riaz rora Passing Of Lad At Kitzegncla Kenneth Wesley, Son of Mr. .Mrs. Matthias Wesley, is Deplored El and GREAT SHOW IN GLASGOW fifteen Million Visitors Expected at Empire Exhibition Rushing Buildings Now SKEEfA CROSSING, April 18 . Apr" I8: ,CP) Hie death occurred recently CLA, of Kenneth Wesley, the nine -year- ?f rLh" i on the site of the Empire M,rfUr ai m M,thts Weky of KiUeguela. The pasting fa of litUe Kenneth was deeply """ . mourned not only by the parents and dose relatives but by the whole community. He wax an active member of the Sunday School and the' Band of Hope connected with the United Church. , Funeral services were held in the United Church. Prior to the ser-' vke in the church a brief service ; was conducted in the home by Pe- j ter Mark, Honorary President of' inenas w n o garnered I o l-' lowed by WUUU1BA SlTt the Ep worth League. "Jesus Lover! ..... of My Soul" was sung by the many slack Third Avenue, Moose Building One hundred sprang up mush room-like and foundations and gardens are now being prepared-It win be the greatest exhibition in the British Isles since the Wembley Exposition of 124. The show will be on for six months and it is estimated there will be fifteen million visitors in eluding thousands from the Dom in ions and the colonies. The Band rendered "Rav- .M a j it. iiAii. ixa i pnunnn marrji ana int uujf rnii- a CKas prayer oy Mr. rfr -a-,., ,n jk, Arm. of Mark From the home the local - Jesus congration united wass oana preceded tne cortege to in m .God Be With you z thp United Phtirh nlm-fnjr r.hn- . ... . . . .. . '" - ;we Meet Again' followed witn a pins-i-uneraiMarcn. U-ina -ar offered ffrprf hv A beautiful service was conducted I Campbell of Hazelton. Chesterfield Suites Dining Room Suites Bedroom Suites Floor Covering Lounges Baggage Blankets Window Shades Table Oil Cloth Toys Wagon Scooters Tricycles, Etc. ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue, Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tom ; py Kev. uisnop Black in the church. ; The deceased is survived by hi : Hymns were Nearer My God to father and mother and a brother '.Thee" and "Rock of Ages" with oiiver Wesley. During little Ken- : waiter u. wesiey presiding at the reth'r illness many services o ; organ. Sunday School were held in hir Henry Wlljon and David Wil- home by hi little playmates. : liams rendered a vocal duet ap- Beautiful floral tributes were re-. propriate for the occasion. The ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Arthtn duet was followed by a prayer by Howard and family. Mr. and Mrs the local pastor. The Band of Herbert Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. Ar-Hope and members of the Sunday hnr s-wnnare. Mr. and Mrs. Fre : School rendered a suitable hymn Hart and daughter Violet. M5f ; entitled "The Christian's Good- Helen Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah ; night" The. local preacher, Alfred Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wood' MeDamea, addressed the eongrega- and daughter Lulu. Mr. and Mrs . tion with a message of comfort. Mr. Henry Wilson. Miss Joyce Wilson ' Mark aaain rendered a hymn. Miss Gertrude Johnseo, Mr. ant From the church the funeral pro- Ut. Prter 1Iark famUy Mi . ceskn processed to the grave- -ohnson Mr and iside. The local Band was still in ! aUendance rendering suitab'e 3" Weet and flmUy Mr w ' marches "Adieu to Earth" and We M?v Benson. Kitwanga: Mir R i WIS Go " Emma Robinson. Kitwanga; Mis At the graveside another ser- Rosie Brown. Mr. ana Mrs. Ed wart vice was conductd by Rev. Bishop Wesley and family. These are the purest and finest papers nade-and they cone in the handiest Booklet SSPBi $6,000 Worth Of FURNITURE On Sale Sale Starts Monday, April 18th at IO s WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Gerald Spears has purchased the trolling boat Fair Sale from E. Johnson who built the new boat Baldy during the winter. The Baldy is now aH ready for sea. Charles Ormiston. John Doh. Robert Hale. Ralph Smith arx Charles Anderson of the local uni of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve returned home or the Princess Adelaide Friday afternoon from Esquimau where they have been taking courses of training. Anton Simondsen and Walter Murdoch returned on the Prince Rupert Wednesday after taking similar courses. William Ballantyne has taken over duty as chief engineer of the vt earner Prince Rupert in place of W. E. Baillle who has gone to the vteamer Prince Robert which is now being put in shape at Vancouver for the season's operations. Union steamer Catala, Capt. lames Findlay, arrived in port at 5 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8 pm. for Port Simpson. Stewart and other northern points whence she is due back lere tomorrow morning south, wind. The vessel had on board i fair-sized list of passengers. Salmon landings have been fair-y light at Ketchikan of late ant i rices have been quite good, run-ling as high as 14c and 10c with he general average 13c and 8c. laUbut prices at Ketchikan