(SB! ih Easter Footwear Ladies' Oxfords and Straps-Ladies1 ultra smart gaberdine oxfords and straps in navy and black and multi-color browns. Styles to suit every desire. Priced 39g "Julia Arthur" Oxfords and Pumps "Julia Arthur" beautiful street oxfords and pumps in cuban and continental heels. In all leathers and bubbling over with style. For the more fastidious. Ir0,n Frr $6.00 ens. Calf Oxfords ' Men's calf oxfords in 12 different toes and. designs to suit every desire in style and quality. These lines have special appeal. Priced CJO From You Have Foot Troubles, See Us FIf AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every, Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng:Editoi. ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephons 86 AdvertisJng and CiiculMion Telephone 9s Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations .02 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City, delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ee $5.00 Paid to advance, pe,r week. " ,' .12 Paid In advance, per month .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia. Uie British Empire, and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 DAILY EDITION Monday, April 18, 1938. SHOULD HE RESIGN? J. S. Taylor, federal member for Nanaimo, was elected as a member of the C. C. F. or, in other words, as a socialist. Later he renounced the C. C. F. and-recently announced that he would support the Liberal party. Now his position is being discussed at Nanaimo and in other parts of the province, the concensus of opinion being that, as he was elected a supporter of the socialists, he should resign if he decides to change his policy and should ask his constituents to approve or disapprove the cnange. There is no doubt that Mr. Taylor was sent to Otta be critical of Liberal .or anv anv Other other nolicies nolicies exceul exceut .wa to to justify his own action. What we object to is for a public man to make a volte face without the consent of the THEJ CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium 1'liosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superpho- phates. Complete Fertillzert. Producers & Refiners of Tadan.ac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic I,e,-d, Zinc. '(Cadmium, Bismuth. FOR COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY and NIGHT SERIES IS EVENED UP Two All Now For St. Boniface, and Osliaua in Junior Hockey Series. TORONTO, April 18: (CP) The Scottish Final Due This Week This Saturday SPORT CHAT HONORS DIVIDED Prince Rupert Boys Whi at Snil-thers M iris J.use Prince Rupert and, Smithers )High School basketball teams di- Memorial pup series for the Junior vided honors Saturday night in jockey championship of Canada the opening games of a two garni was evened up Saturday night series at the interior town. The when St. Boniface Seals defeated Smlthers girls overwhelmed t!u Oshawa Generals by a score of 6 Prince Rupert co-eds by a sccre to 4. Each team has now won two of 19, to 9 while the Prince Rupert games. The fifth and deciding boys won a tight 29 to 26 contest game will be played tonight. Lnaliens ;e Downng Match Is Played from the Smlthers representatives I The .second set of .?ames will be played Monday night. Returning home this week, the local players will be accompanied by the (hers teams for a return series here. I In the elrls' came Smlthers had City League Champions Given ten free throws, one of vfljlch was Close Run by. Pick of Com- ; converted, and Prince Rupert mercial League Yesterday eleven free throws of which one was converted. The game was fast t An interesting challenge bowlins an( well contested, match took place yesterday be- The Prince Ruoert boys qame tween a picked team of the Com- from beWnd in the first' quarter mercial League and Royal Hotel, haying been nine points, down champions of the City League. It They tied it up in the last quarter was very closely contested witn t0 nose out the Smlthers boys in Royal Hotel taking the first game, the final minutes of the game. the challengers the second