuneral wiU take place in Bruce in "Woman Against Wo-.trict 175 miles northeast of Re- No beinTTn wltn catches Z?l&&- lman- gina, had $35 for his year's work af-thorr . , inu,, ok. a .v. ' ' j ' . " 1 """"""i local Fish Exchange this 7T morning . . , -: T JDarrieux and Douglas Fairbanks fall. Rust and smut played havoc - L. . Jr. in "Rage of Paris." I with his crop. "I was going; to buy . t t 1. rr November 11 and 12 The Marx myself a new hat this fall but now ilaZCllOH HeclTS Brothers in "Room Service." November 14 and 15 Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn in "Holiday." November 16, 17 18 and 19 Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havl- nxm Ei uMimmimm n tn i 1 guess i ll have to wear this old ; one for another year." Mason said. (jJJ( Y XftdiQXifZX The Dally Nvws Is an paper. coe Karns also have important prlnccBs ln order to give her a big P&rte. chance as a singer. The story The bright side of backstage life reaches a dramatic climax when a forms the theme of "Romance in newspaper columnist unmasks Miss the Dark" with Gladys Swarthout Swarthout as a fake in the middle and John Boles in the leading roles of her opening performance. Boles when a famous singer turns his steps ln and turns defeat Into suc- housemaid Into a bogus Persian cess with his ever popular singing. 50c for Good Book 3 for $1.25 Now is your chance to own some recent books. We need the space and must clear our shelves of books withdrawn from our library. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW Books by favorite authors Oppenhelm, Farnol, Hurst, Norrls, Lea, Connor, Parkman, Christie, Wodehousc, Wren, etc. Books of mystery, romance and adventure. Naturally the stock is limited in most cases to a single copy of each so act quickly for the best selection. These books are ln excellent condition, the majority having circulated for six months or less. Originally priced at from $2.00 to $3.50, now priced to clear at only 50c-3 lor $1.25 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONE 657 Wednesday, PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS 1939 Phonola - Northern Electric Car' kxvii These Two Famous Names Spell the Finest Science For a Demonstration in Your Home Phone 93 or 1EI Can Build Prove it Yourself in Drop Into Our Showrooms Next to Your Own Home Watts & Nickerson's Larger Trade-in Allowances EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. Phone 95 TONIGHT ONLY Last Complete Show la GLADYS SWARTHOUT JOHN' BOLES In raramounl's (iaila Co I edy-llotnanre with Music "ROMANCE II THE DARK" With JOHN IlAKRYMOEt (At 8:20, Once Onlj) 1'LUS AKIM TAMIKOff Hollywood's Greatest Dnnn-tic Actor in . . . "DANGEROD TO KNOW" With ANNA MAY WONG ' GAIL PATRICK (At ?:13 and 9:51) World News 7 :00 and : starts THUHS. for 3 DAIS "THE ADVENTURE OF TOM SAWYER" (In Technicolor) NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone IU:i 392 INTERNATIONAL TKlCRS 1IILL.MAN CARS STANDARD I'RODl CTS Prompt and Lfflclent Service RAW FUR . SEASON Commencing Must Unload Large Stork 25 Off for Cash Come in and see our gis-Easy Terms Arranged Goldbloom's insura vincia 1500 1 .nee Br! lucre s'. tatur Iv W to i.t i fcissd 1 b fail