Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert q E Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Green- hol"h and Miss Mary Forbes, Van couver J F. Hohnan, CornwaV England, F Waterman, Seattle Miss Norecn Q. Qibson, city; Mrs. H, Reld, Port Esslngton; Mrs. Mil ton McLean. Mrs. J. II. McLean ana Mrs T Johnson, Port Esslngton; W. Phillips and J. P. Whyle, Darby Srd Avenue Mont : Mr and Mrs, Russel, Whit ney, Oakland, Cal Central J. Ralney, Dundas; Ell Arreld-son, Hazelton; Mrs. 8. Yarnish ant son, city, H. ;M. Adams, Terrace; E. A. Clelson. New York City; C McGorvan, Chicago; L. Garfln, C. N. R.; P. Morrison, Dcean Falls. Knox J. Kordahland F. Skellum, city. Royal E F. Moilld, Rose Lake. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE I'hone Green 91C THIS WEEK SPECIALS 4 Piece Bedroom Suite 4.pietel)edroom suite including cheffonier, full size bed, vanity and upholstered uencn. nuguic Special 1 $69.00 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide, regular price $1.40 eq. yard J825 special square yarn 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite 3-piece chesterfield suite covered in ood quality tapestry. Regular price $98.00. Special $83.00 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teams Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: AS. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, Monday a.m. vSvlfSs. Vancouver, Due a.,. Due at Office Tickets tf n l.tpIihr and Ttehu no further Information Regarding Reservations A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert ABent, Third Ave. 1 hone508 j Seranader's Dance at Oddfellow's, Hall, Friday, August 5. (182). Capt. and Mrs. J. R, Enfert are leaving on this evening's train foi 1 a trip to Usk. Dr. H. N. Brocklesbv and J. W.i Kilpatrick left on this morning's! train tor Smlthers to spend the weeK-ena. George Dybhavn and Miss Alma Dybhavn Telt on this morning's train to spend the week-end at the Smlther's celebration. Misses Margaret, Helen and Norah McCaffery left on this morning's train for Smlthers to. spend the week-end. S. O. N. Picnic, Tugwell Island Sunday, Aug. 7. Members and friends . Boats leaving Cow Bay 10:30 and 12. (183) Albert E. Goetz, well known mer chant of Douglas near Juneau, was east of the corner of Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Miss All advertisements In thli col-omn win be charged for a full month at 25c a word. First annual Port Day Ball,- Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall Lutheran Bazaar October 15. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar November 17. 193839 Radio Licences Due and Payable G. CLAVRING For Appointment Phone Red "87 or Black "33 F. LARSON. Masseur and Electric Treatments PHONE GREEN 913 225 8th Avenue- West Prince Rupert, B. C. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE" MOVING Cartage Light Coal Wood Phoiae 586 Phone 112 Taxi; day and night. Mrs. A. J. Cook returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a. brief trip to Phone C2 Oven Roast Beef Lb. . . Rolled Pot Roast Lb. Each Ayreshire Bacon Lb. . Sausage Meat- 2 lbs. , K-9 Dog Food- 2 tins , Rolled Roast Veal Per lb Phone 63 Sterling Suggestions EGGS 'A' grade, large. 2 dozen A 0 LAMB Leg Roast Lb Shoulder Trimmed. Lb. Lean Breast :2 lbs. BUTTER 1st Grade. 3 lbs: . . . . J. E. Unwln Is leaving on this evening's train for Smlthers to spend the week-end attending the anniversary celebration. Scratching Jl. KU.tM. ITCHINQ A Minute Im tW mat ttubboni Jutuof tt . UoUhtt, trinilM..tUi'a Int. fMliw d eUnr tlio Loot ilkl Jb u Ur. Draon couliuf. Mtutp-UeTlLiuUl D) 0. O. T REJCfllPTION. lu intl oth wife U (muwd .kia. tto, fI- ! tuta-Um in fut. Stop tb man Idkom itebbi W-uitlr. A V Uit Uttlt, at drac norw. vnmt It atttfj tec. Ai fat 0. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Mrs. H. S, Parker, who has been on a vacation trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. .Jack .Ruttei;well known local K'a passenger aboard the Princess-miiwav encineer. returned to the ' Alice this morning returning north clty on the Prince Rupert this I after a trip to Seattle. ; i morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Noreen Gibson has been ap pointed to take charge of the tour- Iff InfAnmntlAn VtiitOA iVi4nVt Virto Mrs. C. H. Hanklnson and family left on this morning's train for I been opened on Second avenue JII LiillLC IUllilY U ui vv . v v v. of the -summer vacation. ! Connie Morgan and Mrs. F. W. rs. uuBu, i Crawford and son, BiUy, left .this Hlfeeft. who have been visiting for Imominetosnenda coUDleofweeksithe past six weeks at Prince Al- at Frlzzell's