tkfir 1 nil il'&iUuniu KAIlLS Cy CtUi trj, ty crmr. ytarry perjuc. pjc ta adratce Paid !r idraaee, per nt Pax ta ad-ance, per sccth t E Your Every Desire In XMAS SLIPPERS Pre in plain style t the mott ti-uisite Design. Vitrei trm the style centre. Priced U Sail Ertrj fcxve We Are Fra tartar "PARIS MAID" STEEL ARCH SLIPPERS In Satins. Velvets. Corduroy doth and AO Colors of Leathers Your Slippers Are Here Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THL DAILY NhWS. rRJKCt ECffcKT - BSiriSH COLUMBIA Psh2tfced Every Atteraocn. Except Sssday, by Prince Hubert Daily Kew. I.tmtted. Third Avscue B F PULIXN - - - Uanagtnz-Edncx fiy rca3 to a2 partt of BrsUh Colsmbla. VU HnUth Empire and CxUd Szilu jeariy period, pud ta adance ej caU to aS cihex ecsatrtes. pe- year ADVERTISING RATTa C 1 trifled adrtrtiCsj. per were, per taaeraon local readers, oer lme. per teaertkn A-errWac 4 Cnrvuuo Trlephvne m Srwt Department Tritprw.e . . . at MernVcr at Andlt Brra t rnraUtMivi DAILY EDITION rm f A A A A A J A A fw A ft" s- A A A A A A US ISO a 23 Tnetday. December 13. 1902. LITHUANIA IX LIMELIGHT Lithuania is now in the limelight and it seems quite possible that the situation in Memel will prove troublesome. Evidently this city is largely German and the people there are strongly German in sympathy. Some action toward either making Memel a part of the Reich or making it an independent city practically under German control has been looked for. It was expected by many that the first German move would have been to annex Memel, even before the annexation of Austria. Memel was part of the German Empire prier to the Great War. ANOTHER LOOKED FOR MOVE Another looked for move is for Germany to make a drive in the direction of the Russian Ukraine. That would probably lead to war but to what extent the rest of Europe would be involved no one can say. It is thought that Great Britain would let Russia fight her own battles ami that France too might keep out of the fray. There would be a possibility of Japan attacking Russia on the east, the pretext being the differences over fishing leases or possibly the Russian help given to China. FISHERMEN'S NAVAL RESERVE A number of fishing vessels, part of Prince Rupert's fleet, will be leaving early in the new year for Esquiftlalt where they will train for defence purposes iri case of trouble with a foreign country. This is the first time Canada has sought the tid of her fishing fleets for possible war purposes. It should prove an effective force in the matter of mine laying and in fact for many purposes. Britain s mystery boats proved very effective in the Great war. SUPPORTS IMMIGRATION SCHEME John Mclnnis of Prince George has a letter in thr Federationist supporting immigration to Canada of settlers for the land under the Hornby or Page Croft schem for putting British settlers on the land in Central British Columbia. He says: "It must be obvious that Canadians must sooner 0-later share their resources and opportunities with people from countries that are 'overcrowded.' "Shall we welcome British and other desirable settlers? Or shall we reserve the country for the Japanese' Don't worry about giving these settlers Provincial Jhtere are mi,llons of acres of good land in central B.C. n which under present conditions have no market value. Why not let the settlers have this land, and whv not have the British government spend fifty millions If thev vi8htodoso? "More settlers comine to B.C. will not'solve our economic problems, neither will it be a hindrance." Mr. Mclnnis is a member of the C.C,F. at Prince George highly respected by his political foes as well as by those who voted for him in several elections.