THE DAILY NEWS J Try the Vews Want A d. Way. —Tt’s a Goo d One Will hold his second meeting Tonight in the Skating Rink All other candidates are invited to be present and discuss the issues of the day. ee) Alderman Newton 404% Again Urged to Attend... PUES A Big Sensation Promised Do not fail to attend this meeting. Most im- portant to voters of Prince Rupert. moPe 3 oP % 3 easees '? '? me, 7 SOS SOO COO COO COS OOO JOE SSESESTESESETE Poudeudendeudendes Tonight Auéiorim Come POOOOSOOOOOOOC HEN ROPES PRC PROPRCPROPROPRCPROD SSRSRESSES ETERS ESE Will You Kindly Give Your Vote and Influence -to F. M. Lannic As Alderman For Ward Two Your Ballot Marked in this Way F. M. LANNIC§ X Alderman For Ward Two Will be a Vote in the interests of the Wage Worker. Will be a Vote in favor of the business man’s interest. Will be a Vote in favor of clean, ment. non-politic Municipal Govern- Will be a Vote in the best interest of all the people and for a better and greater Prince Rupert. Letters to the Editor To the Editor of The News: Dear In your paper of Jan. 6th you gave publication in large headlines to the effect that I have decided to resign from the services of the council, also make the statement that I am disgust- ed with the mismanagement and hampering of the council. No such statement was made by me, in fact no statement was made at all for publication. One of your reporters ap- proached me on Saturday morn- ing and I told him that I had no statement to make till IT had in- terviewed the mayor and chair- man of the light and telephone committee, and we engaged in ordinary conversation, I never said I was dissatisfied with losing the light plant, on the other hand the Gouneil is per- fectly at liberty to make what changes it may see fit, but I said I certainly could not consider $160. The report also says the elephone department is taxed to 1e capacity of the cables and annot grant any more extensions of service urgently demanded be- cause the present Council so mis- managed affairs that they could not grant me the switchboard 1 asked for months ago. What I did say was this: There will have to be considerable cable put in this year as the present cables are getting pretty well filled up. That alone will make consider- able work and will keep me quite busy. We-also will require a new section of switchboard in order to meé@t nex! year’s business, I ap- plied for this board last year, but there was not sufficient funds to purchase and it had been laid over to next year with a recom- Sir- y mendation to purchase at once. wish to say.ih closing the conversation I had with your reporter was just a personal con- versation, whieh he was not at liberty to use and which he mis- All my dealings with and Chairman of the light and telephone committee in connection with dividing the departments were, carried out in a friendly and gentlemanly man- ner, and to the satisfaction of all concerned, and moreover resignation was not handed Your truly, ERNEST A. LOVE, I also interpreted, the Mayor parties my in. The above letter is printed in fairness to Mr. Love and in def- erence to his wishes. On the other hand, it is only fair to The Daily News to state that News re- porters are instructed that eaves- dropping and unguarded confi- are not desired by the management, It is also only fair to the reporter in question to state that, according to his story, the infermation published was published at the request of Mr. Love.—KEd. dences Voters, Attention. For a good, progressive admin- istration of the affairs of the city yole for J. H, Hilditeh for mayor and be safe, Al Notice to Water Consumers. For the present the high water from 42 o'clock noon to 4 p, m, daily. Water consumers will there- fore take precautions to provide for a supply at other times. WM. MAHLON DAVIS, pressure will. be on 11 Supt. Water Works. te or Ps Pt Ft Ps i “The News” + es err se eos BE se ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES”’ nes so — —_ Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident ‘Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Written Direct Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. For Rent ‘ - if Be me | For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, freshly papered and clean, only $10 per month. | H F. McRae & Co. t-f { Insurance - { | l | s | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. tt ee ee me eee P.S.—Houses and Rentals. Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; % cash, bal. 1, 2, 3 years at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 29, section 1, $5,000 pair; 4 cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at per cent, Two lots, block 22, cash, bal, 8, 6, 9, Two lots, block 2, section 5 cash. Fine view lots. One lot, block 6, section 5, $1,500. cash, 8, 6, 12 menths, at 7 per cent. One lot, block 28, section 5, $525. cash, bal. $50 every 3 months, at cent. One lot, block 11, section 6, $2,250. cash, bal. 