jAqa foot i n t - ELIO'S JANUARY Clearance SALE THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT BEDROOM SUITE 3-Piccc Suite Including bed, chest and Q T Q PZ A ; dresser. Reg. $75.00. Clearance .... VOU0t SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS . 2 Only Seamless Axminsler Rugs Lovely designed, have deep wool pile which gives lasting wear and durability. Size 9x10-6. Reg. $42.00. COO AA Clearance Price Vv-.w REDS COMPLETE I Only Reds Complete-cable spring and felt mattress. Size 4-6 and 4-0. Q9Q 0.0. Regular $30.00 tJO.UV REVERSIBLE WOOL RUGS II Only Reversible Wool Rugs A beautiful rug for the bedroom. In four colors, green blue, rose and mauve. Size. 25x48. Regular $4.50. CO Off Special VO.AD AXMINSTER MATS 15 Axminster Mats-r-Size 27x51. Reg.- flJO CA $4.50. Special ?.UV SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUG 1 Only Seamless Axminster Rug Size (9 A OO 6'9x9. Reg. $26.00. Special CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS fi Congoletim Gold Seal Rugs Size fiQ AA 9x10-6. Reg. $10.75. Special. $UVV SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 1 Only Spring Filled Mattresses Sleeping on one of these high quality mattresses is like CQO A sleeping on air. Reg. $37.50. Special . . POfOV BUNGALOW BED 1 Only Bungalow Bed Complete. Size CjO AA 3-0. Reg. $21.00. Special t?AO.VV STOP THAT COLD Dpminion C.B.Q. Tablets The Little Red Box Known the World Over Twenty-Five Cents Ormes A.S.A. Tablets Per Vial of Thirty Fivc-Grain Tablets Twenty-Five Cents Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules The Ideal General Tonic for Winter Months 50 Capsules . ., . 100 Capsules g-Q 230 Capsules . j-g 2g Ormes Ltd. 77iie Pioneer Druqgiats The IlenU Store Fhones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. , Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. If you lose anything, advertise for it. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C N. It. steamer Prince George, Capt, H, E. Nedden, arrived in pon on time at 10:30 this "morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 p.m. for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here to morrow evening southbound. C. N. It. steamer Prince John Capt. Neil McLean, left Queer Charlotte City at 5:30 last eve nlng fqr Massctt in the course of her regular fortnightly voyapf from Vancouver to Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte Island? and, unless delayed by the storm weather, should be here tomorrow morning. Young Men Of Metlakatla Name Officers METLAKATLA, Jan. 26: The Metlakatla Young Men's Benevolent Association haj elected officers for the year 1938 as follows: President, Edward A. Leighton. Vice-President, William F. Rud-land. General Secretary, Jnn S. Ryan. Treasurer, James A. Prevost. Sports Manager, John S. Ryan. Sports Secretary, Wallace T Leighton. Musical Director, James A. Prevost. Curator, Murray C. Clifton. Funeral Of Miss Wilson At Terrace Young: Woman From Scotland Laid at llcst in Interior Town TERRACE. Jan. 26: The remain' of the late Miss Ella Wilson, who died at Prince Rupert Hospital or Sunday, were brought to Terrace by Monday's train and, on Tuesday Rev. Adam Crisp conducted the last rites at Knox United Church. Mlsf Wilson came from Scotland some ten years ago and has lived with her aunt, Mrs. Somcrville, at Van arsdol since that time. Native Council At Greenville Leaders of Naas Village For Vcat 19.18 Have Been Chosen The 1933 council of the natlvi Mage of Greenville has been el ected as follows: John Q. Nelson, George Martin. Samuel McKay Sam Talt, Johnson Russ, Peter Caldcr and John O'Neill. Thi. leaves Kitkatla the only village in this agency which has not yet held its election. The poll there will probably take place in March Man in the Moon It is Interesting in the light of modern developments to remember how excited some people became over the best policy to pursue at Cow Bay. So far the bay has not developed into a beauty spot. Who can say what the future may have in store for this place with the agricultural name. It should be a good noint for a civic dairy. There would be plenty of water near at hand. How many local people know that this little muddy creek was once filled