CECIL FITZGERALD here from Alert Bay a,i man- - t IT. "V i 1 TM.l.ll 1 vpr .iLLL'i Hit, v 111 open cm. .1.1 tit4 - 4 W4 1I1L LJflli I.IflllllM expected, - can The change will be- . i . . 1 .. . ., 1 or turnlsh a strone barrier to - iKUiiiivaiiua - uw Angio-iianan inena P Pact which was signed for- Iv n . limine on oaiuraay pro- . .. nn i i - All fl ill- wir T r l ci Tfipirrn l T in sovereignity of Ethiopia, nut. ...iit... . ..... .. niumrawai oi an iiauan -.urn opain. cuncr oeiore or Bovernment to come to Lon ard diSCUSS thf rilnlnmstlo clt. 1 , MIUililtH VIM W V JOHN DYUIIAVN In connection with the by King Haakon VII of Nor- of St. Olav upon John tv, r..i.u Dvbhavn nf . thlr city for service as a consular representative, it might be pointed out that this does not involve the use of the title "Sir" as might be the case with a corresponding hen- 7Z 7 mw uemucmuc realized by the government at Ot country . of Norway. The order Is not inherited but is awarded for meritorious service to the country. Today s News Abroad Dove of peace now fluttering over Europe. France T 1 T I 1 1 1 M Fascists arrested in Roumania and charced with O O . . . w.. i.v.-v.fcv. vr. AWA prpri -tt 4 nnnrnsr . , Great Lakes seamen's strike ended after brief dur- n, Sport News Trail takes stranglehold on Allen Cup. i w A .11 14k.. a Basketball at Smithers. cvy i KdCC Miyiiiiicni. h Eurooe Now Seen; Italy And France Next II I V .inilftlt A t I r Mar n a- rt F t IV1 n 1 11 II1I1T1 If I rilUll V Anticipated Germany May He Rrought Into New Locarno Pact Nazification Checked Anyway LONDON, April 18: (CP) Possibility of a new Eur- ngio-italo friendship accord. Uenerai nope is mat Italo-French accord on ton of Prime Minister Neville ;illlhni.l.ii.,'i. i. ... (k Ji.nmtnti (nn tn viuull. ...... .Ill I ,'l IMIl. V II II I 1 LJillVl ' " " 1 nf ;ii i i . J.,t n "iiaiii T nnnmn" k"'y will uilliu VJtuiiaii.y " ..w.. of Young May Queen At Westminster Ninc-Year-Old Girl Will Hule Over Annual Festival in Royal City v"u OI me civil war ana ,,ir3TiufTMRTF.n. Anrll 18: ce use of tne Suez Canal by rpi Shirlev Doreen Hudson, Powers at all times. The treaty aeed nine, a pupil of Lister-Kelvin s not become effective until af- school here, has been chosen New e withdrawal from Spain. Westminster May Queen for iyj. 1 announced that Prpmieri uaiaaier and Foreign l UK ..... i . . . r i, Anncn n wiui v. uyuiiei oi r ranee nave ciuums a -"vj i tit lnviiarinn nr t.np uri-.iLiiiv ireiun' pnvAh. . . ti.iMA nil wiirnn ranrc Principal Significance Anrll 1R- (CP) - Iv In Pari, it to,,1 miiitnrv military maturity of Italy' niuj .1, kwuiij ...... "c rrcnen Fnrp irn nff pp hnd Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, and Mrs. Hanson arrived In the cltv on Saturday night's train from Smithcrs. being back from Ottawa for the Easter Recess of Parliament. Mr. Hanson will oficiat-:. at the laying of the corncrston; fni Ka ma... r ) 1 1 1 1 .1 1 tawa." said Mr. Hanson in the course of an Interview this morning, "and it may be expected to receive its full share of attention henceforth." Mr. Hanson made special reference to Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of national de- fense, in this connection. No pre vious minister, he said, had ever to make known this part of the country. He was an influential naiv exnecieu to make tnonr s n nmnir Ano-in-Hoi-i ... .u.t V A - w-w r -44W 4111 , A J 4 L L4 1 ."Mill II 1 1 IML lit If IL I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 M I M 111 agreement, uermany may also be broueht in. I havig his co-operation. important commissions. Including that on employment and textiles, had presented reports which would be considered after the Easter re cess. The expectation Is that the , session will extend well into -the summer. Big Prize For Best Guesser FAIRBANKS, April 18. With a prize of $75,000 in storo for the winner, the Nenana Ice Pool closed at midnight wUl be the 4- m-4 Figures In The News She nmorrow S Tul High ., 3:32 a.m. 19.8 ft. 16 35 o.m. 17.1 ft. n:i M r v 1.1 i Low 10:20 a.m. 4.9 ft: .11 ! AIAM11M1. WJL ULtLil m. J III w w 22:24 pjn. 85 fC NORTHERN AND CENTRAL KKITISH COLUMRIA'S NEWSPAPER , Vol. XXVII., No. 90. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1938. PRICK: S CENTS 1 'Ik W& (1 1 Rv" i OTTAWA IS 1 COGNIZANT OF RUPERT Member For Skccna to Official At laying of Post Office Cornerstone Wednesday BULLETINS TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS VANCOUVER John Moxon, 28 is dead and six others were in jured in traffic crashes over the holiday. DROWNED AT SEA VICTORIA The Department of Transport office said today that.it had been advised by the Bamficld lifeboat crew that unidentified men were bcliivcd drowned in a weck-snd storm off the WestvCoast of , Vancouvei Island. ThcrMy? in the dis- way of a knlghthcod of . the order Virl ' ' ... . .! . YT. ' ' abled rasboat Gcxtie, aim lie ana Mrs. nan- son will leave by train that evening on their return direct t0 Ottawa. "The strategic position of Prince Rupert and this district from the J" t Brltl ? """V?- !Uch titlesUnd defense Is now becoming fully DIG LEAGUE OPENS WASHINGTON, D. C The Major League baseball season opens today with ; President Franklin D. Roosevelt pitching the first ball in the game hers of Washington Senators and Philidelphia Athletics. ..The second game today is between New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox at Boston. The other teams will ail swing into action STOCK MART COMES BACK NEW YORK The New York i done so much as Capt. Mackenzie ! stock market on Saturday con tinued its favorable reaction to the newly announced fiscal pro- i and ' popular minister and Mr. Han- sram of President Franklin D Roosevelt. Issues werct up from one to five points during the t , , . . . . . Business of the session so far.l short tradin; session. The Indus Japanese launch new attack in China in revenge for said Mr. Hanson, had been to large lrlaI average at closing was 121 r ntr r nifiuru niri nmnca vntunf 01 An ri - . 4 t n it i .. - - - 1 P - i . . -1 - - - . . . . - .... even, up 4.18 for the day and up 23.05 from the low mark of March 31. The rail average was up ,C1 and utilities .48. It is estt mated that New York security values increased by $5,000,000,000 during the past week,, Halibut Sales Summary Canadian 95,000 pounds, 6.1c and 5c to 7.2c and 5c. American None. Canadian Cape Beale, 39,000, Pacific. 6.9c Friday. The winner ana ac. lucky person whose 1 Johanna, 12,000, Booth, 6.5c and guess U the closest to the actual 5c. time that the ice starts to move Melville, 15,000, Atlin, 7.2c and 5c this spring. The break-up is not expected before early in May. Chances are supposed to be confined to Alaskans. INSURGENTS RELENTLESS Pushing Ahead After Reaching 5c Mediterranean New Attack on Tortosa New Loyalist Chief . i,n . : i in. j nni Tn. Eugene Teamsters Mae West, 12,000, Pacific, 6.8c and 5c. Joe Baker, 3,000. 5c. Northland, 3,000, HKIMlJAXt., April io. ... 1 1 l Y surgent forces of General Francis-; WoUlU LUt LOOSe co Franco, having reached the, lUprflterranean coast, thus cutting! Soviet Authorities Detain Jap Army Airplane Forced Down SETTLING OF STRIKES Tie-up On Great Lakes Is Not Expected To last Very Long TORONTO, April 18: (CP) J A. Sullivan, president of the Canadian Seamen's Union, says thai he expects an early settlement cf the strike started Friday night L the union In demand for a collective bargaining agreement with seven Great Lakes shipping com panles. Sullivan said that thirty-five boats In eight ports were affected by the strike which ultimatelj might Involve 150 vessels. ANGRY AT ROUMANIA Both Germany and Russia Protes Edict Aganst Foreign Troops LONDON. 