ciw bill ID ADD in m i i i i h i xmm 1111111:1 1 I BEDDING nr ttp r LAIN 10 I Order Your Supply at Once writ T 1 A At fl All? Florist and Seedsman hone CLUE 94 P.O. Box 26 -Build B. C. Payrolls" &e lians JvawmtO. fl Spring, " writes a patron. bid A..r.roii we weni camp er.. f :hiiv.'. out In the hills M ' :Sk i.lon" a good supply Pcli, Milk and had a good its quality from the Ijtoci d . wha. c.ime for It. liked, f, l v. nted It Wn? couldn't, tip akjnr, tneir Keenness tor reives are so partial to MUK. 'acific Milk Irradiated of Course 1 .Nobody Knocks The KNOX Tbt Food Is Govd The Rooms Are Clean The House Is, The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable :nox hotel Brasell N. M. Brasell LUMBER AT MILL h and 8-inch $12.00 plan Untrimmed SI Common 2-inch 18,00 Sh Cedar Plank l or Prince Rupert Delivery Phone IIILLMOK )r Spruce Mills LTD. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE, FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wqod Phone 5S0 IS HIGH flocks Scarce Pndinr Arrival ajrice irio Rhubarb if farcer on the local tetaU, market at present and prices. are high. The, new season s out. door, rhubarb is no, jet, In. Mpor AiiKlrnlinn frrafws hnvp lust The price or drjed prunes is, the lowest lp ten years. Quality is especially good. Egg prices are up. slightly. Veal and lamb prices in the: meat section are very high Just now. Retail prices. 'Current here today are as follows: Leo B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade. A Large, cartoned, doz 42 Local, new laid, doz. .40 Apples, Vejlow Newtons, fancy wrap ped $250 Rome Beauties $2.25 Winesaps, fancy wrapped $2.50 Fruit Lemons, Doz; 25c to .40 Oranges, doz. 12c to 40 Grapefruit, Cal., 3" -.for 10 Bananas, lb. - .12 12 Avacados, each .20 Rhubarb, lb. .08 Butter Fancy, cartoned, lb 50 No. 2 Creamery, lb. .44 No. 1 Creamery,, .45 ' Lart Pure, lb. ..t. .20 Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, 3' lbs 25 J.C. Potatoes, 10 lbs. .25 New Potatoes, 3 lbs. .25 B. C. Onions; 5 lbs .25 Smlther; Green Onions, bunch .05 Snilthers. Radishes; bunch. .08 3arlic, imported, per lb. 35 Cauliflower, Cal., 15c to 30 Parsley, bunch, -.. .07 ' a rroj , ,6 bs. ........ .25 Bunch Carrots, 2 for .15 B. C. Beets, 6 lbs .25 Mexican Tomatoes, lb .20 CaJ. Lettuce, head .. 12 G recti Cabbage, lb." 07 Celery, head,, 10c to .25 Bnlnach, Walla Walla, lb 10 ; Green Peas, lb. .17 reea Hay, Buikley yaljey. Timothy 100 lbs 135 Wheat '. 1.;:....... 2.75 Bran 2.15 Middlings 2.50 Shorts - 2.20 Oats 2.80 Fine Oat Chops 2.95 Barley -; 2X0 Laying Mash .ipL 3.10 Oyster, Shell .....-....... Meat Fowl, No. 1, lb .,. .25 Roasting Chicken, lb 35 Ham, fir$V grade, ibu. 35 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .50 Pork, shoulder, lb. .20 Pork, loin, lb. 30 Pork, leg, lb. 30 Rorfc dry salt, lb. .25 Veal. Join, lb: 30 Veal shoulder, lb. 18c to 30 Beef, pot roast, lb,,' 12c tp 15 Beef, boiling, lb.; 8c to .10 Beef, roasf prime rib, lb. .25 Beef steak, lb,, 2W to 30 Lamb, ie?.' II?. .-. " .25 Lamb,, .40 Lamb chops, lb.' . - -.40 ' ; fish. hlallbut lb, : .15 . r, ! ..' ' -.. 15c IC. and an 30 " Smoked Kippers,. ur,ur,i-y. Salmon, red" spring, fresh, lb .30 EMU Fjlour, i? No. 1 bird wheat.... 2.60 .... 2.40 Second, rawnv Pastry Hour; 10 lbs: 60 Num walnuts, 'broken shelled .40 .45 Walnuts, shelled .naive, in. Almonds, shelled, id. .65 . prie mm arhH n. lb. - .12V4 alack cooking Figs" lfi. . 10 nates, bulk, lb., ,.6c to .IS Lemon and Orange Peel 3 35 Citron peel Prunes, 30-ju, ,1b. .12 prunes, 4);50, lb. Priinei $,-.l )D 0? tjoiiin. Australian seedless, lb. .14 Raisins. Cal., wedjess. lb. .15 and .1J Currants, lb. Apricots, lb. - ri L 10 Peaches, peeled, 16c"to Smyrna Figs, 2 lbs ftvtsr; Whjtft yo, lbs- - 5.85 6.35; Yellow, iuu " Extracted. Honey, per Jar 22c to 30 3 Com!?, Honey; ..-rr-r- - .25 pnta.Wfi,.'osi .50 Edam, id. Ontario, mature, lb. 35 33 Btllton. lb. Uoquifort, lb, 752 DAILY NWW'i PAfJS THRWa LOCAL NEWS NOTES Special! Hats cleaned and blocked 50c until April 30. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries, (90) C. K. Ytreberg has taken up residence now in his own house on Second Avenue, Dr. and Mrs. G. Coffin, aftei spending the past few months in the. city, sailed by the Prince Ru pert Thursday night for Vancou ver. Jack Rejd will appear In city police court tomorrow on a charge of supplying liquor to Indians. Con nie Moody, Indian, will face charge of drunkenness. Mrs. O. L. Murray of Jap Inlet, Pprcher Island, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from the south, being on her way home. Constipated? You Should Get at the Cause! Lots of people think they cant be Tegular" without frequent trips to the medicine chest. "I lust dose up and get it over," they tell you. But doctors