PAGE FOUE USED FURNITURE China Cabinet- 13.00 Kitchen Cabinet- $10.00 Bed Spring and Mattress Size 4' 6" jjJJQ QQ DrX $12.00 Ann Rocker For .,... Pt Radio In first class condition. A snap p22 00 Victor Gramophone 310 00 Used Vacuiun Cleaner Bargains Hoover Vacuum Cleaner With all the attachments in first class condition. Q-f 7 ffA A snap for, Vl' wv Beatty Vacuum With all the' fi 7 A attachments .."; Premier Spic-Span. fl ( A Snap for VU.DV Six-Hole Monarch Range-For burn- Q9Q flA ing-coal or wood.' Snap at ipMVjJ Circulator Heater Aith Oil Burner jjJ2 00 Good Pram A real bargain $10 00 Bicycle In good Q-fl S) A A condition pJ..VU Singer Sewing Machine In good $25 00 Typewriter In first class $20 00 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue Phone Green 911 Th? Commercial Fishing Industry Of British Columbia Represents a capital investment of over $22,000,000. Finds direct employment for over 18,000 British Columbia workers. . The value of the output in 1937 was over 516,225,000. " - ' This value has reached $27,000,000 in a ' single year. V You Can Help British Columbia Prosper By Your Increased Purchases of British Columbia Fish PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES' Victoria, B.C. GEO J ALEXANDER, HON. GEO. 8. PEARSON Assistant Commissioner. Commissioner of Fisheries. Tilt Dnilv Noivs ?a n momLf f n i- v.wTT Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of. Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membershio in .these organizations. r V BURNS AND ALLEN HEAD LAUGH CAST I Grade Allen, George Burns and; Mjartha Rare, who panicked aud- lences In 'College Holiday," head, the all-star cast of the new Para-' mount musical comedy. "College educational revolution takes place. "Liberal education" is made "liberal" in every sense of the word, with Grade as "Dean of Men," Martha Raye as a member of the faculty and Hope as "Prefessor of Applied Romance." He "applies" it to, of all people, Martha, thus forming the screen's newest love team. Edward Everett Horton fresh from his role as Claudette Colhprfs ? conniving father on "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife,", plays an Important part as the woman-hating multi millionaire - who learns about auvuk l ro- Muller and son of Terrace arrived in Smlthers a few days ago to look for a team of horses' for work on the logging contract which Mr. Muller has at Terrace. Thev loca ted a fine team of grays and will leave on today's train for TPr. race .with tHem. THREE DROWN CAPREEL. Ont.. Rent. io t , x n u men and a boy were drowned when their boat capsized. They were William Mayers, Phillip Kelley and Mac Dennie. "Build B. C. Payrolls- The Fine Flavor It Gives Coffee "I like Pacific Milk because of the f ne flavor It elves to a cun of rnf. fee." . This is taken out of a letter from Mrs. J. B., who says she uses this ?ood milk for all cooking and baking purposes and finds it very nice for frozen desserts. We have hundreds of letters from users who praise Pacific Milk, give reasons why they like it and say it Is their constant choice. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated of Course Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion 1 r j . THE DAILY NEWS I HELPS TO Avoid Colds Specially designed lor me nose ana upper throat, where most colds start. Used in time, helps pTtitnt many col Us. VlCKS Va-tro-nol Swing." In this story of a collegi-j" ate nitwit who takes over a leading j o HffOni American university and runs It toi J I VI I N 1 I i llilUUUlU siilt herself th thrpi aav rlnornei are assisted in their antics by Bob Hope, who climbed into the top drawer of stardom by virtue of his single performance as the master of cere'monies In the recent "Big Broadcast of 1938." The story ot "College Swing" Is the high-geared fantasy which has always provided Burns and Allen with" their most successful material. It opens in Puritan times with a wealthy old New Englander making a will bequeathing the college he has founded to the first female member of his family who passes an examination in it. The camera then slides on down two centuries and shows Grade, his descendant, getting herself in shape for the big test. With the aid of a resourceful young student. Bob Hope. Grade discovers a short-cut to knowledge which would make Einstein look like a piker. She passes the exam inations with flying colors and takes control of the university immed iately. Under Gracie's regime, an AT TERRACE Search Continuing: For Tom Levrr, Feared Lost in Kitsumkalum River TERRACE, Sept. 19: Under the direction of Provincial Constable underwent a serious operation at Prince Rupert and had been in ill-health since then. He has three brothers James and Cecil Levei and William Bohler. iMordens Of Quick To Live In South mobile for the south and expect to take up residence somewherp on Vancouver Island. Whifflets From The Waterfront Mr. Morden has been a f.irmir .into thp nlr njh V J Steamer Princess Louise was In 'port Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours. Those leaving the 'ship at this port were Leonard Muraford, Shane Murray, John George Kerzlnger, Louis Clark IDohl, Clarence Haude and Edward Wll-,son. These all joined the ship at Skagway. The Louise had 165 passengers in all. The steamship Princess Louise on her next southbound voyage expects to bring out a large number of transportation officials from the Yukon and Alaska. For the past few days two old-timers of Oona River have been receiving congratulations from H. L. McKenney. search Is beins .lJ. 4W-i . - . , - - iiu-uus liu-iius uii uii uicir uicir rrcejib rrcejib marriage marriage. continued for Tom Lever, aged 37. ..... .mey are rjim wuisi