mob rous To Our Many Friends May we thank you for your "patronage during the year just past and the relationship which we value highly, we will do our utmost to maintain. To you and yours, we say, very simply and very sincerely, "Happy New Year," and may it be filled with Happiness and Prosperity Ormes Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Krom A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 F Tiff!!' published in the nre minions mllllOnS LmOire !for the British Empire, Showing Growth , LONDON, Dec. 29: (CP (Almost 500,000,000 persons live in the British Empire. 80,000,000 more than in 1911. according to figures I the board of trade Entertainment Christmas Eve Held on Salvation Army Concert Held At Kitsegukla KITSEGUKLA, Dec 29. On Saturday evening a very successful concert was held In the McDames Hall by the Home League. Among More of Naas River and Rev. Blsh op Black. The program consisted of anthems and part songs by the ! TERRACE, Dec. 29: (CP) Oni Christmas Eve a beautiful service Jof song was rendered by a combined choir of Knox United Music Club and Junior choirs in the United Church. The Christmas story, read 1 by Miss Jessie Llewellyn, was Inter spersed with the following select Ions by the choir: United Church choir and also songs by the Home League ladies. Stunts were performed by Capt. Johnson .THE DAILY NEVTS News of Northern Districts Terrace 'Xmas Song Service Pleasing Fine Christmas Services Held At Kitsegukla KITSEGUKLA, Dec. 29. On Christmas Day very fine musical services were held in the United Church. The choir sang two anthems at the morning service when Rev. Bishop Black preached on the "1938 Birthday of Jesus of Nazar eth" and Captain More of Naas River read the scripture lesson. KITWANGA CHRISTMAS Carol Singers on Saturday Night Special Services Sunday KITWANGA. Dec. 29 The church was tastefully decor- Hark the cnrisimas ueus, ium . -,., ,u hiri ,vi K ,nHi f the local Wo . . ,ni,f , rendered two more anthems and ' man's Auxiliary and White Cr 'nMortpn on "Adam Society. Robert Harris. Solomon " v . Misses Marie Hall, Norma Kenney hrf and Edna Bland. Solo, "Little Town of Bethlehem," by Mrs. J. Stout. "Silent Night," by full choir. "It Came Upon the M3dnlght Clear," choir and congregation. "There's a Star in the Sky," full choir. "Mightiest of All." full choir. "Joy to the World," choir and congregation. Preceding the song service "The Holy City" was sung by Miss Lorraine Kenney and "The Olft" by , Miss Enid Waite. ! The choir was led by Mrs. Adam Crisp. items were rendered and everybody considerably, enjoyed the special Christmas mus-, In spite of very cold weather ad lc. Walter Wesley was at the organ slippery roads, the early celebration and Douglas Wesley conducted In of Holy Communion was wall at-the morning while at night Joshua tended. Ridley, the pioneer leader, handled j The afternoon service found the the baton. church crowded. The choir sang a At 3 pjn, there was a special ser vice In the Salvation Army Hall lehem." under the leadership of when Captain Johnson, assisted by Solomon Bryant with Mrs. Sam-Arthur McDames, and Simon Trom- pare at the organ. Rev. B. Shearer conducted the service. The guest man preached. J. Ryan afterwards conaucteo. A was appeal line n Affair tn : a Staged t u by c School u m PuplU n made spccu In Anglican Hunch Hall hymn4 ftnd an, M hymnl and PORT CLEMENTS, Dec. 29.