-- markedly less, but Sir Charles said ties." TTTZ Hint Afilft i Montreal Bankers Discuss Canada's Business Outlook Sir Charles Gordon, President, Reports Exxansioa of Loans for Commercial Purposes Bank in Very Strong Position Presents New Vision of Trade and Industrv money than could be In short-term, high-grade En pi re General Managers Explain How ETer-IacreAsing Taxes and Other Operating Costs Reduce Banking Profits! Urges the desirabilitr of Making Public Tax j Conscious The important pin that the But of Montreal plsys ta rtliticn Canada's product, re activities and attendant naanaa: ccnticns; again was emphasised at the UI& annuil meeting cf the sharrhcCier held ia Montreal this wek WiOi aisett at the highest irrei sine IS!. arrnasents. I found) ecurt- that he was glad to note that there In spite of this favorable deve lop-had been no recurrence of the cut- ment, however. proHU were prae-throat competition which proved ro U rally the same as for the preced-disastrous In years gone by; more lng year. Low tnterest rates and recently newsprint consumption the still moderate borrowing re-had lmprcved and the outlook for quiremenU of business had made it the coming year was more hopeful, difficult to eifect any Improvement Expert trade, a highly Important in this re peer, he said, factor in national prosperity, had Meanwhile taxes were ever on the been affected by the current crises increase o much so-'that prat-In Europe, the situation in the lag cost under this heading were Orient and the depression in the about tfOOjCOO higher for the tear The Christmas Spirit T&e Chrtn United States, but the year was tmder review than for 1TO, despite taii closing on a more hopeful note In the fact that there had been a re-! ticw oj me unpwkance oi me uwt auction of S3 in the number of u upturn in the United SUtes and branch of lices. In referring to the the passing of the war scare In ratio of quick asAU to i)l UabUI- g Europe. ties to the public at nXQK. he g The New Trade Treaties said that "naturally we would like' 2? Another Important trade devel- to e percentage brouiht con-1 opment referred to was the tripar- alderable lower through an increase Ute treaUes recenUy signed by rep-'Ir rd commercial loans, and we resentatives of the United King- are t"a the trend Is in this direc- dom, the United States and Can- iioa-" ada. These treaties, said Sir Money Rates and piwie Debts caries, wouw affect in more or The large total W dominion and "IT" "d,pronnciaI government ohngaUon. Va. u'a -il " ne,d y chartered banks. . T.u 7 ' amounting in all to about 18 tlon not without sacriHces and not r k. 1 10 -nuoned" 7, yTVin ffl 7...".? P0"0;' cussing the trend 'of Interest rates vW.c.. ,c accc wa prwvjaeu and government AfUr for primary producer, to the great presenttagSstlci -finance Tto "mphaSe &2.'?- n obligate " " which would have to be met with- a general increaae In the purchas- f th. .V?J set' iIdJ" set the added eompeUtion which' -(t teems obvlou, that the central - ' v- 1 money rates down.- However, he! British Armament Orders I took 1" that rh current level n.11.. .u t..A ofinUrest rates could maln- Industry. Sir Charles stated that "weiimieiy. a i. . if y likely to have a rtmti1atln rvintin..!.-ki. l M - - - ' vvmhiih liu UiaCUMMJH Oi DUD- t effect on certain of our manufac- lie finance, the general manager! X turing Indastrlea was the prospect spoke with some coocern of the rU-l M of this country contributing to the ing Ude of public debt. Jle aug- G armament requirements of Qreat tested that rjerhtn Vain of ih BriUln. In this connection he reasons why there was no wide. V. mentioned that when In London spread demand for economy In gov- H last spring he had had a number ernment waa that m much of our 9? was not spirit ti the and the trend oi commercial kns EDtnxd. the Bin t sir CTsat W . --- Af viruhri hinr!n Gardes, QBJL. the president, pcind est. hi fafiy safrUir.rd ihsi generosity Joy and gladness If we strength of its flnxneia: position which a year 150 