i m J 4 i it m H !I it !! it it it u it li tJ i: it 13 S5 it. Summer FOOTWEAR For the Whole Family You cannot go wrong with Campacs in child's, Misses', Boys', Ladies' and Men's Style and extra quality corns' ? bined Priced From OA1LY FDITION $1.25 TO S2.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paw In advar.ee . Paid in advance, per weeh . Paid in advance, per month .By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and $5.00 .12 .50 United States, yearly period, paid in advance , 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year News Department Telepnons ... gti Advertising and Circulation Telephone 96 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Saturday, July 2, 1938. THE CHAMBERLAIN POLICY LIKES PALESTINE H. R. Coventry of Victoria, who is home on furlough if mm the air service, has been telling the people of the capital about Palestine. He savs that it is hot there in sum- 'nglit nail the year. The other halt it rains." GERMAN OPINION Germans are not at all unanimous for Hitler. Here is the way one explains the position : ""If a neasant has six cows and the government takes MERCHANTS BOOTH SCHOOL Gyro Grounds TAKE CUP BEATS B0RDEN Open Monday Defeated Navy Two to Nil in Dom I off. inion Day Final SEASON SCORING SUMMARY Smith, Navy, 7. Bryant, Navy, . VJjik, Merchants, 5. Howe, Legion, 4, Smith, Merchants, i. Armstrong, Navy, 1. Christison, Navy, -4. II. Dickens, Legion, 3. Ferguson, Merchants, 3. Campbell, Legion, 2. Morgan, Navy, 2. Simundsen, Legion, 2. Holkestad, Merchants, 2. Cameron, Merchants, 1. Dickens, Navy, 1. Gillis, Merchants, 1. O'Neill, Navy, 1. Vance, Legion, 1. McMeekin, Navy, 1. Christison, Navy, 1. A. Dickens, Merchants, 1. Errors Ronalds, Navy, 1 (for Merchants). Murray, Legion, 1 (for The final of the Dominion Day Football Cup between the Merchants and the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve yesterday resulted In a victory for the Merchants by two goals to nil. The Merchants were full value for their win which was I Right from the kick off Merch-lants attacked 'and the spectators had a thrill when Morgan stopped A ,VV,f fW . i i j , .uamerons line nign anve. nny . ouujn,i, mai seems lu ue mucn unaer aiSCUSSlon iriwas fast and open and then Holke- came to the rescue. Vink ran out'l and missed the ball but Parsons "PoloofiVo ?a nil forced three Only One Goal in Junior Football Game Yesterday prolonged attack following Hodg gained before a large crowd. The mnson-s wen uiiten comer uuv mc- raln first half was a splendid exhibl-rimmon ciearea. wnsun maue a tlon of fast open play and, while grand run but Baker finished weak-the .second half Dlay fell off a bit, ly. Zbura stopped a good shot but 9 (K j towards the end it Improved again, there were no f urther goals, though 'President Jack Preece wished the Mcueoa went .close, teams good luck and then City Albert Dickens referreed very ef- Commissioner W. J. Alder kicked ficlently. jriiiiii fxupGTl louay IS tne policy Ot Frime Minister stad centred a beauty that A. mon; O. Keays, Strand, L. Keays; Chamberlain in Great Britain. Many maintain that the Dickens converted giving Morgan wiison, Baker, Hougan,. sunberg, namOerlain 1)0 lCVlSfl WPnk'nnp thnf mncf ,r.0,r;toW,rU uu wavy uih;u wm gui, M. 01keStaQ. i .. iw..v'v..Mv mow ivakji v cau Teams: Borden Postolu; Long, Pavilikls; Blaln. McLeod, Vuckovich; Hodgklnson, G. Smith, A. Bill, Arney, C. Mah. Booth Zbura; Gomez, McCrim- match the members to trouble. Others say that Chamberlain has shown WlSTS?? of Following the strength in not being stampeded into war bv the iine-o- for offside. Then the Merchants thp Premier wh who i nf n . 4. 41 1 41 J. 1 4. 4.1 1 ... lata. bul uie uuu in uv uti uut uic piuy feeltll BriUSh Sent mS pS feels that a tremendous responsibility rests him. A upon and Holkestad beat Morgan from European war today would be a terrible thing. While we ciose in with a swerving drive that all feel that the British would win in a war against what,the BoaUe handled but could not seems to be natural enemies, the cost would be so terrific Stvp; ?airow T e?,J drove a , . . shot just over. Smith j.i i .V was nearly i i i i. j. that no sane man Would Want to risk a conflict i if it IS I through but Parsons and P. Gomez possible to avoid it. That seems to be the ruling passion cleared. Play became a little heat- of Chamberlain. He will not fight if he can possibly avoid ed ne p'avers settled down it but. whp n hp Anna ficrht Vip wpnfo tn ha nvm.aiwl r .again and Ritchie headed past. t" 4V.; ' 1: ::?. ll .7,- fy "".christison beat Parsons but Gomez in me jiictiiiLiine, every uay giyes nun opportunity to pre pare his defense forces. them all away from him, that's Communism; if he has six for a time but brightened up with .that 'It'VlT they cows and the government commandeers three and leaves him three, that's Socialism; but if he is allowed to keep all six and feed them and look after them and the government takes all the milk, that's Naziism." CX.F. CONVENTION Yesterday the C.C.R convention opened at Kamloops ,; w i t h one o f the duties to choose a House leader vi for the remainder of the term. The name of Mrs. D, G. ; Steeves is prominently mentioned in this regard and, if " she should be chosen, it will be the first time a woman has Jed a political party in the British Empire. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers. Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJSJB. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 868 Ehot wide. Smith was just kept out tried hard and Vink fisted away 3 good shot and later sayed from tViU H, 11. Teams: R.CN.VJl. Morgan; Eby Ron alds; Eastman, Davles, McMeekin; i Bryant, H, Dickens, Christison Armstrong, Smith. : Merchants Vink; Parsons, F. Gomez; Veltch, Ferguson, Gillis; ,D, Cameron, . Ritchie., A. Dickens D. Gomez, Holkestad. I Referee, Hugh Douglas. Linesmen, G. Howe, J. Bremnpr. j Outstanding Players I Morgan again turned In a good game In goal for Navy. Eby and Ronalds were reliable backs after a shaky start McMeekin, Davles and were introduced to congratulated both the winning team and the losers. Mr. fattullo was interested to know the boys had learned their football here. Visit Of Zulu Giants Deferred Comic liaseball Team From Detroit May Ue Here Towards End of July saved. Bryant's corner was cleared, . .. . i , , - dU ; I vhit to Prince Ruper of the Armstrong was slow when he had a chance ZuJu Glants' Comic 'bball team1 iasi.'lrom Deiroit' which was to have The second half opened Gomez stoDDed Christison some-1n pua im wees xo rruice u- what forcibly and then the Navy corners. Cameron pert, has been deferred. It may take place towards the end of July in the course of a trip to Alaska. " and then Vink was thoroughly , . . it.' tested by a long drive from Davlei Eafnian t ,plfy?d SardV.,lhc. lalte Then a fast bout of combination by D. Jomez, Ritchie and Cameron UJiiuriuiiaiiy uniting iu unu uut continuing to play well. Smith and Christison were the pick of the Wrds but the team a whole ting the upright. Play deteriorated had when they beat th- r.nmpron's fin. r hof , f...u ed weakly by driving bish over the bar. A. Dickens gave Ritchie a grand opening but he made a mess of the finishing shot. VJnk had a hectic time following Smith's grand centre. He saved on the grounc nnri t.hpn snvpH n uvnnH Hrlvu. nn Mercnanis six to iwo recenuy Armstrong played liard while Bryant got no assistance from Ids inside man. Vink played a good came and' Parsons and Gomez put up a stonewall .defence. The halves wert the ground. When 'the dust had always on top of the ball and neve. cleared away he emerged vith the ,xne ei awuw ouwn. ball whlp.h he p.lenrnH snfplv Mov aviwiciis hui.uk a great difference and held the team together wer The forwards were clever and laet , , , ...14V. TT..II 4 Dickens. Then Holkestad, Ritchie U4r8 I and Gomez thel Cameron and Cameron indulged in a lovely passing bout that Morgan managed T)'ck j to stop. I" - """" Can You Equal This? CJean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Home Cooked Meal-. Beautiful Harbor View Board Jk iOxim $40 Mo; and Up "All White Help" KNOX HOTEL Sujervised Activities to Get Vuiei Way Next Week . m me junior tvoioau exnmmon, Q Playgr0UIMjs 0f Prince I .game yesterday afternoon Booth be opened and undei i Memorial School won from Borden - commencing next Mon-"Street School by the only goal ot " tne matcn. There was a big crowd , For the tw0 months of the sum to see the game and the display of mer the Gyr0 parks wlil be undei j the boys was the subject of high tne supervision of Harry Gordon-j commendation by old .timers who cooper assisted by Neil Boss from I did not realize Ihe high standard of Vancouver And the separate parks ! play the boys can put up. 'will be directed as follows: Booth had the advantage of the McClymont, Alice Gomez. 1 bill and wind and had the best or ' the first half. Hougan went close : and Pastolu saved from Sunberg. ' Hodgklnson was very clever and Acropolis, Kitty Cameron. Seal Cove, Jean Krause. West View. Mary Davey. The directors will be on the Gomez did well to stop Bill who was grounds from 1 pm. until 9 p.m 1 nearly through from Hodgklnson's and ji few of the activities that wiU j centre. L. Keays tried a long shot he conducted tills season will In- that Payilikis blocked. McLeod sent elude: Inter - playground league . his forwards away and C. Mali went games In basketball and sof tball, ji close. Strand was always in the tumbling, vaulting, apparatus work thick of the play and, from his pass, soap carving, doll contests, ama- Baker crossed to Sunbere who ieur hours, hand craft, sand box scored a beauty of a goal. Borden projects, Russian and Gypsy retaliated but 'Hodgkinsen's -centre Jng, folk dancing, tap dancing, 1 was cleared. swimming, diving and iife savin;? J Borden had more of the game in the second half but Booth defense was sound, a. Smith had a try and "Blain and Bill went close but Gomez and Keays cleared. Hougan led his forwards in a good run but Vuckovich cleared. Booth had a lucky escape when Borden staged a BASEBALL SCORES FRIDAY'S SCORES National League New York, 3; Brooklyn, 1. Philadelphia, 4-5; Boston, 1-0. St. Louts-Pittsburgh, postponed Chlcago, 11; Cincinnati, 4. American League Washington, 0; New York, 8. Boston, 12; Philadelphia, 7. Cleveland - Chicago postponed rain. Detroit-St. Louis to be played , later. THURSDAY'S SCORES National League New York, 14; Philadelphia. 1. Boston, 0; Brooklyn, 5. Cincinnati, 1; Pittsburg, 3. St. Louis - Chicago postponed rain. American League Philadelphia, 1; New York, 7. Detroit, S; Cleveland, 10. Washington, 1; Boston, 11. Chicago, 11; St. Louis, 1. ft fin Swains Transfer and Taxi A. McDonald, Prop., Terrace Picnic Parlies and Taxi Anywhere Special Trips to Lake-else Lake Also Boat Service -on Lake Write or Wire for Further Information THE SEAL ' QUALITY 'Mr map GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert RACES ARE KEENLY RUN; Good Entry Lists in Various Eventi xwiprHav Merchants Win 1 .-- - Spartan Cup there being good entry lists in each event. A Merchants' team won tht Spartan Cup in the relay race. The winners were as follows: Girls, six and under Ruby Bag- shaw, Eva Adams. Girls, fourteen and under Nor ma Currle. Reldun Kildal. Boys, fourteen and under Olive Keays, Steve Mentenko. Girls, sixteen and under Currle, Reidun Kildal. Frank Stevens Is Laid At Rest Many Turned Out This Afternoon To Tay Final 'Tribute to M-m-jnory of ftsteemed Pioneer Resident Many friends attended the fo. neraJof the late Frank A. JSteve-u Various rao and field events'' ibis afternoon Irom the chapel o! at the Dominion Day cdebraticnjtbe B. C. Undertakers to Fairvhi yesterday were keenly contested, eraertery. Prominent among those who .came to pay final tribute to the' memory of a well known an! highly esteemed pioneer were other old time residents of the city Re.v. H. O . Funstan, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, offici ated and the accompanist for tht Boys, six and under Ukl.Kihara .hymn -iid Kindly Lt.sht" wasW, Dick Ormiston. . Vauchan Davles. There "were mar Girls, eight .and under Gcorglna floral tributes. Rudderham, Rose Clavring. ' The pallbearers were D. CMcRae, Boys, eight and under Ian Lea- Thomas McClymont, S. E. Parker, vltt, Uki Kihara. c. P. Balagno, John Bulzak and Girls, ten and under-Joy Bertf. David Douglas. Audi-Mr Huntr. Boys, ten and mider James ' - - - Weir, Alfred Shrubsall. Boys liana itace timer reriaiu, Girls, twelve and under Donna Harry Aston. Adams, Eileen Feasby. Bqys, twelve and under Jimmy Weir, Jack Illhgston. Married Ladies, Baoe Airs. M. F Rowe. Mrs. A. Ronalds, Mrs L. L, Woods. Single Ladies, Race Reldun KU- . ( rf I mJ ai, cilia .ivruusr, uouix mm. Men-a Hop Step and Jump- a Sehcrk 35 leei Jive inches), Mr.rmo Uat4a D'MbIII iSi fpft twn inches). 'i.uiiua " . " - . - - w , Men's 100-yard dash Jack Un- Boys, .sixteen and under, Ollva win, Bill Vance. Keays, Steve Mentenko. 1 Broad Jump Bill Vance sixteen Boys' Bicycle Race, under twelv feet, one Inch), Bertie O'Neill .'U Carl Undqulst. Jimmy Weir. feet). Boys, Bicycle Race, under sixteen 220-yard sprint Jack Unwin, Gus Stromdahl, John Strand. Bill Vance. COAST BREWERIES Nf WCkTMINfttlN VlCTOftM jL Tliis advertisemenl is no! pubhsbed-oi displayed by the Liquox Ccritroi Board or Ly the Government of British Columbia , -mmltKannjJ"rTff'r in The HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN Is available to all house owners with reasonable income who have met their debts in the past. No lien or mortgage is required by the lending institution. HUT REMEMBER Loans are. available only as long as the sum appropriated last's ALBERT & McCAFFERY Will attend to every detalj of securing your required loan and Supply all building and .roofing materials. YOU do not have to pay a: cent until your work is completed to your satisfaction. i The new roof ,r repairs you have wanted for so long is now within your means. - , Phone ALBERT & McCAFFERY 116 or 117 Evenings Call J. F. RITCHIE Jr., Black 800 But Don't Be Too Late SEE- -Our dlsolay of modern roofing inaterlals in the Helgerson Bldg., 220 Cth Street. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Propritor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate 11.00 u 50 Rooms Hot & Cola Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box 111 Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulkier Valley wh?at It Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed