FACTS Worth Knowing Worth Money IlixlnuTf EAST Varnnm-oip Wishing ha sated time, tn.nUe. clothes ximJ money to buudrrdt f tbovvirxlt t4 bomev. Value . . Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY4 PUONl 7 -A af fcf Vlfjelta lj $a wmU tW can at-. tprU tela ft m CWfi yaar w-tti iVia r me1 tV MT irHrtTn yfait of CaCon. Wi Mm. fcrt miit. MWi trt Ira H W ar Wuflra. fcoorfy Mrc 1U be rata. to com r4T ro TL PIT! ETWiihetf represent orcr CD years ol constant progress and air-SIM sads lfcrsh ererj aesi el the latei6-raertne drtplj- efflbaSte! &t. PaStreij iy tok22es- tirins-a mhtojit him ii fcost tkJicav. Jiics: TacaEs-cap TCfco? Is 58 i io "5 easSer cb ibe taotljfs thsn any is as Eay asl? a . styir and prir io xk yosr Piwe Ifets rrt Alt to. about le Liet Test su&. uXtxs hzport- am iBieraaoaB eaasen&sg Kafcra Hcmr Latawlry jcipmMjt. X OUlcaUvB Zxsf Terna Traif is ASvsxur aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.mmmmm.......-M- - - . To Write Abotit Medford Lines Flnkb Stati onerv 0 ShtKs and IS EnreUpes 49c OrtnesLtd. "Zhtt Pioneer Drux&t'ats Tb ,u,i!llr PboBo.: i n Omu OaBy rra I La. KB la Buodmyi and UoHdayi from 1Z noon nil, a 1 am. tm an CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 For Best Bonsenold Coal MRS. (I E. BLACK lit 'i LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. TOis Bsxshaw xnua ihe city on the Prist GntkI trees the Qaees CaxieUe TifeM; yesterday was Chzrks Carpenter of Tow HiS near vrrtt Mrs. Watan S&ch and toes satis, Mt bsTr ferea on sosb, rrtrgnrd to the eftr Ircea VanKw oa tbe Prior O-wee jealerdxy. A. P. AHisax weB known Oaeea Chtrtotie I-find lugging operator. eiw north oa tbe Prince Charles "iS trip boa Yararowrer to hit cusp as Che-wx Inlet to tbe city Xaree here. Mi Hassi Madxn, aim has bees lencins tae SHramer at ner bocae :at Sandspit. arrired ia the eilv on the Prince Charles TesterdaT after- nooo fron the Qaeea Charlotte Is- iands and aia 221 taaithl on the Prince George lor TancoBrer. I Hartid Datey httxez knor as peaatsi held a farea-eO danes for the Creaeent Shy boys last night at the CJJ3X. HaB iKh aa at-tadante of abovt 109 Mr. Darey is reaiaag in Prince Rspert teaeh- tag ptano and piano accordion pop- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MrCJoster of Seattle aere pasesgers aboard the sezrice of the Canadian Pacific EaSway steaaiship MTTice and was fonaeriy located at Jsneaa and other nonhern p-otats. Announcements AD adTertlseaecti ia thJj cd-tss. wa be charged for a full noeth at ; a word. Anslican Tea. Mrs. September 9. C. T Erit Ba ptlst Church Tea September 22; C. C. P. Bazaar. October 1. October 6. Eastern Star tea. Masonic Hill October C. Mrs. Parker preients Mil Lady's Trousseau. Catholic Bazaar. October 12. 13. Sonja's Bazaar Korember 4. Baptist Bazaar Ivovember S. Presbyterian Bazaar Not. 10. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No-rembr 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Not-ember 24. I LAVD KEGISTKT ACT He: Orttftcato off TlUe Ho. U1M-I. to Ua But Half ra finulli Vm Quarter of 6acOon Fit (i). Ttnrsablp "1 jut (, ar not f), ocmi zr-trict. la iaj tartix of Brttun Ocm-xirnbla, said Co oocfteJa Bcbty (89) acre, more or iem. WHERSAS proof of lca of tbe abor OrUTloale of TUM tenuad In tbe Stat of John A. nmlvsnrxi tmM bum COed fa UU offk. ooUoe ! hereby gHen 'Jit X ahall. ttt the eXpCrWSaon of one mosh rram Um; dw of de nm publication hereof. Laaie m Provtonal OerttfloaU cl to tieu wf aud lost otrttneMa a-In Vhe meantime 1114 objection bt nude o tug ta TLtln. ' DATED at th Iand ItBgUirr OtCoe, mnc luipot, B. C. thle Srd. dy I ANDHW THOUPSOJf. I Deputy Eafinrat Ot ITUea. Phaoe 112 Till; day and 4gal yesterday from a tr Taaconret . . V B. Tbe ow or !ns Arwng &e psssessers arrrftw iMusn: oa A? Przxt Charles yesleriay it sotag Siarror. "Whfie ic the Frost is the raest of Ser and lit J 3. Gibra T n nn n ' T II T TiiH if I week Tisrtrnr la the mmu i dk being expected hosae a ttee end of the week. Mrs. t. "ST Head, ferswrfr of D by Island and now madteg at Yaa- ccsrrer. vrmrsl ia tbf atf froa tis socas (n a Pftoc Gearev wste?