Satur-iay were 6c and 4c and 6.5c and Vic. Some email boats were in. he largest halibut catch landed here being 9,500 pounds. spring schedule on the Alaska route, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from the north and will will at 5 pjn. for Vancouver. The J Princess Louise will take over the I run with the next sailing to Skag- ( way. - Is Leavbg City Pioneer Local Merchant Sellinr Out to Partner And Will Move To West Vancouver William Vaughan Davies is sell ing out his interest In the gro cery business of Linzey & Davies to his partner, p. H. Linzey, and expects to leave the city about June for West Vancouver to tak? up future residence. Mr. Vaughan Davies has been a popular resident of the city for many yean being particularly prominent in musical circles. His departure will be much regretted. Stork Dated Up With Hollywood Several Well Known Film Folk Are Among the Expecting HOLLYWOOD, April 18: (CP) TEB DA2LT KTWS Monday Aprfl n , TERRACE WEDDING Miss Betty Anderson Becomes Bride Of George McAdams TERRACE, Apr.. 18 Knox United Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Thursda) afternoon when Miss Betty EUen Anderson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. WttUam Anderson, Terrace, became the bride of George Sdward MeAdams. Vancoaver. The church was tastefully dec xated by friends of the bride in Jink and white sweet peas and oses with a background of calls, lilies and forest foliage. The bride entered the chore i. lpon the arm of her father to the ' William Gray. Tom Smith. Albert 1 'trains of Mendelsohn's Weddint stiles. Jame; Currie. B. Russell. C. Uarch. rendered by Mrs. Adam Sim on son and J. Jefferson Crisp. The ceremony was perfom !d under a flora! arch. Rev. Adam "risp officiating The bride made a charming ictare in a aown oi blue lace and tulle, cap of same and accessories 'o match and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The bridesmaid. Miss Elliott lead, was gowned in pale pink net vith accessories to match. Bee Agar attended the groom. The bridal party was led by 'itUe Onnoier and Lawrence Kir kaldy. youngest children of Mi nd Mrs. S. Kirkaldy. Both child -en were dressed in costumes of brown and 30M and carried a bag '.et of rosebuds between them. During the signing of the regis ter a duet was sung by Mrs. S -urkaldy and- Miss Veima Greig i 'O Promise Me." D. G. Little was usher. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of tbr bride The bride's mother woie loral navy striped sheer. The happy couple left on thr 'vening train for Prince Rupc. CP, steamer Princess Koran, d fut?5rVointe re -apt. William Palmer, completing llyZ T . m her final voyage of the winter and Z", ?in mwump vac q vrMn t-asu4 w w 5 "VVU OUI with brown hat and shoes. Man in the Moon j According to Jack Cluett a man . ..,!.. - r. n.u,..ul w.v-as . . criticized because he did not uiwn icii ai d.-ju jasi evening on jump in at once and save his wife 1C n. i. lur mhkiuo , when she was .drowning in tw0 feet -rd today there, returning to- of water. He explained to ...... ....., ,.. uull ne nafl on Stmd Jocks neet his brother. Fred Do ran of Seattle, formerly a chief engineer in Alaska boats and now located it Seattle as a port engineer. Mr. 5oran is on a tour of Alaska just low. Vaughan Davies that he thought she was so fat she would float, that he had - catarrh and, in any event, his wife carried life insurance. Visitors to the Golden Gate exposition, we are told, will be given colored cocktails that will make men easy spenders, will give women a feeling of glamor, will cause romance to blossom, will surge strength through lagging feet, wiK awaken appetites and tickle jaded palatej, will awaken the desire to celebrate and will cause a feeling of deep reverence. I .suggest it may cause a person to have a feeling of great reverence for his own opinion and a desire to bash anybody who says he is drunk. A local person was recently asked what changes he saw In Prince Rupert during the past twenty years. He replied that he saw the same old method of sitting down and hoping for business to come, the same little groups of Idlers settling the affairs 0f the country at the cigar and news stands, the same feeling that this is going to be a good year and that we shall soon be on our way to success and the same wish to be rich without the effort to get rich. The greatest ef fort he recognized as that to In duce government to spend money nere. The rule for being a good talker is: Listen more and talk less." A corner commentator discuss- uoc btork is busier than cyer ar-"B now long people stay in this ranging a series of filmland pre- j city remarked that one local editor mierp5. had been In the city twenty years Patrick Knowles, English actor, 'and another's arrival was so far is equipping a nursery for an Ap- back noboddy remembered when rn arrival. Bazooka Bob Bums' , he came. lamny is to be Increased in May. .During the same month, Dick For- I an and his socially-prominent wife, j Ruth Hollingsworth, expect to become a threesome. I