THE DAILY NEWS. ee on application. per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. The Daily News. The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. i in advance. a HEAD OFFICE 5 Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New Yor«k—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 50c WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly All LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. DaILy EDITION. og SATURDAY, JAN. 6 TRYING TO RUIN C away our natural resources, want, then there is nothing ahead for achieve national greatness. But this is not the worst. and freer trade? alias John VY. should be recalled from his jaunt ort with the year of our vintage. p y g born, etc., classes. the scope of our national customers. ing ourselves that we become rich. 8 SES TS Mr. Borden and his Cabinet to relations with our equatroial brothers in ANADA. similar campaigns on a more extended scale. be divided into years, so that we could all be labelled like old These again could be sub- divided into the Monday-born, Tuesday-born, Saturday evening- that we taxed our trade to the extent of $ to reduce this taxation must be combated, because it is by tax- Canada but ruin. The birth migh Any effor free the Caribbean Sea. secure The announcement made yesterday that the Federal Goy- ernment will try and secure freer trade relations with the West Indies is certain proof that Mr. Borden and his Cabinet are bent upon ruining Canada, lowering the price of wages and handing If we allow the goods of the West Indies which we want to come in unhindered and allow the West Indies to purchase from us unhindered the good things that they No nation can expect to bow the knee to Baal in this manner and If once we permit ourselves to sell to the people of the West Indies, for good coin of the realm, the various things that we want to sell and that they want to buy it is almost certain that the next step will be annexation. Our statesmen are no match for the clever and astute politicians in the West Indian Legislatures, one of whom at any moment may slip through a bill providing for the annexation of Canada. What is to be done to meet the national menace of fuller At the time of writing The News has received no further despatches, but it may safely be presumed that Col. Sam Hughes and the other leading patriots of our country are preparing to make some militant speeches. Borne, the gentleman of alleged Swedish origin and Canadian education who engineered the appeal to the British- born in a similar crisis in our national-history some months ago, to the Orient to engineer Mr. Arthur Hawkes, t A fund should be provided by the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association to educate the people to the dangers of extending Some lurid posters, some even more lurid speeches and a plentiful supply of Union Jacks for waving purposes would be found effective. The customs returns for the month of December showed $,7,333,349, t After having gone into power by educating the public up to the dangers of opening up freer trade relations with our 92,000,000 neighbors, it is a strange madness that now actuates endeavor to trade EE is a long way and you afe flourishing too busy to worry. prices. To send your New Year’s present now. we have a few exceptionally cheap bargains left. Why? Because The East in Rupert and was’ Don’t hesitate, but come today where Far Eastern and Oriental goods will be sacrificed at Eastern i Ai Second Ave. and Sixth St. BIG = FURNITURE STORE Phone 62. Entrance on Second Avenue. 4 ee eer nee ee 3 —YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A— ; > > $ Crown Favorite Cooking Stove 3 . Price from $45 to $58. Other Stoves from $16. Z 2 . > ; WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED IN_ BUILDERS’ HARDWARE ; 3 > 4 , 2 $ THOMPSON HARDWARE CO’Y 3 $ Second Avenue Telephone 10 3 . PP PLP PPP OPP PPP PP PPP PLP PPPPPDAD PP PPA PP PAPPPPPPPLPPA A A PPPDODD DIED DDD DD LAE GG = WATCHES Watches All kinds of watches at decidedly reduced prices. Largest stock in town of Howard watches, Exclusive agents for South Bend watches. Reg- ular $5 parlor clocks for $3.25, Phone Black 228 Burgess’ recent record when he swam the English Channel, won- derful performance though it was, is not by any means the most wonderful performance that man has proved himself capable of, even out of his natural element. Among the more unusual; swims on record was that accom- plished in the