Friday, June 17, JMi SHE DART NEWS spaqk roam Local Girl Was Vancouver Bride Miss Violet fitamp-Vlncent Married to Sidney Dolan In Holy Rosary Cathedral Last Friday morning at 8 o'clock in Holy Rosary Cathedral at Vancouver, with Rev. Father A. Angle officiating, Uk marriage Utok place! of Miss Violet Katherinc Stamp-' Vincent, second daughter of Mr.i and Mrs. F. W. Stamp-Vincent,' formerly of this city .and now of, Vancouver, to Sidney Thomas Dolan, only eon of the late Jolin Dolan and Mrs. Dolan of Salmon. Arm. KELLOGG'S for EXTRA flAVOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE C. G. M. Bicycle was an Informal reception at the; home of the bride's parents after which (he "bride and grbom'left for a honeymoon trip to Victoria, later proceeding to Ontario to make their home. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a -word. The bride wore a feun metal tall- ored suit with contrasting icces- Anglican Tea. Mrs. G. Arnold's, sories and had a corsage ol' white June 23-gardenias. The bridesmaid was Miss Helen Stamp-Vincent who had ol. Queen Mary Tea Mr Parkin', brown tailored suit1 with contrasting""6 22- accessories and corsage of sweet) Eagle's Dance, June 22. peas and rosebuds. Russell Jones "' ' of Vancouver was groomsman. i Canadian Legion Picnic, Following the ceremony, there iand, July 3. ALL-WHEAT HARDWARE Digby BUILDS BIG MEN The wholesome goodness of Canadian sun and Canadian soil are captured in ihese delicious, crunchy flakes of toasted wheat. AH the muscle-making elements of Canada's fin est grain are crowded into each delicious bowlful of Kellogg's ALL-WHEAT. Enjoy this extra-deli-cious food often. Always ready to eat with milk. or cream. Always oven-fresh and crisp. Sold hy all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. si trie' eelarfui ctlon .plelurei .of orepUn. print hi the keck t eeeh m Promise your boy one for passing- his examinations and watch him dip: into his studies! A real reward and one well worth working for. Several Models to Choose From At GORDON'S PHONE 311 McBRIDE ST. LOCAL NEWS NOTES J Catholic Tea at Mrs. P. DeJong'a j715 5th Ave. W. June 21. Theiride had lived In Prince Ru-1 perjt since girlhood and. prior to' Ml&s Lillian Moss sailed this af- lfavlng here a few weeks ago, was.terooon on the Prince .Rupert for a with the staff of Hellbroner's Jewel- visit In Stewart. ry store. The groom was formerly located at OceanFate. Mrs. Alfred Hardy Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for ( a trip to Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilding are leaving on this evening's train for Montreal where they will embark on a trip to England. going through on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. w. J. Rennle of Port Clements Is a visitor In the city, having arrived yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles from the Bishop G. A. Rlx returned to the city on the Prince 'diaries yesterday afternoon from a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesiastical duties. Miss Elsie Johnson, who was called here on account of the serious illness and subsequent death of .her father, the late C. E. Johnson, Is Mr. and Mrs. .A. P. Allison arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and . will sail tomorrow night on the( Prince Charlesior Mr, Allison's log-! ging camp at Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. C.N. R. Trains jFor the East days. and Frl' 6 pjn From the East-Tuesdays. ThursQays.and Satur ' ji.l.: .;. .,."' '11 VTi rn Mail Schedule. For Fuller Brushes phone L Mumford, Oreen 907. Here until1 July 1. tf. 1. For e ' .East-Monday,, Wednesday, and Friday - 5 P-m; From the lEast Tuesday, Thursday and -U:00 Sunday ... ., p.m. For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10:15 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. June 11, 18 .and 25 4:30 pjn, From Vancouver-Sunday .. 4 ,pm. Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Friday 4 Pn- June 6, 13 and 20 a.m. slngij:-hani)ei) jiowung tin tlie Canadian National Recreation's single-handed bowling competition, George Hill yesterday afternoon defeated W. L. Coates 21 to 10 while George Wilkinson won over Fred Rogers 21 to 10. BASEBALL SCORES I American League Cleveland, 4; Washington, 1. Philadelphia', 3; Detroit, 12. New Yorkj 5; Chicago, 1. Dostoji, 12; Si, Louis, 8. ' - ' Nati-Jnal League Pittsburg, 10; New York, 2. Philadelphia, 3; St. Louis, 2. BLACKHEADS Gt tw otincM of pcroxln powdrr from 7cmr dnureiit. SprinJU on hot, wet doth nd rub th fan r'ntjj. Every will be dfiiolved. The ou M(e, tare end dmple wr to remove blukhedi. lUve Udliwoad couBtexlwB. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. Sldgwlck, A. Johnson, O. Up- Mrs. B. F. Smith and child of gaard, M. Klngl and L. Haas, Thurs-Premler will be here aboard the tor Harbor; C. Olsen, Cumshewa Prince Rupert tomorrow evening Inlet; V. Dodd, Surf Point; Mike sailing tonight by the Cardena on die, R. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. W her return to Vancouver. Capt. R. Mitchell of Military Dls Haapala, O. Nyby and ,F. Serow, city; A. Sandhals, Port Esslngton. Knox J. S. Patch and I. Johnsen, Vancouver; James Nault, Surf point Mine; Mrs. H. Paulson, Blllmor; W. S. Harris, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Clegg, Goat River; N. Baker, Minneapolis; 1. A. Bradford and E. Wallace, Jasper; E. H. Pruner, C. McKeown, J. R. Herrlott and F. W. Hicks, C.N.R.; 6. Cyz, Fort George. Prince Rupert A. Currie, Claxton; G. M. Bedford, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. L. Dyson and Mary Dyson, Port Clements; Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, P. T. Ivarson and C. M. Thomas, Massett; E. W. Wright, R. C. Har- trlct No. 11 staff arrived' in the city mour, Telkwa; on the Prince Rupert this morning Smlthere. from Vancouver and will tonight Royal M. Pepper, G. W. Rodgers and J. O. Hughes, Vancouver; T, H. Scott and Fred Nash, Terrace; William Gll- D. McN. Lowe, conduct annual Inspection of the F C. Hamilton, P. W. Wong and local Sea Cadet Corns. I Mr. and Mrs. Stamford I who have been here to attend the ' marriage this evening of Miss Mar- garct Kergln and Dr. Ralph Outer-! bridge, will sail tonight by the Princess Adelaide on their return to I Sail Francisco. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson of t Mnssett nr navlner n. brief visit to O. Spriden, Vancouver; Mann, Rose Lake; Ken Smith, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. F. Williams, Savoy A. Anderson, city; Mr. and Mrs. D. Dlsher, Pacific Mrs. J. Zogas, Kwlnltsa; C. F. Oland, Smlthers. Serenades Dance J " .... Iff.!- .1-1. . . . I . the city. They arrived from the -a isv msm I tci,h. h p,w Tnhn vMtor. Boston Hall With 200 Vetson in Attendance day afternoon and will be returning home on the same steamer tomor-1 upwards of 200 persons were in row night. attendance at a very successtul -' dance held by the Serenaders' Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Dyson and Orchestra last night in Boston daughter of Port Clements arrived Hall. Dancing was in full swine in the city an the Prince Charles from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. William yesterday afternoon from the Is- Stuart was master of ceremonies lands .for a brief visit and will toe mmmmmm,mmmmmm sailing on Hielr return home by - . the same vessel tomorrow evening. JONES Family Market Phone 957 Per lb. Pot Roast 4 lbs Short Itibs- Per lb. ... Specials T-Bone Roast Per lb. ; Standing Hib Per lb. ;.,..n;.... .ltunip Roast Per lb. :. ... Itoast off Ithb RouJd--jffr Per lb .'