Dick Powell and Joan Blondell are sponsoring a baby premiere in July. So are Comedian Allen Jenkins and his wife, the former Mary Janaee. in August Doc Stork is due to confer with Melvyn Douglas and Helen Gagahan who already have a five-year old son Peter. Andy Devlne expects an holr or heiress In late summer. in order to become rich, make money faster than your wife can spend it. Jake says there are twenty mil. lion dogs on this continent and he thinks half of .them must be in Prince Rupert. "That woman has no family." "Why do you say, that?" "She is telling her companion all aoout the management of child ren." Moose Hard Times Dance Is Popular Two Hundred and Fifty Person Attended Affair on Friday Nijht There were sosae 2S persons in attendance at the Moose had thnes danee on Thursday night and the iffaJr. in addition to being a great weess, was highly enjoyable. Pr-'Swtnoera for eoMoaMS were Mrs. J. Adams and J. Carr. Mask wa by George Brown's - in and B. J. Bacon was master of eeremoniee. Joe Rateh. ford presided at the doc and the committee in charge consisted of ! Lutheran Ladies' Easter Tea-Sale Afternoon, Many Guests Calling The Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Thursday afternoon held an Easter tea and sale oi home cooking and fancy work in the church which was attractively decorated for the occasion with daffodils and spring flowers and foliage. There was a good at tendance of ladies at the affair which war quite successful The guests weri received by Mrs. L. C Jensen, wife of the nastor. Ladies in charge were: home cook. ing, Mrs. Chris Jensen: fancy work Mrs. John Wick: raffles. Mrs. H Jhanian; Jia room, Mrs. P. L Peterson; kitchen. Mrs. Sven Skog and Mrs. Julius Johnson. The raffle drawings will take place at a tree ting of the Ladies' Aid to be held April 28. LONDON. April 18: CP Lord Dawson, noted r.iycian, believes fitness can be learned from a gooo. sporting dog. He says with good posture and carriage everything else for physical fitness will fol low. MEN WHO FEEL OLD Get Back New Youth, Energy, Vitality Tm manj men feci tired tut all the time can't work, hate U let up moro-in(t, haren't the Trtiiity to M the thinfi thry iud to do. A veak unhealthy liver caused by modern Imn(, toft foods, lack el exercise, i the chief reason. Your liver is the storehouse for fjucote or the "enerrj part" of the food you eat it supplies enerrj to muscles, tissues and flands. If it is not strong and active no wonder you feel old! Take "Fruit-a-tites". it will build up your liter like rmthinf else will. You'll be fur-prised how young you soon feel. ZSc 50c, all Dni(ista. FRUIT-ATI YES ruins EASTER SUNDAY Our Confectionery Store Will Be Open From 1 to 3 p.m. Only MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with so all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert "EVERYBODY SING" HERE ropuUr Musical Picture Presented At Capitol Theatre At First of This Week A lively musical comedy "Everybody Sing," starring Judy Garland and Allan Jones, is the feature pic-tare on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first of this week. The story tells how Judy and Jones are putting on a musical in the hope of saving Judy's family from financial ruin. In or der to put h over, a spectacular cartwheel revue is staged on Broad way by 300 beautiful girls There are a number of other novelty sequences as well. Swing tunes are featured throughout the picture which contains no less than nine popular song h'.ls. Settings are elaborate and there Is a good deal of clever musical manipulation. Other popular, figures in the cast of "Everybody Sing" include Fanny Ksaei Ui niuAi iuii on and district itti m. .avfftiwmoi n tne Dallv n" II 1 I "IH ml i W TONIGHT and TrrcT? Two Show, at IjHjZZ Special? 1 JUDY GAKLAND In "Everybody Sing" With ALLAN Jo.NtS FANNY BKICE (At 7:JJ and 9: it) ADDED-Fitipatrick T i "CHILE, LAND OF CHARjp Cartoon "What Price Porkj" WORLD NEWS WINS BIG DOUBLE " LINCOLN, Eng Ap U TU dally double at the rr-, . Brice. Reginald Owen. Blllie Burke, meet here brou-ht n h Successful Affair Held on Thursday uu w w one racegoer Tor an oaUaj 10 shillings $250' hr r r -j,,. It is said to be a very entertain-' '$4,080) odds of 1.632 ng picture. I FIRST LV 11 YEARS LINCOLN. Eng Ap- !J ,ry When E. Esmond's Phut;. Lincolnshire HanVa;! was the first time 4 m1r a favorite had cap; .-rd iy r BOYS! Here's News Model Aircraft Construction Kits We arc now carrying a very complete line of the best obtainable Model Aircraft Construction Kits-fly ing models with full instructions for making and flying. FLYING MODELS Flying Models in a Wide Range of Types Complete at 15c 25S 50c 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Gliders 10c - - - A Splendid Pastime for the Easter Holidays MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 50 yards Mottled Per yard Phone 775 STAIR CARPET $1.75 50 yards Plain. Per yard $1.50 All 27 Inches Wide Complete Home Furnishings 327 THIRD AVEM Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator