PAQZ rOUR PiOJicirrrxc Qtvssa.: This, my lord, is a case of a yous; womu charged with bihkaal fceadiches. It is a ud case, became ber affliction renders bcr unfit for work or play, a misery . . . Jcnci : Whit is a headache? (laughter) Cocssel: The dictionary defines it as a continuous pain in the head. Jcnci: (addressing prisoner) : Why do you have a continuous pain in the bead, young lady? Paisoxri: I don't know, my lord. It isn't my fault Jcdci: The question of whose fault it is will be decided by this Court Do you admit the charge? Pusoxrt: Yes, my lord. Jcdci: What steps do you tale to prevent these headaches? Pusoxti: I sometimes take a sedative, my lord. Jcdci : Sedative ? Do you really mean to teD me that a sedative prevtntt headaches? Ttumnx: No, my lord, of course a sedative doesn't exactly prntnt them, k.... Jvom: Have you ever heard of Kruschen? Prrioxri : Yes, ray lord. I used to tale it regularly. ' i Jcbge: then? tNTHl HYC1LS1 COL' IT orjvmct Typist Accused of Headaches (Before Mr. Justice Kruschen) And did you .Lave hexdatlt Ptisoxta: N-no. Judgi: Young lady, you may count yourself fortunate in being brought before me. In tics court we regard preventable iSness as a cwne. The complaint from which you suffer is caused by nothing else but neglect neglect of the very first rule of sane and healthy living. It is caused, like so many other afflictions, simply and solely by constipation or that even more dangerous and far more prevalent condition of semi-constipation. A pinch of Kruschen Salts as much as win lie on a ten-cent piece taken in a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of water, every morning will help to finally; and completely rid you of your trouble. My ruling is that you go straight way and get a bottle of Kruschen and begin this necessary practice tomorrow morning. PiisoN-ri: (smiling through her tears) : Oh, thank you, my lord. f Coctjsk.: About costs. . . . Jcdce: Quite insignificant The cost of the little daily dose' is much leu than lc a day. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Kracfcea is a combination of P" abundant exercise and fresh serenl mmeral sahs which air. You should have these your body mast get, in some salts every dj, hence the im- way. to keep the Wood pure, portance 'of the "Stile dafly the aside dean, and the sjv UO,TZEORTEA dose". Every drag counter sells tea reoeraBy toaed up. but which you Kruschen in 25c. 45c and 75e bottles, can't get in Nature's own way without U't the Utile dMy dote that does it. Easter Week Specials 2500 Dollars Worlh of Carpets and Linoleums ETery item of high quality and new design. These goods have been specially priced for Easter Week. We invite you to visit our store and see the fine display, the most varied, colorful and quite the largest selection available at exceptionally reasonable prices. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum It is the quality you choose for long wear, with patterns right through the back. Q-f 97 Special, Square Yard pLCil Dominion Printed Linoleum nn Square Yard ! tC Rexoleum nn Square Yard out Seamless Axminster Carpets '9 512.50 a9;by9 30.00 a?y69" S24.00 f;by10 $36.00 Barrymore Seamless Wilton 6' 9'' by 9". CCTQ Cfk Special tDl7.DU We sell only for cash. For out of town customers the foregoing prices remain in effect until Saturday ELIO'S FURNITURE Third. Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Dae Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 .-1 It's interesting to know when readint: the Daily News mai tne people 01 tne wnoie aistnct are doing the same. SMITHERS LIBERALS Frank Foster President E. T. Kenney LUA. Addresses Annual Meeting SMITHERS, April 12. The Smithers Liberal Association held L. Mackenzie King and Hon T. D. Pattullo. Honorary Vice Presidents Olof Hanson MP. and E. T. Kenney M.L.A. Past President J. P. Downeyl President F. V. Foster. First Vice-President J. L. McEwen. Second Vice-President S. F. Campbell. Secretary Treasurer L. II. Ken- , ney. Executive Committee H. Bos- A set of rules was developed and a few games played successfully. .Then Stuart returned to his old home In the Old Country and th? game was forgotten. j Early this year ftve-sult bridge made tne news rrom New York. The Stewarts remembered the game developed by Randolph Stu- iart and studied the rules of New York's "new" bridge. "Exactly the same kind of cards as Randolph used," James Stewart said. "The same kind of rules we used, too.' He said Stuart wrote to him some time ago to mall him a copy of the rules used when five-suit bridge was first played here. Stuart had tried to Introduce the game In England without success. Whether the game was Introduced In New York by Stuart or by some other person, James Stewart did not know; I TERRACE VIMY DANCE I TERRACE. Anril 12:Vimv niu.