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent One lot, block 17, section 7, $800. 8200 cash, bal. 3, 6, 12 months; with cabin One lot, block 16, section 7, $650 $300 cash, 3, 6, 12 months, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 17, section 7, $1,600. One- third cash, bal, 1 and 2 years, at 7 per cent. Two lots, block 42, section 7, 4 cash, bal, 6, 12 months. Two lots, block 8, section 7, $650 each \% cash, bal.6, , 18 months. Two lots, block 38, section 7, % cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months, at 7 per cent, Four lots, block 3, cash, bal, 6, 12, corner. Three lots, block cash, bal. 6, cent, Two lots, block 28, section 8, $1,000. One- third cash, bal. 6, 12, 18 months. Cor- ner. Two lots, block 28, section 8, $850. cash, bal. 6, 12 months. Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each. $50 cash, bal. $15 per mpnth. 12 months , $4,500. Equity $300 $225 7 per Half $550 each. section 7, 18 months. $3,000. % Large 7, section 7, $1,600. % 3 1 at 7 per 2, 18 months, $250 bal. #15 per month. FOR RENT. Store, Second avenue at Sixth street. FOR SALE. Cabin with four rooms; cheap. NORTHERN B.C. LIQUOR Co. The Leading Wholesalers of Northern British Columbia Exclusive Agents for BUDWEISER BEER WE BUY EVERYTHING We Pay Highest Prices for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber Boots, Solder, Dross and Bottles Prince Rupert Cast Store 735 THIRD AVE, Shoes.. JOHN CURRIE AECOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT MADE AND REPAIRED Good Government. administration Sate and sane of civie affairs is desired by all, A vote for J. H. Hilditch for mayor assures sound, progress- ive government, At Alderman Newton will hold his third mayoralty campaign meet- ing in Empress Theatre on Mon- day night. Moving pictures and music, Be present and hear local issues discussed. BL For row boats and launches telephone 320 green, Davis boat house. Most of them are voting for Tullock-Webster, At section 5, $1,650; $500 Five lots, block 10, section 8, $275 each; | Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. | Wanted | a Fh ts Pt Os Pt P| Wanted—General Servant. Other maid kept. Appiy Mrs. L. W. Patmore. tf | | Maternity nurse open for engagement. Box 2159 News. Wanted. — Dressmaking, cleaning and _press- ing, repairing for men and women. Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone294 Red. tf | lpr me rere ee re rams pant ee rome rm rome Stenographer pi eee ere Apply tf Eastern stenoxrapher of wide experience wants position. Address “‘Stenographer,’’ 662 Cor- dova St., Vancouver, B.C. t-f eee emer eee rr eset ee rere Business Chances MARRY rhe to happiness, and reliable I. C. Wilson, f24 high class Addre B Strictly private, Best in the West box 1776, Vancouver, Io tee tee eee er Lost and Found Fo tt eee ee FOUND Owner this advt female pup. paying for 208tr | An Irish terrier may have same at News Office, by POWERS TAKE A HAND |European Soldiers Occupy Rail- way from Pekin to Tientsin. $550 each. | Canadian Press Despatch.) Pekin, Jan. 8—Troops from the foreign powers today the railway, from Pekin ntsin, according to a plan re- devised by the foreign here. One thousand hundred and _— sixty-eight troops have sailed from Germany for China, occu- pied to Pie cently ministers one Voters, Attention. For a good, progressive admin- listration of the affairs of the city |vote for J. H. Hilditeh for mayor and be safe. At Personal. Mrs. E left for south on Saturday by the May. Demers the Voters, Attention. For a good, progressive admin- istration of the affairs of the city vote for J. H. Hilditch for mayor jand be safe. At Waterfront Quiet. traffic is today. the on launch waterfront thick at is going small moving at the |Herring are running jwharf, and ‘“‘jigging” Fah with Only good success. Pioneer Cleaners. \ | Pantcrium | Phone 4, | ae support of all who want clean civic government is so- | licited by | | | | | G. H. MUNRO Aldermanic Candidate for Ward 2 my PLATFORM IsS— E\usiness principles for the city. | Clean, non-party government. Foster the interests of Ward 2. | A square deal for everyone. Vote for Munro in Ward 2 F. D. KEELEY ANNOUNCES HIB,... CANDIDATURE FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE... Classified Ads. HERE— j Lection Ideal Introduction Club leads | ee ae ee ee — tt es es es Pt ee Seed aed ‘ALD. NEWTON ON ALD. HILDITCH fri Continued mm Page 1. over the heads of previous