.. Sirloin Tip-Per lb. Hump Itoast Per lb Round Steak Per lb 3L ....V Phone 051 LAMU and MUTTON ItoIIed Shoulder L Per lb lbs. Shoulder Mutton Loin of Mutton Per lb ,. Leg of Mutton Per lb VEAL Hon ned and Rolled Veal Per lb :....2X.i'. Fillet Roast Veal , Per lb. Siloed Side Bacon Per lb. 25c 20c 20c 25c f -25c stei:k ijeef Sirloin Tip-Per lb: ! Prime Rib Roll 18c 20c 20c 20c 50c 10c 25c $1.00 20c 22c 22c 25c 30c DOLLAR DAY At Fraser & Payne's - Saturday Drop around Friday afternoon and look .over the merchandise on display in the windows. Every article priced for your inspection. Fraser & Payne's To Be Married At United Church Nuptials of Miss Marearet Kergln and Dr. .Ralph Outerbridge This Evening A marriage oj exceptional local Interest takes place; 'this seyenlng at First United; Churcfi when' Miss Margaret Kergln R.N., only daugh-J ter of Dr. and Mrs. W- 'T. rKergln " of this city, -.becomes, the (bride iof Dr. Ralph Outerbridge of Toronto.; The bridesmaid will be Miss Jean; McAfee and the gromsman Stan- ford Smith of San Francisco. Fol- i lowing the ceremony there will be a reception at the home of the bride's parents on Fourth Avenue and the couple will sail on the PrJflicess .Adelaide for Vancouver enroute to China to reside. C. M. Fraser and Capt. C. Thomas of the Nootka Packing Co., who have been on a visit to the company's salmon cannery at New Mas- sett, arrived In the, city on the; Prince Charles yesterday afternoon " from the Islands, being on their- way to Vancouver. The New Mas-sett cannery will not be operated this season. O0EOI FOK SALE KITCHEN Range with oil burner.' Green 893. (141) FOR SALE 28-ft. boat with 6 li.p.i engine. Can be used for' trolling or net fishing. Only $300. Apply McLean's Boat Yards, Seal Cove. FOR SALE 35 ft. boat fully .equipped, pleasure or patrol -work. 12 h.p. engine. Going at a toargafiu Apply R. L. Newcombe, Seal Cove.. " Phone Green 429. tf.i 119 9th Avenue East. Modern 2-- HULK LEV VALLEY HAItY UEEF , storey house, 7 rooms .and bath. Concrete foundation. Priced low. for quick sale. G. L. Rorle, Trus-'. tee. (145),; FOR SALE Houses Phone ;Green 317. (148) FOR BENT uslancuRed hens, 1 year old. $15.00. Apply w. J. smiui, ,1041 sixth Ave. East. (143 1 FOR SALE 16 h.p. Johnson, outboard. 2 sport, model boats. ' Apply 227 4th Ave. E. (142) FOR RENT 9 room apartment above Prince Rupert Feed Store, 2nd Avenue. (142) LOST LOST C.C.M. boy's wagon No. 2. Phone Green 820. (142) LOST 6 months black Spaniel pup. Phone Black 501. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. The finest PIANO TUNING In the country can ! yoan, as done with tb "Resonoscop" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 319 tit 4th fit. Recognized Leadership Revlon Nail Enamels The very lat'ei?t'in nail polishes. Come in and see the shade assortment Price 50c For Amateur Photographers Kodak Developing and Printing Outfit No. 2 Complete all ready for use. .An ideal gift Price $3.60 OrmesLtd. Uhe Pioneer Druqtpists Xh MjH Btorc r hones: II ft 12 Oycn Dafiy Frsm I a.m. tUl II jjn. Sandayt and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 p.m. till J pja MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Holiday Time Is Baggage Time ,A new shipment of TWIN SETS has arrived In different shades to match your apparreL . Quality goods reasonably priced. Phone 75v 327 THIRD AVENUE Swain's Transfer and Taxi andy McDonald, Prop: TERRACE. B.C., Picnic Parties and Taxi Anywhere Special Trips to Lakelse Lake Also Boat Service on Lake ;.WrUeor for Further Information UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8J. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAT, lt34 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thirrs. a.m. Due 'Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient w$ purchan tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent, Third Ave. Pbone 568 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY raoNft 7 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAH rhone 11 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. K. BLACK It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of th$ whole district are doing the same. I