41 ill i- n PAue rouii THB DAILT IfSWH Monday. March 2 ft J if il 1 v ft I "Ruild a c. Payrolls" I Baby Gains On Pacific R. Brasell One mother tells of having to take her baby on a month's motor trip. Her doctor advised Pacific for the child. The yr.ungster thrived from the first, gaining steadily, and she took Pacific Milk more eagerly than she had over taken milk before. Pacific Mjlk Irradiated of Course Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The ltoni Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL N. M. Brazil l'hones 18 and 81 V.O. Kox 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruit Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE VitSf: Opposite Canadian Legion vi:kxmi:.t i.iqi'ok act Cu.. 1 MB.' .Nollcf of Aiilliilloii for- ronr.nt to ir:uiirr or iwrr.- U('Ciicei JS-OTICE.ls here lv?h ,tHat n?'tln 25'h day of Mkrth pert. Use ui'dw nlgnod tatcikla 'to iajjpjy. lto: the liquor Cgoitrol Board, for coasent'Sto trausfei of tw llceqco NO, 4374, ItaheO, In ires-pect of premlsoj, being part fit a Ufilld-'t kiln as Spruce Croek Hotel; situate on Spruce ere, eight mll Xrom Ailln 'Townslte, upon lands' described s PJncer Claim ,,Sally" m, Spruce Creek, nntilfih Cblumbla, Prince Rupert Land nojiRtratlou District, in the Provlnc of Biitleih ColumblB, from Mltford Oor-Dn Oiiswell to Spruce Creek Hotei Limited, o Spruce Creek, British Columbia, the Transferee Dnted this lath day of Februarr 6PUUCE CREEK HOTEL UMITFU Applicant and. Transferee. Synopsis of Land Act mi-iMrnoMi land nit; bt prt-tmptetj b Britluk i "cl,r"1 mif nllo to bceomi Britlih. tubjecu. coodltlontl opoit -rwl-' 'nc, ccuptU0B at lmprotement - Full Inform. tie oont,rnit Pri-naa. tlorn It tl'rn in nuUotlii No. 1. Land -ni. "Ho to Pre-empt Lnd." eoplet f 'ilch rta b obl.lned fre ef chtrtt odreiimn the Depurtment tt Lundii; .Vle-tnrl. DC; Bureau of Provincial Intorma-tlo. Victoria, or an poeernmeni Ajeat Record will be (ranted corrlnf onlt land tultablc lor acrlcuitural pnrnoiea a-lttiln reaionabli dlttanct of road, teneel ai.d marketlnj facilltlea and which m not limberUnd, le . carrylnf aver i.Mt board lt per acra tan tf the Coait Rtnct and tm fett per aert ( tf that Xintw. , Application! for prt-emptioni are to a addreswd to the land Commlniontr f the Und Recordlnt Ultlalon In which the land .applied Jor It mtiiated. m printed form obtained 'fron the CommluloaMv fTt-tmptioni-muat- bt occupied for fltt )er and Improrementa made at talut W l per. acre, Including clearing knd'tultt-:lng.at leatt rive crei, beftrt a'Crtvm O -ant ran bt reetlred. iTe-emptloni carrrlnr part tint toa'wi thmt of occupation, art alio granted. .! rVRCUAHE Oft UA1I Apivticatlpci axt rcctletd for mrchaa af eacant and anreierted Crown landa, nut being tlmberland, for arlculturaJ p iriwies. Minimum prlct of flrat-claat laralel land la 19 per acre, and'ateotid' clam igraftlngt land. II SI 'ptr ' acre. TTther Information In gleen m Bulletin " 1. Land Serlet, "Purchut and Leaa of Crown Lands." a partial ratlwf . ajruurt, rtetrtod landa mar bt acquired krpurchatt'M ton t'ial instalment, with the flrit payment tuapended for two jeara. vroTlded taiet ait paid when due and IroproTeraenla art made durlnf tht firat two jeart .ot not le than of ,Ut apprtlatd talu. ' Mill, fartorr. or Industrial alttt aa timber land, not ticetding aerea. aii bt purchased or leased, tht ooa)dltlnt tn -ludlng pijment of atompagt. ' tlnsurvtTea area, sx tietodtBf t acres, maj bt leased aa homes Itaa. aoadl-ttvnal upon a dwelling being erecftw ha the Ilrst year, tlUt being obtained after reiidenee and ImnroTtment tonditlona art fulfilled and land baa been surrey ed. Tor grating and taduatrval awMooa areas not ttettdlng Ml acres mat; at leased hj ont ptraoa or a oompanr. Under tht. Orating Act tht rrteaatt dirldtd mtt grarrng dlatrleia a4 ' fht rangt admlnlsterad aadtr grasaag regulations amended froa tint tlaat U at ret tarring conditions. Annual paatng Mr. "ins art laried batod oti etrtala ssontklj rates ptr head of stock, rrlorltf la rraa. tut prlellerea tt glrt H reelect Moak owpert. Btock-owners mar font atola-llor-a for ranrt management, rrte or pertVaRr fret peranfw arantblt ftr aatjOain, tampers uA farfiitct, a tt Ha , ' FARCE WAS ENJOYABLE Four Hundred Persons Attend ghow SUced Here By Ketchikan .Moose Lodge Drawing a crowd of upwards of four hundred persons, the- Ketchikan Moose Lodge presented the three-act farce "Hill Billy Court ship" here Saturday night iunder the direction of Charles E. Flnzel The entertainment proved very enjoyable. The play was Interspersed Charles Moe, mouth harp. Another feature of the evening's entertainment was an adagio dance by Miss June Batt, Harry Oordon-Cooper and George Ferguson of Prince Rupert. After the show the visitors were entertained by the local "Moose Oillls Royer, Richard Long, A. K. Nelson, B. J. Bacon and J. L. Bain. The, Ketchikan people, numbering some fifty In all, left yesterday morning aboard the'boats Foremost and Beloit on their return north. Friday night the Ketchikan Moose degree team took charge of the initiation pf some some twenty candidates for the local lodge. After the lodge meeting there was an enjoy" able social evening featured by a number of speeches appropriate to the occasion. i , Npted Canadiah Painter Passes , Robert II. Lindsay; D.ies.at Brock-vlllc, Ontario,' at .ge Of' Sevenly-pnei BROCKVILLE, Ontario, March '' 21: (CP) Robert II. Lindsay. i.otcdt Canadian painter, died yesterdavi' at his home here at the age of seventy-one. He specialized in water color paintings of natural subjects. Ralph Connor Mot Rich Man .Voted Canadian Cleric and Authoi Left Estate of But $8000 WINNIPEG, March 281: (CP) The late Rev. Dr. Charles W. Gor don, famous Canadian clergyman and author, left an estate of but $5000. He made a fortune out bt his writings but lost the most of it through improper handling of his affairs while, he was serving as a padre In France during the Great War. Kitkatla Child Has Passed Away Infant Son of .Mr. and .Mrs. Petet Robinson Dies KITKATLA, March 21; Tli3 death occurred a few davs airo of t)ennls, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson of Kitkatla The child had been suffering since the death of a brother about a month previous. The funeral was held from the Anglican Church at Kitkatla with Rev. GeorgejH: Goodreldi official. ing. There was a large attendance at the funeral and floral tributes were numerous. The Excelsior Club had charge of the funeral aivl the Kitkatla band took roart In the service and procession, playlpg "Remembrance" and "Salcredo- under conductorshlp of Henry Brown. The boats Quotoonsta. Caut. MkL- thew Hill, and ClkkseveV. Cant Percy Temple, were used to take the funeral party to the cemeterv across the water from the village. ! WHIFFLETS ! From the Waterfront J Union steamer Catala. CaDt. James Findlay, arrived In port at aska ports. He and another man were swept overboard In a storm. The Alaska freighter Evelyn Berg. Capt. Allah Fulmer, arrived In por. at 6 o.'clock Sunday morning and, after discharging one carload ol frozen fish at the plant of the Nor music by the visiting orchestra. Re-1 transshipment to the United States iresnmenis were servea. yuc unaaian mauonai Kan The local committee consisted of ways, sailed for Seattle. Joe Ratchford. W. B. McCallum, - War Nervousness Slumping Market Values On New York Stock Fx-chanre Reach Lowest Ivel Since 1D35 NEW YORK, March 21: Suffer lng from a case of war nerves, the New York stock market at the end of the week dropped iron on. to five points touching new low levels since )935. rndustijals were off 3.62, rails, off ,38, and utilities, o:t ' ' . ) It. A yyH '4fi -xsiyt Hi Irving Linnell Seen In Films United Statd Consul. General at Canton Started Career Here, Marrying Local Girl -.nrt nH n o. . In tne course of a news reel at av the Capitol Theatre at the week- ., i m ... cn" as seen a brief flash of Ir- row morning southbound. The TlT rT " hm.,v, v, . f.,.. u sul-general af Canton, China. This NEW PLANT FOR LIGHT Lodge. O " ' -Vtu& Dancing was " enjoyed V44JVJtU withn V 4 1.11 ' fhern Fishermen's . 0 Cold U.U.Ugi. Storage 1U1 for Village of Kitkatla Now Proceed ing With New Electrical Community Project A new and up-to-date electric lighting system is being installed at the village of Kitkatla, members of the electric lighting committee Df the village having been in town 'during the past week to purchase materials required for the plant Financed by village subscription Installation of the plant at Kitkatla is now well under way. Thf machine has already arrived fron the south and. under the directlor of the Excelsior Club, lines are bs-lng run around the village wltl ..Iatthew Hill and Joseph Innls U? foremen. Some 1875 feet of po!;-have been taken out. Construction of the power house has yet to bt earned out ai weH as the wiring of the poles. PROTECT CHILDREN'S EYES AuggaU "Marine iiiMi.- no giare m Alabastihe-timed walls and ceilings. Those lovely water-colour tints are restful to the eyes . . . pleasing . ; ; artistic j . ; economical; h in "W"a--a-awaaaaaaaMaai Your Choice Of Any of These 4 Items $22'00 Spring Filled Mattress 'Keg. $27.50 for $22.00 English Prams Keg. $27.50 for $22.00 Bed, Complete 'Bed, Cable Spring and Felt Mattress Keg. $27.50 for $22.00 Wardrobes Keg. $27.50 for 22.00 ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. COMEDIES FederaI Building EEATURED Is Taking Shape "Fit For a King:,- With Joe E. Brown, and "Breakfast far Two" Presented Here Joe EL Brown's new adventure i Mack Is the princess and the cast also Includes Harry Davenport, Hal-'' liwell Hobbes, John Qualcn. Frank ' Rplrhpr nnrt Rnccoll IHl-c I n , i I... , . uepieie wun sparKimg comeay situations and smart dialogue, "Breakfast for Tun" nrnvMps n ' good vehicle, it Is said, for the tal-, ents of Herbert Marshall and Bar- . " - - " J -' 11.-' 4VIIUV4 14.1 14 lazy playboy and the latter as a business woman. Olenda Farrelland Eric Blore are also Important members of the cast. HAK SILVER NEW YORK: ICJP) Bar "'as. unchanged at H8tC pr fine ounce on the Now York met al market today. Reach the mosi people in cut and district with au aovertlsement i In the Dallv Nrwa TRAPPERS! Don't lie Foolish Don't sell your furs until you sec us. You are sure to fet 30 more by selling to G0LDBL0GM The Old Reliable Learn To Play Violin, Viola, Cello, Uass C. C. WALKER, Instructor 212 Fourth Street Ear Test Conducted witft the "Rcsonoscope" Free Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONF. 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFI Phone il For Best Household Coai MRS. C. E. ni.ACK THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iHaGD canning company with an all the year round payroU in Prince Rupert Pouring of Concrete Walls to Level Of Basement Floor Proceeding hit "Fit for a King" and comedy an concrete foundation walls of the hilarious romance "Breakfast For ncw fcdcral building on Third two' wun Herbert Marsnau ana Avenue nm nn horrtnnin t """" " "5"1 was of interest, to old friends in nM ,e ,.!.? "uw "" l" usi oi passengers. ""'j- w..,. ..4- aennue as of mix D,t,,..o r. . w , . ,, J snapc pouring P,rince Rupert of Mr Linne11 who teresting and entertaining double ture proceeds steadily Some visuY Bound from Ketchikan to Seattle, his diplomatic career as bill picture showing at the program idea '"lJ is 13 'l"w now to be e trained gainca as as to 10 tw irt Vorfhinnrt Tr,Cn,(-,(i n .. vice-consul here before the w.ir .. u,, 1, .u. ui ... , ..udopuivauvit o iiici ui vi 110 it rw a fa nit. SIZP OI trip STMirfnrp Prmrlnfr rf ....... , v muiursmp uner woriniana, uapt. '"' Theatre. iconcrete is at nresent to th 1pv,- rSl ,thf- SUUar PlaJ'lne f Len W11,ams' w:ls 111 Prt from l? Prin'Ce Ruprt 10 Miss LllHan e Brown. In "Fit for a Klng.0? the basemeS floor wWch wU Charlie Whipple i:S0 ttf 12:15 discharging five car- er. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. traVels abroad with fast action be of solid cScrctc riSi The cast consUted of Joe Town- loads of frozen fish for transship- W. S. Fisher, formerly of this city leadlng from New Yorlc to a mihi-iover the rock Tthc SScS Senand Mildred Gil- ment I now residing In Medina. Wash- "went .mominSni J;il.of over Canadian National Rail- f"d cai kingdom where, as a comic to work thl a,r3rNene "o? WayS- rS" """ JS at PrESent he meeU ' Zr newspaper reporter, a forms to the first evel , iU",,J w Ult ursi "oor jcvci. NeweU, William Olsen. Peter Rei- vlsitlna; In Medina with her narents . 'j.-.j 4 u. rhfrt Warn Rh Wo. n, Advlr-P: from tho ,,fh f .V, " ... C " T I lv"sauuu " HU HI uu ana cnancs rmzei. drowning on tne California coast laree diDlomatie staff. ine orcnestra comnrlsed Alec V. 14 14 iOLU aill 1 th nMif from t hp ffhlmr vpccaI T o PilAmn n n,..iU 1 1 1.1. come a queen. Joe starts his ad-1 ventures as a stowaway aboard an . . 11 t I I 1 ocean " Uner, ending up In the brig. vugvt MM A. 1 IX U1CLIUIKJ1.A 111 111 III t . I 1 I I I , 1 il I 1 I I I TIM Forbes, piano; Harry Newell., violin of Capt. Ed Lawler, formerly a well news reel showed interesting views !paul KX u 7al erresnondent and drums: Alice Neargard. accord known halibut boat skipper oper- of It in connection with the Slno- anT f"J-C t thtwo eomnrlses ana ine vjin0 ol tne uo comprises ion; Charles WTiipple. Kultar: , atlng out of Prince Rupert and Al- Jananese war. - ' n in n rrnr nr n a ri ninra miainn If you wisn to sau sonn-thtnu rrv a classified. TONIGHT and TUESD complete Showj Two Laugh Hits BARBARA STANWYCK HERBERT MAKSIIAU In 'Breakfast For Two' Willi Glenda Farrrll, m. "lore (At 7:13 and 3;'IC) I'LUS-. JQK E. HKOWN In rurorAMng With Helen .Mack. Paul Ktllt ! wnce Unlj) WOULD NEWS (At 7:00 and !:M SPECIALS In Small Leath tenner vjooas Priced Especially Low to Clear Hcst Quality English Make Genuine Leather -For 2 Keys. KEYTAINKRS-For Only 4 keys. K E YTA I .N K 1 5 S For 6 keys Only : CHANCE PLUSES Very substantial. Only ! i...:.. . CHANCE PLUSES With zipper opening. Only TRIPLE CARD CASE Only RILL FOLU-Genulnc lcalhsr. Only , BILL FOLD-Genulne C-J as leather V. e,)l.t-)D RILL FOLD Zipper QG OT and 15c 25c 40c 5Cc 50c 50c 75c S1.50 and JO CA Opening tP.tJU At these prices every one is a KEAL HAKGAIN Limited stock only available Take advantage. now and Save. ' Kyi KB I UJUUI UJ UP. (AHIJ ! . . UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TLES. T.S.S. CARDE.VA FIUDAI, DAY, 1:30 p.m. g;oo p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnliht If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEW.MAN. Printr Ituprrt Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5KH THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & S.MKIJING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TUAII. I.UlTISII COLLMIJIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate ol Ammonia, Supcrplw phates, Complete Fertilizers. Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Mctnls Cold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Hismulh. Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Rulkley Valley wlisal It Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money, Prince Rupert Feed Com pun j NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprl-toi "A HOME AWAV FKOM HOME" Kate $1.00 u 90 Rooms Hot ii Cold Ww Prince Uupjrt, B C Pbne 281 P.O. " !!1 If you have something to sell, a classified advertiscrnejj in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyers the city.