applicants who had been told there would be no bottle li- granted. The evil was aggravated, he declared, by the fact that to create "n appearance of fair play two bottle had been issued, but in reality the two were one. “Tf elected mayor,” declared Alderman New ton, “I would take steps at once to issue a third bottle license to break that monopoly. (Cheers. Protecting Little Willie. Referring to the efforts he had to better fire pro- city, Alderman that the whole his colleagues in Council had against his plan for the early completion of Acropolis Hill “lest it should preju- Manson's at commissionel censes licenses secure for the declared made Newton of gone reservoir, dice Mr. Victoria.” On the hydro-electric ion he remarked that if the citi- ens wanted their $550,000 spent Alderman Hil- them, they Hilditch. position proposi- schemers,” ditch himself had better Cheers A Convert to Extra Hour. ro G, R. Naden’s subject of the week by as called vote for question extra hotel bar days, A that while sed the gr the ul oO dermal el opp tra hour ‘anting ago he did nter been a year now for had any reason with what and granted, “But,” he he hotel-men subscribe ferring passed violently, “if 81.000 to think Vl make them elected? that added out, u them to ce beal me oak if to ‘ep the Loud had Bride ge dgdont y law am He said in the Mc- think that given the appoint- the two other licence commissioners if elected mayor Forty-Five Cent Wage On the 45 cent to Charlie Hunter's Newton said that he the 45 cent applau he faith enough yvernment to be he would ment of rate, Nn answe!l Ald would place statule book as the minimum in place of as pre Cheers from the labor men J. G. Scott Retaliates Ald. Newt had of the answer to ler’s question on the and the down, when interruption of a dif ferent character broke out. From the of the heil J. G Scott that Ald. New proof instantly of he had made that any tion ques rate on the the 873 cent alt sent ust disposed i5-cent rate mn Charlie dying applause was back demanded ton produce the charges wanting hardware st iob buy the a must from Kaiet ware Ald that il common talk on the streets. we that it lalk on streets, W hat re Newton said was Say the proof have sefore I would uu is common he thal said. il decent you is or any man repeat such Fossip we would have proof of its truth, and you are a mean cowardly cur such the platform,’ show yourself of Ald. Hilditch his language well,” returned Ald. Néwton. “I repeat what | said that it is common knowledge and talk im the city that the case as I stated, George Tite’s Offer Tite sprang deny,’ he man has ever been in Lo make statements on public “You follower a clever Lo copy is Here the arena, “IT “that any George into said, fluenced to purchase his furnish- ings from me, I will give $25,000 Lo this hall in Prince who can Lo any man in or Rupert the contrary,” "Og. no doubt prove at all that proved, Members of that has sought to rule are clever enough to see to it that there but it mon talk just the same, and more Lhere man, furniture dealer this town who was led he would have the fur- hotel, He was turned down by the ring and the goods are still on his hands,” Some applause). “You have statements right Mr. during deavored if Cannot be the ring this city is no proof, is com is a a in to believe of a nishing certain not and make them, BcoLtl proved you your have no exclaimed disturbance Lo amidst the chairman introduce the which Lo speakers en- alder manic said Ald, Newton, “I have | CPRSPROPLOFLOFUCFROE See eceeccceces seeereee RePh cour eee ete oereterehrotrttr ey A Business Man For Ward 2 $i eS le XC >) . Your Vote and Influence is requested for..... H. W. Dagnall Candidate Ward Two Aldermanic for A pioneer workman in Prince Rupert. A practical contractor and builder. Unconnected with any political party. Advocate of business principles. A friend of union labor. A Vote for H. W. Dagnall is a Vote for a Business-like Candidate he had | 3 if W. T. Robinson Independent Candidate for Alderman, Ward | wi Solicits Your Vote and Influence A BUSINESS MAN FOR A BUSINESS COUNCIL CDYy nak ° ree, Your Vote and Influence is solicited by E. H. Shockley Aldermanic Candidate for Ward Two Mr. Shockley is an experienced contractor and has an expert knowledge of the conduct of public works. He was for fifteen years a contractor in London, England, and has an extensive knowledge of conditions in Prince Rupert and British Columbia. He is not the nominee of any political party and is out to stand for a business ad- ministration of the City’s affairs. He has always stood for a square deal for the work- ingman, CR EY e he ~— 4 Vote For E. H. Shockley for Alderman in Ward 2 33 wee Ree