II December 29, 1M8. ' .THE DAILY NEWfl - rAOE THK- 8?S I I : i H ill I n ) i!- the mi..! It- at tt r Uy -1 1 1 1 1 i i i t ni Hi ii i -h l'olllll)lU. , IMSI'AI. ACCIDENT ' Mr IIHELD. Eng . Dc 29 CP I1 Hannah Smith. 20, a house-' ' -' J of parnlysis of the heart i t r tkul! became dislocated -.he xitpped. She uus burled C .. she was to have been a. iid at her brother's wed- 0 10 oCOOCCOOOOOOOOOO 000 MacKenzies W. LUYI r.fl, uriicri A brief message from District Oovcrnor W II. Tobcy. ' clarionet' solos by Tom John tone and story. telling by members and guests com prised the program of entertainment yesterday at the annual Christmas-New Year season Infor- ma! luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club with President D. a. Borland In the chair. The luncheon took place at the Boston Cafe and there was an excellent turkey dinner The guests were W. D. Vance. Alex McRae, Jack McRae. Earl Gordon, Len Cripps, Tom Johnstone and 8am Joy. Timely Recipes SPICE DROPS I I . - - A niree-quarvers cup ouuer. i cups brown sugar, 2 eggs, unbeaten, pinch salt. I1 cups pastry flour, Kj teaspoon cinnamon. cp raisins, J4 cup nuts. 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, Add eggs, dry Ingredients sifted together, raisins, nuts and vanilla. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered baking "sheet and bake in moderate oven 375 degrees F. about 10 minutes. POLICE REVOLT PEMBROKE. Wales. Dec. 29: CP) House-to-house vislU have to be made all over town ,to collect the .voluntary fire brigade. Police refute to use the alarm gun sum- monlng the brigade after Its Tint detonation broke all the windows In the sergeant's hou&e. RED NAPOLEON . IONDON. Dee 29: CPi-Wllltem OalJacher. Communist XLP. for West Hfe. Is annoyed because he was nicknamed "Napoleon" a (to hs hrld his arm across his chest In addresstng the House. He said he fell recently and broke his finger ooooooooooooo 000000000000 Furniture g O 0 01 $45.00 g S27.50 Si Si $6.75 p 2 $9.50 j 357 3rd Avenue of Prince Rupert fa fa 8 I I V- led ClicMerfleld ulte- 3 pieces, covered with mohair which Mil tctaiiw lis lusterous finish. Delivered In ytir home Price ( lietf rflclil Only in tapestry Itrrlininc roCfll Chair tliina Cabinet Used PlHine 715 ,OOCOOO6OOtO0OOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOODbOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C'f 11 To The Citizens w I? In The I RAM.WAY I UNEt my PROSPERITY Coming Year Bulkley Valley Collieries Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Pacific Trans-Atlantic .. ...n- Wnv I'nrt To Vancouver via ticran - - - - .- Friday 10 p.m. S "Prince Adelaide" Every TO VANCOUVER DIRECT December 8th. I9lh, J"""' f"-.;""'' 30,,, NORA1I SS. PRINCESS . 'rlL Winter Excursion $36 Connection, at V. Tlckelsand p Informal Turkey Luncheon Enjoyed Brief ,Meate front UUtrlct Governor Amnnf Feature of (Jyro Club Meeting Yesterday J,,,,, im Pinal Can.dian fCfl. Services Iteration, from LOCAL NEWS NOTES Serenaders Danre Friday and - Saturday nltliU in Boston Hall. I (302r William siuari is swung lonigni.uns aiiemoon to oe cm wmc. on the Prlnee 0e for a trip to Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. D. Borensen of Massett are paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the a"dl n tne ncc Jonn M . Mrs. B. M. Hoops and daughter of Telkwa will arrive in the city from the interior on tonight's train and sail aboard the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Jk?r. and Mrs. Ous Skog and children of Sandsplt are paying a visit to the city, having arrived from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Larkworthy and child of New Hazel ton will ar rive in the city oh tonight's train from the interior and sail aboard the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow will all on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver. They are taking local branch of the Canadian. ex-service men at the Commodore Cafe on Christmas Day to a real Christmas dinner. A splendid repast was provided during which there was recalling of Christmas Days spent under much less pleasant conditions- Christmas Day in the trenches, lni "no-man s land, in listening posts. Ij In hospitals. In Blighty. AP added W an additional savor to the meal. frjf There were various items of songlfetf ana cnorus 10 aaa to uie juuny. President Jack Preece was a congenial host assisted ably by Bill Brown. Jack Doherty and George 9 9 Cnrlstmas Eve m the club- rooms there was "open house" for d once the 8 spirit of ' Christmas was evident on , . every every nunu. iiuuu. f Already thankful acknowledge-,2 ments of hampers and Christmas I . . rpivwl from bitVt-i v- - ' I Points as far west as the