China Sea in Janu- ary, 1860, by Lieutenant Lums- den, now General Sir Peter Stark Lumsden, G, C. B. This young officer was sailing a small boat in Talienwan Bay when a gale sprang up and cap- sized it. Darkness had fallen, the low shore was many miles away and invisible, and a heavy, chop- py sea was running Moreover, the bay was infested by large maneating sharks, To an ordinary situation would have seemed wholly desperate. But Lieuten- ant Lumsden was no ordinary in- dividual. . He was known as the finest swimmer in the army and one of its best all-round athletes. And he made up his mind to fight for his life to the last gasp. First, he divested himself, one by one, of all superfluous articles of clothing, retaining, however, his flannel shirt, which he found an assistance rather than a hin- individual the drance, as it heiped to support him in the water when floating. For the first few hours he held fast to a presentation gold watch, but presently finding that that even its small weight sufliced to handicap him somewhat, he let it go. Flat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avénue and Fulton Street. Also stores in same block. Two cottages correr Second Avenue and Ninth Street. FOR SALE Lots in all parts of the city. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some oi the largest Com- panies doing business in the City. C. D. RAND Second Ave. Phone 112 Prince Rupert Lodge, L.0.0F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A, DOUGLAS, N. G. W. D. BARRIE, Sec. Servian Labor Benefit Society No. 195, S.S,5.S. Meetings held every Ist and 3rd Sunday of the month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM, —?—0-@—0-9 — © 9 4-4-9 FRED. STORK | —General Hardware— f on | Builders’ Hardware ] Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware e —— | SECOND - AVENUE 4 wntce-6'~ o-0-6-6-0-0-¢ For Rent Four-roomed House $15.00 Four-roomed Cottage $15.00 IN SECTION SEVEN Three-roomed Cottage partly furnished $20.00 IN SECTION SIX A few cheap lots for sale on easy payments G. R. NADEN COMPANY simived, Prince Rupert, B.C, Second Ave., Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers :: TOBACCOS G.T.P, WHARF CIGARS FRUITS A NIGHT-SWIM AMONG SHARKS REVIVED—STORIES OF WHAT PLUCKY MEN AND WOMEN HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IN WATER. For eight solid hours he swam steadily on in pitch darkness, buffeted continually by heavy seas, not knowing for cer- tain whether he was progressing toward the shore or away from it. At length he heard the sound of breakers, and putting forth his last ounce of strength, he gained the land just as dawn was break- ing. Then he swooned away, and when he awoke to consciousness the sun was high in the heavens. eross What a Plucky Girl Did. Another remarkable feat of the kind was performed by a young lady passenger on the Queensland liner Quetta, whieh foundered in Torres Straits in the summer of 1890. Though sucked down by the sinking steamer, this plucky girl, on coming to the surface, boldly struck out for the shore, nearly twenty miles distant. Sixteen hours later she was seen and rescued by a party of pearl fishers. She was then still swimming strongly, and_ the shore was only about three miles away. Sixteen hours is not, however, a record as regards actual time in the water even for a woman. In May, 1880, Agnes Beckwith swam for thirty continuous hours, or over seven hours longer than the time oecupied by Burgess in swimming the channel, It need hardly be said, however, that the conditions governing the two ex- ploits were wholly dissimilar. Swam Thirty-seven Miles. Another, and perhaps’ even more remarkable, swim of a sim- ilar kind was performed many years ago in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River by a man named Jergensen. Owing to the snapping of rope used as a temporary bridge he was thrown into the rapids at the top entrance to the gorge and actually floated and swam a dis- tance of thirty-seven miles down the river before rescued. Much of the journey was through broken water and amid whirlpools in which no boat could have lived WANTS ARMISTICE EXTENDED Chinese Premier Is Not Yet Ready to Settle Terms of Peace. Pekin, Jan. 6.