folk whose voices will rise in pray er during the ceremonies, laborer will kneel with big business man. Elaborate preparations for the religious convention, first ol its kind in the Dominion, have been going forward for weeks In old Que bec city. French and English neaa fax, Toronto, Hamilton, Winnipeg,. Sudbury and othcil Canadian cities anounccd weeks ago, hundreds of rooms had to be found. But lists of all accomodation, Including hotel space and nearly every vacant room ln all the city's homes, have been turned over to congress head quarters. gress will be conducted languages; Cardinal it Patrol in Every Roman Catholic diocese route from the Basilica and Card Burns Lake Meets With Serious Accident BURNS LAKE, June 17: (Special to Daily News): While handling stumping powder in land clearing ) operations, Fred Madsen of Dan-.skln. Wednesday had his hand ! blown off when a stick of powder exploded prematurely. He was both brouent ln 10 Burns Lake Hospital after first aid had been administered and Dr. Holmes hurrled.home 'rMm Aa(pi. T nlrn 1 n nmnilU t Vl f Patron of the congress - and " T .I r hand" Madsen ( is doing well. papal delegate-is Rodrigue Cardln-. af VUleneuve, Quebec's Archbishop,! 1 nD i who will attend all ceremonies and cAj A N I celebrate pontifical high mass in UlVVrlL VTlJ 1 open air at the Plains of Abraham' repository on the closing day. Archbishop James Charles Mc-j Oulgan of Toronto will head the convention's English section. Unique papal delegation will have special and archdiocese in Canada will be' ' inal Vlllencuve's neighboring stone jand gc residence, me uarauuu miu-u will a mid-gold monstrance. schools, immediately. carry m city's 5 . ... Hill. Cliy oynuvio, , ritoccn1 finrramrnt. Ill alter an ordered early closing, wu. o,u s wiC . '" be converted Into sleeping quarters. . .... The same will bo done wun nea.. all unoccupied buildings In Quebec and many camps will be set up. Canteens will bo established all over the city to help out .restaurants that will Have too much bus iness and there will be numerous Ilrst-ald stations with Boy Scouts fnr emcrcencles along with sneclal unllcc. . . i nnMH Intra the long march In which civilians only will take part. Throughout the marcn to me re-nosltorv where the Host will be exposed, hymns sung at the Plains f uiiii v stand by choirs under the direction' g)c and of a Redemptorist iatner nm u.c famed shrine village of Ste. Anne de Beaupre will be heard along the procession route through loudspeakers hung the whole way. When the repository is xeacucu, Reception organu-Mi ---- . ,,! naual del all vis. w "" ' . . been formed to greet ... . n. AHHncK, ...111 n ! up train, k Lrain, automobile uwiuuiuw.vsv , cgate - - ; ' . . I i hWctntr tn knppline crowds. " - n mminr plthrr hv ior tne " . . pap-i or on root, For ror the mc automowicB. uW..r.. rniooiies, r-r-- srfn. His big, protected parking 1?" Ls have nat I 1 l-heard Decn set asmc; iiiiuiiu'"'" ru,nHMt broadcast Irom from the the Va- va eaux will be set up at all Quebec's In special ThTcongross bilingual1 after the congress will be a will have a E characte Sermons will be preach-. special pllgrl mage o J J ed both in French and English and st. ?re 3 religious study sessions to be held on the i St. Lajr B er.8 . from day to day during the con- miles below Quebes City. , mil ALP CAMP Program Coming on This Summer narts ln the manifestation. But' rerresented. In most cases bv their Muninwib, juuc h. among throngs of worshipping lay Halibut Sales American Ah Arctic, 36,000, Cold Storage, 7s and Sc, Wizard, 40,000, Cold Storage,- 7c Visitor, 6,000, Cold Storage, 7c and VlCTOBlf.BC' Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides 8b Prince Rupert RalrV, Wijrn; High 4:04 ajn. 18.1 ft. barometer, 29.98 (falW? - : 17:05 p.m. 17.9 It. aturc, 52; sea srnoott. Low 10:40 am. 4.9 It. 23:10 p.m. 8.1 It. XL NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVII., No. 141. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1938. PRICE; 5 CENTS 1 3 Building Is Encouraged By Budget QUEBEC IS READY FOR CHURCHMEN First Canadian Eucharhtic Con gress, in Ancient Capital Expected to Bring 100,000 Dy WILLIAM STEWART QUEBEC, Juno 17: (CP) Facing the challenge ol present-day ath-flstic and worldly trends, Roman Catholics Irom all parts of Can ada and many from the United States will Join in a demonstration of faith the first Canadian Euch-aristlc Congress, to be held here June 22-26. More than 100,000 Catholics, nearly half of their number from outside Quebec, will attend the con gress and ceremonies planned for the five days of its duration. Highest dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada and a Secretary Ickes Returning Home " " i On His Way Rack To United States With Young- Rride After European Honeymoon LE HAVRE, France, June 17: Secretary of the Interior Harold' Ickes of the United States and his young bride have sailed from here for New York following a honeymoon tour in Europe. HAD HAND EXPECTS BLOWN OFF DEFICIT ! ..ii Fred Madscn of Danskin Near Minister of Finance Budgets For Deficiency of $23,000,000 In Coming Year Building Helped Many litems Exempted From Sales Tax Including Fish Boat Repair Materials BUSINESS PLEASED OTTAWA, June 17: (CP) Canadian business generally welcomed the Dunning budget that featured removal of the eight per cent sales tax on articles used in the building trades. Fishermen also gave general approval to tax deletions aimed at helping their industry. OTTAWA. June 17: (CP) The federal budget, as presented to Parliament yesterday by Hon. C. A Dunning, minister !of finance. In creases the gift tax on a gradua Events at ted scale but increases the exemp- archbishops or bishops. Archbishop the annual camP of the V tlon. John Thomas McNally of Halifax club of Canada, being held this partial Income tax exemptions year at the Columbia Ice "eld in are made on rocopration's contrl-on will preside at pontifical high mass Jasncr National Park, will be put buttons to pension funds, the Plains when the congress the ' b? the Canadian Broad- The government is opposed to opens Wednesday, June 22. ,n casUn Corporation it was an- tariff reductions except by bllater- That solemn mass will inaugur- ate the congress, through many re ceptions will be held the day be llUUIlCCU UCIC 1U lw 1-1UOV Al bittUC dgl CVIlltliWO Wlb.i bllC Will Anniversary Of Accession Fifty Years Since Wilhelm Ascended to Throne of Germany DOORN, Holland, June 17: (CP) A mere hoary shadow of the days of his might and glory half a century ago, Former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany on Wednesday observed the fiftieth anniversary of his accession as Emperor. Wilhelm Hohenzollern is now seventy-nine years of age". MANY BOOK AT JASPER Numerous Important Parties Visit Mountain Resort This Summer to JASPER, June 17. Recognition of this Rocky Mountain village as the gateway to the Columbia Ice Field, famed relic of the age when colossal glaciers swept across North America, has resulted in an almost unprecedented number of reservations for accomodation ln the alpine bungalow cabins of Jasper Park . Lodge. During July arid August, 1 the Lodge will acquire an interna- tact with the mountains and the ted States and the United King- '.tional aspect, as visitors from Eur-r.r.i ,vm riimh him thp rnn- rinm i ODe and Australia mingle with Can- fore. Packed in the big stand on -.- .in c it. totonnnnn HofiMt n tow.m nrilhns and Americans, comine here quarters in tnc capuai, wursmij vne nams on wooaen Dcncnes omit ... m . hrn,Hl,,.Hn. ,lnlt nn hHo..tpr, fnr , to view the Immense elac al Ice-caD peUier. nave laui utwucu piau, ui,in a semi-cucie arouuu uie rcpusi- , u of an automobiie trailer. Sales Tax Exemptions now easily accessible by motor. Ik. ...VilxVi tirlll u.-(kll the ritV S inrv nrlll Via ths rnmrrnu' 100 000 . .. . . . . l ..... it . . . ", .' .- . i t no . ..i.lun htf nlmMr. nit (. t iif tprmanT. Mnriv than' snn nni ... . . . A . . . ... . iij t-i..ii puuuianun uj , . - wnicn nermiL me Droaacasier iu me eient Der cent saies tax on two. cscortca iouis ui mc ouumiswu There nave Decn arraugcmcnta lor housing visiting crowds and for strain which will be put on tne (the city s traffic systemwhlle on the plains of Abraham, one of Canada's fmcct historic spots, a huge stand I formed ushers crowds. will handle tne ' move about and recording appar- score items used in the building j Railroad are to bring parties from atus. trades. Starting today major pro- United States to Jasper Park Lodge, Cardinal Villcneuve, Archbishop. Headed by R. T. Bowman, direc- ducts used for house building will according to notification received McGuigan, the other dignitaries tor of special events broadcasting be given complete exemption from 'by R. Sommervllle, manager. Fur- and more than 2,500 Roman Catho- f or trie Broadcasting Corporation, tax. It is proposed that this j ther tourists from the States will i lie clergymen from parishes from.a Dartv of four will "cover" the evemntlon shall cover lumber.' accomDanv the Pennsylvania Rall- fhas been built around a 125-foot; coast to coast will occupy places at 'national parks of Canada this saShes and doors, laths, shingles, I road tour in August, a month which Irepodtory. Ceremonies during me the base of tne altar, topped.Dy tne Isummer and the broadcast irom bricks, building tiles, building will also feature the overseas Lea- Icongrc s will centre around a rhq- high-reaching, red-topped rcposi-, jasper will be made on weanes-, blocks, cement, stone , plaster, lime, ltd altar housed ln the structure. Itory. Earlier there will be general day July 27. I ... - . . . . I .. .... 1 A IrMlwOU niclllM thrntioh the nean mneress solemn mass Will be ceie- wiu tuuai whc vi.v- Ifp. . v...ul.v . - .. V,o. irnlf mure nnrt tn of the city to the repository, nas brated at mldnignt, me weamer t - .... i . ..... 1 f n Mnn n T QlrA ft ort ;illn nna I. liunroMn nnrtnr n star-lit SKV .ouK,iit i" for the concress." arches have risen along the streets over which for the convention's five days traffic will flow according to a special system planned by city authorities. Provision For Crowds Perhaps the biggest problem or-t tvrn mntrrcss had to , 11.1 a L I - in celebration of the mass, From Far North plaster boards, fibre board, insulat- I tv,ix vmrrrnif-lnnpri. nlcturesaue . rnmmitnlnn with 30Q nriests Dass- The unit will De Komg aocui -t-,tic KiMin nonlr n. capital will have a face-lifting for' mg through the tiers of benches I Jasper for two weeks before that, paper( paints,' varnishes, white lead, the occasion. From end to -ena, its placing the while host in tne , recording a typical uay at jaapci paved and coble-stoned streets mouths of thousands of communl- j Park Lodge, from morning bird hIV,,wn rotvilrrd and a two-mile cants. song to the dance orchestra at paint, oil, prepared roofings, glass plumbing fixtures not Including piping and pipe fittings, furnaces, rive this month. From Toronto and procession route from the Roman' Again on the second day of the, night, a visit to the wranglers at builders' hardware and other minor Mr. Dunning said it was necessary to make selections but "all Impor- yellow flags and banners, designed and there will be communion. Near " ' V, " tant materials which have a prlm- r ii. rtnilw-ripckcd aauy-aecKca fVi tnnt nt thn altar un plpctrlr or- motor mgnay irom tne uoute , ,,.-mtn will undT accompanying spectacular Columbia Ice field "1: will ijviunu, n..,...,,....,,.o . UUIIUIUS BIC IHHUUCU, uuuiuci, oi- giUI Allnp f;1ub ramD ' voices of the throng, who will assist IA'P anhn ,. though having many other user. 4 lOOlO V4 . " -- -- .... l . ... -u... j, hii , rsraham will De tax exempt no mauer ion Minister To Pay i Visit To Bulkley Valley Next Week Teeny Milly, 14,500. Cold Storage, Picnic at Rouna uwe on weanes- 6.4c and 5c. day June 22 Tne mr w meet the farmers there from all 5c. SMITHEES, June r , u,ywu vwiu ... . Thrasher, 5,000, Atllnj 6.5c and Today's. Weather (OovwnmMH "lrpti) Terrace Cloudy, light west wind, temperature, 45. Alyansh Showery, southwest wind. 53. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 52. Anyox Light rain, calm, 48. Stewart Light rain, south wind, 42. Haiclton Cloudy, calm, 54. sue tour from England, the Movie News party and the visit of the civic clubs of the Pacific coast" The New England Kiwanis party will be among the first to visit Jasper this year. They are due to ar- eastern cities will come tne west-ward-ho contingent to spend a few days here on its way to Alaska. Planning trail riding ln this spectacular region, are members of the Berry Tours, 120 of whom have included Jasper In their ltlnery for July. Largest of the parties to visit the U" H'uuu"'p , . . ,..,.. . . . moo tw Att r-luK Mclnnis, commentator; Roy Ca- wnas purpose usea. iiwiubb hwu m oo. M ...... .u , raso with all Items exemnted. of Canada Ditches camp near Atha- in the park on one of the bench- n, cmei w . There are also tex ddetlons alm.' baska Glacier for the last two weeks e., will be three Roman .Catholic v moblle brodcastlng unlt ed at helping the fishing Industry., in July, tackle accomodation for vis-, the Canadian Arctic . come o was r..u iwrimnirps fmm Hall-. congress by dog-sled and train with more than a week before. The congress comes to a close Sunday, June 26, with a solemn procession of more than 15,000 to the park's stand over the two-mile en- It will draw members from Sales tax Is removed from materials virtually every nation In Europe used ln repair of fishermen's boats. I and numerous from the eastern states. Today's Baseball National League St. Louis, 2; New York, 10 Chicago. 0-2: Boston, 1-3 BULLETINS i HEADS NAVAL UNIT Advice is received here of the appointment of Sub-Lieutenant Orme G. Stuart as commanding officer of the local unit of Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve in succession to Lieut -Commander L. II. Haworth who recently left the city. FATAL FIRE MYSTERY NEWTON, B. O Bits of charred wood and ashes are being closely studied by a Vancouver criminologist in the hope that they may supply a clue to a mystery fire and the burned body of a man found in the dying embers. The fire partially destroyed a shack in this Fraser Valley settlement where Nels Askjar, 68, lived alone. The skull and torso of a man were found in the ruins. The skull was REBEL DRIVE SLOWED UP HENDAYE, France The drive of General Francisco Francot insurgent commander - in - chief, down the Spanish east coast against Valencia was slowed up today by stiffened government resistance south of Mijarcs River. GOVERNING BY DECREE PARIS The French government today adjourned Parliament until November, thus gaining a free hand to rule the French Republic until then by de cree without further interference-from the Chamber. The adjournment of Parliament followed, serious disorders between rightists and leftists in the Chambet of Deputies yesterday. New President A. N. MITCHELL CLINIC OF DENTISTRY NEED HERE Hint Thrown Out To Rotary Club By Public Health Nurse in Course Of Informative Address , The need of a dental clinic in Prince Rupert t0 provide treatment for the teeth of large numbers of children who, owing to financial stress, are unable to obtain It at present was emphasized by Miss Dorothy Priestly k. N., local public health nurse, ln speaking befoie the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at its regular weekly luncheon yesterday. Miss Priestly told the Ro-tarians that of 325 school children whose teeth had been found to be in need of dental care, only eight had attended the dentist to receive it. The suggestion was thrown ouk that the local Rotary Club might sponsor a health project here by following the example of Rotary Clubs In- other towns of this province where dental clinics had been established at which the children could have their teeth filled for a very small fee and the dentist be paid for his time. Alter a discussion of the general functions and aims of public health nursing service, Miss Priestly tr.ld how public health nursing had bctn started In Prince Rupert last September with a school nursing program. Since the beginning of the year the work had Included follow-up for the provincial health department's division of tuberculosis control. At present it seemed that this was as broad a program as could be handled, t'je work ln the schools alone being quite heavy for one nurse. It was hoped that infant and child welfare work could be started soon for the supervision of the infant and pre-school child was a supplement to the supervision of the school child. The best system of mediral school supervision, Miss Priestly said, consisted of having a full time physician, expert in the work, with trained nurse assistants according to the population. Such supervision had two main purposes first, to discover, and, second, to provide for the correction of pny-slcal defects. It could also help In the discovery of mental peculiarities in the children, the discovery of unsanitary conditions ln the schools, the provision of the best seating, lighting, heating ar d other similar matters and the promotion of cleanliness, order and decency. This method prevented epidemics, promoted general health and made for safe, sanitary schools. To give a picture of what had been done so far in public health i nursing service in the Prince- Ru pert schools, Miss Priestly recited A, N. Mitchell, vice-president and some flcures. There worn, nhnnt general manager of the Canada noo school children here of whom Life Assurance Co., who has been 0nly 182 had been examined bv a (Only electcd president of the Canadian doctor although the ideal, accord- irun of first game a home run by Ufe Insurance Officers' Association. ,nB to legislation, was that every 17 t7.-Hon. nn K.C. r associatlon 45 life Boston catcher.) i5 comprises school child should be examined n 1 1 t TVTnTVQiH McDonald, minister nl A 111! re. I J tncurnnpo ftrnvman ps trhncp Vmj- Kir n rtnfn. nAA u 1 t taimumn ; v - i . dhm o rMovori - wjr uul tut uutc cam buuuui lcuu, Cape Spencer, 14,500, Pacific, 6.9c and the deputy minister, J. """"""J-; '"'rtvZ iness represents 99.8 per cent of the Some 800 children of the element ,d c, Sc 'Munroe, will, attend tne larmers .i"""'!,. ... . trnlntr. lfe lnsurance over the uuiKiey vauey ana, in the evening, he will address a meeting of farmers ln the Com munity Hall at Telkwa on matters. 2, fifth Inning) of his department and of interest to farmers generally. VANCOUVER WIIE AT VANCOUVER, June. 17: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.05 on the Vancouver market yesterday. BAR SILVER w- ou.uuw l.cic iiuu uctrn fifth 61VCII .1 .H 11 Ir., .. .. . . . . 0. More .than 3,500,000 Canadians hold ( such examinations as the nurs? rjiomK. r ...-...., (policies with these companies. American League - - - Washington, 12: Detroit, 10 (sec ond game Washington, 0; Detroit Philadelphia, 1; Cleveland, 8. Boston, 5; Chicago, 1. Richard Knox, Lloyds Inspector and former well known chief engineer of Canadian National steamers, arrived n the city on the Prince Rupert tnls morning from Vancou- ver to make an Inspection of the NEW YORK. June 4: (CP)-Bar .. ,nhn .h,.h ilitai nrne iinnhanrrnrliDt i73.n wr t- Kidnapper Had No Statement Burhs'LakVPart cloudy, calm fine ounce on the NewtYork metal undergoing annual overhaul at the thereupon sentenced to die in th yvV'U1." ' 'marketV today. . local dry dock. (could do and slips were sent to the parents to warn them of hindrances to the child's health and encourage them to get further ai-vlce from the family doctor. Infected tonsils to the number of 263 had been found while 325 children needed dental- care and Franklin Pierce Said Nothing forty-four had defective vision. Prior To Death Sentence Being I Corrections had been recorded tor Passed j seven tonsils, eight children hid attended the dentist while eighteen MIAMI, June 17: (CP) When had been provided with glasses. Up asked , by the judge yesterday It j to June 223 home visits had been he had anything to say for himself made. Many people had been un-before being sentenced for the kid- able to meet the expense of having napping of Jimmy Cash Jr., Frank- tonsil operations or dental care, lin Piercee' McCall, aged 21, said he Miss Priestly here pointed out that had nothing to say. McCall w?s dental clinics had been established by Rotary Clubs elsewhere In the electric chair. (Continued on Page Two)