gediieaday, October 26,, 1838. CARD OFTIIANKS jjjjj Women Mr and Mrs. Franfc Derry and ; I , 1 .sh to thank aii friends 'Are Initiated thr sont floral tributes to the junerui or uie law: iwrs. mury tnose wno loaned Kank:.- -n Protect Yourself: Build up your body-strength with iho goodness of iho prime Beef In BOVRIL THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with in all the year ro'ind payroll Id Prlno-Kupm I Local Ladles' Moose Organization Has I Jig Night With Visiting Officer Here A class of thirty candidates was (Initiated by Mrs. E. Dean of Vancouver, first dean of the Academv Rev. Roy Durnford, rector of St. Peter's Anglican Church. Seal Cove, was an Interesting speaker befom the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular weekly luncheon today His subject was: "Lenin. Hitler Jesus Political, Economic or Re liglous Revolution." President D G. Borland was in the chair and there was a good attendance ol members with a few guests. HOWARD KFEFE TOIJND GUILTY; SENTENCE IS TO HE PASSED LATER Following a day spent in hearing of evidence and argument f counsel, Judge W. E. Fisher yesterday afternoon found Howard Keefe nullty on a charge of theft from the person. Accused was remanded for sentence. 'ing a determined effort to stamp lout dlnhtheria form which two LOCAL NEWS Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. Coming! Country Pair. Hill 60 I.OD.E. Tea, Mrs. Win-slow's, 4th Ave., Thursday. Moose Tea at home of Mrs. Sam of Friendship, Women of the "ougan, jiu stn Ave. E. Thursday Moose, at a meeting of the local' afternoon, 3 to 6. (250) lodge last night. After the meeting Mrs. Dean gave an inspiring ad-1 Mrs- Max Hellbroner returned to dress and adjournment was made'the city on th Prince George this to the Boston Cafe where supper imorn,n8- from a holiday trip as far was served and community singing south as California. enjoyed. Mrs. Hugh Smith, senior , . . , regent, presided and those present L ?hi PHn?l r ., on Prince r-?? George this morning , . , , ,'lrom a vacation trip to Vancouver ,art, a charter member of the local. or,H i,w., . ,1 ...,u j Jack McNulty, who has been on ; a holiday trip to California, return. , ed to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. i t The event of the season Gyro Hallowe'en Masquerade, Friday night, Moose Hall. Meet your friends there. ' (251) Father L. Oullet, well known dls trlct priest of the Roman Catholic Church, leaves on this evening's train for Edmonton, stopping off at Burns Lake and Lejac enroute. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Glass, after spending the past few days visiting here with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass, are returning on this evening's train tb Terrace. Robert Arthur Sr., who has been located In Victoria for the past sev-eral years, arrived in the city from he south on the Prince George this morning. He Is considering the possibility of again locating here. Bishop E. M. Bunoz, Roman Ca thollc Church Bishop of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to the Interior as far as the Cariboo country. Among the centres visited was Wells which is located adjoining the Cariboo Quartz and Island Mountain mines and where there is a steady payroll and business is consequently good. There Is a Catholic Church at that point. : SYDNEY MINES. N. S.. Oct. 26:1 Called here on account of !rPiT-ni nnthnritlM are male- .serious illness of William Gold bloom, pioneer fur dealer, In the with an . . . ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Highlight heavy winter menus with "Cold Cooking". Delicious frozen desserts, jellied salads, wonderful home-made ice cream and water ices are some of the tasty dishes your refrigerator will "cook" for you. COLD COOKING is inexpensive: just regulate your refrigerator for quick or slow freezing to fit your mealtime schedule and it does its job while keeping all the other foods safely cool. Ask about our Small Down Payment-Easy Terms Plan. