-.- .it TALKING IS MY .BUSINESS SO BETWEEN CALLS I CHEW WRIGLEY'S KEEPS MY THROAT MOIST AND FRESH" KEEP HEALTHY! Chew Wriftley'it, it lielpn avoid throat irritations yet costs so llttlel lluy several packages of Double Mint .foray.. Enjoy It millions dot , l tlons of 1930. Conditions N. O . 1 A I 1 . Sir Edward urged discussion of 01 iess materials. tilway unification on "its. merits' ' , Ind not on prejudices." ! rted Mr. Deachman" is to provide LilU " I ...... I t . I -I Tlll Deaclunan's Ucply , Railway. '.' He questioned the possl- OTTAWA, March 21. In a dls- hllitv of benefits for either of the jussion of Canadian railway prob- railways or the government. Cer- fems last night, R. J. Deachman. ; tainly employment would be re-MP for Huron North, reiterated duced. ; us opposition to Joint operation of ! Mr. Deachman, recalling how he Canadian National and Canad- the Duff Commission had turned n Pacific systems which would , down the Beatty unification pro stitute an acceutanc of the nnsnl. urspd Instead co-oneration rinciple of monopoly. He charged 0f the two systems. If such great 1 i.rcawara ueatty. presmeni, ui mci economies were possmie as air wi- anaaian r-acinc itauway, wun dc- . wara saia, wny couia ne not even t strangely vague" In his state-1 now have them effected by co-oper-' .rats in advocacy of railway unl-, atlon? "But that Is not the way of ' itttion. Just how, asked Mr. : the mononoly which wanted "every-, iichman, did Sir Edward propose ( thing or nothing." Mr. Deachmhn 1 divide the savings? What lines expressed the belief that healthy lid ht Intend to take up? What rivalry would be for the benefit of ilrcr shops did he Intend to i the two companies and the country Inspl Thn full nMtirp nf Sir VA-'av o u-hnlp tip Hlrt nnt hpliPVP It atd's uroDosaTs. "VTe declared. had'nroDer for the nresldent of a great hever been revealed. Sir Edward company to ask the people to dls-Diad estimated a saying of $75,000,-cuss the situation In the dark wlth- 00 from unification of the rail- j out possession of the full facts. Attention Fishermen! With the FisJiinj; Season Opcninp; in a Few Short Weeks Remember Your First Suppl Aid ICS We Carry a Complete Stock of First Aid Cabinets and Supplies Call today and let us help you compute your requirements. We Respectfully Solicit Your Business OrmesLtd. atfr? Pioneer Drtuzgtsts The .leU Store ..??nn 81 " Open Dally From tf a.m. mm, K'" Sundays and Hoitdays From 12 noon till 7 p.m. till 8 P-m. !.l 1. The New Halo Permanent 0r hair, styles must change to suit the 1938 spring bonnets. Let us create for you a more charming stylish aiff ure, 0n'y genuine nil solutions used on all Permanents. Modern Beauty Shdp 'T.n,,ni rhone947 last year 0, rtVENUE rtW,5 4. 1 W.Kjf- -V iftCKL " NEWS NOTES ii i wh-m n ' -hi -v- r - Mrs. H. Worsfold returned to the William Gbldbloom returped to city on the Catala last evening from a trlp-to Vancouver, J. H. McOl'ashan returned to the : city oh the Catala last everiingf rom a trip to Vancouver. I Mr, and Mrs.T. w. Falconer of Alice Arm. who have been spending , Allan D. (Bill) Vance, has been appointed local agent in Pririce Ru- ipet for the Sun Life Assurance Co. 'of Canada. S. J. Jabour. district agent for the company, expects to be here next month on business. ii. l-... " r I Douglas Frizell returned ,to the ' Uif n Viq pfili1 lier. pvpnirtir nf- fin imVAKI) BEATTY ways. This estimate, it should be J"' IV-" 'I " " " w . i r n;tvi ii. ciif'iil mjiiirr umcuL iilii&..il . ... iu iil-wmi IV AliltlM'Cv: rpmpmhprprl uris hriKpfl nn mnrll- H 'At-1 kit . f)ii!flil u this specialized .aid Jor nose ana, upper throat... where most colds: start, Hel ,)ruenl many colt VlCKS 11 Va-tro-nol Wrather'KoYecast .!. Dwilalon MetecrUostleal -Bureau V Victoria .ftOdi fJ-i' Rupert.. Thw orc-l ;st 1a compiled from obversallonx tat ksn at 5 m.. today, ana covers the Ul hour period ending 5 p.m. joraarro-wl. deneral Synopsis Pressure remains stationaiy over the prov Ince and, light, snow falls are reported on the coast. It remains fair over the Interior, Prince Rupert and .Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southeast winds, becoming strong at night, cloudy. 2io change In, temperature with some sleet or snow. West West Coast Coast of of Vancouver Vancouver Island Island t 'the city on the 'Catala last evening Irom a Drier ousiness inp to uuie- dale. Sam O. McNeil ot -Stewart, was, a passenger, aboard, the Catala last evening returning" northfrrcim. a trip to Vancouver. . Tea 'and ! home cooking, at C.C.F Jx!. , . : .Li a holiday visiting in Vancouver, J -e?r ofilpe, were- passengers aboard the Catala I'vv.'Marcli.-ii.. Muk'Jff last evening returning norm. eniS,.ASSn. .lea cup ifaumsnu novelties (67) Mr, an'd.Mrs.'rj6hn jasper and;. daughter,,who,have been on a trip j smith, were nassenEers aboard the l tatala, last night returning to Stew-'. Ul L ,11 (Jill, . - ' While practising at basketball yesterday af ternoon In preparation I fnr the forthcoming series witn I spent some vu"-: -y- . j i I Promipf nnnir Ktn.lk.er hadlhe mis were : . . J j. 1 f,U, 1i nnri relocate his el- 7. being made 10 continue aeveiuu- r 1 (Continued from Page One) much changed j.j today. AIn , addition . the Ecstall River copper bow at well-a splintering, a.bone. w tuiinuj a. uivj - u vttt 1; n 11 . ... , . t- . . 1 . nu wa ic 1 iniiin. 1 1 1 i.iirr 1 1 mix iiuu-i - iT 1 ' : nyntee nropcrty mis season juii a-. v. r..v.r r- iur was either "unfamiliar. ,wth flreptiy j, x, out of . mploj-ment . , by.un- .jyXt larger scale than qcneral.ftospltal whereto arm has ntinu them " ' employment Involved through use Hann nlnfpH in H fist. ! ful Injury. Major W. R. .Stpne, officer commandlns,, Royal .Canadian Artillery, Esquimau, arrived In the clty on the Catala last evening front the south. He Is here to conduct examinations for members of the local batteries who have ,been,.un- der Instruction for several weeks bv Serceant Major .James Arm strong of Esquimau and .will, also, conduct an Inspection or tne Dai tery tonight. Hotel Arrivals Savoy j Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Johnson, or rain. I t vn'iUai wpst Vancouver: Ar. Air 2eballos Is Being Asked VANCOUVER. March 21: (CP) Aiinouricemfevi All advertisements in.thla col-amn will be charged for a full month at, 25c a word. Band Parents' Association Teaj March 23. Anglican Tea, Mrs. S. C. Thorn . son, March 24. Recreation Centre Boxing, Moo.;c Hall, Thursday, March 24. Orange Spring Sale March 25. MJarch. 25 and .20, CIRCUS, United Church. S.O.N. Masquerade, iMarch 28. Basketball Dance, April 1, Hall. Presbyterian Easter Sale,. April 6. Salvation Army Sale April 13. I Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18. Baptist Tea, April 20. Dancing Display, Oddfellows" Hall. April 21. 28. Prince Runert Oneratlc Society present the "Pirates of Penzance") .. Capitol Theatre, April 27 and United Sale, May 5. St, Fel'er's Bazaar, May 12. Port Simpson; E. Thompson, city; R. Mattson, Usk; Mrs. A. H. Per kins and son and A. Sananais. Port Esslngton. I . Kovai '. ; M. Hpwe, Mildred Olllls and Peter Parknoi'd'ketcHikan; ;X.( Cameron, ) skppria citv: F. Wezet, A Iversoii. F. Dykeman, Joseph, .Hlrard,' Mag- nus O. Breimo and 'Fay; 'Lai, city; Ed. Breimo, Terrace , .Harold Lanning, y.. U Bucknall ' and A. C. PaadocK, ..yancouye: , vrro .1 Ven. Edmonton: Air and family, Woodcock; W .Fresh southeast winds. .becomlnatro" strong. Cloudy and cool with sleet ... The Vancouver Board of Trade will this, week discuss the question 01 a regular air mall service being es-jabllshedito.Zeballos, the ne,w mining camp on the west coast of Vancouver Island. W , raMIUi ' . r v mand G..,Aurlol, O. Normann, Gus ,UighW-iahd. A. Bergsethr city;-!., H. urawana.-smitners; 10m uuii and Al Jones., Terrace; EDCrbn; ,lng, ScptliRiver; Mr. and irsA: E. Hahseh.and,. C. Hansen,. Gene J nee-, X'ars 'Sandberg Pprt,'Edwarfj A, T. Jones; U.MJt.; a. rung; rieinu; E. Lister, Clyde, Alta. . Knox . t Harvey Dumas, Carcross; Mr. orift tin r"hnrlps Piri7.pl and Mrsi V.A.... ' .i't..; il. ilu kwllliam boos, K.etcniKan; jpsei-n tyauit,, sun omt ,winei Magnus Breimo. and, Ed. Breimo, terfaccfj Lee Larson, city. ' Announces the Opeijing of a OX I i , l., El ' ! Dry goods & Confectionery ij Store At 1069 Hays Cove Avenue ... 1 For Quality Goods at Reasonable" : rncesf vuinc ami viivq us Ilicedlfead 'We are now jln a,? position to supply wrjpp.ed sliced bread, ail varieties at 10c vSold by all grocers or o,out of town customers by express ; .Sliced bread Is economical, con-.jVenlent, makes ne(at sand-,.wlches, good toast and Is sani tary. 1 Housewives Are At .1, X rv AsltlnrVorlt kery Prince Rupert, B. C. Niagara Falls tit Up Again Floodlights Maying Again nn Great Cataract Following Damaelns Ice Jams TFrHY does tlie electrical wyay of " imhg appeal to YOU? Your answer to tins question! may win 'first prize in tlie Sl6;000 corifest M Canadian General Electric and first prize gives you all the GE ann'liahces needed to make your hnni0 rnmnlptelv plentriral. t' WW..., J j To. you, electrical living may mean glorious freedom from tedious .ioutehohl'usks- ,. 'irig, ironing and cooking. Io- ...woman should have to waste her youth on chores that electric can perform so swiftly arid 19 X 2S.: mk defter ox efficiently for just a few cents a ?) To Writer this contest you don't have "tohiiy anything or otherwise obligate yourself. You simply state, in 100 words or less, why the electrical way of living appeals to YOU. -That should he easy after you 've read the folder described below. 11 " t YOU NLtED TH15 ipublUh' 'on Saturday dealing ji with irhnrep and conviction aealnst ine 1' ist week in .the local police court, ! I wish to inform the public, through youpaper. that I have forwarded (George Casey Incensed Editor. Daily News: a, fW "S. Wf th,e Aitol?f ' Gneral at Victoria, also ne to letter refused to Regarding a you - . Magistrate McClymont. I am deep- TZT? ,-... I jy incensed over the Imposition and NIAGARA FALLS, March 21 land bridges, a couple .of months i conviction. I wish to do ,wnat i .(CP,) por .'.the first time since I ago, ' the falls, of Niagara ..wert,, can to protep others from the fate large ice jams did, damage to i again .bathed, in,. their customary,! I have; suffered. . . : power plants, transmission lines UWf?sataa5L-niKn. . . . .i ; uw, u, T x I EVERY WOMAN ' 1IAAAA KMfrf imvvviNrm&iJ r r b . .7 m 11 -1,000 prizes ihi At. fW . ' f Re!ifenU of Canada only are eligible to compete in tliis conteet. It lasts only a evr. weeks so get your contest folder and malt vmii J mtrv iifftninflv Yn will therebyglYe'tlie judges reasonable time fnr rarpful. rnnniilerntion iiler of tlip. tlinim. amis of essays which will be submitted. It contains the official entry Llanteives ay informatipn you require for'your essay, and stater clearjy all tiTe. simple riiles of the contest. No entry will be, accepted uue&s pu. the official entry form. Phoiie or visit any Caiiadiaii.tfeneral Electric dealer for your copy of this FREE folder now. CANADIAN GENERAL vg ELECTRIC e o m p a n ,t'rr l i m i t 1 oj Ulli 0lllT...lt-$,l.i. ' tff '..ilM.fi Ot.lUtt Htl. ,CiltS; 1 ' in