-iil jwas celebrated by a dance in Odd-i fellows' Hall. There was a bif 1 crowd and everybody was happy. , Homer Leveque won the prize of! S2 for the lucky ticket. j For Your EASTER CANDIES And Novelties From lc and Up Call At . MUSSALLEM'Si CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion THB DAILY NW8 NORTH OF HAZELTON This Is Proper Route For Alaska Hi;hway Contends Pioneer Of North t Barney Mulvaneyl BURNS LAKE. April 12: That its annual meetlns Friday ereninz DorUon of the central interim I some lengwi oy ju. i. Kenney ray eo4riK and down thl j MIA., his speech being very Inter- Hootailnaua and the Yukon offrt e$ting and enlightening on many no difficult ennrt nrnh'ni ipoJnts. The local member was Frm ,. "-t'b 'f h Hnotalin tendered a vote of thanks and ap- ona to Dawwm City vht rrade preciation for hlr altendan"- at ?'- lowf'! nffir no impediment i meeting and hU work a' memb- This route means so much tr. and he was assured of the ronf. dence of the local association. FIVE-SUIT OLD STUFF This Form of Bridge Was Played In Victoria Years Aro the peonle of the Central IrUeriot whose on'y outlet Is the Port of Prince Runert. tht every individual from Enrioko to the Co is demandine that Prince Ruert be given a back dor connectin-? with the Alaska Highway at Hazel ton. The Letter Box VICTORIA. Arril 12: CP Five-' ,c. ... . tilt brldge-the "new" card game',S CA-VUUA CONFEDERATION? ecently introduced In New York I Editor, Daily News: was first played In Victoria six) As a reader of your valuahlu years ago, according to James Paper I often notice you write of Stewart who played in the first' Dominion politics as "Federal game with an dver-size deck. I Politics. Why is this? If the ov Stewart said a former Victoria 'eminent at Ottawa Is a federal resident, Randolph Stuart, devel-j government that would imply that oped the game in 1932. He took his I Brltisn Columbia is not a provinc 1 I J l 1 , I Hilt, Kffltp pnlrwtnrr cnmA r.- . , eutxiai ucck ui caras maae dv; "'o mjii, u pasting crowns over the suit in-j an oramary aecK to tne home of! Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart for a! try-out. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront A meeting of fishing boat owners, both salmon and halibut was . held Sunday at tts offices of the! Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op-J era tire Association to consider the idea of organizing for blanket in In the Municipal Hall. The meet-1 from Endako west is now feeling ui ranee coverage of boats. It was Ing was well attended and E. T. I some concern over the possibility ; fet that it was a little too late to Kenney, M.L-A. for Skeena, came of being sidetracked should the do anything this year so further up from Terrace to be present In proposed Alaska Highway be built : action was deferred until fall the absence of the president. J. P. north from some point east of Downey, who has been ill for sev- Haierton. Thi- would switch Xht : union steamer Catala. Capt. eral months, and the first rice- tourist traffic it is felt, from its Jaines Flndlay, returned to port at president, F. V. Foster, who was legitimate course As from Endako 9;3fl ys morning fr0m Stewart, out of town, the second vice-presi- to HaaoKon eve ry litUe hamlet de- Anyox and her northern points dent J. L. McEwen. occupied the Prince Rupert for its d ed at 1:30 D.m. for Vancou- chair. General business was trans marKet. n is ien mere snouiu oz acted and many matters of local co-operation m all matter; con-Interest were discussed. cerning the building np of the The election of officers resulted whote Interior and this Alaska in the following being chosen for Htahway. It is contended, is one the ensuing year: of thoe matters. Honorary President-RL Hon w iaee Gennre. with its great waterway system io nnntv rurira is independent Vanderhoof. with it great Hinterland reaching to ManarM) Creek, has an emoire of its own. Hamilon. with a million dollars worth of advertising, backed bv a historic environment, known from the Panama Canal to thf ATtc Circle, is outstindtru; and has a irtft. it is cootmvled. to de-r-md th huildine o oe Alasfc Ftehroy following th" KIitot Ri ver. one of the most beautiful ar.d prolific regions of the Central In terirtr the MnMfnr tH Tn!it It ' I' T" A- McMartin- cnmmit toTh- d--nt of the Chac Wilson and A. L. Evitt. -HWne toTe' R-h nr-efc Fro-. The meeting was addressed at Wwwh'fcrv t TeMn Iake U ver and waypoints. I Three halibut vessels sold catches totalling 32300 pounds at Seattle yesterday. The sales were: Wireless, 15,000. Whiz. 15c and 7Vic: Superior. 8,500. Booth. 16c and 7Vc; Westfjord. 9.000. San Juan. 18c and VAc All three boats sold mixed cod catches at 8c and 9c. Most of the halibut was second class, taking the lower price, the average being 10 -5c per pound. One halibut boat sold a catch of UNUK .MAN IIF1 URNS 'I 1 KBTCHIKAN. April 12. George ir'tni. well known Uniik River pla- mine', returned to Ketchikan Vrdv- after a six weeks' trip to he Un:ted States. 