Acme Importers CASH RAISING A Table Full of Men's Jumbo Sweaters Cost style. There are a few Macks aaoogst ihera. QH Q Sale Price pVO Men's Broadcloth Pyjamas Sale Price and 95c All Our Men's Shoes and Boots at Sale Prices A N ice Assortment of 9Qp Qp N eckwear Saie Pncr OVK, Sunday, May 8th Is Mother's Day Your Mother will appreciate a thoughtful reminder of your affection as expressed in a beautiful Mothers Day card or motto. We shall be pleased to show you our excellent selection from whieh you can make your choice. Cards 10c 15c, 25c 35c Framed Mottoes . 50c, 65c S1.00 - S1.25 See Tbem at Tear Conrenience While the Selection is Complete Remember the Date Sunday, May Sth Mm Mvs.Jjd C0NG0LEUM CONTEST WEEK Can atoor store and piae your gtses? oa the hidder naaiben The correct guess or the closes: to f. receaes a Congoieam rug. 6x9. Free. This ts siren away by the CongoJeum Co Ltd MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phooe TJ5 Men Underwear Tarnbafls mate combinations only Qfn VOX" Sate Price S Unfit Id Underwear Natural and white cosbtBaUoivs. Cj-f Q HZ Sate Prk . Men's Ores Shirt In assorted patterns.- QvP UOly Sale Price PIRATES" ENJOYED Comic Opera By Prince Rupert Operatic Society Last Niiht Wins Acclaim Colorful and Cotartai. tsnesome and ettectrie- hj staged and costumed, the open mg presentation of Use comic opera "Ptrases of Penance' at the Capitol Theatre by the Prince Rupert Operatic Society nr.-Jer Uk sfiaasoahip of the Rotary Ciab of Prince Hapert capU- rated a iarae aadteaee last mailt her part with good effect -L.:y e::-?e.rre 95c a were espe Ihe Choruses The ehorases are as foianrs: Ladies General Stanley's dangh-tersi Mrs Gordon Daniels. Mrs. a" a. McWaters, Mis. D. V. Smith., Mrs. George Rone. Mrs. J. A. Tear.' Mrs. W. M. Watts. Mrs. U L Paes-iey. Mrs. Tommy Praser. Miss Del-, phase Balagno. Miss Frances Cross; Miss Gladys Barker. Miss Edith Cannery. Miss Essie Davis, Mint Tbe&la Fulton. Miss Lillian Haili-! wan anrkatm Mrs. Garfield Me- manager well. Mis uw Mae f Miss uin Helta cri.l I IWTH Manny. riWHIl . KUBO UUUI . 1 cnHn . a iw trm uwbi yw.irii, win ill wvt .IIHft TV M This alteroeon a snedal chfldrenst Cootm. W M. Watts. George VTQ rnnkn Rwih th mrate maid of J Nkcc.j all work, tarns m a performance of committee cr. charge far eosal exreHence m an feaportant tary ciab I JtxkrsnUce has the zoW wch he carries off wtth aod mg me mteratsMan. the Ra character part. Miss Maarte Mas- Boaqaets were prawnUd to the One Lot of Work Shirts tor Men Cham bray doth Assorted CQp UtTO colors. Sale Price Genuine Diamond Sweaters Made in England. CO Qf Sale Price Boys Caps - In the Terr latest shades. Sift lined 7dP nV Sale Price Cots Underwear and Stocking at Sale Prices Cn'Wnrns Sweaters and Sweater Saitw Ai:tec scades )9C Acme Importers WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront The Armour Salrage Co s gra-! scow, wtucr. has been basy at Pot-cber Island dJgg.ns; gravel tor the near federal battling here, raj heached at Bsghy Istasd on Tar, dav for hull patching. The wrt .baring been completed yasterda. ! ?H mg i !urt m nM ration aaair. j FYve boats sold catches totalnni t 166JBQO pounds at Seattle yeater- Men 'Pirates and Potteei VTA-1 day 35 fofam: Paroeer. 4.IUCC ham Gair. Earl Gordon. Garliesdj pounds. Sebsatsan-Steart. te an-McKmlr?. A s. lAcaaooo. Earl atc; zjttfa. 469. Whir, 6- Jtonu Dec Ritchie. Martin Tan and SKe: Mttkaf. 1SJKQ. Baotr. 7e and V. :.'orth. M40, Sar matisee k hem heal and the see-00- Johnr? Oomadma. C J. Kor-Uaaa. e and Sc. Reliance. 18 and erenms presentation will be! nngton. vruw Houston. .Ness oan-'we. :cr taaaum. Te anc oc. rw tentsht when it is to be expected' dennri. Inge Vales. Dr. K. O. John- ( raised cod 3c per posnd was paid there win be an mo larger aad-: anc Dr Bernard IanvtatiL (at Seattle yesterday ieace than on U opening. Use. L Cnpps b the director at the. saws- makes a bnaht and vekoate hew hot. as ae is taking part hnn-f Neering eotaptetion m Seattle break m the regakar entertainment handled oott f irootine here and the- Operauc So- b e iant dnactor. Peter nery tender Valcan wtueh will be leiekf a t be conuaended for the Cna:.- P Bn!agno is toe ae-'operated in Alaska Urn year, the enihaaB and pasewrence wtucfc Pin and also played an na- J" f be fee. POant with ledaptothescHaciee- par Jth this p-." throaan the prep-J" eaaipped witfa a 360 h4 i At MabeL the major generaTs of .ne scenery which was f-D tSesel engine, lyoangest daaghter. Mrs. Bernard - fcete nJn rpR rilll CP LaBdahl ia the ieadmg fcsdy m nandiwcrk Sage Hianaaer is Har-, SU, Caps. S. E, Gray, stwthjwand fiom -Pnatss of Petaance.' carrying off P eostamaes manager . siuch rs t A. M-Wattexs. ana property ok m Martin van Oaoten. CbL.F"" arscrnase Iroaa of the the Borth and wiS sail ha cafstina- aUon of the Toyaae sooth at S pjn. BAM) ITS KtEP EASTEIi donaid and Miss Irene Hotleson are lady pmmpois daring the hrter- also charxning daaahters of Major nuacor. tr. eight bjW.L Oeates' tOKDOH. Oat April at: CP -General Hodgson. on" benalf ol the Rotary Ctaa and Takhsg adeantaae of Easter week-Un Crtpps. as the swaggering friends lend eiodna bndrt pirate king, and Hago Kranpner. as The 'Prince Rasert Boys' Band, :wral stores and sanses ta this crattr Major General Stanley, are ander directaw of BatMhuastei pars wrio. use roo my tocaeetent and. as asoal. qaste tooer Greenfield, played accept- oeoreree anui at home. J. A. Teng. as the pirate aase and appropriate seteettons be days afterwards. romaatic key tore and aimae saow ana oar- 1 u.ui un ala, Muirr enect- a. u racny. as s xnwm atemoers or uaasrai ldbps HAREISOK Ont Aartl a of polite, has an aawsswg par. Vt. penal Orcer. Oaagntets of CP-Sb9hUr etulied bat other Another male priaeJnal kf HarJii Empire app.-ipriateiy costamed as Bnhart. Bobese Stockton aged JPoader a a pirate naatenan: --a:e? . raids, acted as asher- two was foand after an att-nigh-I The ehorases In "Pbaws el P:r sold candy They search croocbeti beside a barn. xaote comprise an oawann rrr e-e Mrs i a. Barry. Mrs. ueas- trtr and they are particularly frey WUiet: Mrs. A. W Xewmaa, 327 THIRD AYEMJE jlgocd. The cortum-n par.1eul-.rl7 Mr Jik Oirret: Miss Lorratoe af the ladies, is Ter? pAiinj; TV Br wm- Maxme BeiBtrocer. TtwxcpseR i taart. Mav Malay Men's Brush Wool Sweaters 7. ener in assorted shades. Creditors Demand Money! Owing To Slow Season Of Business We Have To Realize C ash To Pay Our Bills So We Are Putting All Our Merchandise At Sale Prices. It Will P ay You To Attend. Here Are A Few Items That We Are Offering For Cash Only As We Need The Money Rain Coats Blue and fawn shades. All sizes in the lot Q SZ J. CZ Sale Price vJa Young Men's Suits ' Pleated back, wide bottom pants, nicclv made, silk lined. St 14.85 Extra pants if von want them. Pair ' S3.S5 Men's Tine lajhraere Wool Socks Ir all the newest shades. OV, OQp Saie Price Jlen" Dress Shirts Al. new patterns; By Took? Q-J J-Sale Price . 0O Boys' Coll Hose Fancy tops All wooL Made tr. England. A Q p Sale Price i n i Men's Odd Pants In a good assort- Sale PrJe Men's Work Shirts three Sale Rrfcse S1.95 Doe skin in 89c Men OreraH Pants Biae QOp Sale Price " w Boys Tennis Shoes-Sale Price Sal Price V" A Nice Lot of en's S3.95 Dress Coats to Checked lining, in pure woo, cloths, well made. See these coats at, Q-f Z 4.5 ', Sale Price $ti0 .Men's .Melton Jackets All GO Q-shades. shade, all all sise. sige. Safe Sale Pric Pri. . QOU0 Men's Caps Silk lined, utibrea Large assortment. Sale Price 95c We Carry a Wig Line of Ban-race r N Cases, Club Bags, Cher Nights and Txn3 at Sale Prices Men's Hats Made by Biltmorc - assorted colors. GO 0 Siue Price 0t7eS ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBm' 'WSW yslUaBaHHalr f? l.MggEaaaaaaaBL-!sssssssssay gssssssssssssssssssssKVaalaKa'V a!Ct Vk(gsgsgsgsgsgsgH bUbbbbIbv BsjB' "tIBC aa IS WHERE YOU FIND IT FOR COMFORT and SET. VICE rilONT 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS OS CALL DAT ard NIGHT If you lose anything, advertise for it.