(i AM ) prince Rupert- Clear, northerly ind lour miles per hour; 30.21 (rising) sea smooth. XX VII.. mortance Of Prince In Coast Ueiense Emphasized By Naval Officer In Address Largely a Naval Problem, Declares Commander C. T. linn ft 1 f Rcmiimnlt Naval Stnlinn Tnih5nnr New in Plans "uiies m a focal point for 'PPln. He would not likely at- . . nr t- i J urine nis Ih n In thnrnoh - yidCe as thP Rtra t nt Ti.on UC wh"e he would be cut off. shlDDlne i i ri a jjje readily, be accompllsh- . " "uwiue wunoui nr- sun. HI mo u p . ;' Ul ect. Conversely, the , , PCe for thP ripfnncn rtf 'ould have a w t f i- uintr ,nh tu. approach f enemy arcdrl0teCtion of ls coast, de '"naer Beard, was not j Die Rupert First the P.,wf fl n4 HUIfLl L VJ V 1 W V.J llilf (1L I . . , "fvancea, wun a Discoverer Of Ensol Ready To VfiSTL :y tne Help In Probe 1 KINGSTON, Ontario, March 31: (CP,) Dr. Henry Connell, dlscnverer of the cancer treat- - ment know as ensol, which is A. . said to have caused j the deaths j .u A. . t . ,..,.,., . A In conclusion, uommanaer ou described uuaciiucu j iuj wn some v. nf of the hp technical ter.hnlcal de- de-, j t.n s oi mines ana sumimimw - 41..- jAfArl Mlfd TY PQ Nil I t'.'S. UVlf4 1 Liibbviiv - ' were of great value In keeping away enemy ships, . Prpsldent " D. G. U. Borland uorianu i was it in. preclatlon oi me uiuu mander Beard for a aiscourc which was oi umeiy ivc... New Members Initiated Another feature of the luncheon program was the initiation of J..W. Kllpatrlck, Dr. Hugh Morrison and of tne M. C. Brook as new members club. The ceremony was carried 'out out effectively effectively by Dy the initialing ui- T (AIIT t.imrhpnil Luncheon EUCS guests were Commander U II. HaworW. com- manding of ncer Canadian Naval voiuh O. P. Tinker, W. H. Wilson-Murray, II. W. Birch and William u. Today's Weather omorrow 5 Tid es Wmm NORTHERN AND PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 In Alberta Mine REPORT ON AIRLINES ! PRESENTED Year of TransCanada Review ed By President S. J. Hungerford Benito talnlng of personnel well ad- . . . t ..... ... .. eto uanan war-maKing power, suert- ... . ,, MONTREAL, March 31. With the lng that the nation Could "com- "There IS a great deal being written in the neVSpa- active development of the operating pietely mobilize" in a short time a IS today about coast defense," Said Commander C. T. , organization carried forward vlg- number of units greater than en-PHM. f-nmmandintr officer of Esnuimalt navallorously durlne P"1 months, with Raged in the Battle of Vitorio Ven- "1 ; i.i fV, !..; B.,tln 1 II X I 1 1 1 I tT il ML' LIIC A 1 CHiu " o " , , i actually such a great deal be done although it is a little more .. . . r i - mu. iLi e OIQ DCiore. mc uunga t3 t are being done have been up years and years. Our thoughts defense quarters have not feaged. Rather the attitude or i public has changed. Today the : a interested and that nas Iped In making It possible to do lr,gi Conditions In Canada naa s tbanged, declared Commander .:i The plans were not new . . speaker reierrea 10 me im- ' of o.i. Prince u,,r.rf. nrvd ur.:e Ruperts posi- .u tt It was ,. ii,. the i ter-i : rathe coast was vne ver-i -.a cf one of the transcontln-, r nJways and the r I A. I ,-. thronoh the , moun- Y-.-- r, .the re:t of Canada. Its vul- liC'y was common knowledge 1 1 i . i i past no uvea iiere. tender Beard discussed the ttt jciln branches of defense fttrmi. the air force and'-the na- M tar &j attack from the air lu concerned, there were many imiauow. une oi me most, im- . tant of these was the fact that, Is coast was 4000 miles away from 7 possible enemv. Almlanes with mbs could frighten and destroy it they could not capture. Alr- ' could not operate in fog or by ht Then an alrnlane had to ntlfy thr object of 1U attack. ihere was no necessity for people this roast to be carried away by ir Imagination in regard to acr- bomblnz. If pnpmv aircraft ev- liid reach here, thev would be. pi careful how they used their oomos. They would be Intent firlnz nn Romp fnrlHtv that ild tend to cripple the nort not n people's houses. And as far bombing was concerned, women '"Wldren had been sunk by tor to In the last war and had nstarved by blockades which. i a good deal more cruel than Imbing, Only Means of Attack he onlv ld come t0 this coast and do much was by water in ships. ,fe were certain fundamentals If mshouldbekeptlnmlnd. The J