be described as the all try k bring greater gkadae strongest daring the trn yean la which he had thea beid the posilira to the work! we shafl be happier rf president Reportisr, for himself and Jicksoa Dodds as joint f eaeral'oarserre. Why not let the Salva-managert C W Spinney, ia referring to the sr.hmntfi, torrease ta tlx 'lion Array hern. They are offering number of the tack commercial borrowera, .stated that current laini their aerrtce and discosaU in Caaada hid increased by TT7JCMW0 dartef the year raakins a total of IITJ.TOQCOO. which was priur thaa two riTTTrxr" 1 rpi-i ReTie1a the year experience pie In this retard, ia which he di-, - of Cinarttan bosjaess, with whirh recttd atteaUw to the fact that la , ij TTT rfnn the bank is to do&eiy ideaUfled. Canidi there was a terje body of iHlrrlllrS St- Chari sUtfd that il hid bf vcrfcrsm in tsdsitt notl V'llll-ll U1UU a period of treat uncertainty la now Ttry basy and that TOdertch- mpect to the toasedlate fntsxe nical adrite the jxSI of these 'Wrt.,.0,,, wuinu Vas one f leaden and. conseijBently. of socae hesiua- men eocld readily be adapted to' . 0t Ell,e Qotea rt In bosieess imentiam. How- the the nmtiWWi production oi I cnarwie luanat r wwMVW MMfUU erer, he added that by and larye. C.araitd , . . .. , . . Wheat Tnce Helpful w, tv- other coBntriea. the experience in SKIDEOATX D-C IS In disrassni: the igrtrclturxl siu'jo DaHy Nrmt John WUnaras ranada had not cnsitixfaf- uatico. the smjdent dealt narti.riChief Clt-Khooo'. one of the tory. -Most of oar tedastries." he ndarly with the oadertarlni cf the Ceri cf the Earle tribe of the said -hi tp i-iaintaiaed a fair rate Federal Government to rearantee' QJn Charlotte Istands. died of prodeettoi aad. althoefh there a fixed prlre for wheat at a lerel fondly raomlnt at Skldefatc has been recession m Boat lines, hlch. he ctessrfid as ren-rocr this has been offset lartery In other In Tie of all ..the cirtasistance. directions, with the marked actlTlty He rerlewed arxttnenls both or. Oi nuning cunirccciing in were- "" tutcc iajucja which he mgiy important measure w me nucu u cvouasicu u iur welfare of many .subsidiary enter- this year it was a wise measure and prises from coast to coast Dur- one -which, while primarily benefit-to the rear, he stated, a new ree- In the Prairie Pnrrtnces, had been conacioes but realstfd sa:h levies aneged mUtton dotUr Phllllptne as direct sales Ux which served to railway bond manipulations of remind him dally of the demand wimam P Buckner stock broker of mlsht there- government ' ' It " crd had been tet up In gold .u- mlninc 1 helpful k. rv,ini to business la mry part of Iorr- fo benent the . nation If J . ..JL .i..( . w.j . .arraniements NatEre had been klad to Caaada to the official tijit of the Klnj and daring the jear. Sir Charles said. Queen In the eoota? year as "an in referrinz to the largest train honor anicue in our history He crops la the Prairie ProTtnees since described It as an erect ln?.ieaUnj-. 1S32. Other parts of Canada also the unity of the British Empire had fared well agriculturally and. and cr?ed that "we rtleeaie our taken an in all. the crops of the parochial squabbles to their rlrht- whoie country had been "good." Tully subordinajplaee and. as a while In practically every region nation, face with a united front the Hre-stock farmers were la a posl- great era ta which the finger of tlon to face winter with an dertmy so unmistakably is point-abundance of feed supplies. Fish- tag." eries had reported good catches. General Mana:er Report both on the AUantle and the Pad- Referring to the substantial lane, but markets had been depress- cxne In the number of commer ed. Newsprint Ontlook Improred The lumber industry had had a difficult year, owin? to curtailed export demand and lower prices. Production of newsprint bad been cial borrowers using