PAGE TWO . : THE DAILY NEWS Super Style, Wear And Comfort In' These New Lines Of Men's Dress and Street Oxfords We can absolutely guarantee this line is best $ for $ value in footwear we have had the pleasure to offer. Priced from $5.50 T0 $6.50 Agents for Penman's Hosiery and Meltonian Polishes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FK1NCK BCPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avtnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paia in advatxe Paid In advance, per we;i Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , tocal readers, per toe, per insertion Newi Department Telepnocs Advertising and Citmlation Telephone U $5.00 J2 .50 3D0 9DC OAILY EDITION Frioay, August 5, 1938 J02 .25 WORLD WHEAT PROBLEM Accepting the information conveyed by the Royal Bank 'economist as correct, the problem this year and next may VT ...V- i. ai a- vtr - t J i ue iv sen wneai ratner man 10 raise it. worm production )nay exceed the record of 1928-29 when approximately) four thousand million bushels was the crop. Soviet Russia tind China are excluded from the record as it is impossible) to get any correct idea of the crops in those countries.' Nearly one quarter of this amount is expecte'd from the1 uniieu aiaies aunougn ine crop mere .is irnving seiuacKS. Both Spain and Russia have greater acreages to wheat this . year than , last Even in Italy where the crop is poor, i i i i lii mi tnere nas Deen a sngni improvement, iaueny. inis increased production seems to be the chief reason for the fall in price of wheat recently. - 'SPORT' i MERCHANTS WIN, FIRST Took Opening Game of Gilhuly Cup Series By lo To One Score From Navy. SEASON SCORING STOIMART Christison, Navy, 8. Smith. Navy, ". Bryant, Navy, ?. Vina, Merchants, 5. Armstrong, Navy, 5. Howe, Legion, 4. Smith, Merchants, 4. Ferguson, Merchants, 4. A. Dickens, Merchants, S. IL Dickens, Legion. 3. Campbell, Legion, 2. Morgan, Navy, 2. Simundsen, Legion,. 2. Holkestad, .Merchants, 2.- O'Neill. Merchants, 2. Cameron, Merchants, 2. McMeekin, Navy, 2. Dickens, Navy, 2. ' Gil lis. Merchants, 1. O'Neill, Navy, 1. Vance, Legion, L McLean, Legion, L Cross, Navy, 1. D. Gomez, Merchants, 1. Husoy, Merchants, 1. Merchants defeated Royal Ca nadian Naval Volunteer Reserve by a score oi two 10 one lasi nigm in the opening game of the Gilhuly Cup football series. All scoring was done In the second half and it was 'of fans was disappointing. ,1 CITY FOOTBALL STANDING . Navy 2 0 1 16 7 . .4 BRITISH LIBERTY Merchants 3 0 18 9 The French language daily "L'lllustration Nouvelle"; op is sending out proof sheets of an article in which it tries fishing profitable to put the King on the spot for allowing the world con-l W 59 55 53 52 43 44 L 34 41 42 42 49 SO 54 62 40 FOOTBALL WAS DRAW Winnipeg and Vancouver Play To WINhTPEO. Aus. 5: (CP) Vancouver North Shore held' Winnipeg I was a loosely played affair with iboth teams making numerous errors. Pitching was weak through-6 out the game although both Bus-6 sanich, on the mound for Westview. 0 and Parlett pitching for McClymont, showed the occasional flash of brilliance. The game .was a batters game ETess of Free Thinkers in London next month. The artiplp 'Winnipeg, August 5.- (CP) - an the way with both teams doing has a picture of the King at the head of the column and STSJSS nlSv 1 15 a Jrk wlth.hthe- J?11 V has become nearly a two and one- Westview was the flst hitter to i; .i e .!. j of him the defender the speate as of faith and as reigning hair mmon doiiar business, re- drill one out of the infield when by divine right and suggests that such a gathering as ports Dr. H. C. Grant, provincial he socked a line drive over third that proposed WOUld be a scandal in a Chistian country, economic survey board research for three bases but O'Neill, play-It urges the King to refuse to allow this gathering of mili- chlef-To i"rther improve this busi- mg for McClymont. hit two three- tan't atheists. ne5S' Dr Gran adTised Issuing of baggers before