i m : i HHI PACE TWO ft- THE.DAILT NWS School Specials ' BOYS AND GIRLS BOOTS 6 SHOES All the leading makes including: Greb, Sisman's, Jack & Jill, Little ' Pal, and Hewestons. , We can guarantee the quality and they are priced as low; as cheaper shoes. You cannot go wrong on' these dependable lines. Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. WUNCB HUPEIiT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue H. P PULLEN Managlng-Edltoi SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paia In advatce Paid In advance, oer we?k Paid, in advance, per month ., By mail to all parti of British Columbia, the British Empire and - cAny perioa, paia in advance i -. - By mall to all other countries, pec year , ADVERTISING RATE 5s Classified advertising, per word, per insertion " "' local readers, per line, per insertion ' News Department Telepnor.e mm' Advertising and CueuUUoji Telephone '. M Member r Audit Burcmn ol CtrcnUtioni DAILY EDITION $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 j02 .25 Wednesday, September 7,l83fl J KETCHIKAN CIXT OF EKY .MUCH CHARM (Continued from Page One) Ists, this being the first and last port of call in Alaska. What struct me forcibly was the Antfionv Eden savs that in th -. , 1:311 13 tlIe Protection. They have Deen iostered amon? tnpm whih if Piano Jazz Taught by Vancouver Teacher Guaranteed Course No Scales $L00 per Lesson, $10.00 for 12; Lessons Will Commence Early In September Enrol at DAILY NEWS Now! Also Piann-Accordion : MOST The Letter Box ROAD TO FLOATS Editor. Dailv News: These 4 few cw uu lines are c written i.wri !n i aienness oi me people ana tne ; keenness of the businessmen of Ket- behajf of the property owners oC , chlkan. They have plenty of pep. Sertions 7 and 3 without animosity 1 Their enthusiasm is catching and to any other section of the city. ' visitors tend to get some of it as a Wheareas I, in common with ' result of a visit They aU believe many other property owners 'n in their city and are never back- these two sections, feel that a pol- ward in expressing themselves In lc' 01 aiscnminauon is Being mi-regard to it. There seems to be an P05 on us through the failure excellent community spirit. The ot Commissioner to open welfare of Ketchikan comes ahead the avenue pf access and egress of all other considerations. to me fishermen's floats and Drj Prince Rupert is well ahead in through the roadway lead- the matter of flower gardens but in to down from Sixth Avenue on rock eardens Ketchikan excels us. the east side of Hays Creek. iilouses are being built gradually 11 has been stated that the rea-farther ud the mountainside until son we are denied the use of thia walking, home to lunch must be a 511011 cut "d to the above men-problem. t,oned because me Dr However, -thev all have cars and most of them make Pock company objects due to the enough money to take their cars the? re oVUggd to maintain outside occasionally and make a tnat. Pon 01 the waterfront Ltour through the States. roadway leading from Swift's prv to he dock known I- as The stores are right up tn the minute but. while it has a ten and'? ,Dry ,Dock RoiuL T,hat' m fifteen cent store where cheapl?,on' U reasonable objection things are sold, the average pricesf1" ,dr ""S8'?1 seem to be higher than in Prince flnttf IevLbu sho"ld1 not bc b-v tne Commissioner nlnoiaccepted as Runert. Citizens there nav rE dsnvlnS tne Publlc 'dollars a vear or a dollar a monrhQ-u for their daily paper. Restaurant n"se, the , prices are higher. f?uMo and.a Ple I In good locations store rents are!? ? ?..Q0C ? 7!? ,high but the merchants generally Zv ,7 Qry seem to make money, keep up good ?k, Tt T? establtshmimts and ,h frLw !Mons 7 and 8 their Proper en- 'SnS2 10 Er"ml"e " ln:""' U PPteI other . . tlons would not be inconvenienced ?i o ',Ce ,in the slightest as they would have Among Amftn. the cheap o things In , tK the the l tQ u city was an admirable bus service dock dry now running out Tongas Avenue along. ,ng to nshermen'? float th? 11 . ronlf0f tW? n"eS an.d'uId V of Sixth ci the cost of a ride is only five cents seventh Avenues across Hays each way or six rides for 25c. These Creek and down the new road to buses are verv comfnrtnhl ThU. 1 a w I . J It- IHMIK are owned by different parties but This would simply be a matter1 operate alternately, giving a regu- 0f equality to all sections of the At a a luncheon ,uncnen of newspaper newspaper lar half hour service all day and city and would be a far Ereater the : following following toast toast was was off offend: fcnd mio me nigni. Tney are well incentive to the neoni nf patronized by both visitors and res- 7 and 8 to pay up taxes than the wents. I was told the buses costannual visit of Mr. Buckley. wuuMiiu uuuares eacn. iney run under charter from the city and must give proper service or lose their charter. Evidently they are paying very well. UMTY UNDER DEMOCRACY I Anotner cheap thing in Ketchi-i Thanking you, Mr. Editor, GEO. B. CASEY. SHADES OF COKKIGAX we presume that he includes R7 IT 1 v ' . u'a volunteer brigade with only southend. Eng.. sept. v. (Cp vitaJitv nnd lffci!o fru"1 Jlst,. there IS a. the chief drawing a salary, I was -Rebuilt from a wreck bought a- iCZ V' ?nd J an n enthusiasm wiuiuaiawn-on on behalf oeiiau ot of the the faith faith that that has, hasi1- told- ' 1 for m a plane tooi remind Prince Ru- inree men 00 a two-weeks con take to belittle. He sees mass enthusiasm and fervor thp'pert 1)601)16 that we Bet a lot of ! Ul?e"taI tour. returning aimost.cr reauiL 01 rutflless nrODaianfla anrl cnnncn.v ous"1C5;i ironi eicniKan. our rail- " ocuaveo splendid ei?m PhiMr T g i . f",. suPPresS10n of cntl-, way gets a great deal of freight that ' throughout the trip. S ofrll,, etrai"edt0 dedUiate their HveS t0 way and there Is a Uibllity of, 2 ot,t,he country as represented by the government gettlne more- "e should be a plans "LA.NS batii BATH mw, and dOUbtS and rm.tinna ov,. f 11...j n?? 7 UPrpnrt rfPa1 nt .7. comfort they receive has no duplicate in histnrv !,,, "blbetween the two cities, we both of sssr from knowing each i'SlrV1 n ?"tics-' S or S3 AMJiK tion everything and to think foTthe W .,UeS" y whatIone re the British Empire today -ift would be at sixes and sevens. Canada and. South Africai sometimes seem almost as if their people might split oS the. matter of tak ntr nart. in a nnQo?KiQ X . presents itself so no unif.v i r,p0fwi . cn,s,si U . "V .vuvu. I :.i ue m uanger. immediately national unity would be attained and it would be a unity that would be more effective than any in the totalitarian states He points out that in the great war thot freedom s at a low ebb and the dictators toWdS threaten the idealism of all free peoples. In Canada ve maintain our freedom to the limit and often overstep it by .allowing representatives of other ideologies to preach their doctrines by making unfair and misleading statements in the course of thpir to injure our industrial life and poison the minds of the young, all in the sacred name of "liberty." It is only in time of stress that pressure is exerted to curb these activities. Subversive movements are part of the war machine of the enemy but we notice them only when the necessity becomes so great that we cannot allow them to continue. If the British Empire was attacked tomorrow these movements would have to be carefully hidden. They would,, doubtless, continue but only under cover Try a Dally News craxsifled ad. NEW YORK. Sent. 7: (CPf.i. gene Farmer claims to have per fected an anti-tumble-in-the-tut invention. It is a non-skid powder not injurious to the skin and is germicidal and cheap. iSSSl I yt car, Firestone makes tflJVVCT it possible for you to buy I genuine high quality gum-dipped tire at prices that aye you real money. These newFireatono Standard Tirea give you eiieryming'y6u need-long, carefree mileage, dependable .tafety and low cost Drive in to your nearest .Fireatona Dealer today and have him put a set of Standard on your car . . . today' top tire value. ircsione Crucial Football 'Match On Monday Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Re-gina Rough Riders To Meet In Conference Fixture WINNIPEG, Sept. 7: ( CP t Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Dominion champions, and Regina Rough Riders wiU meet next Monday In a crucial Western Canada rugby football conference game. New York Stock Mart Still Weak A friend once I RALI,,;lrt,AY MENTIONED