—yYua Shi Kai has made a request for the extension of the armistice to January 18. Unless this is granted by the rebels fighting will be resumed on Saturday. The rebels are pre- pared to march on Pekin with 30,000 men, Voters, Attention. For a good, progressive admin- istration of the affairs of the city vote for J. H. Hilditeh for mayor and be safe, it Prince Rupert’s leading hotel— Savoy. McCaffery & Gibbons Good buys in Real Estate: Lots 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1, $8,325 pair. One-fourth cash, Lot on Park avenue for $2,000, Terms of $875 cash. Balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Lot on Third avenue, $4,725. Double corner on Ninth avenue for $1,350, Good terms Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Section 5, $2,100 pair. Lots 15 and 16, Block 4, Section 5, $1,260 each, Easy terms Lot 12, Block 15, Section 5, house, *$2,750. $950 monthly payments. Lots 11 and 12, Block 23, Section 6, $2,170 with five-room cash, balance pair. Lots 11 and 12, Block 14, Section 6, 86,500 pair, Terms to suit purchaser, Double corner on Fourth avenue, Section 6, for 84,200 $1,200 cash, Balance 1, 2 and 3 years | Lot 19, Block 23, Section 6, with house, for $1,100 Terms Lot 4, Block 5, Section 6, with 6-room house, 82,200. Terms of 8800 cash, balance 12 and 18 months, Lot 7, Block 20, Section 6, $1,890 Terms of $890 cash, balance Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, one year, Section 6, $3,850 pair, Lots 9 and 10, Block 4, Section 6, $3,200 pair. Lots 40 and 41, Block 6, Seetion 7, $1,100 pair Terms. Lot 5, Block Section 7, 81,850. Terms of 8850 cash. Bal, in rent, Two lots in Section 7 for $315 each, Lot 25, Block 34, Section 7, with improve ments, $1,895, Income of $40 per month, Double corner in Section 8 for $700, Terms to suit purchaser Quarter section of land in Lakelse Valley, #12 per acre 10 wcres Porcher Island land, Crown granted, $5 per acre, —INSURANCE— McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE ~~ F. M. DAVIS BOYS! START IN BUSINESS Sell the Daily News, It’s the easiest and quick- est way of earning money of yourown, Apply at THE NEWS OFFICE 1836 1911 The Bank of British North America A Strong British Bank, with Connections Throughout the World, Foreign Drafts Agents in Canada for the Colo nial Bank, London and West Indies. We have special facilities for handling business with Great Britain and foreign countries. Drafts on France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Japan and West Indies bought and sold. Prince Rupert Branch— F. S. LONG, Manager. ee - Church Services - FIRST PRESBYVERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and 730 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at il a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor PASTOR THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH BETWEEN CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday School at REV. C. R. SE PASTOR LAND LEASE NOTICE | LAND PURCHASE NotI} Skeena Land District | Take not that we Christian Garde and Wm, M. J Rupert, B.C,, occupation minin prospector, intend ase the following « nen ta t planted 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station,G.T.P.Ry St n and oe | ately 27 miles east of Prince f t, thence north } 40 chains, th )chains, thence south 26 chains mo yw less to railway grade, thence westerly 26 chains mo less following said grade to point of commencement and containing 70 acres or lecs. the undersigned, Alfred ohnston of Prince gw engineer and permission to nce east 2 “ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE WILLIAM M. JOHNSON Date Noy. 23, 1911 Pub. Dee, 5, 1911 Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands | ake olice that Arthur Tremaine, © 3a eb note cupation farmer, intends | |} to apply for “ad a el bn to lease the fol 0 described lands |! Myer oy at a post planted at the | southeast corner, being eighty chi south lof the northwest corner of Lot 1 , Mas | get Inlet; thence west forty chains, thence | north eighty chains, thence east forty chains, thence south eighty chains to the point of commencement, containing three | hundred and twenty acres (320), more or ie ARTHUR TREMAINE, | George Young, Agent, Dated Nov. 15, 1991 | Pub. Dee. 15, 1011. | Skeena Land District-——District of Queen | | Charlotte Islands, Take notice that Alfred MeGregor, of Victoria, B. C,, occupation broker, intends } to apply for permission to lease the fol- lowing described lands | | Commencing at @ post planted about) three-quarters of a mile souchwest from) } the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset } Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence } south to the north boundary of Lot 1557, |} thence