Queen; Charlotte Islands. The member? J, ud mt lh have ab,e fer ri 9 those who are still unemployed. ot nritlsn Columbia their ear with them and will vW"nlvmUy lnthat the New year w vartoiw uoinU Vancouver. improvement in the conditions of Provincial Constabte Walter Mid-dleton of Massett arrived In the city from the Islands on the Prince John yeterday afternoon bringing In with him two prisoners. He will return to Massett on the Prince John tomorrow night. Miss Victoria Stamford, who ha been spending Christmas here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Stamford, will sail by the Prince George tonight on her return to Pullman. Washington, to resume her studlea at Washington StaU College. Miss Mar)orie Kenney. whe teachea school at Fort Praser and is apendlnc the Christmas and New Year holiday with her par ent. Mr. and Mr. E. T, Kenney at Terrace, arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train for a brie' visit returnlr to Terrace last evening. Mrs. Molt Lor of Skitaale arrivec oiin the city on the Prince John yes-Siterday afternoon from the Queer Charlotte Wands. She is the moth- er of Mrs. Ethel May McKinley whe i.vd away at the first of the 'week and whose funeral U taking Mi. leauaU and his daughter Mrs. Hewitt, came north from Van couver to Skidegate on the present trip of the steamer Prince John la vUlt at Skidegate with Mrs. Ed Olsen another of Mr. Leggatt's 'dauhlera. wlwse nine months old child died recently of pneumonia. Miss HaECi Mathers, who has been sientitng t,nrisimas ai ner,orosncrous new year. May the home at Sandsplt on the Queen Charlotte isianas. amvca irum here on the Prince John yesterday afternoon, beln? on her way back to her school teaching duties in the Interior She was accompanied to town by her sister, Miss Margaret Mathers. Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music llelntiman, Nordhelmer and Less re Flanos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone niue 389 212 4th St. 11 sui.Mim ,mu ii ana mm S International late m THE TRAVELLERS CAFE B D Has changed ownership and ...111 uH AAnllnnfl na thA In. II Will uc tuimui.u - -- Jj 5 ternatlonal Cafe under new P", management with entirely g new staff including a first 3 diss cook. Full Meals Served for 25c J Satisfaction duaranteed H INTERNATIONAL CAFE 211 Cth Street Fa - mim is. m cm imxmmim. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAKE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported Connie Moody, Indian, for drunk enness, has been fined $10, with op tion of seven days' Imprisonment, in city police court. is serving the time. Mrs. Frank Gale and child of Queen Charlotte City is paying a visit to the city, having arrived from the Islands on the Prince John yesterday afternoon. Rev. E. W. Slater sailed yesterday afternoon- on the Prince Oeorge for Anyox and Alice Arm to conduct Anglican Church services. He was accompanied by Mrs. Slater. Miss Grace Good, who has been, V1f hu"Jr f','? with her brother and sister-in-law. M,rnK J00 U I night by the Prince , Oeorge on her ... niif , 1 mick Kinas, wno nas peen spena- .... r 1 .til. V. I - .r r.Cn V, . T.. sail w by .w the Princ George tonight. i on his return td his studies at the , ' ' The Letter Box HAD GOOD TIME Miinr rtiiiv Mn-- MSMM( wrj w I would like to draw your atten- Uon and that of the public at large to the good time we happened to have at this time of year. It is too bad we can't always have good times and all the good necessities of life we are entitled to. But who were these people that jave us the pleasure of the good December 25 and the good eats. You workers know them, the honorable icace-loving Chinamen, the people iiat the powers that be in this eacc-Iovlng world are helping to sstroy and who are profiteering at ie expense of the bloodshed of withers and babies. But I am sure the Chinaman has the sympathy ot he majority of workers throughout Jie world. He is bound to win his IgliU and his country I would aho like the public to know how some of the poor fellows .re boycotted in Prince Rupert from .etting a present from the Cfcina-ncn at Christmas. The dictator cILs them where pa buy their groceries and tries to boycott the Chinamen. I dont see why one should have to eat where these people tell ou. They don't take advice themselves as to where they spend their money. At a rule they go outside of Prince Rupert where there are a few Tiore things. I would like our people to know ireund here but we will later on, so here's luck and a merry Christmas to our brothers and sisters of the restaurants and workshops of Prince Rupert with a happy and fllme mr soon whcn lhe country Is back In their own hands. ROBERT KYDD. 1 mvt viim HC Miivirinve i.i.i i " "'J ' I LONDON, Dec 9: (CPTuen- ty-rour revolver cartridges were found in a publl, dustbin HiC iat iwaiM t IJJUIlIli ,one a Mills bomb and the other German hand grenade, were found in the same dustbin. . . 