-A anti?"Pf n!y bUA. to " WYhJ ,.. . . of God to whom they ' were revered very enjoyable Christmas o concert, . ,. . ..... i and consider what the was held by the pupils of the Port Clements schoo' in the Anglican Church Hall on Tuesday evening People came from all parts of the Islands to attend and the hall was birth of Jes us meant to each and every Individual a savior, a comforter, a friend, an advocate plecdlng for the happiness and peace within the the invited guests were Captain, packed owfloWlnt hal; heart of all. With bfestings pray- and Mrs. Elijah Turner that greatly Statlscal Abstract' amused the audience. A unique Issued by, song by Alfred McDames. "I'm and tree were tastefully decorated. Pretty Christmas programs made by the students were distributed) among the guests. The concert de-l lighted all those In attendance, f At the conclusion, a vote of thanks was offered by the audi-j ence to Miss Annie Lips, the teacher. Then Miss Lips congratu ed for and guidance with faith for 1939, the Christmas sen-teas were concluded DOG SHOWS SENSE LONDON. Dec. : CPi-Caught , on the the subray tracks at High- i,f i ,u . y. , ' oury oiawon. an Aiaauan aog urn Se Lnt m'" . lnto a P" in In in th tne Mni concert the, their u.i. a " on " actlnz and . . . . . . . uurinff me nenon covered dv uip- "i i '.h.,e.e tho ,. . There wa, a sale of useful and "7 l Z n and remained for 40 mln , v v pwputuk.wti U ws- s . . . I v - tiwv tiu iiau I1(T1UCI ttftsM tfnll si,- iMtrai M A Half nillinn Pnnnla.inn InrlnHe. COO While thOSe Of SOme Smaller hnrfv harl a verv h,n tlm. ,nV &. SUe- StaI and reSCUed. fffl AAA Ann M. Tl,,M Tr. 101 1 PrTinlr rnn nt Hoc npro Hnhlorf Via n.Ar( - .t,.- a t- I . ' Aiatr, !lhe Gold Coast with 3,746,000, 'the benediction by Capt. More who Bechuanaland Protectorate with aiso san a very ntc?estlng song 265,000 and Hong Kong with 1,006.-000 all had twice the population they possessed In 1911. during the evening. The Dally News is an oarer. o naa asisted with the muslci - " MMI l 1 I mm I ai.u suiBing. ana Mrs. uurnap, who citement as Santa handed then naa maae tne lovely costumes their presents. uu. uurm? me concert. was then served and the ha c lumen was loiiowea Dy tn. cleared for a dance which lasteo OUTLOOK I'Olt RAILWAY MUCH lUTTTEK (Continued From Page One) 3, Till line seru a region which has proved to be rich In mineral wealth, and with the provision of direct railway transportation, it Is anticipated that further development will take place. The provision ()f this branch line, as well as the earlier, branch line from Tascher-eau to Itouyn to serve the Nor-anda development. furnishes an illustration of the pioneering devcl-itument work carried on by the The rhoir Canadian National. While the pro- YU10I1 OI ranwnjr iniwt'viwtiuii ol cu raui. v"u.wm . h enj,bled a guUntlal mining church on Christmas Eve under the, , take . .. with ., leadership of Solomon Bryant with Edward Talt at the organ. After singing "Holy Night outside the church, they proceeded around the village singing Christmas carols. development to place general benefit to the country, the railway from a financial stand point must took to the traffic o? ine luiure 10 ooiain a lair rcium upon the capital which has been eipended. Work on he new Montreal terminals, which had been suspended for some time, will be resumed at once on a subUnUally modified plan and the work, will be proceeded with by staies. as conditions warrant This plan, which provides for a new central sta tion and for imnroved freight and passenger facilities in the city area u-tll enable th mm rm n r In special anthem. The SUr of Beth- handte, economically and expeditiously Steamship Revenue Up press and ma U -carry In k services between Montreal and Vancouver ft riff tniermtfttftlj mmtrac n.p thn . bbbsssssssss&bi- m a LAST Tmt-u ........ .... "'m - complete Sho JANE WlTiltms l "RASCALS" At 1 IS ) flu, ION AMI.CHE In "GATEWAY" 0:00 and J j IOX NEWS iAl j t'omlnr Friday - S,turdy You've IJeen Wslllni 0r 'HURRICANE' " ' i v . , w . . , vtvMurr r i i . ... . it . r . . i . t . . . - speaker was Captain More of Naas intcroreted the sermon to the larae':'"' " "TT"'.,r,'rJlwn- u,Dl River Fvervnne nreent enlnved r.,n UlBiieo. COOimuea W improve ana ; tytiX w.. v rm . w.4j - VVli' BSVS. me service. , The nhnreh Arm Hall wftt at. I Port Clements 'Xmas Concert tractive for .Christmas prepared by Lieutenant Johnson and was filled to capacity for the evening service. St. Paul's choir repeated the anthem. All the services were loyally attended and reverently Midnite Frolic JT'tfcet Nw Sellint Whifflets From The Waterfront Northbound from Vr. 8kgway with a light in port ai a w ihi. arte were the highest In the Line's his- and sailed an hour later The rr tnrv Canaila'i trail with the Wt ..i .j.i l ' ki, utuitu or wow u) an . j ri. - i . t -a .it.. i . . -I tiran-a "o iiitnwu eit-nuii witc riere uxiay. is due bark hrre trie inauguration or wis service by the Canadian National in 1935. and particularly since the putting Into service of the Lady Liners In 192?. The year 1838 also saw the opening of the Canadian air ex Monday afternoon southbei Was Curtsey To Duchess Proper? Nationally-owned Trans - Canada J00"1""0' ,?aM Air Line. It is expected that the pf,,,Jr ' Untt eaniaae nf MHrrmfa uill heeln' ' 'n the early months of IdM. Operations will be extended eastwatd to Moneion. Haint John and Hall-fax when faculties have been made ready. It is a little more than a year and a half atnee the formation of the Trans-Canada Air Lines. In A T rr. Moure's Att CANNES, france Dt T -Grace Mwe. opera a:,d rrer star, left here today - ttr rt-turn to New York Dur j V:.t Christmas fetUvllie M Uxn attended a function a? wl, i tb( Duke and Dnehe nf w were present. Controvr v Ix bw Miilna In lh iwrnr'r'T rf !v4 . m-m .w ... iv i ' tkl , m. wc w v MM HKWtill)-,,.., -rttne t the thrhMl trained: two-way radio, radio beam meteorological and other equipment have been Installed, and A dellcloui suppe'iand it would seem reasonable to A. B. C IChristmas tree and the eyes of a!T until the earlv hours of the morn 'Ina vmm net ... 1. , i . . juuiiaauria nii.iraipn mm aw mn & i . landing fields constructed by the interests co-operating. Delivery of the fifteen bih-sred latest type transport planes which were ordered has now been completed. Looking ahead to 19J9 the general nuUook for the Canadian Na tional System u distinctly better expect that the Improved conditions, whtrh became manifest In the last quarter of 1939. will .1 Bm SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk'' JaBBBSaBW.'Jt'T': 'iVf. AW..-.- Vf WV: fBBBBBBSkBTh. ' m.SW 1 1BBBBBBBW .rj . . -- 'H ( BTWM SMK7IT''.; : I ZW2 I I Aa. lL.'V l " Sfj SBBBBBBBr II J his advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th. of British Columbia Call On Women To Outlaw War Msdrai Cnnffrence bott Apped To All Wrld MADRAS, India. Df H n A resolution tailing uryu; irr.r over the world to study u::to' lyrng causes of war and U Justice and goodwill bc'wtn tit various countries of th r 1 been passed by the Madras ' tuent conference of the i'M'i- women's conference It calls upon the wwr--. of to observe "both in thee t i: 4 u finuttet th? elt of Vve J violence and to promote un.'- s harmony among the peer, :e f I dia." The conference also pifi 1 resolution expressing Tl at the death of Turkey dl at: Kemal Ataturk. "one ' f f; est champions of he worarai caaie.- Music Uutli Kelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony rilONK (HIKKN Venetian Blinds rionrer Urand PHIL LYONS Phone Oreen MJ NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY fM fl.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold WaUf Prince Rupert, B.O , Phone 281 P.O. no W