west one hundred chains, more or | less, thence north ninety chains, thence Jeast to the beach, thence along beach to} point of commencement, containing six | hundred and forty acres (640), more of ess i ALFRED M'OREGOR. George Young, Agent. Dated Nov. 15, 1011. Pub. Dec. 15, 19114, Skeena Land District-—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, of Saanich, B, C., occupation farmer, in- tends to apply for pertaission to lease the following described lands: commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner, being about one mile east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence north to the south boundary of Lot , thence west to the east boundary The One Best Buy SECTION : ONE Lots 27 and 28, Block 30, corner |} 8rd Ave. and 8th St. Price $20,000 O. M. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate and Rentals Offices: Helgerson Block Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat dumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: Cor Centre St. and First Ave Whites Portland Cement... | G. C, EMMERSON AGENT Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave AT DAVIS’ BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship’s Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamer “Camosun”’ leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, arriving Tuesday morning. For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night. Northbound, leaves Vancou- ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m, teerage Fare $6.00 The ‘‘Camosun’’ is the only steame on the run having water tight bulk- heads and double bottom, thus en suring safety of passengers in case of collision or wreck, J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. of L 1550, thence south along the 5 | bounc y to the southeast corner of said Lot 50, thence west along sald boun- | | dary the east boundary of Lot 1549, thence south along the said boundary to } the north boundary of ot 1552, thence | east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552, | thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- mencement, containing six hundred (600 acres, more or less MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG, George Young, Agent. Dated Nov, 16, 1911 Pub. Dec, 15, 1911. Skeena Land Disivict—District of Queen } Charlotte Islands | Take notice that William Moore, of Saanich, B, C., oecupation farmer, intends to apply for permission to lease t fol lowing describe lands Commencing at & post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In let, thence east one hundred chains, thence 18 huth sixty-four chains, thence west to the | beach, -thence along beach to point of commencement, containing six hundred and} forty (640) acres, more or less WILLIAM MOORE George Young, Agent, Dated Nov. 14, 1911. Pub, Dec, 15, 101414, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Disirict of Coast Range 6 Take notice that LeRoy F. Grant of Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation civil enginee:, intends to apply for permission to purchase the tallowing described lands: ! Commencing at a post planted about 3 1-2 miles | in a northerly directo from the northeast corner post of Lot 1349, Range 6, Coast District, thence | east 30 chains, thence north 60 chains, thence | west to bank of river, thence south following |} bank of river to point of commencement; con- taining 160 acres, more or less. | Dated Sept. 9, 1911. LEROY F, GRANT Pub, Oct. 10, Gordon C. Emmerson, Agent Skeena Land District Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar | Take notice that Herbert McLennan of Van couver, B. C., occupation real estate agent, intends | to apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river |} about two miles south of the sixth Dominion | Telegraph cabin. Post marked H. M. N. E Corner, thence 80 chains south, thence } west, thence 80 chains north, the vast to point of commencement, e | acres more or leas Dated Sept. 23, 1911 | Pub. Nov, 2. 