the game was over educational propaganda, regula- WestviewTs lieldlng lapse in the nrw v . i. i r -i A i- , What the Writer df the article fails to realize that IS tkm of production and limitation of second Inning was responsible for Britain is a free country free to Jew and Gentile be- fishing fleets. , five runs and, although they tried liever and unbeliever. As long as the free-thinkers obeyv desperately to even the score from the law of the land they have a right to meet and discuss r i 110. i : there on' they "Te unable to make their problems or what they consider to be their problems Baseball OiaildingS !rTm JJtfh?!?! T. .1 j ; J . . , , XA , ! 3 id Pareltt to decrease the deflcr It may be argued that this freedom has not- always; Including Yesterday's Scores 8Qd ended the game down 9 to 11. reen accoraea to tnose believing m uommunism but that NationaL is because communists have urged the use of force in' carrying out their policies. In other words they have in JJk cited to rebellion, which is against the law. Chicago Doubtless there will be a considerable Russian delega- Cincinnati tion among the free thinkers and these are probably the Boston militant atheists tn whnm the writpr nf the art iVle refers: Brooklyn In spite of this we should feel more proud of our associa- Philadelphia .29 iiuiia wiLii ureai nrimm 11 sne anowea ine gatnenng man. American League if she refused it, although as Canadians, it is none of our New York 59 31 business whether she allows it or not. Cleveland 55 32 The reference to King George is of course out of place. SSieton fr ''The King can do no wrong" is still true. If there is any- Detroit ZZZZZ'.vt 49 " thing wrong with the administration under the crown it Chicago 38 47 is the responsible adviser of the King wh6 is to blame. He Philadelphia 22 56 incf nVmr ic Pl'o-Vit TInn Motn'lln PlioTTiKnrlofr, tko T7J.', St. LOUlS 29 61 brime minister or chief adviser. He is the man to be pil-Joried and'riot the King. In a similar case if anything of . the kind were proposed for Canada it would not be the; King wlio might be to blame in the matter but his chief adviser who today is Right. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King.i T6 blame the King because of the Padlock Law in Quebec would be to forget how the country is ruled. It would bej just as unreasonable to blame him for allowing a gather-, ing 01 iree tninKers in Loncion. ; The game was called at the Pet. ' 2venth Inning on account of C34 dardarkness , the official score .573 reverting tt the end of the fifth 558 inning. 533 Team captains were Blaln for 3" Westview and Simundsoh tor ic-.456 ciymont. Umpires were Nell Ross 20 and Bill Sch'erk. 220 .655 .632 384 305 .490 .447 .364 .322 kite rnvTPST PrtftTPrtvrn i Owing to wet weather, the kite flying contest which was to haVe been held Wednesday in connection with Gyro Playgrounds had to be postponed although the kite fliers gathered at the Exhibition Building and worked on their kites. NOW CALEDONIA LIQUEUR WHISKY oz. 26 OZ. 16 OZ. BURNSLAKE W. McKenna, J. Linton and Carlson brothers left la week by ca. to rtsit Banff and Calgary. The Carlson 'brothers will Visit at thett home at Gunn. Alberta, before re-, taming. Miss Margaret Saunders nf Pal' ing left on Saturday's train Tiaj Priixe Rupert and Vancouver en , route to Enderby where she has accented the position ol Matron bit the Enderby Oeneral HospftaL One-All Count in Second West. Mfi cheater ot Prince Ru- ern Canada uatne , ,,- nf Mr and Mrs - to T - , . J. Jl. MacDdhald for ten days. Vim Vf Rawtlnhelmer R. N of United WesWn to a phe-all drnc Xrmstrbng. has returned by car to her last night, necessitating a hpr nursing fluues after. thira ana aeciaing game wuurua, tWQ mmhs Tacation. in the Dominion Football Assoc la-1 Uon Western Canada final Local Ball Team Off To Smithers ,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MacDonald Miss Anna Nlckollchuk of Savory Skaal Lodge, when about thirty of returned to her home Tuesday a'- j A local baseball team consisting the young people met tor games r a tonsils operation here. of Bill LamDie. manager, ocoup et The of honor won tl.e Bury. Minor Simundsen. Dido Our- pvnln ,, r4V. num. Unr TnrV OamnSpll hv pr mn Mnnrtnv fr.r ft month's 11-. wtrw6(. -"- - 1- . ... J - j i mons secretary and B. A. Smith treasurer. 