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited TiuZ. DATLT H1T773 ' NOW OWNS PACKERS (Continued From Page One) work done by the committee. The total production, of fish for the season of 1938 was 2,163,767 pounds, and this was an advance on that of the season of 1937 by approximately half a million pounds. n One of the thing that had been done since the last meeting of the associaflo wast the, opening of. store at CoV'Bay. Bay. It It commence commenced business on March 15 and has en- (ivpri a pnnri trad In flshprmpn'a addition to "the city store there were also four camp stores operated throughout the entire season. The total sateswto September 30 for 1938 were $69390.90 and for the same period in 1937 $36361,93, a gain of $33,02897; The two fish packers ."Azurite" and "Ogden" were operated this season the same as last, but there was a'substantial reduction in tho operating costs over that of 1937 The association also paid off the sum of $1700 outstanding on the "Ogden" at th? end of 1937. Both Packers are now fully owned by the Association. The "Ogden" is now on. charter to the- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. for a short period. The following resolution was un- nanlmously adopted: "Resolved that in view of the fact that British Columbia Is the! only province In the Dominion of Canada In which there is no Credit Union Act to encourage thrift by providing a safe, convenient and attractive medium for the invest ment of savings of its members, and to increase the purchasing power of its members by enabling them to borrow for produc tive or other beneficial purposes at a reasonable cost; and in. view of the further fact that in. ail tht provinces of this Dominion where they have been established as well as in the United States and Europe they have proven successful, efficient and In the best Interests the) 0f the people. "Therefore this Association urges urx)n the government oi urmsn Prince Rupert General Hospital, Columbia to provide such a Credit r, rt nl Jul nn J. . . . . . . .. . i deaths have resulted within th- Sam Goldbloom, a brother. anajUnlon legislation at the present! i last few weeks. Medical Of fleet Mrs. Louis Halperln, a daughters session in Victoria, so that this) ,Dr. C. J. W. Beckwith has reenm- j arrived in the city from Vancouver province may keep abreast of tha. I mended a 100 percent inoculation on .the. Prince George this morn-. otner provinces "ot 'Canada." lof school children In the town. Ing. you can Cook with COLD There was a resolution passed at Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for k full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. John's October 36. J Hill Tea October 27. Country Fair, Oddfellow's Hall,, October 27. I Gyro Club's second -annual-Hal- Masquerade, October 28. jlowe'en Hyggas Bazzar, Friday, Oct. 28. Eagle's Bridge, November 2. Hi. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. f Baptist Bazaar November 5l I Presbvterlan Bazaar Nov. 10 t S. O. BaskeJiiNovemr! Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar November 16. ' Cathedral Christmas Bazaar November 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov-, ember 24. J. City Tennis Association annual (dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In tli Mattrr of th "Administration I Act" I And 1 In tlie Matter of the Estate ot Manuel I Gonzales, Deceased I TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl Honor Judge Pis her. Local Judge of tha Supreme Court of British Columbia, made the nth day of October 1938. I was. appointed AdinJalstrator of all the Estate within British Columbia of the above-named deoeaeed, late of Maya Yukon and Stewart. British Columbia. All persona Indebted o the aaJd eatatt are required to pay .the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and all I persona having claims agaLnat the said, estate are required to file the tame, I properly verified, with me within one! month from the first publication of ,Uils notice, otherwise distribution of the said estate will be made withouV, regard thereto. I Dated at Prince Rupert, B. O. lath day of October, 1838. the meeting favoring amalgama-' tlon with the North Island Trollers Co-operative Association, and there was a delegation present from the' latter organization who advised the meeting that their association! also favored amalgamation but, that no necessary extraordinary resolution had yet been passed.1 The boards of both organizations; were requested to Investigate the possibilities of amalgamation and' report to the next meeting. The meeting deplored the extensive illegal fishing of creeks this season and passed a resolution :"lteratmg their stand on the closing supplies, including -groceries, mh. ir. m.-on. -wv 'halt .t. Tn.ur for the Hshtn of salmon In District No. 2. Should the Depart ment of Fisheries find that thev cannot effectively patrol the creeks, individual fishermen would be willing to be deputized to aid as thl NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. 0 Hotel Arrivals Central Gladys Johnston and Blanche Roy. Winnipeg; ,E. Johnson, city; Charlie Anderson, Digby; Mrs.'L. L. Woods, Salvus; Murdo Smith, Terrace; A. Mlltchin, CNJt.; Edward Sylvarnes, Port Edward. Prince Rupert H. W. Waldof, Prince Geqrge;iJ. C. Kelly, Ottawa; D. J. Hutchison, M. McArdle, H. L. Taylor. A. E. H. Smith and D. C. Scott, Vancouver. Royal E. Stephens, city; A. Pallant and F. W. Hawe, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. B. Johansen -and R. T. Pape, C.N.R. Savoy A. G. Hill, Claxt&n Cannery; Mrs. Lee Wing, Port Essington; Mr. andj Mrs. Burton, Ketchikan; V. Lekick,' city; E. Kvick, Oona River; Mr. and i 1 1 T". T 1 Itl.lln . r nt.nM ! iviia. Hi. ijcwjs, xvi ma net, j. Prince Rupert; S. Gurvich, Hays-port; H. S. Cowan, Colleymount; S. O. Smithe. Hidden Inlet; E. Haines, Klncolith; R. Arthur Sr.. Victoria. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bod la tha Morning Ruin' to go Tlx tw tbooid pout out two jMNuida of mud btl iota row bowoU daily. U tbiM bil k Bot fiovtag trWf, yemr tood dotw't diiwt. It )ut drari In tb bowaU. Gu MotU up tout tanuk You f t eowtipatod. Hrfut poircM E9 Uti tht body, mad you feat our. wuk IM tb worid looks punk. A nr bovol BkOTwamt docaa't b yi r at th csum. Yon Bd omttiinc tbt vork oa th UTr M wtu. it uu u xwo, u r. littla Lircr PUU to rC WM tWO pound ( bU flowlnc trwoly o4 mmk you rJ "un ud ud . Hartnlrwa oa Inu. inrr mk th bit flaw freely. Tbey do tb work ol calomel but biv no calomel or mcreury In then. Aik for Carter Uttl Ut Kill i by nam I Stubbornly refute anything !. too. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bids. CRAFTS MRS. EDGCUMBE Classes In Leather Work Metal Modelling:, etc. Phone BLACK 836 v-Bfr the LifeKihePaztvIiyij Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Piano-Accordion Open for Engagements Parties, Dances, Receptionsetc Music With Rythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Ref. Music Ituth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GKEEN 390 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Helntiman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tunlnr with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. PAGE TKtvt Pond's Beauty Box Containing 1 Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c 1 Pond's Cold Cream 30c 1 Pond's Face Powder 60c 1 Sample Bottle Danya Lotion SPECIAL All for--' 99c KLEENEX -f 200's M.OK, KOTEX 12s 9Qp 2 for 45c KLEENEX 33C MODESS 12's QQn . 2 for 45c Ormes Lid. "3hi Pioneer Druggists' The klezU Store Phones: II t Open Dally From 8 ..m. till 10 y.m. Sundays and holidays From 12 noon till t ).m, 7 p.m. till S 9.m. PHONES 18 and 84 P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" AYLMER PUMPKIN Fancy quality. 1Qf 17-oz. 2 tins 2's. 2 tins 25c LIBBY'S TOMATOES OKp Choice 2V2'c. 2 for NU-JELL JELLY Powder with glass sherbert. 3 plcs. BOILED CIDER For mincemeat. MOK, Pint bottle FANCY FREE DESSERTS 3 flavors. OQ 3 for klUV LIBBY'S EVAPORATED PEACHES In new triple-sealed container. 4 0 11 -oz. pkg. FORT YORK COFFEE 1-lb. tin 38c LIQUID VENEER For polishing. 4-oz. qpn battle awiUV W.W.W. POWDER Special preparation ior gen- j Bp eral cleaning. Per tin FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Arriving today. 23C FRESH PUMPKIN and HUBBARD SQUASH A n Lb MACARONI and SPAGHETTI lib. XU QC Pkg MOIR'S HALLOWE'EN OCA AOS KISSES Lb, Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Yout Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE ENGLISH LINO RUGSW27x48. AnlmalVaQdoral dAp .Hsiacii;.:fe.Z.u..H!' CHVk BED COMFORTERS Each . Phone 775 $4.00 327 THIRD AVENUE MORE HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support the Region that Helps Support You. Think This Oyer, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL :1 at'. 1 HI