was not endowed with any rnatural """' powers. puwers. He lie had naa many many iral L.,i . . ... ! uuacies 10 contend wun I " .awjasi and he could not come -e ne felt like It. -".muuer ueard suggested that tenors trv tn i,. I ' j viitiiioi ca , fle position of an enemv ship ' on coming to the coast. I ould he do? i u. u ..v. uur First, rii.L. he lie would wuuiu ' udie lor Shelter nnH epprecv. H llfT U'fMtlrl .11 1 i 1 ' hvvviiiuii ivj blvjii To most effectively do, he wniiM hover somewhere irtu . " say off the west, coast nft , ... ... -...r ivmasAJUiu, it3 an . .o jture development with confidence celled and its army numbered t j according to the first annual r- .000,000 men. ui me corporation, just pre- Isented by S. J. Hungerford, presl- I uviiv ui uuaiu ui uuctivio. aiicic t u Apr" 1U ' m Lcon Blum plans a temporary clos (lcklaw) of . 8hpesUS Sndo. tlhave been Preltalnary;ing -o of - the Bourse to prevent exces rtrtoratirtn I i rt..liHH a CTrli Florida, declared 4atnrAr1 lief last rtltrrit night 4i I that he was ready to proceed v!m to Florida to a:ilst assist a&5i&k In in m the the inc in- in- in ' . - vcstlgation. The preparation must have become contamln- ,. i ated after it left his laborat- ory Dr. Ce-nnell asserted. A seventh woman died today at Orlando as medical witnesses of assembled for an investigation . ... , , j,u0 lng Injections lnject,ons of the'Canad lan-made serum. I TOLL OF TORNADO Twenty-Seven Persons Dead as Result of Twister Which Swept Central States i rttinAno. March 31: (CP) I Tnty - seven persons were known. . . . . . rPCTll. nf fh. ucuu -and tornaao which western states up from Louisiana reason to expect," he says, objective or a iirst class air transport service across Can ada, forging another link between the Atlantic and the Pacific, will be achieved In 1938." The report, which is for the per iod ending December 31, 1937, recalls that, since the Trans-Canada Air Lines Act received assent on, ' v'"' r Shortly after his appointment as nrpsHripnt. Phllin O. JOnn.on ' . f - j - - enrvov hv nlr and j on the, Vud route between , Vancouver and j vrtrpi Montreal and a survey was later made of the ' .section cast of Montreal. t Subject to the required approval, the governor in council the route j nronosed for initial stages Is from1 Moncton to Vancouver via Montreal, (Continued on Page Two) Alberta Hospital Head Passes Away .lames Rogers Of Drumhcllcr Dies From Effects of Concussion Suffered Some Time Ago DRUMHELLER, Alta., March 31: Tnmoa nnirprs. secretary of the wnuivu r w - - .Drumheller Oeneral Hospital and nrpsldent nf the Alberta Hospitals 'Association, died nere vuesaay., He had suffered a concussion in a( through Oklahoma, Arkansas arm,'' '" - Missouri into Illinois. Nearly 250 j here. ' persons were Injured, hundreds are , , homeless and property damage is Today Weather unofficially estimated at over $1.-1 ' mrr"";" y' 000,000. Triple Islnnd Clear, easterly - wind, twelve miles per hour; light . juii.nii nrn vlH , , In it sucn a anutu. o common sense was uwu u, h-h- .who know tne coas, in my u u tne speaKer sum, uv.. i m - uuh rniiimbla coast Is eighty0""" . . i.j I .v.w" ( yjpaQ Tree i unit rail tiuuuj vet cent a naval problem." .'fcV, mtheast wind: barometer w'ismH nrnff ih. nn'tho rhn r and exoressfa ure H .. . . j. fall recently ana iauea uj recuvci 1 from the effects. Mr. Rogers ser- vpd 0Vcrseas during the Great Wai . was once a member of the' - nc.a Hn - w, Alberta POJ . cnr"J. Island- Clear, castprij ,jes hour; baro. mctcri iQM; tmperature, 36; sea temperature, 43; H?ht chop !. , i T7,,n lrn cuiui. uiiu- on9Q tpmnprature. 33: sea ' cm mil ii Alert Bay Clear, calm; baro- meter, . 30.29; temperature, 28; sea Ol I1VW... Terrace Clear, north wind, 2!). Alyansh Clear, calm, 32. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, 32 Anyox Clear, calm, 26. Stewart Clear, calm, 21. Hazelton Clear, calm, 32. Smlthers Clear, .calm, 26. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 3 above Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh northeast to east winds, mostly fair and moderately cold nt night, Friday becoming somewhat milder. CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER MUSSOLINI CONFIDENT Italian War-Making Power Ready To Mobilize On Short Notice ROME. March 31: l CP) Premier Mussolini yesterday lauded - italy's World Wax victory in w m mm um w j 111 JLJlV 1 J BE CLOSED Premier Blum Anticipates Opposition in Parliament to His Fiscal Program PARIS March 31: (CP) Premie: m i. ISlVe Speculation U rawicunciiw t- fcoc frt mnkp a nulck decision on .. i t.i .Mnn,tniitliin ine r rencn unautiai cwi.v - nn &r.am w rTlQ y" TODAY'S STOCKS l Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .17 Vi-Big Missouri, .36. Bralorne, 8.00. Aztec, .07 Vs. Cariboo Gold, 1.75. Dentonla, .08Vi. Golconda, .04Vi-Mlnto. .02V2. Falrvlew, .03V'2. Noble Five. .02V'2. Pioneer. 2.90. Porter Idaho. .02. Premier, 1.87. Reeves McDonald, .30. Relief Arlington, .16. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold. .05. Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01 . Silbak Premier, 1.75. Home Gold, .01 V. . m Grandview, .06. Indian, .02. Quatslno Copper, .02'2. Halda, .07. Oils A. P. Con.. .19. Calmont, .34. C. & E., 1.98 Freehold, 04 y2 Hargal, .19. McDougall,Segur, .17 Mercury, ,12Vi. Okalta, 1.28. Pacalta, .08. Home Oil, 1.00. Toronto Beattle, 1.07. Central Patricia, 2.35. Gods Lake, .37. Little lung Lac. 4.00. Pickle Crow. 4.00. San Antonio. -1.2. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.04. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.25. . Oklend. .17. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .28. Stadacona, .18. Francoeur, .30. Moneta Porcupine, 1.81, Bankfield. .74. East Malartlc, 1.26. Preston E. Dome. .89. - Hutchison Lake, .07. Dawson White, .03 Vz. Aldermac. .40. -Kerr Addison, 1.51. Uchl Oold. 1.33. Int. Nickel, 40.25. Noranda. 50.00. Con. Smelters, 48.50. 1 Athona, .09. Hardrock, 1.80., Rand Malartlc, .24. , ;' -1 BULLETINS ROTARY OFFICERS Nominations of officers for the Rotary Club" for the next Rotary year were made today at the luncheon meeting in the Commodore Cafe, Weldnn McAfee presiding, and these will be elected as there can be no other nominations. The list is as follows: President, W. L. Coates; Vice-President, Weldon R. McAfee; Secretary, T. A. McWaters; Treasurer, Alex Mcltae; executive committee in addition to the officers J, i. Little, Jarnes Thompson and George Mitchell. ANOTHER BOMBER LOST HONOLULU United States Nary officials last night announced that still another big bombing plane was missing following manoeuvres off the Hawaiian Islands. It was not stated how long the plane had been missing or how many were aboard it. It makes the fifth bombing plane to be lost in Pacific manoeuvres since the first of the year, involving the loss of a number of lives. JOBS SAVED OTTAWA A telegraph poll of union officials from coast to roast last nlht saved for two months at leat the Jobs of 180fl Canadian National Railways shop employees In the central ann western retions. The men had hf'n scheduled " to" be laid 'off April 1, IJn'on represenatives of all provinces west of Quebec arreed to put the workers on ait eijhteen day work month during April and Slay. CONCILIATION BOARD CALGARY A federal concilia lion board was yesterday asked for by union representatives in the wage dispute between coal miners and colliery operators of Alberta and southeastern British Columbia. The companies would reduce wages by ten percent. The miners are seeking a twenty percent increase. The present wage agreement expires March 31. TO PROBE RAILWAYS OTTAWA At the suggestion of Senator Raoul Dandurand and on motion of Senator Frank B. Black of New Brunswick, it was decided yesterday that a committee of twenty senators should investigate the railway problem of Canada. This was the outcome of a discussion on the subject of railway unification which has been in progress in the Senate during the last week or so. SOCRED CHALLENGED OTTAWA Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, yesterday invited the Social Credit party to set up its own bank in the province of Alberta as a test of the theories which it has been advancing. He promised his support for the granting of a charter for such a bank if application was made for it. Mr, Dunning was speaking on the want of confidence motion of John Rlarkmore, Social Credit leader. STOCK MART OPPOSED EDMONTON Several Social Credit members of the Alberta Legislature yesterday expressed opposition to the application for a charter for establishment of a stock exchange In Edmonton. Liberal and Conservative members favor the granting of the Jcharter. Joseph Unwln, Social Credit member for Edson, dcclar ed that stock exchanges were not essential. The establishment of one In Edmonton would afford another opportunity to "fleece and rob the public." High Low Explosion O ..... 