1 irrirn rights like the Uniteil : 'r.tts of America. If British Col-umb.a is a sUte then I must revise my po iUca! views and try l, uti the so-ca-l-id Dominion gov rmment towards iU proper func lion as an advisory ldy only but if British Columbia Is only a pro v.ncc of the Dominion, then I shall have to give my vote to whichever political party recognizes that position and Insists the provinces stop trying to exercise sovereign rights. - The habit of Canadian newspapers calling the Dominion government the "Federal" government 'Is probably a habt of careless cnoice 01 words but newspapers should choose the right words. It may be a bit more of the Canadian tradition which Is to Imitate the United States of America. I do not approve of this either. Anyway 1 I'd be glad If you would clear me' up on aj iinis ana tnank you. "CITIZEN," rVL ----- - ' RECIPE PEAS J 1EAMED WITH TUNA FISH OT.ICItxr... 5.1 1 .rui p,p onion 2 rop. mftk ft In butter In top of double boiler until I ur, .alt, p.pp,r, .nd ,,end. Add mUl1 1 jr. and cook until thick .nd .mooth 1 00k 10 minute., ,trrin)5 W(I,S 1 .ed tuna fi.h, and p.... He.,. Sem'i Smoked "Rupert Brand" M ild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator I WIT UHMCC AT TERRACE No Less Than Nine Substantial New Residences Under Construction TERRACE, April 1J: Terrace Is to some extent changed in its character. Whereas some yean ago the place was justly proud of its orchards and berry pate hen, recent years have witnessed an Increase in the active sawmills in the district. Now that, in the early springtime, the roads are too soft to permit of heavy hauling, the lull due to the temporary stoppage of the sawmills has resulted in something like a boom in house building. There are nine houses in course of con struction just now, all on or in the vicinity of Park Avenue. All of them are of substantial character, designed for the accomodation of the married workers who either are employed at the mills or make a living in pole industry. Prince George """" ieeks Highway the 'Convention To Be Held There Propose That Dominion Take Over Mount Kobson Park PRINCE GEORGE, April 12: (CP -The National Parks Highway As-vciaVon will hold a convention hre soon to consider thi proposal -f a new narks highway between here and Mount Robson. It Is be ing T)ropoTd that Mount Robson Park be taken over by the Domin ion in the hope that a highway to connect it with the coast via Prince George would be more speedily provided. This would also fill the de- rrand of McBride for highway con nectlon with the outside world. EASTER LAST TIMES T0Xlcn7 John Barrymore in -Mr-CLUB SCANDAL-s;23 2 Plus Miriam Hopkinsin "WISE GIRL" (At : 1J L 9:i9) WORLD xEffs Begins Wednesday Slust Romance End With Marriage? Antel Says -No' mm! MARSHALL MELVYN DOUGLAS EOViBO muni rr UDBABSrTDSiS BO cossiii'Eimumi ADDED FEATURE Margaret Lindsay, Firm I Cabot in "SINNER TAKE l Beautiful Easter Cards at 5c, 10c, 15c up We Have The Largest Assortment Ever Displayed in Prince Rupert SEND CARDS AT EASTER EASTER CHICKENS EASTER RABBITS NOVELTIES NAPKINS SEALS Tennis Players While They Last We Are Offering Slaienjer 1937 Tennis 25C Calls' to Clear at, Each Six (in sealed box) for JL!5 It Pays to Play With SLAZENOERS Raquets Balls-See Us For Your Tennis Requirements The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFB Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. O. E. CLACK East 100 foot; thence -ArcrssoriM I.K.iSE Jiiirii (harlottp I. land District. KwwdliiK DMrltt of ITInrr HuTt. Take notice that Moresby Island Flail-eric. Jodway, Limited. Itah Miter, of Vancouver, B, C. Intend to apply for a letmo of the following drncrlbej lands: Oonunnnolng ,t a pout about 1 mn west of Jcdway, on ithe nouth Hhore of SlctncutUe Inlet; thence Eiwt 10 chain: thow South 30 chains; thence Wett ta chain to the lilh water ninrk of Blctnouttle Inlat; thence Northerly and foUowlng high water mark to the point of commencement, containing 33 acre more or lem. Dutcd February 19th, 1938. MORESBY ISLAND FI8irEIUES JEDWAY, LIMITED Fred Nash, Agent. If. SK ... iM. tjiiren Cliiirlottr ,,,"!', Vip Mnnrdlng KWrUt of lr 'p Take notice that Moresby fW 0t, erees Jedway, Limited, ot ' (of I Plh fiaXtera, Intend m' f0!f loae of the XoIlowUig do-cr'" Hhore: ,ntfd & . Commencing at a V1 fz&rfj, 1 mile weM. of Jedway arid rf shore of SklnoutUe I"1 tf0? ISO fent: thence 6outn ' thence Went 375 -113 feet tp Uve N1 t ieev. t; tw ;h said W Northerly following JMgt& 10 mark mark to n the the nolnt point of c"1"'. ""Tof Dmted February 19th. i,HEBlES MORESBY ISLAN?.,S?n f 1 - Fresh Local Raw A Pasteurized Mlk VALENTIN DAIrV phone 657