in by the railway company who were forced by the city to dig it out. Now the city would like to have it, filled again. That's the way with Canadian people. They do not seem to know what they want. They may want something today and be glad to be rid of it tomorrow. Mrs. A. "My husband is 42. You wouldn't think it, but there is actually ten years difference In our ages." Mrs. B. "Impossible! You look as young as he docs!" If you wish to swap a classllled?' TEE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, January 26, 193s, CATHARTICS GOT YOU DOWN? If you have common constipation, due to lack of bulk in the diet, harsh purgatives don't set at the cause ot the trouble. Often they leave you weakened. It is better to eat a natural laxatire food. Try rec-ular breakfasts of Kellosg's All-Bran. It contains vitamin B,-the intestinat tract's great tonic. And All-Bran provides bulk." It absorbs moisture, softens like a sponge, and forms a mass that aids elimination. Eat this crunchy cereal every day. drink plenty of water and join the "regulars." Made by Kellogg M London, Ontario. -J Precipitation At Terrace Record Heavy Snow Followed by Itain at Interior Town on Monday TERRACE, Jan. 26: Monday brought more freak weather, the day started with a snow blizzard and ten degrees of frost. By evening there was a foot depth of fresh snow. About 8 p.m. it turned to rain and the meterological reporter at Terrace says that there was an equally heavy fall of rain during Monday night. Altogether he measured two and a quarter inches of "precipitation," half of which came In the form of snow. That is probably a record for a 24-hour measurement. OFFICERS INSTALLED Mrs. Hugh Smith Head of Moose Women for Coming Year The Women of the Moose met last night to lnstal officers for 1938 is follows: Past Regent Mrs. William Bus-sey. Senior Regent Mrs. Hugh Smith. Junior Regent Mrs. Peter Wing-ham. 1 Chaplain Mrs. W. J. Llncham. Recorder Mrs. W. B. McCallum. Treasurer Mrs. T. O. Morgan. Guide Mrs. Ole Stegavlg. Assistant Guide Mrs. Richard Glske. Sentinel Mrs. Sam Haugan. Argus Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Pianist Mrs. Carr. Mrs. Joseph Ratehford acted as Grand Installing Officer, assisted by Mrs. Richard Long , as Grand Guide. Following the Installation the ladles were hosts to members of the Moose Lodge. Cards were played and, the winners were: ladies' first, Mrs. J. Ratchford, second Mrs. P. Wingham, men's first, Sam Haud cnschlld, second, L. Tusvlk. Delicious refreshments were served at midnight with Mrs. O. Stega vlg as general convenor. A clock was raffled with ticket No. 148 winning. The lucky ticket was drawn by R. Lane of Vancou- ver There was community singing under the able leadership of choir master Dick Long with Mrs. Carr at the piano. Flock Propose To Indian Girl Grandchild of Indian Chief Wishes She Had Kept Quiet About It SALEM, Ore., Jan. 26: (CP) Waste Agidiwlhn Is sorry she ever mentioned she Is the grand-daugh ter of Chief Sitting Bull, who led the Sioux Indian massacre of Gen eral George A. Custer and a party or United States cavalry In Mon tana in 1876. A few days ago she confided In a fellow student at Willamette University who immediately wrote the story for the university newspaper. "I even have received proposals of marriage from people I never have seen," she said. "I never knew people could be so crazy. Lots of 1 people think I lived in a tepee and learned to speak English at college." Waste, known to fellow students I as Evelyn Walsh, Is a senior studying social service work. Her home is on Fort Peck Reservation, She Is the eldest daughter of the eldest son of Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull was described by many historians as a renegade but to his grand-daughter he "was the createst cenernl nf flip Wni-ih Am. 1 erlcan continent." . . Harvey Davies Is Re-Elected No Other Nomination for Vacancy on Smithers Hoard of Commissioners SMITHERS, Jan. 26: Harvey Davies was ' returned as commissioner for the village of Smithers by acclamation here Monday, there being no other nomination, thereby obviating the necessity of an election to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the two-year term of Mr. Davies. H. W. Wlndt. returning officer, officially declared Mr. Davies elected by acclamation. Mr. Davies, who is the proprietor of the Bulkley Hotel at Smithers. has been an efficient commissioner for the past two years, taking a great interest in matters pertaining to the welfare of the town and It was generally conceded that he would be elected even if he was opposed. The acclamation is an expression of appreciation of the services he has rendered already or the Board. The other Commissioners for the ensuing year are L. H. Kenney and Charles Morris. OCEAN FALLS The 1st Ocean Falls Boy Scout1 and Rover Crew are busy preparing for a visit from W. Sol way Commissioner for the Boy Scout: 'n British Columbia, who Is ex-Dected to arrive sometime durlnc February. The Rovers now have their dcr completed and are looking forward to many entertaining anc nstructlve evenings. At the lasi meeting the boys decided to forn: a study group, taking advantagf 3f data provided by the University of B. C. All friends of Len Sturgcss wll' be interested to learn that he nov has fifteen minutes on the air every Sunday at 8 p.m., over CKWX, Vancouver. Len sings an all request program. The song recital given by him before leaving Ocean Falls, at which he was ver ably assisted by Miss Marie Balag- no of Prince Rupert and Mrs. C Clark, will long be remembered I Fight Colds and Chills with Dm The rich goodness of the Best Beef Concentrated Hyde Transfer WOOD . COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE. EXOTIC, THRILLING .Marlene Dietrich and Robert Donat in "Knight Without Armour" at Capitol Theatre Capitolians Too As the middle of the week feature on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here, Marlene Dietrich and R0-1 bert Donat are co-starred 'in a thrilling romantic adventure story "Knfght Without Armour." Laid In Russia during the exciting time! of the Revolution, the story provides the stars with fine acting opportunities. Donat plays the part of a young English Journalist in prewar St. Petersburg who is under ar--est. He appeals to the British Sec ret Service which commissions him to investigate revolutionary activities. Trouble breaks out and the correspondent, now having taken Russian identity. Is appointed by the Bolsheviks to guard the beau tiful Princess Alexandra, played by Marlene Dietrich. The pair agree to escape together. Madly In love, they encounter many dangers. Suspense reaches a climax as they barely escape the firing squad and finally reach the haven of a foreign border. There are some magnificent settings such as the Winter Palace of the Czar. Miss Dietrich wears some gorgeous costumes. Also on this mid-week program the Capitolians make their month ly appearance, featuring tunesome music of "The Student Prince." YOUNG WIFE nOUNI) OVER 1 I NIAGARA FALLS, Ont.. Jan. Mrs. Nellie Gowlan, 22-year oll! wife of Henry Gowlan, 72. was' convicted on a charge of assault' nd causing grievous bodily harm 'o her husband and bound "over 'n 200 to keep the peace for tw months. L -171 J k i iJ3 TONIGHT and THURSDAY Last Complete Show 9:12 Magnetic Dietrich . . . Daring Donat . . . Together ... in a Great Adventure Romance! STEP' of THE 3 (At 7:23 and 3:57) ADDED "SPORTS ON ICE" (Edited I!) I'cte Smith) Musical Comedy TOT I.UCK" ON THE STAGE At 9:12 Only T.UOCK" and His CAPITOLIANS Featuring "The Student Prince" and "IN A CLOCK SHOP" Special 25c 25c 30c 50c BRIDGE Still Leads as The Popular Pastime Sec Our Selection of Bridge Essentials We Have A Complete Range CARD TABLES The highest quality card tables with diagonal brace. Best Canadian hardwood frames. Bolted construction. Choice of green felt or black fabrlkold jg qq Dc Luxe Models at SU0 and $3.50 PLAYINC CARDS Good quality single ur double decks. AZn C" Singles from 'xOX 31D Doub,csat --S1.75 a,ld 82.50 Special Price For a Few Days Only On SCORE PADS Large size. Regular 2 for 25c. 3 for .. ; Small Size. Special 0 for TALLY CARDS Attractive Shapes and Designs. 10c per tabic. Per dozen DOYLE Up-To-Date The complete card game book including the latest Contract rules. Price HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg saiicc is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.