ana Mrs. m, . . , . , , who has been missing since ear y Ncrb wno haye u d JSal m,T I 1 en Pf n , River for may yrs but now J Jll I , T rarlhave decided to commence life to-SSL i 1? ecn Pethcr in new surroundings. The, staying. It Is feared he may have . n..t . . . . , living uii oiAiti Avenue in mis i, . . . been lost In the Kitsumkalum Riv-1Pv Mr oi.t t., er, towards which he was traced J . byiivrPSvby thf Scarchers I The Northland, ' Captain Len Wll-Lever lived here since earlv bov-:,. . . hood, having been a son of thehC ? kan ltha shipment n of fish late Mrs. F. B. Bohler. He ranched I ?eth near Kitsumkalum. Last winter he, fVL f u7. Ul a Big Plane Crippled In Alaska Shown In Picture Tonigh "Sky Giant," showing here today Is an exciting picture of the air showing the training of pilots. .Richard Dix has the leading role SMTTHERS. SeDt. 19: Mr. nnrllas a hnnnv-p-n-liirlrv inninnrt n Mrs. Frank Morden of Smlthers'ot. leu nere this morning by auto-, Jean Fontaine creates much of the trouble when both Dix and Morris fall in love with her. The rivalry Deiween incm carries on 1 . , " - v v. bww liJCil. mance from Grade, and, what is ine WU1CK aism ever since the along with Miss Fontaine's pilot even i war but u Wi oongea to hL' cousin stranger, likes itl Gecree Burns appears as his secretary, who unable to prevent his master from oecoming entangled In the wiles of America's most novel "educator." HORSES FOR TERRACE give up are assigned tQ fly a blj ui. io years ago on account of transport across the Arctic to Rus-illness which is attributed to his sla in surveying a proposed new war services. lair route. He was in Smlthers Hosnital for The crinniintr nf k. i - - i rr"o v 4v wi Jldiic III several months and then took up a lonely area of Alaska leads into residence in Smlthers whpm h J has remained for the past year t Hie M.nJ. u .. tne dramatic climax, when two of the survivors try to brini? th third one, one, di dying, to the coast and) I "ope mai me south-imira SMTTHERS, mnm,m Sept. 19: Carl G.IPrn atmosphere will be more con--safety. How this valiant effort .v,..uut uuu mat ne win succeeds and Its results on the make complete recovery In health. I romantic complications of the Airs. Arthur White is accom-,' story, make for a powerful endlne eruuenaing panylng Mr. and Mrs. Morden on. thp trin nnrl cha i I m . . ' . a iew uioi Hanson. M. p.. arrivprf In JXL St. and'.thc Saturday niVht fIomathe --. -wvUw mj. jjiiuuivra, . jnienor. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom Dresser Clearance 2 DRESSERS Walnut finish Phone 775 I RAILWAY RAILWAY $17.50 2 DRESSERS Walnut. Beautifully finished 2 DRESSERS Walnut finish MILK $20.00 S27.50 327 THIRD AVENUE We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 for Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Fall, and Way Ports- SS. "FrlnctM Uv.a.uc tvery iriuay io p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE September 7th, 17th, 27th October 7th, 18th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations From W. L, COAXES, General Aent. Prlnce RAVED OVER , SCENERY OF HAZELT0N Artist frm Paris and Wife Spent Five Weeks in District Enjoying Themselves "Tills Is a wonderful country and many thousands more tourists should come to see It every year." stated K. Selgman, who with Mrs. Selgman, have been visiting Prince Rupert and Hazelton but particularly Ilazelton. Mr. Selgman said when leaving Saturday evening lor Vancouver enroute home to Paris, that he and Mrs. Selgman had had a most enjoyable holiday. They had been warned against going to Hazelton as they were told everything there was very crude, hotel accommodation poor, and they would find It difficult to eat the food that was put before them. They were so agreeably surprised that Instead of staying a week they had spent five weeks. They found the hotd ac-commod.-yiaon excellent and Mrs. Newick's boarding house was so excellent they were most reluctant about leaving. The scenery was gorgeous and the people particularly hospitable. He wished -to mention particularly Captain Mortimer the Indian Agent. R. S. Sargent and the Newlcks. While at Ilazelton Mr Bellgman purchased a tall totem pole from the natives at Hagwelgaet and he expects to donate It to a new museum which Is being established In Paris. Through the courtesy ci Captain Mortimer and others and the consideration of the Federal government he had been able to ar range for shipping this pole out of the country. It was useless where It was and now it would be a con tinuous advertisement o British Columbia. . j tin it't i -... - 1 (At 7:00 and 10:0!) Plus HICHAM) DIX in "SKY GIANT" With Joan Fontaine nd Chester Morris (Once Only at 8:) Also WORLD NEWS (At 1:26 Onln It Costs Nothing Extar To Keep in Style At AH Seasons - Well dressed women every-where find it easy and economical to keep in style the Singer way iMake your own stylish clothes on a Modern Singer ( Get Yotrr Sinrer nd Sinftr Helpi From I'l ' New Singers For as Little $3.00 Down And (3.00 Montblj And a Trade-In Allowance on . ny old icwlnj madiin UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rfpatnii.. T m n r-t . . w4V.js wave rrmce uupcrt lor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVER1! TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FIUDAT, I1V t.OA p,m 10:30 p.m. it V ue Vancouver Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday nt If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets P'w10 A. W, NEWMAN, Prlnc Rupert Agent. Third Ave. I hone, 568 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY NIONR J7 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Ilouseh""1 Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK