High TXXXVII No. 4:02 a.m. 18.9 ft. 15:35 pm. 103. ft. B:54 a.m. iZ ft. 2.20 p.m. 4 9 ft. . 'O - . a a fitith r f spumra. a coupic o k crtfi itre t und addressed to a Cist HaiW'g nd hU boat were , i ... 1 1.. pf.n R'ipert Last fall the tea se! tu r In a stranding ton ; ' from here ana re ared np. - i 6t the local dry dock. ifUon of airplanes, gas masks and Unks in furtherance of the Inten-, program for United States fence r a period of five years the P'n u to obtain twelve thousand Hlhtlng puncs at a cast of $1300.-'WDOO. This. It reckoned, would 1T United States air supremacy all other nations. Weather Forecast wins high over British Columbia ppears low northwest of the n Charlottn islands. Tlie wca- Ultr milder on the north coast Wle over tn6 ntcrIor It Is moder- cold , uupcri ana syui-vu Ilands-Frcah "lands-Frcah cast cast to to south- souin- Sell Meals Police Chief's Boy Hit By Car t homn and a restoration of '"r",on; 7" ' W he Holy Land . -w ' I SUPREMACY Alan Jacklln. five-year-old son of Sergeant Chris Jacklln. chief of police suffered abrasions about face. TIT TI i ir O . v,m.ait ant knws as a result of being Tomorrows Tides Today's Weather Nearly One Hundred Thousand Are Now Out on Strike,,,, wert used by the police and men and wrenches by the striker Downs on either side were injured and rxtenslre damaze was done With Beer t Liriuu w" was re- Premier Daladlcr has ordered I VICTORIA. Nov 25: ,CP- ljL fZZfZ 20.000 gendarmes concentrated ln .ihv rntrK about Paris and ln the north 1 Parliamentary deputies said that Dafcdler was planning a decree of stale of siege similar to martial hw if the strike u no? mastered quickly LIBERAL i WINNER Government Candidates Had Substantial Plurality in Regina Ryelectlon REOINA, Nov. 25: (CP)- Thei 111 1 LrVllEiU struck by an nutomowle on Fifth ' govcrnme n't retained the Reglna I Avenue East near Young oucn. seat tn me provuiciai tc"u" . ..j... .kii nm.,. . , . i tn fill fh vnrnnpv , . jlftbOUl noon vouj mv Vw... nciu ycwtuj fcvf " t Ssm I'lans to Spend One and " . , u The child .. hrnuoh the amxintmer., Half Billion in Providing u Mn. kept In the Prince Rupert oI T. M. Anderson, former mem-Counlry With Aircraft l0enfrai Hospital for twenty-four :ber. to the bench. !hour, (or observation aunougn; capt. v J. Mcwanwu, w.c WASHINOTON. Nov. 28.- Als- there are believed to be no serious;erai '' "t? Montreal price of bar. gold In Lon-, Urt SeeUry of War Lewis John- mternal injuries The driver of the the Plurality of 4100 mer R w flne; MO inmunrM lhat armncemenU ' ear was W H. WHgni. a ris uanoui. ,r Mini made for the mass nro- mechanic. opponw- - TURN DOWN (Probe Into C.C.F. PLAN.Regina.Air United Wilh Liberal : Crash Held To Reject Cameron Proposal , reGINA, Nov. 25: inier-In Regard to Community i Tlews wuh all witnesses In con- with the crash of a Trans- Canada Air Lines mall plane near here last week when fhow won. im- VICTORIA, Nov.r (CPl-The rle and jack Wiled tclslature yesterday rejecica Jwve Deen compicu ...... nroxal of Colin Cameron, C. C.,matlon has been fprwarded to Ot-uro . . nnv thn nff Mnl renort will F Member ior wmu, '. uwa ",v r immunity of fifty or more per-be issued. isons be regarded as a public set tlement and be given wss nnd other privileges. proposal would also have glv- The iw'": TV. inds. cloudy, mild with scat- t-'m en Unant tcnaiu hkw ln logging . occults and rr "other othet . .... of snowcrs. ,7t Coast of Vancouver Island to iresh easterly wiuu-. nro.xvsal by a Talr. not much change incra " ' Umoerai.,.- pcrature. d vision of 35 to 8. K F.ETON UNDER KNIFE Ijibor onDonent. A. M. Skeffiag- ton. The vote was 22387 to 16,-939, a decidedly closer result than In the 19J5 general election. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON. Nov. 25: 1CP) The ! after on her return to Vancouver ' and waypolnts. Poles Enter , . Slovak Town I NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, -.,nifniiiup Pnir Eng., Knv N0. ronuer louowing j.iih.i suspension t Sfjeito NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOV EMBER 25, 1938. US. TO USE FASTER SHOOTING RIFLES Members of the 18th U-8. infantrj' regimen are shown here demonstrating the new semi-automatic rifle, with which the U.S. army a now being equipped, The new rifle fires 60 rounds per minute and replaces the present Springfield rifle which fires approximately 15 rounds per minute 4- Attorney General dinner told d t lhls jme of d i,-.-, 4 n ?Yii,TrvTi imim : s: "' urr rxit " : . . . : . CHALLENGE via miuvn AMENDMENT ' DurhcM nf Alhol Kelsn Her Set In Parliament London Sub-burb Stays Conservative LONDON. Nor. ii: (CP,) a cha'lente to theftovernmrnt on H foreitn poll'T, the I)uches of Athol veMerdar retned her ?ft of K'nlneh In Scotland, rre'il.i-tatlnt another bv-e!ectlon. Fleeted a a rnerratiTr ln the tener-al election, the Outhes of Athol first hroVe wilh the orennt on lt roli-v In retard to the Spanish civil war. Since the Munich ameent, fhe has been even more critical. The toverpment retained the Conservative tronthold of Wes-IfwUham. a London suburb. In a by-election yesterday but by a sharply reduced majority. Henry Brooke, the Conservative, received a majority of some 6000. over his I Censorship .Measure Regarding Industrial Schools Rejecte'd by Majority of Legislature Yesterday C. F. snendmcn nermlttlng press 1 .4 t Chamberlain And Windsor parts Nov 25: censorship in connection with mis- demeanourf of inmates of provln- da' bey?' and lrlV Industrial Will Rojers' Ranch Was Threat schools was withdrawn m the Let- ened For a Time But Is Saved telature yesterday after eovernment From names and bnositlon members questioned Its validity and necenlty. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, northerly wind, two miles per hour; , barometer. 30 34 (falling); temperature, 40; sea smooth. China Must Get Elsewhere, Says L (CP Prime Minister Neville Cham- Harold Winch, member for Van- xos ANGELES, Nov. 2: (CP) corner East. Introduced the mea- Pnrfst firis which have been rag- servatlve Onnositlon, Joined the Premier and other government members In opposing the amend-j ment. COOPERATE ON CULTURE i.OVAn flfflPPTrQ LONDON, Nov. 25: CP- j w" 4- Reuters Agency repor that ft Dylll-L ArmV 4 Polish troops today occupied 4 Jl UlilloU tl 111 J ' Czaca, a Slovak town on the , w m 4 Polish . Slovak frontier. The Sloin Kv Wnnnf . .. - uauill T at imhiiuv dispatch said that troops had, v POONA. India, Nov. 25: (CP)-- Rpven onn. British '' "'j Army officers ana CP Wiuam K.ecion, ot- . ----- Ibunkhouscs M JJ county crlcket club a result of an armed attack on soWicrs were murdered yesterday .-.opcmlta t II. J first-wicket baUman. underwent T ''5n 7& a Seporsoio , : an oDcratlon for appenaicitis w 'jane nuuuac Nottingham Hospital. .shoLidown. . .- but was saved. TODAY'S WEATHER Triple Island Part cloudy, northeast wind, three miles per hour: sea smooth. Langara Island Overcast, south Union steamer Cardena. Capt.! . racl Tree Point-Clear with fos John Boden, is due in port at 8 Nippon-German Accord Does Notj calm, Ammeter barometer. 30 SlUfc. 26' o'clocki tomorrow; morning from the Involve Persecution ot Jews, It patches, south' and will be sailing soon there- Is Said 'temperature. 41: ltgnt seu. Alprt Bav Clear, light north to tt ! northeast wind; barometer, 30 ju, TOKYO. Nov. 25: (CP) Japan temperature, 41; light chop. nnri norma nv tndav slimed an ac-' o.,n trirHrr ntnr. south wind. . 'cord on cultural co-operation but 8 mnes per hour; barometer, 3030: a .rorcyi" uince spoitcaiuaiij jiu temperature ugnt swcii 1 ) . . n.t MAnM i Vs rt I I WIC HSltfUlClUr U(rva iwv v t A I ; Japan is going 10 pertuvr wcw Estevan Clear, northeast wind. 4 miles Der hour; barometer. 30.38. Victoria Clear, north wind, 16 miles per hour; barometer, 30.42. Vancouver Foggy, calm; baro meter. 30.44. temoerature 25. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 28. Burns Lake Foggy, calm, 22. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 28. Alyansh Clear, calm. 26. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 30. Anyox Clear, calm. 28. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. would fade PRICE: ft CENTS' For Showdown With Britain ish Boat Skipper Is Tragedy Principal Unless Policy Changed; Shot Rings Out And Captain Ole Holberg Found Dead In Hotel I Hid Hccn Entertaining Friends in Vancouver Hotel- Notes to woman round nui aci is unexplained DISORDERS ! IN PARIS Open Clash Outside of Automobile Factory With Many Injured And Damage Done To Plant Troops Sumrapned " , , PARIS. Nov. 25: CP Differ- VAVmlTVER. November 25: ICV) I'OUr Old nee between French orsanlwd Mends cathercd last nijlht in a downtown hotel. Ole labor and the Datadler government SLrd SM, NorwoBian skipper of. the Vancouver broke l halibut boat lonsiancc was nosu uunng me evemiiK, tee and ltrMng ln the HoVuere walked to a liathroom, A