and Royal Hotel the third and deciding T IDFr)!"1 II7M game by the narrow margin of. I J K K I W I I IV Commercial League picked team ' Ellis Morris, Gibb Taylor, Jack iBuleer. Howard Hlbbard. Vic Hous- 25 ton. . Royal Hotel Andy Donald, Bill BOTH CUPS Locals Capture Northern British Sr.hrlabenr. Havwnrth Tndd John-. umiuion unamp- ny Comadina and Stan Morin. ionship From Premier The Prince Rupert badminton team which journeyed to Premier over the Easter holidays to play ) return series for the Sun Life and ; Imperial Oil challenge trophies re 1 turned to the city about midnight Kilmarnock and East Fife to Clash last night and were successful In bringing both cups back with them. The games for the Sun Life cup, EDINBURGH, Scotland, April 16: which comprised men's singles and (CP) The final for the Scottish doubles, ended In a tie and it was Football Cup will be played on April necessary to have a play-off on the 23 between Kilmarnock and East 'second night to determine the win- Fife, the latter having finally qual- ner. For the Imperial Oil c;fp, Ified Wednesday by defeating St. which was for all events, although Eernard's two to one following two Prince Rupert lost on total points previous semi-final games each of at Premier, they won by a large which had ended in one-all ties. enough margin In the previous ser ' ies here to carry off the silverware. 1 The players were entertained by the mining community In Its characteristically hospitable manner and all had a wonderful time. Refreshments were served after the Westerns Are Going Strong Defeated Winnipeg St. Andrew's Salurdav Nighl in Opener Of Senior Basketball Title Series WINNIPEG, April 18: (CP) -ancouver Westerns defeated Win' nipeg St. Andrew's by a score, of 14 to 33 here Saturday nisht in the first game of the Western Canada nen's senior basketball champion hip series. The. winners of the western series will meet, the wln-lers of the eastern for the Dominion title. Prince Rupert Bowls Scores Results in Play By Telegraph Against Ketchikan Scores for Prince Rupert in tele graphic bowling against Ketchikan were as follows: Gunderson 160 171 171 157 171-830 Schriber Paul Smith Mcran Totals Clccone Comadina Dpnald Klnslor Bury Totals 149 195 152 170, 195-801 155, 134. 169 172 151-781 176 168 165 152 189-850 169, 1C0 202 140, 177-851 809 828 859' 727 883 190 157 178 149 172-846 181 167 190 149 147-861 The results from Ketchikan are being awaited. Edmonton Doctor Nev Hockey Head Dr. W. G. Hardy of Edmonton Named President of Canadian Amateur Association OTTAWA. April 18: (CP) Dr. W. G. Hardy of Edmonton has. been elected president of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association in succession to Cepll Duncan of FREAK PUTTING MATCH LONDON, April 18: (CP) AH Padjham and H, J. Sheriock in a match oyer an 18-hole putting course, each used a 14-pound freak driver with a curved shaft made Seme nf the most fnrmld.ihlp nf games on Friday night On the Sat- by Jack Sidey, Bramshot. Padg British three-year-o 1 d 3 made urdaV afternoon the visitors were nam won 34 shot5 10 36' their bow in the Greenham Plate, snown through the mine after at Newbury, April 1. Sir Hum- whicn a tea was held at the home that of upsetting the Whole Political fabric and hrinoinfr'phrey de Traff0rd, owner of Port- of Mrs. Kenny Stewart for the lad.- his mind he should go back to his. constituents, place his the change. T-f 1 .Imarnock, a favorite for the Two ies. In the evening a dance was ; We do not think it makes much difference whether Mr. Taylor resigns or not. The Mackenzie King govern Thousand Guineas, will probably "eld in honor of Prince Rupert af Give the hnrsp his first, nrpliminarv ter which the RuDertites were rirlv hands ail(l ask for endorsatioil of trial in the Coventry Stakes at. en back to their boat at Stewart. Kempton Park, Saturday, April 23. es.uits 01 ine individual games Mid-day Sun and Chulmleigh, res- were as follows: pective winners of the Derby and Ladies' Doubles St. Leger, will find lots of support Miss Tucker and Miss Jonassen TROTTERS I5Y 1,000 