- ZlJ lOTlrrPt as in tte my abard ttee yuiuraiiiaiirai!t Gec7 yesterday, aaktof Prtow C&arks yrsierdxy afterzHHc WHSsxa Jooe& sriiaoj leaetxr at Past CEasnaa. passed thrcmrli the dty at th &s of the -reek on hiy way back to the Skeeca Rrrer after Ixai; tbe snsaoer Tacation at tu liroe ia Victoria. Proriacia CocSAbj? and l&s. D. D. Kclndoe arrired in tbe It on tne Prmce Oeoree yeerday from Tiht in the OWi Kest Pass rasa-try to take ap resadence. OonsSable Jfetadoe harine bn traasfrrred rocad tip xurtfa cq the Teed: &Qs Hias tiff Thf Tnjitnrv Uissiao sjB Viqcobttt. airhrd hi Prince fiapert vesurdsi: zaer&nr rd the Prince Gtrcf iCsc Heaps -jfl be in ehirrr of the Japanese Uisaon ktedereartea here TiiaauLS Camnbe and Sirrm Oan-a-noot left on test erentar train Jor their nccas at dty foaosiof tbe sassisn' fisbJng' arzmues on tbe Sbm Hirer John G. Blartrhtrd, eeaeral passenger agent for the IVnMe Pa i Ytitoa Boole at Stunt aiu, in BlaTwhard trere passenfers aboard ue PTHKess Louise Testerdar af ternoon goine tarouzfa in 5atiiA lor the winter.- Dr 7vl CzrtT mavrlwaaw4 Yau ". . . W. L. Coates. president, was in the enair wna a rows attendance at numbers and a few gnesta. E. M. Haynea, Post Office inspec tor, arrired in the esty on the rt-iXTT Ljwaur yeswreisy aner-J uunu xsxanas ana r ntwn ravrnf&g soaia after a ta i mace 5 to JeaiL Mr MrCV- j tv: ra rcujrn to ms head QBarlers at VTrtoria. J. H. MiddJecoat. foreign freight agent for the rana-Hn jfattooaj RaQways at Bong Kong, was a ris- jitor in the dty yesterday in the jccarse of a trip to tbe coast. He was making the round trip froa iiVancourer to Anyox and Stewart aboard the steamer Prince George Mrs. W. E Drake and son. Ted left on last evening's train for Haz elton from which point they wi motor to Victoria where Ted wi resume his studies at UniTersit SthooL Mrs. Max Heilbroner ant daughter. Miss Marine HeHbroner are accompanying Mrs. Drake a Rebekah Tea, Annette FaabJofl Jar Vancotrrer and will conUnti' !Sw. September 15. to California where they win spent a few weeks holidaying. St. Peter's Tea Mrs. naw :Stptember 22. tnM W AXTS GntLS TO PUNCH DOUGH. .NOT TYPEWRITERS , ABtraltan Press Bureau) HOBART, Australia. Sept 8 De piffling his inability 4to find mcne-for the erection of a technical col lege for girls, the Minister of Education E J Ogflrie expressed re ret that two-thirds of the dbdU of New Toa-n Commercial Hlri School were learning to punch typewriters instead of dough. Addfjsing the council o thf Parents and Friends" Association h said that technical education 1cm gfrls was even more important thar lor boya "I would rather know that a rir" relation of mine ranked hieh in domestic science than In such .sub jects as trigonometrr and decimals which will be no use to her in Uter life," said Mr. OgUrie. "1 would like to see her education dl rected towards a balanced diet tr enaWe her to attack problems o the kitchen. "If our girts were so taught ant-were educated also hi such accom pilahments as singing, music, elocution, or art. the community woulc" be much better If." VISITED VAXDtnilOOF VANDERHOOF. Sept. 8. Mayne D. Hamilton, superintendent for British Columbia of the Bank of Commerce, was a recent rlsltor here, inspecting the local bank and (HaeusMng business affairs with local citizens. Sendoff For Mr. and IjMrs. Alex Murray, Presentation Made brat Sirs. Z .t.:. Brerr- 'nex was the sew' cif a eltj- ysiaarty Tesaay men: he: m htou; J Mr and Mra Alei &irrr are teavaac for "Vancouver teaxel.: Pnfcttinr refreahaaenU Mrred v pitfte itasaes a presentataaa an be-mzX of tbe assmMed oumtmnT1 made to tbe faeau of thet by Naraaa McKay The. ctfl eoemsted of v nrettr nc ' Wes of Prinee BaprrV Scotch daneaM; aad sineinr brtwebt tae ereiunr to a close ! itaose preseat beta Mr and Mr? John Mrlrel Mr. and Mrs Rtx) Saitk. Mr. and Mrs. Se Oaoald. Mr aad Mrs Wiliiajr F - wsan. Mrs. MKtt-jOBery Mr a.