60 chains 80 chains 6 mntaining HERBERT MeLENNAN Skeena Land District-—District of Cassiar | ‘Take notice that Thomas Arthur White of Van- ; couver, B. C., occupation carpenter, intends to | apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with Naas river, about two miles south of the sixth Dominion Telegraph cabin. Post marked T. A. W. S. E. Corner, thence | 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 | chains south, thence 80 chains east to point of | commencement, containing 640 = more or leas. THOMAS ARTHUR WHITE Sept. 24 1911. Nov. 2. | Dated | Pub | Skeena Land District |. Take notice that Charlies William Ham of Vancouver, B. C., occupation inspector, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the con- fluence of Blackwater river with the Naas river | about two miles south from the sixth Dominion | Telegraph cabin. Post marked C. W. H. 8S. W. | Corner, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains j east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of commencement, containing 640 | acres more or less } District of Cassiar CHARLES WILLIAM HAM | Dated September 23, 1911. Pub. Noy, 2. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5, | | Take notlee that I, Louls Caleris, driver, f Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per- Infssion to purehase the following de cribed lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence south |} 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to | point of commencement, containing 390 acres, more or less LOUIS CALERIS, ] Fred E, Cowell, Agent, Dated Oct, 31, 1941, Pub, Dec. 9. Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, Take notice tnat James Ewing Macrae, of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, intends to apply for permission to pur- chase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at @ post planted about seven miles distant and in an easterly direction from the Naas River, and about eight miles porth of Alyansh Indian village, } thence north eighty chains, thence east | clglity chains, thence south elghty chains; ; thence west eighty chains to point of | commencement } JAMES EWING MACRAE H, P, Rutter, Agent. $31, 1041, 14 | | Dated Oct | Pub, Dec Skeena Land District—Distriet of Gasstar. Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of 8e- attle, Wast., occupation woodsman, in tends to apply for permission to purchase | the following deseribed lands Commencing at & post planted four | Iniles east of the Naas River and about live miles north of Alyansh, thence west eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, thence east elghty chains, thente north elghty chains to point of comme ncement CLARENCE BOWEN HH, P, Hutter, Age Dated Oct, 81, 1941. ter, Agent, Pub, Dec, 14 Skeena Land Distriet-—Distriet of Coast Range 5 ,, rake notice that Benjamin Russel Rice of Prince Rupert, B. C, necupation waiter, intends to apply for permission to purchase described lands Comm ng at a post planted 65 chains south southeast corner of Lot 3060, Post R. RS. E. Corner, thence 70 ehains thence 65 chains north, thenee 70 chains » thence 65 chains south to point of com- mencement, containing 455 acres more or less. BENJAMIN” RUSSEL RICE & Jetober 21, 1911 the following | Dated | southwest »| Chains east of the District of Coast Range 5 | Skeena Land District—Distric Take notice that I, James | of Vancouver, B. U.,, occupat ing Student, intend to apply | to purchase the following uc i Commencing at @ post plant east of Naas River and 40 chain pre-emption No, 897 (SEY chains north, thence 24 chains’ w, 40 chains south, following the \ thence 62 chains east to { mnencement; containing 160 or les, 1a yint acr J. T. FULLEI RK. H. Stewart Dated Prince Rupert, Dec, 114, '; Pub, Dec. 13. Skeena Land Distriet—District hhange 5 Take notice that J, Abraham 1 of Prince lKupert, B..C., ocx intend to apply for perimiss: the folloWing described land Commencing at @ post plant corner Of @ small isla (25) chains north and northwest ¢ 1323, Hange 5, Coast Distric island, thence following the s! 4 northeasterly direction a (20) chains to the north end « thence in @ southwesterly dire the shore line about twenty to the point of vommencement, island containing about forty ( more or Jess, upat ht twenty-live ‘ ABRAHAM H. BAI Oth, 1011 is Dated Dec. Pub, Dec, Skeena Land Distriet——District of Ca Take notice that Angus James Mc} Vancouver, Lb. C., occupation bookkee). to apply for permission to purchase thy described lands: Commencing @6t @ post planted at fluence of blackwater river with Naas riy< two miles south from the sixth Lom cabin. Post marked A, J. M thence 50 chains south, th BU ¢ thence 50 chains north, thence 80 cha w point of commencement, containing ¢ more or leas ANGUS JAMES McKr Dated Sept, 23, 1911. Pub. Nov, 2. inion Ts Ww Skeena Land District—District of Coast ‘Dake notice that Miss Mary Mul ville Lreland, occupation spinster, intends for permission lo-purchase