'PACE SIX THE DAILY NEWS $oooohohoh0hohkhw TRIIOHIST CONDEMNED HY HAIFA COURT o o a DM TVtt. trh llravxl Ttintitand n.r....- - .. "c''r a THE a o I VU0(IU1 Loved " me Land TbfJ .o o m m m m m . .n. tm m m m -- a t .8 o Season's Selections a o g Outstanding a 0 o xs o L U a a a a OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, GOLD, SILVER and NOVELTY JEWELRY a o 8 a a a -D 8 .o o 8 o o D a a o D. o D D tr o o o a Q 8 D a o: g & 8 Be Sure to VMt our Bnvnt Store for Beau tifiil Cut Ola, Fine China 40 different designs of dlnnerware. Glasses of all kinds from 50c per dozen and up. New lines of the latest Leather Handbags and Novelty Evening Baes from 90c up. We still have a few boxes of 15 Beautifut Assorted Christmas Cards at 10c, STETSON f The World's Most Famous Name in HATS Brlnjs r . . . NEW COLOR OUTSTANDING STYLE DURABILITY ... To Men's Hats In 44&Ur 0 b iIay Wc Help You With That Gift for Christmas? "The .Texans," The "KENSINGTON Unlined at Also the Stetson Special and the Stetson Standard- Priced to I? "Worthwhile Gifts for Men" The Latest Christmas Pheaffer, Parker and Waterman Fountain Pens and Desk Sets Vour name put on Free in Void letters. Christmas Perorations and Noveltjr Crackers-Extra Special Value. You will find the largest and most complete line of gifts of all kinds for every member 1 the family at prices to suit Your purse. Come in and Look Around. We Are Always .PI M'cd to Show You Our Various Lines. Courteous Personal Attention MAX HEILBRONER C.N.R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East -Tuesdays,: .Thursdays and Saturdays 11 p'j,. x Xi n you wsh to swap somethirrgL Try a Classified. Diamond Specialist ROMANCE OF WEST Co-Starred in Excellent Week- End Picture, "The Texans" ... .. S3.50 1 S7.50i 9 WATTS & MCKERSON I 1938 Creations Are Now on Display ,JWa Vfe Siow TAem io Fou? Every year we look for something; new. This year tops them all Sec our com-": plete stock Wc Will Hold Any Article 'till Christmas Ml t ',', ' ,: i ; i i . Ormes Ltd. "The Store of a Thousand Gifts" Is I IS lid til 1 I Saturday Specials iA:g of Veal lbs. Rolled Shoulder Veal Per lb Shoulder Veal A Ik. Rolled Shoulder Lamb flj Per lb. , Shoulder Lamb P lb. Let ' Lamb j 5 Per lb J Ug of Pork Per lb m I Shoulder Pork Per lb. ; Pork Chops Broil. 1 P lb Js Prime Rib Roll Beef , j Per lb Pot Roast of Beef 5 Per lb. W j r-Bone Roast Beef fa Per lb jfti'Uump Roast Beef Per lb I Sirloin Tip Per lb I Sirloin Steak 3 lbs Per 'lb. ... i ' Slired Side Bacon Per lb ChickniK Per lb. Fowl Per lb'. . Rtbbits Each o o g a a t o o o o o O 8 a a nctt and Randolph Scott heading the cast, is a story of the struggle! of the south for freedom and self' rule after the war between the- Miss Bennett plays the Dart of a $1.00 20c 50c 22c 15ct 25c 22c. 18c 2Sci 18c! 10c 20ci i i5c ; 18c 50c 2 lbs. Round Steak and 1 lb. C(n I Kidney' Ayreshlre Bacon- SDitflre southern belle who want tn -TX I T IxVJ Joan Bennett and Randolph Scott defach Texas from the Union. Scott Is a. homecoming Dixie soldier who pleads with Texans to forget their par. hatreds and build a new life , . to' themselves in the great cattlci week-end i. a feature i .v ... . I . . .. ' v vi me s'jumwesi. Heavily guarded to prevent possibility of forwible re, ase by his followers, the Arab :hieftam Sheik Farhan es Sajdl is taken from the military court- situng at Haifa, Palestine after heanng sentence of death parsed upon him for possession of firearms and munitions. The Sheik was seized by British authorities as a leader of Arab ter-orists. in tluir drive to clear the Holy Land of pillaging bands. The condemned man is pointed out by the arrow. GRAND OLD BANK MAN! oiienng on me screen or the Cani- . .... .. , . war is over the covenant of Brl-tain to nay will be worth anything?" Hell." rugged Sir John was quoted as replying. "If the cove-i ! nam oi urua.il to pay is not good we'll all be in hade together tol Theatre herP witth Joan n-n- K ui vl a ijpicai icxan .na,5 i.mj.nasiira nana iraae a migration, ne thought the Domln- . . . v. .uviuuitig Hlb " .... u. .UI.., IVI M1UUIU iMIC ttfc li AO k JAAUAVW moving qf a great cattle cavalce' new railroad nrovides th'sm with I nadlan banking. Sir John Alrd, (the three Maritime provinces, pos itduj mantel ior meir sieers. u munw-ij, ivurm uuiy inc uaing newiounaiana. Essentially romantic, the story.' Irm ths presidency of he Carta-1 Plenty of exercise was the se jj nwevcr. is tmoeiiisnea with plenty umiwice jn jan- jfe action, making for general Inter- J uary alter three-score yean "St Bes'ries 5wtt and Jon Bennett, the cast Includes such well knovn W nlaver s May Rohson. Walter Brennan. Robert Barrat and Rob-p5 "ft Cummlngs. - ft F.vcrvbfyly reads the Dally New There's a reason. FULTON JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET Phone 957 5Tw MEAT MARKET Phone 683 and Phone 057 with the bank m which he never lost a day's work through any kind of illness. He had never been out of a Job manager at, Winnipeg. and Eastern Ca- dent or Central Western branches, narfa n tnini t U TLUCIEN HUBBARD ADDED TREATS Charlie McCarthy In "Unutual Occupations" Cartoon "Playful Polar Bears- Sport "Win, Place "and Show- Chapt. I. -Tim Tyler's Luck" (Sat Mat) An ardent advocate of a greater 1 wcalncr on hsr voyage north. ON.H populauon for Canada through Jm- I liltlAn. II 1 iv nut ill iaUi Ul 4UWCZ ... ioaim-uuiii3, oi icss government inier Whifflets From The Waterfront i - flavin? hrn HLivrH hv ilirmv steamer Prince John. Capt. Nell McLean, arrhed In port at 11 r 'clock last nltht from Vancouw via the Queen Charlotte Islands and Is scheduled tn sail at 16 o'clock tonight on her return south over the same route. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade alide. C8pt- Capt. William wmam Huahe Hughe ar ar cret of Sir John s vigorous, "sturdy ja"dc' health over a lifetime. In his youth P1?1 ,r? pf,rt al 3:30 lhu fmoonl ne piayca on the world ehamploiU ' "ri ,r team of the Toronto lacrosse Club lura 10 Vancouv nd waypolnti 3rllh kim1i mvn a h rtnt Sir Sam Huh in hii m rf-' Un,on "amer Cardena. Capt A youth of 23. he entered the. he often walked down to hU offteti d" Prt "I bank in 1878 looking for a typlst'slat the bank's headauarters. icvening and will sail at 10:30 om. Job. Successively clerk, secretary. ... ... 'for Vanmtrr and invminii tv. 1 branch manager at Seaforth, Ont.. "" Trade , , assistant manaaer at Toronto.i in ri. vr. mnn Di. t.. i .'k. c,u,;'i u,u ioon ana at ivrt, Mpertnten- wrinten. Uravelled iM.n the West rLu,.. 3 o'clock assUtant general manager and gei.-',mi. He crossed the Atlantle more. eralmnager he became Uan present a Kore of Umes and In l-jmost important that young Can.