know they don t"get It over" at all-until they get at the cause ot the trouble! Chances are it's simple to find the. cause if you eat only what most people do -meat, bread, potatoes. It's likely you don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food. It's a kind of tood that isn't consumed In the body, but leaves a soft -bulky" mass In the intestines and helps a bowel movement. If that fits you. your ticket is a crunchy breakfast cereal -Kel-logg's All-Bran. It contains the -bulk" you need plus the great Intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Eat All-Bran every day, drink plenty of water, and Just watch the old world grow brighter! Made by Kellogg In London, Ont Hotel Arrivals Savoy Buddy Olson, Winger, Minnesota. Royal Jerry Malver. F. Wezek, R. G. Loen. G. M. White and T. H. Johnson, city; A,. T. Reynolds., Vancouver; H. W. Brooker, Edmonton; P. Lacko, CJiJt.; J. Jofinson. Osjand. Prince Rupert F. S. Kennedy, Inverness; J. M. Davis, Winnipeg; J. A. Barman, Terrace; W.T. Reid, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. 0101 Hanson, prince Rupert; Mrs. Crawford and Billy, W. Thurlby and Beatrice N. More, Vancouver; A: E. Lawson, Sunny-side Cannery. Central C. Anderson, Gunnar Stone, Nor-' man MacDpnald and Halton Bak-kien, city; John Beljan and E. Sku-mann, Terrace; P. J- Murphy. Re-mp; Andrew Dahlberg. Franqes. Lake Knox M. L. Clark. Georgetown; Don Newqulst, Seattle; D. Roche, city. Easter Sunday Is Generally Rainy Jnniter Pluvius in Evidence lyoi Only Here Hut inrougnouv Country With driving southeast wind and heavy fa,1" Prince Rupert had any. thing but an auspicious ciici Sunday. The spring bonnets win haye to wait until the Weather. Man Is In a more amiame mooa. , , , . . Prince KUpert was not aiuiic a itti as this, bad weather was concern ed. In almost every part or western Canada, and the In'ted States there was. rain, even In the drought areas of the prairies, Eastern can- ada had sunshine and in Torpntp it was quite warm. Prince Rupert Rowing and, Yacln Club annual meeting, City Hail, Tuesday, p run. 91 Mrs. Charles E. Starr returned to the city on the Catala last evening from Seattle where she spent the is winter. Mrs. L. I. Pugsley returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a trip to Surf Inlet in her capacity as a medical practitioner. Mrs. George Frlzzell, who has been on a visit to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last even ing. J. Sidney Walker, son of W. E. Wal ker, manager of Arrandale cannery, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through to the Naas River cannery to spend the summer. J. George F. Harris, manager of Mill Bay cannery on the Naas River, and Watson Noble, veteran storekeeper of the same cannery. were passengers aboard the Catala last evening going north for the summer. Mrs. F. W. Crawford and son ar rived In the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver and are the guests while here of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Leeds Apart ments. They will sail by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on their re. turn to Vancouver. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cross and .hild arrived In the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver and will pay a visit here with Mr. Cross's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cross, before proceeding to Clax-ton cannery where Mr. Cross will be stationed as cannery accountant during the coming season. Mr. and Mrs, B. Hougen of Ta-talrose, south of Burns Lake, who arrived in the city last week, will spend some time here. They crossed Francois Lake on the ice. As this will be breaking 'uo"ln" thv next week or two their Home is cut off from the rest of the world from the time of the break-up until it Is safe for. the ferry to operate. Funeral NoUcs The funeral of Anskar Edvin Wick will take place Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Oddfellows' Hall. Announcements All advertisements In thL col-amn. will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. ' Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 Baptist Tea, April 20. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 21. Dancing Display, Oddfellows Hall. April 21. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the "Pirates, of Penzance' papitol.. .rheatre vApi;il. .27 and 8 Catho)ic ' Tea; SMrs. Brass's April 28. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs, Lakle's, May 4, United Sale, May 5. A. Y. P. A. Variety Entertain- meht. May 6. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree. May 13. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, 11 "CREATE ROOMS FfiEE from EYE STRAIN "My customers prefer the water-colour tints of ALABASTINE. The soft, non-glare, finish is easy on the eyes. It's inexpensive, too!" in ff. vi nr. i iea Is Being Held Annual Affair This Afternoon By Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of Empire Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, holding Its annual daffodil tea and sale of home cooking this afternoon In Oddfellows' Hall which has been decorated for the occa sion with a profusion of daffodils and snrine foUaee. presenting a very attractive scene. The guests are being received by the regent Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Mrs. S. V. Cox is general convener and is In char.e of the tea room. Servlteurs are Mrs. M. M. Lamb, Mrs. W. C. Aspinall, Mrs. M. Keays and Mrs. J. H. Nordon. Mrs. J. E. Boddie is to act as cashier. Attired in Gypsy costume Mrs. William Brass is reading tea cups. Mrs. D. C. Stuart is in charge of the raffle of $5 and Mrs A. Teng is conducting the homo cooking sale-Mrs. C. E. Cullin has been responsible for the arrangement of an interesting musical program which includes dancing by pupils of Mrs. H. H. Hodgson, an adagio dance by Miss Nona Hodgson and Ham Gordon -Cooper, and vocal solos by Mrs. Garfield McKlnley and little Barbara Teng. Ernest Unwln will leave on the Prince Rupert Wednesday for a business trip to Stewart. During Saturday night the car of R F. Pullen was removed from Third Avenue near the Daily News office. It was later found aitcneo and damaged along the Kaien Is land Highway. John McLeod reported the accident with the car. . 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE 38-ft. Trolling Boat, 16 'h.p ' Imperial. $325. Good condi tion. Apply Pioneer Rooms. "92 OR SALE Trolling boat "Eaglt G." 30 x 8 C" x. 3'10". Powere.. with 12 h.p. Regal gas. Compler with rigging, .gurdys and ancho: winch. Apply 933 11th Ave. E. s:i . rOR SALE Pontiac Sedan. Phon; Black 081. (91; FOli RENT XEAN, well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (61 1 WANTED ANTED Housekeeper, no en cumbrances, for family, tvv children school age, small town in country. Good home, reason able salary. Reply stating age. experience, religion, salary expected. Box 16, Daily News. (93 Tune-Up For Spring! Winter Has Been Hard, on Your Car . . . harder than you think! The strain of cold starts, sklddy roads, and uncertain weather has pulled many parts out of adjustment. Now Is the time to flush away the winter-worn oil and sluggish water system adjust wheels and brakes tune up the motor. Take advantage of our special rate for COMPLETE Inspection, clean-up and tune-up and be sure of trouble-free spring driving. ROYAL MOTORS General Motors Dealers 3rd Avenue Phone 52 "Service With a Smile" The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Ilesonoscope" by C. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap Special Three Cakes of Soap and One Bottle Cashmere Bouquet Perfume All 25 C Try Mi 31 Tooth Rexall Cold and Vanishing Creams Ormes A. S. A. Tablets Vial of 30 five-grain tablets Dp not harm the heart. 25C Ormes Ltd. "Jfitt Pioneer Druggists The .le ill Store Phones: 81 & S2 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 o.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- DAY, 1:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations andr-Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert . Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 The Central Hotel ROOMS, and CAFE Phone SI for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK GARDEN SUPPLIES Fertilizer , Lawn Seeds Vegetable Seeds Poultry Netting Flower Seeds Lawn Mowers J4 garden., Tools THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprttor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 ny SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IH THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS J ' will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An luttrutioual Daily Snsiptftr It morli tor rou Uit world' cinn. eonstrufUre dolnis. Tht Monitor ' Cori not exploit Trim, "t wiMtiooi neither don it Ignore' tnem. but deala corTecllrelr vltn them. Fetturet tor buu men and all tb laajliy, lndadttn the W,eeUf Maaxtol,SeV9R. '" The Cbrlitlaa Science Publlahlne Boeletr ! One, Norway Street, Boeton, MaaaachuaetU ' PleaM enter mj aubacrlptlon to The CfcrliUaa Science Monitor tor : a period of i I jrtar MM ( month! It 0 month! II II 1 month lie 1 Wedneidar Uiue, lncludln(Miitn Bectlorj: I ear II W, I, laauei iM 1 Kama - Addrcn aaaaMaieeefa Paste .feugOc S? 25c Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CARDENA Fit ID AY, 9:00 pjn. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Phone 101 Cheaper Feed naving a surplus ot Bulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company SS32&eS3&SSSSSS2S2S&3 Jr. . .. i 1