GOSHEN, N. Y., April 18: (CP) Nearly 1,000 trotera and pacer- will compete at the two Grand Circuit meetings here in July and 'August for $125,000 in purses, ac cording to entries already posted ment win not cnange its policy because the member for tw..Hifth,rt.Aitd,M lost to mi r.w Mit,h.n varaon, tamous goner wno died Nanaimo is for him. nr no-ninst. Tt will mnkp Uttlo Hif.lhP thp hiohiioht nf th.'wn" Miss Creddip'Mnrpfin a.is' year-ago, left an estate of 11, fayanna roo,lr. Dr.JU1.. HT m..l 4-l.:l. . ' I Mrs K fit amort ' ntlH Xr Xtn ($55,000). The WidOW WaS rttVift. V.... k.l.. ,,mt.l,.J V... net. In M k rioccla Tnmr.- -" ---w .T-,w, i utuci iiuicc uciiiK watLiic uv v ""j utMic A.iuiiiiouil aiiu 'the experts as probable mphey-I makers are Dan Bugler, Thanker- people he is supposed to represent. We are pleased that ton, Phakos, Allegiance, pike Bam. Mr. laylor has seen the light and m view of more com-. Moody, Laureat it, Daydawn, plate information secured since his election has decided 'Tweedledee- Aldlne- Mlrza n- Ta-that he was wrong. That is a proper change to make but 'J?terrl it is npt proper to continue to hold the seat when he re- tlrement of D0nOghue. Bernard ceived his electoral support from another political group carsiake succeeds as senior jopk-with which he is now out of sympathy. Legally he is ius- ey. But his successor in popularity tified. Ethically he is wrong, VILLA TO TOUR BIRMINGHAM, Eng., April 18: (CP) Aston Villa, fumous English soccer club, has definitely decided to tour Germany in thr early summer. The first match will be played May 15 at Berlin. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchanc Block PHONE 658 Miss Elsie Davis, 7-15, and 3-15. Mixed Doubles S. Watson and Mrs. Stewart de feated H Thompson, 10-15, 15-7, 15-5 HARRY VARDON WILL LONDON, April 18: (CP) Harry the house and furniture L. Murdoch and Miss Jonassen accident "t ,,! Injuries, riPfpntprt M up,(0. Elsie Davis, 15-3, 15-6. T. Kelsey and Mrs. Mowat de- fpatpH XT T nmkia nA njrtc r.A I FUN ;lr. Gordon Richards who hasn't yet ""I"" "- - FIGHTS FIGHTS FOIt FO;t o riorV,,. Derby Kt but Vio has wn won npar1 nearly " 44 i- won a i everything else and in fact has a record number of race wins is Richards riding?" Is a popular question along the rails and whether hi? mount b3 the favorite or the rankest outsider It receives plenty of backing. TTTJTvF.RRTTV A1-, -n J. Lindsay and Miss Tucker de- ,np,inf r,,',, T " a ooe bequeath and HARD ON NORTH ANTS NORTHAMPTON, Eng., April 18: Ward and Miss Bessie ?ewpll. Northamp- i-unsuiri; crJCKei srar out 01 tne game since 1930 owing to motor Is unlikely tc play this season, haying uhdergQnr an arm operation. 18: d-- What trr.T ."ft ur y fealed f9ur University boxlna lu i champions, but has, yet to ' win a Men's Slndes ltltle- "."middleweight' titltsts S. WaUon defeated Walter Cross, one W-heavy and one welter, 15-10, 15-8. champion were the victims. L. Murdock defeated Wlzner Bry- ant. 8-15. 18.15-7. trt - Men's Doubles English Ta)?le Tennis Assoglatlop I Embleton;and Lindsay lost to hows a profit of about 300 "($!,' ' MclntosV and Tobey,' 10-15, 15-17. ' 500) for world' championships held Murdock and Watson lost to recently. A loss of 500 ($2,600) Cross and Bryant, 10-16,15-12,' 10- was Incurred in the last cham ' ' 15. ' pionshlps 'held here In 1D35. In the tie breaking game, Mur- L- doch and Watson ipst to Cross and CHANGE AIR CUP RACE Br,yant, 11-15, 8-15. ' HATFIELD, Eng., April 18: (CP) alt 11 . I ' i ! . j . rr- hot Unnii 1H i . m aa. ... ah nns local players returned, wwwioi m inc iya King't home except Miss Caroline Mitchell CuP ",r race July nnri wininm T o'mwi m'hn'nrp visit. 