7Tk C0RHS 6 WARTS 1 PV n -Mm. Dk J If ., lmrlahtorf A f THE SEAL ' QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Re,i .Sockuytt PINK SEAL Finest PinH Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert 1-40 .jfojS Thii adrertlement Is not. published or displayea by the Liquor Control BoVrd or W tlte Government ' , of British Columbia j 1 M PROCURABLE SCOTCH WHISKY MY-2 Jl jALdLraday. August s Eddie Smith, Sev Dominato. Herbit OI cnma- ine congregaHon ui oi. vacaUon at Vancouver, Victoria i Mrs. J. M linger of Temcf I Morgan, Andre Letourneau and Pauls united ,nurcn voicea ineu .Trail, etc. her small son, spenr a Jet, Nick Chenoski Is off to Smithers regret at Miss Munn's departure to take part in a series of two on Sunday by a letter of a'pprecln-games to be played Saturday after-noon and Sunday morning in con- 'Section with the interior town's tion. llanager Lamgbie eft on this SnJ pau,.s Unlted on Sunday nl ht morning's train while the rest of the team is getting away this eve- . Brahm. ' ning. McClymont Park a Dickens' family analr in that re-1 vt n ,i 11 gard. Sonny Dickens making both VYlllS uOIlDcul Miss Mary Munn R. N.. after a .year at the hospital here, left lastj 'week-end by car for her home in gave a very pleasing arrangement I "Lullaby" for piano. At the annual meeting of the Board of Trade Major R. Lowe was elected president, Ray Com counters for the Merchants and) . Henry Dickens the lone tally for Last night's game in the Gyro Miss Frances Foot of Endako is the Navy. Both sides were out in? Softball League as a free scoring a patient In hospital here, having full strength and It was a clean; . affau- jth McClymont Park com- ( well conteMedjgame. Fred Cameron mg out 0n top by a score of 11 to was reieree. The slzeJtfT the crowd, g over Westvlew. The whole game 4 "Wha'i tho mon yow Utp Moiling o.J,M 4Jh 1'tttow no !ntodcd m to St Capt." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES Tkr futU frm m kUk fhic cm bt smaktd." Mrs. A. K. Hemstreet and daugb- 1 Summerland. She was the guest operated on lor appendicitis ter pf Walcott have been TltfJ oi honor on rnaay at tne nome oi i at we name oi Mr and Ma J . Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Holmes left F. Nourse. Master Hemstrertu-. 1 l - .UV V 1 sister this week af ter harinf vJ the guest of Master Jimmy WeJ here enroute to Tintagel to tJ her sister. Mrs. J Mlddleton Insist on -GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Oririnil For sale af- Vendors or direct from "Mall Order Dept Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street. Vancouver, B.C This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the UfiW control Board or by the Government of Brltisn column A GOOD INVESTMENT j RAILWAY HmtilrA when you buy Paint, Wallpaper, Glass, Muresco from Silversides Bros. SOLE AO HINTS FOIi CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LTD. PAIN"? ANTIMO WHITE CILUX ENAMEL for the exterior lor the Interior OUT OF TOWN ORDERS RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ATTEND Canadian Pacific Transcontinental ... Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pa TO VANCOUVER DIKECT SS. "Princess roulse- SS. Princess AlU." 8S. Princess Aug. 6. 17. 27; 8ept. 1 Aug, 10.20: Aug. 3, IS, 24 . I To Vancouver via rWin rQM . w- v,rim KS. "Pn" AdrIaidcH Every Friday 10 p.m. Clu-H CTlfi. Cun'fieclloiiH at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific. Servlf" Tickets and Heserva'tions From . W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Kup' CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK j.r. Fresh Local Rar Pasteurized w VALENTIN DAIBY phone-s'