- e Mrs. R. R. Stracban. Mr aad Mr D. B Oeak. Mrs. Otr strand Mr iaad Mrs. Sneutam McKay. Mr aid urs. J-icr V-.rlnhMht Mr ar-i S r iH xv. k. utBacaa, asra. Bast rum Miss Mary MeKab. Charles WN.h fO- Fraaer. Mr and Mn n.n r John Mflgod. Jim Rrraiw , BiB Brezaner. TEACHERS AT CITY SCHOOLS List Issaed Vt mtr rkmiki. Tday Giles Places Hierr Tbey Are Teaching The foOovinc is the Bat of kai teachers and the schorJj u, hi.-h they have been iscagned: Booth Memorial Hich School I Pernor Artaof SaUon L T lot-', lehefl. L. M. Laine. E. R M Yer twgn. t. u Danes. B. J. Dan4ek J V- P" Kiry oto at Ms TT.; : ."T? regisar veekly lsaeneon today utlh noagaon. j u. Wii- J11531 C H Leths. Chas. movtog nkrtoes taken an a r-, Hay- trip to the British Xafes and Ewene ard. Frances Walts. Jonior W. W. C. Q-Xelll EdgctEabe. E. E. CaraHer. Mary es. J. G. McKinJey. Oimer Mou-at. King LdmartJ PaUic School E A. Mereer. J. & Wilson. Marr Prince CharJes yesterday anernoSTSL vrJL K P Gras" Hr after baring eoe north by way of Borden Street School A. Mills. Marct 5in Viekers. K. MacKay. M. L J 1L it E Patmore. Seal Core School E D. Moxley. Proxy Bride Refuses To Accept Husband (Australian Press Bureau) FREMANTLE, Australia. Sept 8 A 25-year-old Italian hrirf reached FremanUe from Italy, has' f usal to accept her husband, whom she married by proxy. The woman and her husband, a 29-year-old fisherman, were to hare risited the church on the day of her arrival for the religious part if their wedding ceremony, but the arrangements were cancelled. Friends of the bridegroom and relatires of the bride, hare snhf a way oat, but the woman has been aaamant: derpHe the fact that Iker' a proxy husband raid her fara t' Australia. i The couple are legally married.; and will remain so unless annul-; ffient proceedings are tvcfni : oome Italians, long resident in the State, consider that than. should be some tightening up in the lacwues tor proxy marriages. In the present instance ih KrM had never seen her future husband ! unta she reached FremanUe. the' marriage harine. it is stated he i "ranged between his parents and ! ner parents, who reside in Italy Walker's Music Store Large Stork Music Ileintznun. Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Ilesonowope" Phone Rlae 389 212 Ith SL Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Pennants, Marcells. Finger-wares, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone Green til for Appointment Muriel fby it! Ith E, I alW MHa.X2S Ts7 foj Thjs ar!-rrleaent Is not pnbSs&et at dteilayed t- FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Arraae Ma ttresses Surest Spring Filled -Mattress $20.00 ' & ITS 1 nanf (,ntn IJg Floor Covering Domtnron Printed Lin(4fa Square Yard 85c Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new. FURNITURE 2 Roll Top Writing D&ks-l L. C. Smith Typewriter - Singer Sewing Machines 3 English Prams - I Dining Room Kuffets-6 Dining Room Table- ? Swi Crils Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges for burning wood or coaL-l Kitchen Range with an Oil Burner o Dressers 3 Couches Rocking Chairs-12 Diner thairs-2 Boudoir Chairs 2 Kitchen Cabinets ! , b,esT1 Barrymorc Axminster Rue, size 0 1 1 9x104-1 Electnc Range 3 Victrola Gramophones 1 Battery Radio 1 King Soprano Saxophone 1 Ac cordion-l 23-jcwel Vanguard Va!tham-l Dia-rnond Tie Pm-1 National EhcyclopIia-l Beatly ) nU"m,?a!,cr-1 Premier Spic Spans 1 Bor s Bicycle.' 80,1001 Books Bought, Sold or Exchanged December Frozen HERRING BA -J IT Cold Storage Ice 0 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage c. hi Prince Rupert, B.C. ihnMi"!?"- reading the Daily Newi that the people of the wholi UUtrlct are doing the tame.