Hot Springs on the Skeena River. Mrs. Crawford lind son arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Announcements bert, returned to the city on last night's train. Leopold Kurt Seligman, an from Paris, France, and Mrs 'Seligman were among passengers going north to make the round trip to Alaska aboard the steamer Princess Alice which was in port this morning. Joseph . M. Archambault, Quebec mining engineer, was In , the city aboard the Princess Alice this j morning going through-to Juneau He Is to make an Inspection of thef- Jullan mining property between Juneau and Skagway. i Be wise. Keaa oi w&nt ads. 28c 20c 25C 93C 18c 15c FRYING CHICKENS 60c 28c 25c 25 c 25c Shoulder Veal jg Lb. .......... Bakeasy 2 lbs. 25c NEW SPUDS Off o mike MOV, JLJ . KtJi ,-.-... Remember You Can Clet it at The Sterling Boy Scouts At Shawatlans Lake Preparations Under Way For Week's Outing At End of Month. Preparations lor the Prince Ru- pert Scout camp are Well unaer way. The camp will be under the direction of Scoutmaster E. Tl. M. Yerburgh of the First Prince Rupert Troop and Scoutmaster (Rev.j Roy Durnford of the Second Prin ce Rupert Troop. The camp will be held from August 24 to August 31 inclusive and it Is expected that twenty boys will attend. One important change has been made in the plans. Instead of holding the camp at Port Simpson as" was first planned It has been decided to h61d it at the north end of Lake Shawatlans. It was found that this site offers far greater opportunities f6r scouting activities. Arrangements are now at a standstill as all the parents have not re turned the forms which were sent to them some time 'ago. As soon as the rest of the forms are returned the final arrangements will be made. G, P. Tinker will sail tomorrow evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. The Dally New kns an audlteo trculatlon. Pxay safe I BILL'S ALL IN. HOVVLL WE GIT HIM UP? TILL HIM KILLOCG'S CORN T LAKES FOR BREAKFAST. THmi 6IVI MlMl 1 ENERGY. TOO. YoD can enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes anywhere, any time. Sold by FLAKES 1 k7 I all grocers, always oven-fresh in the patented waxtite inner hag. Ready to serve with milk or cream. For matchless flavor and crispness, ask for Kellojrg's Corn Flakes. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. M4DE IETTIH . fiCKtD lTTf TAsrt urrin B. C. Messenger Service PHONE 8 Prompt and Courteous Service k -RGlUESPJ Stand: 6th St., BacK oi Royal Hotel Phones 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Money-savinc Values Every Day At MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality The Best Service The Best .Opposite Canadlan.Leglon LASO ItEOISTKY ACT Re: Oertiflcate of Title No. 12144-1. to Oiiartcr of Bw.tlon Five (5). Township TJe (3). Range Flv .(JV Ooart-D. umbla. said ito conttalii Eighty (80) wHT!REAfl iwoaf of Ions of the above tjorUfJeate of Title Issued Ja the name of Jolm A. Halvamtwi has been, filed In this office, noitlc la hereby given Jhat from lUe ttato ;of flr,t publlcatlqu henxkf. Usue fc-ProvtolonM OertlXlcate et TtUo to lieu of mild lost oertlfUafce un leM In. the rneamttmie vlld objection bt made te me In writing;. nATT.n at the UUM. ftegwwr uni&t, Prince Rupert, B. O.. thta 3rd. Cy ot MUTilat, A. D 1988. ANDREW, ; TlfOUPaOIJ. . Deputy Bttoti:x of TiUf Jersre ns French Milled Bath Soap Assorted Odors SPECIAL 3 CAKES FOR 23c Ormes Ltd. Zrii Pioneer Drvuzpats The ilexn Store Phonet: II ft U Open Dally Prom aan. till 10 pan. Sunday and Holidays From U noon till 1 aja, 7 .m. till I Jn. "REGENT" STAINLESS ENAMELWARE Modern In Appearance Easy to Clean Color Combinations to Match Your Kitchen Ivory Trimmed with Blue, Black or Red. NOW ON DISPLAY AT GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 McBRiPE ST. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE BED COMPLETE Including bed Stead, bed spring and W mattress. 3 1 0 size only. Price i?M.i Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Newi that the people of the whole dietrict are doing the iami. 4 & i' Friday August 5, 1038 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREK HOW iu vlAt iLtu it A . . . t C.I.J. DI..I. I i. --.L I .1. Infun ' lMpl"S wpwn in in pint 01 irtm, ooinnj Wiltr. t . .him mm n nau inu iwimiuiiicdru nr whi nnt ai i ia n iz. Aiwt ii"""--. i j . ; i rj. . . ---. 7 nf nnuliUd tusar na juict or x icmoni, ttrtinta. Stir wU Stool j;0,td; fill fill conUln ConUlntr with wlth ...M ,oWwr wjfr otherwUt otherwlw llq ll .11 - cold witer. Do not ow U to coel it fort ddln$ liquid villi become cloudy, Serve with chlDDed Ice. SALADA LOCAL NEWS NOTES '.".4v ' 1 m m mi