shot rang out and his &trtct outsid an automobile far- fripnils lOUnd HOIDCrR lyini; ueau un me nuui iwi a uuucv wry as uie puuee omvra t- iwmi.Vi he neaa. jnc mwie u : : cuuwi Aid i eaaer Then British Domination in That Country Would End, Ambassador is Told, According to Report SHANGHAI, November 25: (CP) General Chiang Kai-Shek is said by Chinese sources to nave expressed uis-Isatistaction to the British ambassador over Great Bri-1 tain's Far Eastern policies and to have hinted strongly that the time for a showdown has arrived. ' Chiang is .said to have told the ambassador that, unless British ' policies are changed, China will i have to turn elsewhere for aid and. ' II so, tiruisn domination in ,iuiia : COMMISSION IN SESSION 4- berlaln and the Duke of Wind- j 4- sor had a twenty minute talk lInlerR0TernmenUi j. ... -v. k.lin-. tn 1 qulI7 Paris. Plans for a return of , Relations In- Resumes Farris Presents Case for British Columbia the Duke to England are said to have been discussed. As a .,. ... .. OTTAWA,. Nov 25 CP)-Th2 result the conference. Informed Ilnrir TVl , British Briush circles circles suggest suggest the me pos- pas- TWS?iZ,r y . - - - HIIPh KlK Act thU se- Troop, Summoned , rovlncIar relations, now open the Liquor TM 1 TTT 4- slbllity of a traditional Royal nUlEl rUIV , ln order to change the PremUr DaUdlcr summoned EfBtrfYV T WITHER WN reto it andtlifc ilnnamhlpj,! Dr.Jpph bter parlor system in X&TMMJ rUliVjU V -1 11 1 inLPIi 77 lJ FamUy Sto JcSrStoS ' resignation ofTCHTfS n 4 f nnrriiTr t prtnt . ham uiu cnruima DAI UCTIIMU 5I Ll,Bn-Jth IsiaWThe goTerffment' ih i- Te4 Uce. Jt W w.Rowell. Rowell. today today r - XWsMuiJ meaUln beer parlors or other- threatened to sweep over the na- is still dinning stead tut to 't plan for a,nUonal t -.! in PiiHifne. it was in Pnrllamnt VMterdSV h S r ivfnimmit ftivikMman. It U Ikj rhgi the propoiod confer - or' ween Jews nnd Arabs win wise The government is still tlon. With the number or mase on lrihB C.mnmrnt 1U ly No considering a plan whereDy ,uike totalling neany nw-uvu ana Mni OlTtn l!p Idea f irUti permiU would be dUpensea dtmblng hourly, uuaarcr oracu clubs be given leave thousand ... mobile guards and Nitlonsl Home There with and thirty Vt, 1 1 V LVTJON iwr.jr.cii i Nov 25: CP- Th- to pool liquor purchases. ' common grouna wn r rt . 5.uln, ailn' JU l ..A mchrd for the eMablUhment of AUn U.; California Fire VICTORIA, Nov: 25: (CPi-A C. MonarP U I PCC 1IIVI1UVV f?frvols heard supplementary representations on behalf of British Columbia by Senator J. W. DeB. Farris. Yesterday there were represen tations on b?hlf of the govern ment .of New Brunswick which submitted that maritime seaport facilities of Canada should be made sufficient to carry all Dominion trade. IHARM0NY 24 COMPLETE claiming that publicity given sure, . rnntra san' Q,,. tonlca- lk..,.nfV,;iri inm.tMnf1"!! oxmd SanU ".France and England Agreed On the Vancouver school early in the Bernardino. Hollywood and Malibu Questions ot National Defence year had reacted unfavorably on are being gradually brought under the matron's attempts to train girls control. The famous Will Rogers and secure them positions. : ranch was menaced for a while R. L. Miltland. leader of the Con And Settlement ot Differences By Teace PARIS, Nov. 25: (CP) In a statement last night. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced that a complete accord h?.d been reached between France ami Great Britain on the subjects ot national defence and the settlement of all differences by peace, Conferences between Prime Minis- east wind, fourteen miles per;Ed d Daladier of France are ihour; barometer, 30.26; tempera-.continuing. f ture. 45; ligt swell. ! - POPE IS STRICKEN Holy Father Had To Be Placed Under Oxygen Tent For While Following Heart Attack. VATICAN CITY. Nov. 25: (CP; Pope Plus suffered a serious heart attack and a trustworthy Prince George Cloudy,, south ( Vatican Informant said the Holjt wind, 4 miles per hour; baro- Father had been place in, an meter. 30.56. I oxygen tent due "to breathing dif- Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, ficultles. Later this treatment wa stopped and a medical bulletin said the Pope was Improving. ; An Exchange Telegraph report said the Pope had suffered a sec ond stroke and was unconscious tor fifteen minutes. The second stroke was not reported at Vatlcarr City. Mi ( ' -1 VI . . " it i" ii ( ill 1 i' t4 ft? r- I'imm r