the following ibed lands: Commencing at 4 post planted one cha of the southeast corner of Lot 632, the 40 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence chaina, thence west 20 chains to p mencement; Containing eighty acres, im Dated Uct. 11, 1911, Mis5 MARKY M Pub. Noy, 11. John ©. Mul ville as District Kange notice that 1, Dagobert B. C,, occupation m for permission Ww pu foliowing described lands Commencing at @ post plant southeast corner Of Lot 4484, th 40 chiins, thence west 40 ch north 40 chains, thence cast 4 point of commencement, conta acres, nore or less, DAGOBEKT Fred E, ( ivil skeena Land District 5 Take Nanaimo, to apply ins, A we Ax Nov Dec. Dat Pub. 10th, v. Land Distri 4 District Hang that 1, Victoria, B. C., Ca permission to purcha lowing deseribed lands Commencing at a souluWwest corner of Le chains, thence west 40 chains, t i chains, thence west 40 chains, ) chains to point of Commencen taining 480 acres, more or less THEUDORE Nici Fred E, Cowe ivi. Take notice driver, of apply for SU Dated Oct, Pub, Dec, 31 v. Skeena Land District—District fake notice that 1, Paul Curt k Victoria, intend to apply re purchase the following dk L Commencing @t @ post plate eash boundary and about live from le SoUMeast corner thence north 60 chains, thence hains, thence south 60 chains, t JU Chains bo point of comimenecin taining 180 acres, more or ie PAUL CUKTI Fred E, Cowell, Dated Oct. 31, 1011. Pub, Dec. 9. Skeena Land District—District Kange 6. Take notice that |, Michas Bega f Victoria, B, C., intend to appl) mission to purchase the [| scribed lands Commencing at @ post planted north side of Williams Creek, w Aiumat branch of the G. T. P. ! Williams Creek, 4nd about ten (1 from the creek shore, When chains, thence east 40 chains, the U chains, thence west 40 chain of cotuimencement, containing More of MICHAS BEGAN Fred E, Cowell, Ag Si, 10ii, 9. iz Dated Oct Pub, Dec, District 5 District Hange 5. notice that I, Samuel | gardener, of Victoria, intend to permission to purchase the [%\ scribed tands; Commencing north side of Skeena Land Take rl at @ post planted Williams Creek, al chains back from the creek ba About fifty chains southeast fr the hilimat branch of the G. T. | of-way crosses Williams Creek, south 40 chains, thence east 40 thence north 40 chains, thence chains to point of commencenic taining 160 acres, more or SAMUEL Fred E, 1911. \\ less BEILTE! Cowell, Ag Dated Oct, $1, Pub, Dec, 9. District—District of Charlotte Islands. Take notice that Ellen Marion Yo Victoria, B. C., occupation spinster, to apply for permission to purcha following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted southeast corner of Lot 1552, then to the northeast corner of Lot 1555, south to beach, thence along bea point of commencement, Containibe nundred and four (104) acres, u less. Skeena Land ELLEN MARION YOUN( George Young, Ag 15, 1041. 15, 1014. Dated Pub, Nov, Dec, District—District of Charlotte Islands notice that John Scott You Bb. C., occupation farmer, (i to apply for permission to purchase following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted northeast corner of Lot 1550, thence Skeena Land Take Saanich, to the north boundary of Lot 1551, | east along the said boundary to the shore, thence following along the sb the point of commencement, conta three hundred and sixty-one (361) more or less, JOHN SCOTT YOUNG George Young, Ageb Dated Nov, 15, 19141, Pub, Dee, 15, q, Skeena Land District—District of ( ange 5, Take notice that 1, John Argiractis, penter, of Victoria, b. C., intend to 4} for permission to purchase the follow described lands; Commencing at & post planted about and one-half miles northeast from intake of Trout River, on the west of Lakelse Lake, and about tive (5) cha back from the waterfront, thence § 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, th north 80 chains, thence east 80 chain point of commencement, containing acres, more or less, JOHN ARGIRACLIS Fred £. Cowell, Agen Dated Oct, 1, 1044. Pub, Dec, 9. Skeena Land Distriet——District of Ca Take notice that Frank Furey, of Sea! Wash, occupation chainman, intends apply for permission to purchase the lowing deseribed lands: Commencing ‘at a post planted about miles east of the Naas River and 4! seven Thiles north of Alyansh, thence 0 eighty chains, east eighty chains, eighty chains, wes of commencement, i wlghty chains to Pp FRANK FUREY li, P. Rutter, Agen 1911. | Pub. Nov, 2, Dated Oct. 81, Pub, Dec, 14,