1 I WINK TO WATER LONDON, Dec 29: (CP) Extension of a filter patent was granted to Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw. its Inventor. The filter, said to be able to turn port wine to water, is used by the Royal Air Force and the Admiralty for oil purification. Announcements All adrertlsements In this eol-imn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word Nortlkap Christmas Tree Decern bcr 29, Eagles' Dance New Year's Eve, 101 p.m. Varden Entertainment, Jan. 0. Toe H. Bridge January 18. I Presbyterian Burn's Banquet Jan-juary 25. ' Junior Chamber of Commerce Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall, January 27. 'XMAS FOR VETERANS! Dinner on Monday "Open House' I ' On Saturdav Meht In keeping with the spirit lVGZW& Christmas and comradeship thejJjS LONDON. Dec. 29: CP Bullets,- tf ew in the Houses of Par'l.vnent.Kf when the Parliamentary Sports and Social Club engaged in compeuuonij with another club. The match was Sf " held on the rifle-range beneath the House or lotos. MiNK.it i. .rr FORM F) rfrtlflcate f lmprvmfnl NOTICE 6ulphld No. 1. Sulphide No. 2. Bu phido no. s. suirAkte No. 4, Suiphid No 5. suhu JpWf SulDhkte No 8. Sulphide No. 0. SuV phlde No. 10'. Sulphide No. 11 & S. No. 1 Fractional Minrnd Claims tltxnte (n iuw Mom auatns uivwion u lung .. Uismos. WTKre located: on the EcsUll River on r near Red ouich cwk, JET k rjnun lmi kttt mums wiuiimv "rJSS Xor ft crtmMt or improve, jmmui or the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the !" claim. ArvH furtNrr lake notlcn that action. undr anottoa 83, mu.it be oomnvneed before the lasu&rre of Btich OrtlftcaJa of lmproveiTventB. ixvted this ism iay 01 isovenuieT rouM Xo. 13 (Section No. 3 MXD ACT In RAnee 4, avat Dtatrlot, Land Re cording DUtrlot of Prince Rupert and altuate on the West bonk of the Ec-wtvll River thirty miles from Port Ks- ; tinfrton, ! Take tiotioa that Far boa William Quemsey nf Vanoourer, occupation. (Mining Ensiiw. taiienda ta apply for prrmlasirn to purchase, the following ciencrttxtl lantU: ', Oocwnmclng at a post planted at the South- ret comer of lot 26fi7 belnj' Sulphide No. 9 Mineral Claim; thence.? ..... .a . . I . V . Of Afc.ln.,1 Jl I thence South SO chains: thence East 31 chain more or lew to ti Weat bound- ruj 01 Mpitiae no. 1 Aunrni ui&un being Lnt 264: ithenm Northerly 13 ohatna follovlng the WVn boundaries of Sulphide No. 7 and 8. No. 1 mr ttcmai MUvrai Claims to the westerly hank of the Erotatl lUver: thence Weat. erly ad Northerly foUowlng aald bank B0 cnains more or iw xo uve bcuiti boundary of Bulplude No. 9 Mineral CUlm: thence S. 87 deereea 45 W. 18 chains follows? the a&ld boundary to the point of commencravent and con-tain ins 120 acres more or lees. ' FORBES WILLIAM OU WIN SET. Fmt N.uh. Ajrtit. DaUd November 0th, 1933, BROKE AIR RECORD LONDON. Dec. 29: (CPJ All commercial air records wcr$ .brok en when an Imperial Airways Uner flew from Croydon to Paris with 17 passengers in 53 minutes, an average of 238 miles an hour. NEW YEAR GREETINGS If 8 Send a Card We Have a Prepare To PAPER HATS Dozen, up . BLOW OUTS Dozen WOODEN NOISE MAKERS Dozen L....... - BALLOONS Dozen, up 9 SERPENTINE 60 throws CONFETTI 2 pkgs. PARTY CRACKERS-Clearing at ts A f am mm m ww mr r r m m . m til IV. VlaS Q' m a.- W Tvrii-TvfB9YirtaiirraH;i'!rii rm ft t Trtr-rvn!v Heaters 1 For RurRing Oil, Coal or Wood At Very Reasonable Prices You'll Always ELIO'S THIRD AVENUE h: rim ui.ra i m.a iw imtm im SKATES ! Get Your Skate Outfits and U Supplies at Cordon's Hardware ;C'Mt We Carry the World Famous Line of -1 C.C.M. Matched Skate Outfits Hockey Sticks and Pucks Headquarters for Your Winter Sports Equipment McllRlDE STREET ............. .. i Smoked "Rupert Brand" I Mild Cured Salmon S J" 15c For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiclicsof' Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In RefrUerator Canadian Fish Co. i Prince Rnpert -v f. J. KILLS" WIFE, GETS, YEAR P ' n LEWES, Eng., Dec. 29:' (CP -A.-leged to have strangled his wife Jitter she admitted unfaithfulness drrd dapped his face, an electrician ia given 12 months for manslaughter! for New Year Big Selection ' at 4 u Celebrate:!! z 10 off. Heaters Da Better At 4 g Prince Rupert irciriti im smw.n tmrm tm.-M '.fir. vlirFSi''P MtJ Skates and Skating Supplies Skis, Ski Poles i Ski Harness and Waxes AH Kinds of Sleighs Gordon's Hardware i 1 b h 1 5 3. Phone 311 A jo .T pkg. & Cold Storage Lid. ll.l rAl.ttll ! J