50-mlle course, t win iouow a la lapping 20 times lng for a while longer at Premier.'" or total 1,000 miles, landing Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason, iur nau an nour at. t.hB r,H BOWLING BANQUET of cacn rive laps. Previously the course stretched round the British Isles, Presentation of Season Prizes Feature of Affair. Last Night 1, ryA .. . THH DAILT NUW8 ' PAOI TWO i i i I1 Style and Quality For Your Maintain that pleasant mlieand pleasing personality with Wrlgley'f Gum. Millions dol A simple aii to health! Keep a supply at home .... and In purse or pocket I The greatest value you can obtain for 51. cm ---D-" - -----O" 1,1 WJJflJI. clal League, Dave Houacn clal League, Vic H u : : Fire Pin Leajue ! Five Pin League .:s,ij.1Mi Pioneer Laundry V : H . i-jl i tain. , Winners of fir.--! ! . Alley bowling enthusiasts to the ati0n Association P r Fivfh M:Ir.w number of about sixty forgathered captain, received b . M:s i...e in the banquet hall of the Knox ing (runners-up Hotel' last evening for the annual , Three highest gunif.- i.one banquet of the Prince Bupet, In rfve Pin Leslie iiu t, Bowling League. Feature of the tlonal Recreation A x....: Proceedings was the presentation ,gne&t slngl 175 1'66 191 69 5S-8! m Z IS as IlSSi0' lhe season's awar?Js 10 the var- League. Pioneer l..ar 11Q 1ft Ifil 179 17Q-R',''" . "w " t- ijigivtuuiu wy.- ' ,dcnl ot "e Dolling League, was in pin League. Muu: :c lr, 839 827 912 774 841 me Kiiau. inree nianeit In a brief speech. Mr. Morgan 1 ' re. LCagUe, Maurice I; -p. .:i r . I .1 . . IU . I V. n n . .... . . i prrnn 1 1 1 in. mirrfyji iii.il iiu .1 1. iiinh.., nnn ' 1 , it " fc - " - - 3. ciih'i - tended league activities during the League. D. O Bor.ri past season. Two trophies had been pprlng the pre-" T a put up, one for the City League by elation was expr. ' C:cf Olof Hanson M.P. and the other tqr p. and J :.u Bu.gf.'tof the Commercial League by John nresentatlon of reu:::?.- Bulger. Mr. Morgan proposed that sneakers Incite C" Xeai Ca an Intermediate league should be t-r- nr ft o Lrr? D (Tttr. formed next year 'as a '- training' g y,,u:,;. Elan Mo' ground for future senior players. Harry Wanamukc: u:-i The report of the secretary for Entertainers fr the CTHl!n the past year, including the flnan- were the Serenaciors Orchestra-clal statement, was presented by ' onjy Stewart .Bobby RtW 3at: Vic Houston. ' Saundersr arid R H. Slim1 Sewt The prizes were presented as fol and wilham (Bin BracHer Thtr lows by Mr. Morgan: was community singing wtoR iiansun uup, iiiy league ciiamp-Ionship, Royal Hotel, received by Eddie Smith, captain. Bulger Cup, Commercial League iows Championship, Canadian National Recreation Asrociation No. 2, received by Harry Wanamakej In the absence pf Frank Glass, captain. Winner of first half of City Leag. ue. Three Five Taxi, Jimmy Clccone,, captain (runners-unj. Hlgh average In Commercial sell Pampron at the puno The league team- and cap during the past sea Dress. George d inree lugnesi games m one jfatlpnal Rfcmit night in City League, Royal Hotel. Percy' Mcintosh Highest game in one night In Commercial Lei uuy League. Koyai Hotel. Individual high average In League, Stan Morln. 170. Highest single game in League, Stan Morin, 234. Three highest games In League. Bill Schrlaberg, C24. Commercial League Winners of second half 'in Commercial League, Printers, William McCallum (prize received, by Dave Houston) (runners-up). Highest three games in Commercial League, Printers. tors, Gib Taylor P CIty JcCallum; Cun, City City Recreation asso West; Canadian N, lion Association N Electrical WorkT North Star, Juhnnv l,!lrjil Station. Dr son wrf i i. di Tint,-: Eddie SC wmiam ni.t. Thrw' Taxi, George Cu i one Five Pin Lea tv ; V-1 Gyro Club, Franl; 0-bb Gyro Club, Jack Bulger. NOT V BHZX IhMl m 8tan out I , .Rupert ', , Nal. ti..ual Frank 0 uma To i. tr: Neal Car FOR IHEUVN-D 1H (CP ' Highest single game In Commer-'be staged in Nortnr n. clal League. Printers. .year as tne oyw ' goVeTt Is unable to agree u.. - fi mpiil's pnndltlOll.'-' I' m j LeafflK'. VIP Hniutnn nnrt WlllUm .. p.'iri ir- .,all gygr jjig uoiuiib,,'' McCallum (tied). cult September 3. SPRING CLEANING Brighten up your rooms with Muresco, the supreme wall finish. Easy to apply and economical, to use. WKSfjD y. m 75Q Perj Package 40c Per Half Package MURESCO puts j- in Walls an Ceilings - ...ill( A RICH FLAT ' ''"J? GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 .....nF 5''