- J. wnen he wa chairman of the dlans should be prepared for in- he lo"n; head o tTc ZZn radio broad- ternat.onal relationships. They t,M,h , , , . rr,M"H ,lu 10 '"rmauon oi snouid study foreum lanmiaM Canadian Bankers' Association. His travels took him around the world. Particularly well acquainted with International trade and well-Informed on the Canadian West, he was directly responsible for the growth of his bank's vast branch system In Western Canada. Years I few In the new drought areas. Hpb Grand Old Banker PPiiiiiiiiiiHinf h SIR JOHN AIRD had chosen locations at a tim( hen the West's future was whoiiv problematical that would serve the j most coaststfint. production areas. Sure of Great Britain l He beer, me general manager oi jthe bank in 1015 and for hla unobtrusive but valuable national 9Sn ; Knighted in 1917. One I'DCjof the moeUpopular stories about OA S!r Jonn COnem a meeting be-OOC 'tween Sir ,Thomas White, then minister of finance, and the gen- XI If eral tnanntork nt rinailltin h.ni. j j w w .uu. m. uatiita i t . . ... n . ... . V cajijr in uiy ureal war wnen a o ''Svprorosed British Government loan S of $200iW00 was- under dLscus- g v"f slon. p An ultra cautious conferee ask- him 75.000 miles in 11 months. I A Conservative and an Anglican I World trade, he always empha-jhe was a member of clubs in Tor-' sized, was Canada's greatest op. ionto- Winnipeg and London. Eng-. portunity 'Canada will cvcntuallv ' l"1, dlrcc,or of a or more' develoo into a reat comm.r,la, ")anclaI . ,nslH.uUoni nd ""'J v' ; interested in the progress of Hav- Country- hc "W "And It L ergal College for Wom?n Troni after he spotted branches through fiBVMmri;BMrrMrMr-rt--Tn.--- iB.TMnrrKfrBmni7rstrt?r I - We-t it was found there were dj m H U M . MacKenzie's Furniture Cedar Chests $28.50 Beautifully lined, absolutely moth proof with Inward sliding thelves or lower pullout drawer. The Ideal gift for mother, wife, sister or sweetheart. Always remembered by this. 2 ? Phone 4 ( J u i ' i i r vsasBsBsasasi Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Th, 3t7 THIRD A V F.N UK ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor. cwtw ! l,,,!J TIIK JIODKKN UTILITY SUIT Streamline r The Overall Men Have Been Waiting Vor Come In Whllr.fUrkcd Blue Denim and Covert Cloth Made By Kitchen Peabody union Made Rupert Clearing House Opposite Utile's Newttaml cd: "Arc you sure that when tho .... . oooooooaoooooooooo woooooHooooeHSoooooHoo6o1ooo0oeK.o ; 1 . j (M 7 J: and 9 in TO.NIOIIT and SATlRtm Matinee Saturday lu Miowi at 7.M a CURTAINS Cleaned by the New Dri-Sh, . .... .. lo Dlstlnjul.h Them IromXe, Jul Try a Pair and Nl lii Dlfferrnce Yo Hnl Tta Nice for ChrMmti. IHFA T CI FA NFI? MrBrldf Btre et nd filth Ate. rilONE Ul Walker's Music Store Lance StK Mntk llrlnttman, Norihclratr ul Letter riinot Plana Toning Hh "Rescnowepe' Phone Blue 3 tit Ith TRAPPERS Do Not till Your Fan t Flnt Bidder Brine There t GoldblorWs And Oet lllihtst Prirei l Mink and Msrttn NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD A V FN UK FAST Phone RFD 392 INTERNATIONAL TRICK Itlll.MAV PAHS STANDARD OIL PHOIU'ClS rromp and Efficient Service Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory' and Harmony. PIIONE fill KEN 399 Venetian Blinds Pioneer Brand PHIL LYONS phone (irecn 8R3