PAOS -TWO. $ DAILY. EDITION for You Get More Value 'In JULIA ARTHUR Street Shoes li All Their Latest! Creations Gabardines, Suedes and Kids in Styles Unsurpassed. Call In arid Be Convinced Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published -Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by 'Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor. .News Department Telephons , Advertising and Cnculatinn Telephone Member or Audit ot :irrulationi 86 it .Monday; March 21, 1938. LEAGUE OF NATIONS . JKe call has gone out for the holding of the 'annual feting, of ; the League of Nations Society in Canada at . .U.ttawa.nejvt May., It is, also announced that the topic of discilssion will be-"The Way to Peace, a Comhrehensive PeageLProgram. for Canada based on Collective Security and; Collective justice' It is further announced that consideration should, afsp be given to the further tie-, , velopment of the Society as an effective pedple's 1 peace : oi'ganizatio'rt." . , In; view of the hanneninp-s? nf of the general trend throughout the world today, we are beginning to feel that. the League of Nations should be dis"-.splyed and a new organization formed to take its place ? when the nations of the world are ready for it. With Italy, Germany and United States strongly opposed to the eague and with Great Britain only half-hearted to sav'the least, we;do not see how the organization can continue to : give effective service to the world and, possibly, it may stand in the way of a new organization which might be ; formed later when the time is ripe. Li. . 7ne Le?gue failed when the Japanese, seized Man chuna and since that has been singularly ineffective. Step -uy step us lniiuence nas been weakened until .today itf feems, ip oe 01 little value. We do not see hpw-'it can be revived to puch an extent as to make it effective. O.nce a rmt ; pnncinles pnee Mussolini and Hitler arid dthefe ofheir. llk .h.ive passed, away. In the meantime,, we must realize ithat might is stonger than right and direct negotiation1 In'ust take the place of League intervention. ; ONLY A. FEW LEADERS ; ; -:: Yery soon a. leader is to be chosen for the 'Conservative Par(ty, and it is noticed that very few Conservative newspapers are .sufficiently courageous to advocate the choice of any particular man for the position for tear they may have backed the wrong horse and have to switch tq some other after the convention. The Conservative papers are willing to be followers always'aiid never 'leaders! There are notable exceptions to this policy. Now and then a newspaper comes to the fore, with a suggestion hacked by good reasons and it has influence 'in itfe c6m munity as well as in the nation. .'. , Were .this a, Conservative newspaper- it is clif f iciilt o guess what we might do, because it is difficult to fathom' lUe depths q'f the Conservative m'ind but,, notljeirig 'Con-ryativwft'rriut contentj'ouielves withiuggstmg. that rlioh. W.DHerridge would be the:man.Avhp, vv:oul(l niake it 'jnbst difficult for Right Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie -King'to continue his conservative ndlicv as 'Prime' Mirilsfflr nf Pnnnln U ...... 1,1 'lli.-.S- f 1.1" - -! 'It: "' 1 i- .'i . !..:. hand or to doing at pr iic wyui i nave iu turn cuner 10 tne rio-nr. the leftma'imic'h more kief inite wav than he is esentf It micht make him more conservative sq;that he wouldl)e different frOiri his 6pp6riefit. POSITION National Jlockey league Schedule Completed in, Readiness Far Play-offs SATURDAY'S SCORES j J-: . i Americans, 5; Toronto, 8. Rangers, 1; Canadiens, 1. SUNDAVs SCORES Toronto, 2; Americans, 4. Rangers, 3; Detroit, 4. Chicago. 