the bank's facilities. iu. Spaney reported that "to an extent we hate obtain ed mere proOtable employment of TSAal some re- could be made In certain classes of taxation which would produce no actually higher charge to the Individual bat .hleh Tou id result in his knowing the cost. and. therefore, assuming a direct and personal interest in government economy As to the business owtlodk, Mr Spinner stated that in the com- jpheated conditions whfch now be- act the world any general forecast would be risky, but added that tiven peace in our time, and pru dent management of our affalrr there is every reason why Canada should face the future with " THIRD and FULTON Non-Aggression Resolution For Lima Conference LIMA. Peru Dec 1J Treaty jkc cauoos represented at tbt . A.'nervan CnJrrence here wi( bxnorrov (ire formal coruid-erauos to a reoiuUn opposinR foretfn attressteo in America, Tht re'utlon has been approted b Secretin of SUte Cordell Hull and Informally by a number of tlu -.ptrUnt nations represented at the conference tncJudtn arfentlna Veneiuela and Peru St Louis Faces Serious Strike Water! and !UpJtah Mtti4 By Walkouts ( Vlintie Enrlneers T fins P 11 -Tb U dancer of a scrkus vater short ace St Loots within thlrty-tbc bouri aa a mult of a strike of entfeiecrs on pobBc utMitiet. Hospitals are tnTolrrd Movie Luminaries ! Are Witnesses In Big Fraud Action NEW YORK Drenber 1J Can- adlan Prw A bery of Holtywtnd The aterate dUren did not show himinaries ranftex from Bir-- . Tunis Italians Arm Themselves Kartell T Be TaUnt Preean. Hoot A talent riate AattirV Mr French Dtmftttrstor TUNIS. Dee 13 - Italians in Tunisia are reoorted to be armlnr thewlT-s aatnst parti We attacks by French demonstrators The oaoer. NO JOKE THE DaHy ews Is an A. B. C A cough due to s cold is no joke Get Smith Brothers Couch mvy. uimb or jMrntnoi. j vjoh only 10 jet they re a ml cough medicine, SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS XMAS SHOPPING CENTRE I We Are Featarlng a Very Attractive Line of Satin Lounirino; Pyjamas, Satin Kimonos and Blouses Made In Heavy Qaallty Satin and In Very Pleating Colors You will be delighted with the design and quality of the garments, also surprised at their very reasonable price Phone 9 1 8 Come in and Look Over O-r !)li pUy of Small Gift Articles $j j WALLACE'S I of interview, with Important peo- taxation was of the hidden type.jSlSlSlSlSlSJSlSlSS VoaVe Constipated! 2 ' paled dont ftddv r-iV tut rms,-1a tlrlttf o nn r H eat only what an foeat, bread, volxi It dont tet er And -Swlk" d! -fvsriak'nd sat centos tr Ifatv -eft r . the intestines and - Bwtjaeat It that nts tou a fftso enmeby or. eaUKenotfs All e Ulna the fcboir , the tauiUrui Bl. Cat AUBran rv plenty of atr : the eW world i: Made by Kr&n Oct. FULTON MEAT MARKE1 taxation of Crosby to Producer iorrph Sshenk rhon 5 lmz&edlatelv .i .-4 i. 4 lbs MutUa Ch fhne U3 and JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET 3 lbs. Leg f JliitUa Per lb. . ShUler VfU- 4 lbs, . i Veal Cbr ( 2 K. . SlrioJn St-K ilea. 1 b Kwnjt gttak mi 1' tranche Carrvti rt,RAatlBeef ' ' Per tb. Sbrt Rib IUf Per R T-Bone Roatt 'ftomp Rent Beef-Per tb. , Sirloin Tfp-Ptr Un 6hIdtr Strak fVef -' 2 lbs Loin rrk Chop . Per lb j Shoulder rrk- Per Rj. lAyreihlre Bacon i Per lb.,.-"Jewel ShartenlnC ? 2 lbs (Frni Killed Chlckrn Per lb. 50c 50c 20c 50c 35c 50c 50c 10c 25c 20c 15c 18c 25c 25c 18c 25c 25c 30c Give A Kodak And YouH Know It's an Appropriate fllt For SnapshoU at N T" Our New Hlgh-Spee; K dik Super-XX p:m Wrathall's Pholo Finishing NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor -A HOMF. AWAY FROM II05IE" Rates 11.10 up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, D C Phone 211 PO, HoslW Bowling Alley Tor Health and SUni Waist Line Bowl For ReservatUns PhwtfM Try a Day N' w clusltk-J vertlsement for but reawlU. . 1