1:25 am. 21.7 tt. Hinton Colliery; Was First For District Fire Boss Docs Heroic Feat Men Although Hurt Killed HINTON, Alberta, March 31: (CP) Five men are dead and four others are recovering from injuries as a result of the first coal mine explosion this district, 165 miles west of Edmonton, has ever had. The explosions occurred yesterday afternoon. The cause has not been determined. Four of the dead are believed to have been . killed Instantly while the other PERSONAL COMMAND General Francisco Franco Himself Leading Siege of Lerida, Key to Barcelona HENDAYE, France, March 31: (CP). Generalissimo Francisco, commander-in-chief of the Spon- r xhomas Baumbartner, Gus Ku-ish insurgents, yesterday assumed Jonas PalIo anQ Reginald wll. personal command' ui ins armies closing in on L,enaa, Key city on tne road to Barcelona, the loyalist cap- la, eighty miles to the east. Insurgent reDortS-sa id" that smoke clouds had darkened the en virons of ths besieged city. The rebels continue to gain ground in Catalonia province despite desper- ate loyalist resistance. Nazis Deny Ambitions BERLIN, March 31. Germany has no ambition of establishing herself in Spain after General Francisco Franco's Insurgents have j.been victorious in the civil war in that country, a Nazi spokesman said yesterday. "Spain for the Spanish'' will be respected by Ger many. AIRCRAFT SABOTAGE LONDON A new outbreak of sabotage in Royal Air Force planes was revealed to the House of Commons yesterday by the government. Wires in new planes had been cut at Southampton and Coventry, it was revealed. There was no reason to attribute the sabotage to a foreign power it was stated. PENALTIES RELAXED VICTORIA The British Columbia government has relaxed penalties under the Highway Act. The provision for a minimum fine of $10 has been removed and henceforth no minimum is specified. Magistrates will be authorized to impose as small fines as they deem fit. There had been an inclination to dismiss charges of minor offeness rather than fine offenders the $10. Dominion Constable A. J. Wat- klnson left on las-t evening's train for a brief trip to Terrace on of- flclal duties. 13:50 pjn. 20.7 ft. 7:50 a.m. 2.8 It.. 19:55 p.m. 4.3 tt. PRICE: S CENTS Blast ccurs in of Bringing Out Four Injured Himself Four of Dead Instantly died after struggling for two hundred feet toward the entrance. Fire Boss William Aitken sr, reportedly carried four Injured men to safety on separate trips Into the mine although he was hurt himself. The dead are: , Tony Pastushak. " v Martin Sprela. . , George Blcha. J r William Llecka. V? Peter Phillipino. .f The iniured are William'." Aitken jiams T l O T1 "T H II tsll -1 S I 1 lK lYl X1VJ I- Viiu KILIS TWO Lowerjng Temperatures Follow Blizzard and Wind in Southern Alberta Lawyer Reported Missing nAi.r,ARY. March 31: (CP) with the temnerature dronDlnz. there were prospects last night of an abatement of sgrlng blizzards and high winds, the most severe . which southern Alberta has experienced in thirty years. In some places the snow drifted as much' as fifteen feet In depth. At least . two are dead. Safe In a tarm home where they had sought shelter from, the blizzard Tuesday, Mrs. K. Brown of Parkland, school bus driver, was found yesterday by members of a search party. She had abandoned the bus wten It became stalled in 'a deep drift. There were no pupils In the vehicle. Drumheller reports said that A. H. Goodall, Calgary barrister, was , missing. Nineteen persons were marooned last night when a tran became stalled north of Calgary. , The two dead following abatement of the storm are A, Skjc-.-bred, whose frozen body was fund bcs'de the roadway at East End, Saskatchewan, believed to have died of exhaustion, and Vincent Collins, who was killed fifty miles southeast of Lethbrldcjt when a roof fell under weight of snow. Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson Is 'sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Basketball Scries Between Premier and Prince Rupert for Northern B. C. Cup THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT At 7:30 in the Armory THREE GAMES EACH NIGHT DANCE! Friday Night, In Honor of Visiting Team At BOSTON HALL, 10:30 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME v I 1 : J