1; Boston, C. NEW YORK. March 21: (CP) The Issue between Montreal Canadiens and New York Americans for second place in the. internation- al division standing of the National Hockey League was settled with the" playing of final games of the league schedule at the week-end, the Am ericans winning the right to play the New York Rangers, runners-up in the American division, tomorrow night in the Stanley Cup competition while the Canadiens will be pitted against the Chicago Black Hawks In the third place play-offs leading up to the cup finals. Saturday night at Toronto the Americans finished up on the short end of an 8 to 5 count in a wide-open free scoring affair with the Toronto Maple Leafs, the conflict Americans who thus finished in ; second place by virtue of having won more games although being ac tually tied with the Canadiens In points. The Canadiens ,played a one all overtime tie at Montreal with the New York Rangers Saturday night, it being, (he final game of the season for the Canadiens. , The Tpronto Maple Leafs arid Boston Bruins will commence the TBS DAILY NEWS CANADMS Bunny Austin Is ROYAL IN IN SECOND m 0f Davis Great, English Stylist, .-Will tBevIr International Competition this Year LONDON, March 21: (CP) Wilfrid Bunny Austin.. Eng lish ..stylist of the teijnls, purt?. announces.;, mat. ne ...VV414 . will -.not MAUI, be UC Hockey Abroad Getting Better Seat" '21589. DE 58216, 'The. Gang," DV tii.(nVitnn Mil. . I, r r i j5ii,i:i. vuitaec, .ui ivie. .uts. being resumed at New York last 4345 "Last Cha.nce?' PS 40124, "Ev- night witn a 4 to. z victory ior ine er Ready," CA 29900. Dcmluck's,Cross, t'Ma.Ma Kakle," KH J06398, 'Jlbpe," JD 51630. Drjm, "Liberty "DA 32845. Seqondct (nonstarter), .Me," MC 26122., Didoric, "Thistle, .wit." ;,pN 38350, "Clara, and Alf," DS 48411, Banchelor Prince. V Wheat Grow best,!three out of five-game series ers"PH ,49298', VIou,".BX, 79560. for the league cpampionsnips m Keen Blqde (nonstarter), "Lucky Toronto Thursday night. Four,". DT, 531 14, "Half and Half," CZ 61990, .f.Bobby , and Babs," SQ Wild Wild Third. Ihiru, i Period eriou -66909 ..Lucky strlke RZ 30699. . -at,urd'ay, night's game at Toronto TAKVOR Pacha, "Liberty," LK between the Maple Leafs and the 87753. Americans, .was featured by a, wild ; Workman, "The Shoemaker," DE third, .period In whlc,h no, less than j nine, goals were scared, five In rapid fire succession during .the last five minutes of play. Despite .the wide ppen ,play, penalties were not especially frequent, there being but five in all, three on, the Americans and two ,on the .Maple Leafs-r-one each in first and second, periods and three In the third, Two, major penalties were imposed, by Referee Mickey ,Ion against Hamilton ' and Wiseman In the third for fighting. The .opening goal came after, six minutes, , 33 seconds of play,, in .the first period when Carr netted the puck for .the Amerlcans.wUh assists by shriner and Chapman. 'Buza. PoU evened, ,it up.for the Leafs after 13 minutes, 22 socondswhiie.the Americans were a. man snort with Gallagher, serving a penalty.. Jackson and Apps getting the assists. Twelve minutes, thirty seconds, after the, start, of the second period, Thorns, on Boil's, assist, put, the Maple Leafs, Into the lead and ihey. .were ,never again headed. ,fn 16 minute, 47 seconds, Parsons gave the Leafs their third with Chap man getting credit for the assist. The only penalty of the period and the second of the game was given against Anderson of the Americans One minute and five seconds af ter the start of the third period, Beatty, on Hap Day's assist, scored to keep the Americans in the picture, In 11 minutes, 50 seconds, Murph Chamberlain, from Parsons and Metz, gave the Maple Leafs their fourth and, in fourteen minutes, eight .seconds, Ne'ls Stewart, from shriner, scored another for the 'Amerks, it being the 301st goal of this veterans' career. Almost immediately, after the face-off, Davidson, from .Apps and Drillpn, made anothe,r for the Leafs. Then came Igqaljs, at 'the rate of one a minute during the last five minutes Hooley Smith, from Stewart and Anerspn, for the Americans; Chamberlain, from .Red Horner, for the Maple Leafs; Johnny Sorrell, from Chapman, for. New York; Boll, from Thorns, and Harvey Jackson, for Metz, for Toronto. Chapman was penalized In addition to the two majors against Hamilton and Wiseman. Buss Boll, Murph Chamfierlain and.1 Bell Hither,'" CE 31596. Newr. Item (nonstarter), "Now or Never," JN 34494. Under Bid, "Never Give Up," NH 69863. Flying Minutes (Nonstarter), "Duggan," JP 60592, "Obsoiete," BZ 4378. Inverslble, "The Three Musketeers." DL 58822. What Have You, "Hunt? Fong." NB 37038. "Last Chance," NB 74551. Hooley Smith were the stars of the game. In the1 Rangers-Canadiens game at Montreal, Rangers made their score in the first and Canadiens theirs Jn the JhirdLoyeHime falling to lareak the deadlock. The final league standing for the season, Is tas, follqws: , ,. t ' International Division Toronto 24 9 ,15 151 ,129 Canadiens : 18 13 .17 123 .128 Americans 19 11 18 110 111 Maroons, .....13 6 ,29 107 161 . American Division Boston io 7 11 142 89 Rangers 27 6 15 149 96 Chicago" .13 9 26 91 145 Detroit . 12 11 25 98, 132 FOR SALE 57 49 ,49 32 ,67 G0 'liotel 35, EIGHT-ROOM house and lot $500, half cash. Capitol Shop. (69) KITCHEN Range with oil burner, Phone Green 893. (691 FOR SALE 8 h.p. lieayy Duty "Vivian Gas, Engine" In excellent condition. Price $300. A snip. . WardElectric go., (69) WOftK WAITED i PLASTER and stucco work, also brick and tile. Estimates free. Pete .Rilshed.,nhoneJ3Iue.82a (69) .. Scored Clean Sweep Over Grotto in Cit Uowlinff League Last Night . . wmhia. n. nil it Ann lnpi last n nhi threevjame to victory night ever Grotto to displace the Tobac- r T: j . .- available. for Davis. Cup.,playaw!sl?.!?fron. M16 leadership ( of tl.e year but .will Dlav in the All-Enc- Y len uowung league, in land championships. the secpnd f.itu,re, yesterday hc ceUar-dweiilng Moose scored a two game to one victory oyer, Three Five Taxi. High average scorer was Stan Morin of Grotto with .180. Individual scoring was as 'low?: i Grotto 11G 1 High Class Puck Play, Especially jlrving ......, .142 In England, Say Sudbury Wolves fA. Comadina 117 On Their Return to Quebec iZieman 448 Bury ,153 QUEBEC, March 21: (CP) Sud- .Morin .187 bury Wolves. Canadian amateur I Totals 747 hockey stars, returning yes-' ROYAL 1 terd'ay from a tour of Great Brl- Zarelli 180 tain and Europe, said that hockey Tod4 , 148 play abroad is continuing to im J- Comadina 191 prove. They are playing high class . Donald 148 hockey now, especially in England Sinlth 156 j Totals 823 CANADIANS IN DRAWING 1 jMQOSE 1 'Gpnderson 135 (Continued from Page One) iRusseil 1C3 Gray ,2 103 :ho ldl i52 214 770 2 1.47 195 194 ,148 159 842 2 150 f 3 136 ,134 1C4 194 156 784 -3 186 198 135 ,183 140 847 ,3 106 UC Stiles 181 202 123 Asseniissen 159 181 199 Royer 134 1C4 Totals 759 815 7C8 35 TAXI 1 2 i3 Ciccone 131 127 164 Gurvich ..133 143 154 Kinslor .150 186 .183 You O 'Houston ". . .171 168 153 Paul , 165 -.164 146 Totals 750 788 805 Biological Team In Bowls Cellar fol- The league standings to date: teeang Better," DM 30807. ' Grotto ...r. ,20 .., Young Cutjjbert (nonstarter) 'Royal Hotel ,22 Same- unstm," PZ 37086, "An j Three Five Taxi 13 tique,,", J'T.38294. IMoose il men 13 11 20 22 T 381 3BJ 473 ,199 557 T 451 43? l'O 53.S 53! 2S3 T 42? 430 519 437. 47j 20 22 13 11 Biological Station on Rnt.nrrinv 50742, "Slawa," HQ 38501. afternoon ran off its deferred play Brendawn's Cottage (nonstarter),1 irom Thursday evening against "The Largs," DR 62279, "Some Jam" Canadian National Recreation As-NT 36161. Boy .(nonstarter), "Comeiinif Leaeue. The ralimvmpn tnnv the fixture two game? .to one and thur left the. biologists' in the eel-; lar. the two teams having been previously tied for basement honors. 1 The game scores were: 1 2 2 Bio'Dgical Station 7Sl 765 684 C.N.R.A. Nd. 2 763 732 636 The Commercial Leagu? standing to date Is as follows:- i Won Lost Pts. Electi leal Workers Rupert Motors C.N.R.A. No. 1 North Star Gyro Club C.N.R.A. No. 2 Biological Station 22 11 2i. .21 12 21 1 .20 13 20 17 16 17, 14 16 14' 14 -16 14 12 21 12.' 11 16 11 i IN Till: M I'HK.Mi: (HU ltT OF flltlTISlU ( OH MI1IA III llif .Mailer f Ihc "AiliiiliiUlnitlon Art" Anil In Ihi- JLi(ter:of lli Kslalf i of llllarlns joiuiii ,M)l!ldi niismhi, ;Ollirrwlsi known an lllllard NHhon uml John I .VcLmiii -ltd I TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of Ills Honor, W.-E. Ftaher, the 10th day o.'l MaTch, 1038, I was appointed AdmlnU-i tnaUr cX ,Ui, estate, or. Hilarliw Johan' Whilbcn Nllson. otherwise known d . Hlllard Nelson and John Nelson, de- jceiased. and all martlM hnvina rlnirr 35 1 against tha -eiVd estate are iiereby. rc- qiuicu ,io .iurpun auue, proceny vtn- llcd, to me on or before the 15th day bf April, A. D. 1838. and U parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the emiauiiit or thciir Indebtedness tc ma forth wMh NORMAN" A. WATT. Offlclna .Admlulstrator, Price Rupert. D. C, Dated this 15th day of March, A. D. 1638. in Tin: ku'iikmk cioi iuToi nitrrisii COI.IIMIJIA IVI'HOIIATI, In Hie Alallrr of 4lie "Ailinlnlslrallim Ail" Ami In Hie Mutter ..of tli,.Eslale of llimlrl. winme, ,lfcea..eU TAKE; NOTICE that by order- of His' Itonor, W, E rbher. matte on the 14th ; day ct March, A. D. 1938, I .was an-pointed Administrator of the eaUte ofi Duaikel Arsiu, deceased, and all parties' hav,lai 'claims walnt, the- wild .estate, nre hby .requjiti to fumteb name, PmY verified, to n, on or before the jethrday of Apru. A, D. .1938. and' all parties Indebted the estate are' required to pay the amount of their tndebWlness to m fnrt.huntvi 1638ATED thl 15th day 01 March A' D. NORMAN A, WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B, ,C, TRAIL WINS . . I Basketball IN HOCKEY At Kitkatla Smoke Caters Did Not Have Single Coal Scored Against Them in . Far Western I'laydowns CALGARY, March 21: (CP) ; Trail Smoke Eaters defeated CaN I i.. . ;- - earv Raneers bv a score of seven i I jp A fl IMl-sW t9 nqthlng Saturday night for. their' . MB Ml M REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 58 Two wives gossiped the other day And I heard one to the other say, "My old hub is a dear old soul, He always buys nie, Evitt's coal." l.xrelsior Club Drfpii..! v. . T 'i """ rut fcUD in .TlluriV I. .imp -I vS t ft Uii uv iovn, Coast j KlTtC ATI. A HfwV. . second straight victory iut .thenar :"-;V "ft"-" .:t for the Allan Cup, emblematic of"7 WX2? P'?Ta "citai. mi; rire urimuWi COT 01 il 10 20- lL thin- The KmnV, En 1pm vhn hnrt a, th. fit , ,ho w. , , r .S8BBS?a m?tch until the& . i 1. I . 1 score of five to nothing, thus did .?'". (u c"ncn tne lssu b not have a single goal leglsiered teAm'4. showed Rood )r,t against, them. They will now-meet snda good-sized crowd -to', ciun t. r jut r uii ijoihocjs. or muusc Jaw Millers Wednesday night in the western finals. , Edmonton Juniors Win EDMONTON, March 21: (CP) Edmonton Athletic Club defeated Saskatoui Chiefs Saturday night by a score of 7 to 3 in the first of the best twe games out of three playoffs in the Memorial Cup Junior hockey championship series. Final Dates Set OTTAWA, March 21: (CP)-The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association today announced dates for 5J3 j-the Allen and Memorial Cup. finals, ' 541 Jina Allan Cup finals will be played. 520i At Calgary April 9. 11 and 13 and 433 , April 11. 13 and 15. The Mempr-45,jlal Cup finals will take pluee in Ot-" tawa April 9, 11 and 13, displayed much lntere;i . Try. a Dallv npu, vuriisemeni lor best resitlu. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. in -Summer hurx Iry Wool BIRCH mm Satisfaction Guaranteed PhoDf Ott$0 Aborts Atiinoortwo, lAMt irntr 1 1 Si. i : 5I PHONES 052 Edr Tlie Uest Coal m Town PHILPOTT EVift & GO. LTD. 1 1 1 H A I IR I IT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and P Boilccl Hatiliut with egg sauce is digestibk palatable, satisfying". MacKENZIE-S r -I- FISH '& STORAGE 'GO. ITD. I'rince Rupert, 'B.C. Ctfuches Covered in beautiful ta,pcstry, with bedding compartment, double or Twin bed?. Prjced at Phone 775 534.50 and $47.50 327 TIHBD,