'April 18: (CP) An announcement from Bucharest that no foreign troops would be permitted to enter Roumania Atlin, 6.2c and against the state and the person .of King Carol. Cold Storage,' 6.5c and 5c. Minnie V., 2,000, Booth, 6.5c and 5c. Morris H, 3,000, Cold Storage, 6.5c and 5c. Unome, 1,000, Atlin, 6.1c and 5c. Sea Maid, 5,000. Booth, 7c and ! Banff Residents irovernment Soaln in two, are now; Not Satisfied With Treatment The pushing relentlessly northward nirwit? the coast. The strategy is ; i Are Receiving From Of Alberta Province to cross 'the Ebro River and takei Tortosa from, the east. The ultl-' BANFF, April 18: (CP) Real-mate aim Is to crush the outlying dents of Banff are starting a defences of Barcelona. movement lor separation from the General Jose Mlaja has become Province of Alberta. They claim supreme head of military and civ- tbjit the provincial government Ulan affairs In the southern four- collects far more from the Park .n. It expends there n. On tha fifths of government Spain. p other hand, the Dominion govern ment makes heavy expenditures in the Park. Are At Outs With Is Not Running Union Secretary -For President EUGENE, Oregon, April 18. Thejonn r Lewis Thinks White House. The Teamsters' Union at Eugene, Ore- Would Limit Services to Labor of the ang- gon, has requested William Green, significance ncinal nr prjiclpal signing ie recognition wnltlon'nresident president of the American Feder- April 28, It is expected the lo-Itallan pact . ..... . .. n,,t nr tn n-ltalv treaty anon oi pnn. ...in i. t il. ivir. nrpnt umain-iuuy m.", r nr -wlLC wm laKe up among otn ""wers the negotiation "Ration mf of lt bill. ' with Wll"eatu each other on a oasis oi Labor, to remove Secre- ! NEW YORK. April 18: John L. Lewis, head of the Committee on tary Renolds pf the Union. Mem- industrial Organization, has ap- atV a of the union have protested , bers proved dty hi .talian Italian newt"- newspapers between equality, , . France and Ita v nerlal ocQCmof , km . which has Just been "".."riitolandmember for a defense fund wilful damage charges arising mnUelUT rec-'on Britain Implicitly that Great aitar.- eady laid out a program for con-J ognlzed this fact, publication of the state- . that he will not be a candi- f for.date or. date f for President of the United - .iween Great Britain and sam tne P ;'. nhd pevnolds who ran foul of the law States In 1940. He can serve labor better outside than within tha White House, he believes. "ould be able to pass througr Roumania, if necessary, to assist Czecho-Slovakla. Fascists Arrested Dispatches from Bucharest to-Hn" told nf Cornel'm Codreanti leader of the pro-Fascist Iron Guard, and several hundred of his followers being placed under ar-t n th ""111116 rressed an investlcntlon of an alleged plot Alaska Delegate Urges Importance Of His Territory WASHINGTON, D.C., April 18. Delegate Anthony Dimond of Alaska, urging the Importance of Alaska's position in any Pacific defense measures and the vital necessity of seeing that it is adequately protected, pointed out Saturday that Alaska's trade with the United States amounted to $124,-000,000 annually. Commission Is Adjourned As Chairman 111 OTTAWA, April 18: (CP) Owing to' the illness of the chairman, Hon. Newton Wesley Rowell K.C., sessions of the Royal Commission on Dominion-provincial relations have been postponed. The commission was to have convened in Toronto on April 25. Meanwhile In the Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese have launched an attack in the Llnl sector, being apparently determined to avenge the series of stinging defeats suffered at the hands of Central China Chinese. Fierce fighting Is reported in the southeast Shantung Province war zone. Hong Kong authorities estimated that 250 civilians were killed and over three hundred injured Sunday in a Japanese air raid on Canton and railways near the South China metropolis. Hospital Bids Reach Victoria Tenders For New Local Unit Being Considered by Provincial Public Works Department LOOKS LIKE TRAIL'S CUP Smoke Eaters Make it Two Straight Over Cornwall Flyers in Allan Cup Final CALGARY, April 18: (CP) Trail's hard-fighting Smoke Eaters took a stranglehold on the Allan Cup, emblematic of world's amateur hockey championship, Saturday night when they smothered the flashy Cornwall Flyers by a score of 8 to 2 to take their second straight victory. The score at the end of the first period was 2 to 1 for Trail and at the end of the second 3 to 2. Cornwall was probably the faster team but the British Columbians put up a wonderful display of combination and were nigh impregnable in defense. Having won the first game 6 to 1, the Smoke Eaters are now considered likely to take the ser- cup Old Country Soccer English Ica-ite First Division 1 Bolton Wanderers 2, Manchester City 1. Brentford 3, Arsenal 0. rh""'ton VViIpHc.4. Blackpool 1. Iip-bv County 0. Huddersfleld Town 4. Lei"!tcr City 1. Wolverhampton Wanders 1-Liverpool 1 M'rMKsbroueh 1 Portsmouth 3, Grimsby Town 0 Preston North End 0, Chelsea 0. Stoke City 0. Leeds United 1. Sunderland 2. Everton 0. .... .. West Bromwlch Albion 4, Bir- John Nicholls, after spending tlvj mlngham 3. Easter vacation visiting here with Scottish League First Division 1 his parents, Col, and Mrs. J. W. . Celtic 3. Dundee 0. Nicholls, sails this afternoon by Partlck Thistle 1, Rangers I. the Princes? Norah on his return . to his studies on Vancouver Island. W. J. Crawford, who has been on n Vladivostok Region; Crew Dead Only One Survivor Japanese Launch New Attack in Effort to Avenge Defeats Two Hundred and fifty Killed By Air Raids at Canton TOKYO, April 18: (CP) A Foreign Office spokesman today asserted that Soviet Russia had detained a Japanese Army plane which had been forced down in Suifen-ho, north of Vladivostock, last Monday. The spokesman said the Russians had notified Japan that "only one member of the crew was found alive." The Russians have re- fused to return the ship. EASTER IN HOLY LAND TROUBLOUS Disorders With Killings Jerusalem Under Augmented Military Guard JERUSALEM, April 18": (CP) The Easter season was marred, with the outbreak of fresh disorders In the Holy Land, 54 persons being killed and ten injured. Military guards In Jerusalem were augmented as a protection against outbreaks. Juneau Radio . . . ,, . , O. . RH henceforth without the permission viuiukia, Aprn ib. . ?VMa tlftTl IVlOVP ftHe- eovernment 0f-that-ounteah-Couc''W' try has drawn protests from both new un Ior ine "ince "uPe" Germany and Russia. German Oeneral Hospital have arrived' at Transfer of Land in Order to Make chTtres Roumania with anti-nazl provincial public works department Change is Being Authorized pol'sies. Russia resents the appar- offices here for perusal. I ent abrogation of a previous ar- rancement that Soviet troops JUNEAU, April IS. Necessary formalities are being negotiated with a view to an exchange of land nine and a half miles north of Juneau to which the Juneau radio station will be moved. The land belongs to the Pacific Alaska Airways. The radio station is being moved out of town as Its aerials have been deemed a menace to aircraft. Ohio Capital Has Street Car Tie-Up Traction Workers in Columbus Demand Wage Increases and Open Shop COLUMBUS, April 18: (CP) Columbus, capital city of Ohio, ha3 had its traction system completely tied up following a strike which started at midnight Saturday. Employees are demanding wage increases up to 15c per hour and a closed shop. ies three straight and, of course, are heavy favorites t0 win the VlnnP1n I 1TP lI Too Strenuous For School Children VANCOUVER. April 16: (CP) The modern week-ends arc threatening children with heart dlseasp, -v an eminent Vancouver health puthority. Every Monday morning lnck of sleep and fatigue shows on the faces of a large majority of Vancouver's school children, ho said. Special Act To Give Citizenship WASHINGTON, D C., April 18. The United States Senate has passed a special bill extending AmerU a business trip to Vancouver, will . can citizenship to Charles A. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs, E, B. Baker and be a passenger aboard the Catala of New Mctlakatla, Alaska, who Daughters are leaving by this evu-'next Sunday -venin rctui-nlnji ;o was born In Mctlakatla, British nlng's train for a visit to Toronto. Stewart. Columbia. ' ; . i t it i