AS PONTIFF Cardinal Laurentl .Might Have Been Pope Had He Lfved ROME Rent. 7: lAP) The namt , cf Cardinal Camlllo Laurentl. dead Ihere. was often mentioned as one j jof those who might be chosen' Pope. He was stationed In Rome at tbe I ....... . t time of Benedict's death and waj at his bedside during his fatal Illness, belnz the last man to kiss the Pope before he expired. Laurentl is said to have ben born in Rome. Early In his careei . A1U UCWIIIC bUIUIIXVCU rV t t-W l4tW Unsettled Condition of Affairs In -University of Propaganda where Europe Holds All Issues At (he was for some time a teacher Low Levels jof philosophy and became secret- ary of the Congregation of the MPW VADIf Rani 7- rinr PrnnnirnnHn In 1011 presumably to the unsettled condi-j He retained that position until i tlon of affairs in Europe, stocks' 1921 when he was made a Car-were again weak In yesterday's dlnal In company with Cardinals trading on the New York Ex- Ratti and Porcelll. Cardinal Laui-change. Industrials were off 1.01 entl was mentioned as one of thoso mile nff 10 nnH iitllltlAe nff 17 whn mluhf h nnruilntnH n c Ane. Man in the Moon tollc delegate to Washington to succeed Falconlc in 1911 but Mon-slgnor Bonzano. rector of the Propaganda College, was chosen. Cardinal Laurent! spoke EnglL'h fluently and had considerable ex reprimanded Will Per'en" affal? a""tlng the Catholic Church In of "ain't M America. P? . conne?tlon Mlh the ConKrtf- Awgia lui iuc e jk am b. , , . .w. hU his iu uie weu-inienuonea Mentioned re rebuke. d use, Sauon oi tne Propaganda he taught Will renlled: "Mavbe ain't ain't .so American students. many correct, hut i notic int. nf fmve who ain't using ain't, atnt eatln'.- ,a"eri.y he Was Pre of the, Sacred Congregation of Rites. "Am I rightly Informed that you . " ' are offering a reward for the dog bo? Passenger? asicd for and re- you lost?" celvtd their money back. Nobod.v "Good gracious, have you found Was lnlured. . , my Flfl?" :- "No, but I intend looking for it and came to ask for a little advance." ! men "The ladles I Second only to the jress In the dissemination' of lews!" WHALE BEACHED KEADBY. Eng.. Sept. 7: (CP1 ' ?5-foot long whale weighing learly three tons, was shot and brought ashore from the Rivci Trent recently. It was trying to 'lnd its way out to 'sea, nearly 0 nlles away. CRASH AND CASH RHYL. Wales, Sept. 7: (CP I -Iter a joy-ride airplane buried Us lose on a beach near here, two ggggL i yBaaaaW gtH!BiA OLD . . . and proud of it I WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 26'j.oz. $3.25 40-oz. i.85 PrcniUD AND BOTTUO IN SCOTLAND Thin ticmrtjvmt-i.i i rjt puo.ui.ru or dUplayed by th Liquor Control Board or by Um 03Trrum.Tit ol BritUh Coluinb! MOTOR-VEHICLE ACT Change Of Ownership Of Motor-Vehicles Section 12 of the "Motor-Vehicle Act" provides that immediately the title or interest of a motor-vehicle which is registered under the "Motor-Vehicle Act" is transferred, whether by gift, exchange, barter or sale, the transferor and the transferee shall sign a notice of transfer on the prescribed form and submit the same through any motor-vehicle license Issuing office together with the last motor-vehicle license In respect of such motor-vehicle, and the prescribed fee of 75c. This notice of transfer must be so submitted within lo days from the date of the changing of the title or Interest of the motor-vehicle. Failure to submit such notice of transfer Is an offence and any person is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $300 in this connection. Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Po,U- SS. "Prince.! Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE September 7th, 17th, 27th October 7ln ,Btn Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service, Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent. T,i. . Prince Rupert, B.C. J A- if SAY I ! 'PUNCH A AND BE J HAPPY Jl 8mmmWA Mu PERFECTOrl 01 PANETEUil 10c mm SIC Uuth Nelson A.T.CI Teacher of Piano. Theory and Harraonjj ' Phbnc ClrwiSM MUSIC .Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin, Thraj Harmcny Classes Commencing Sfpt ber 1. I'hone 580 Three Violins For Sale--Veil Reasonable J. H. BULGER Optometrist rUOQD 111 Koyal flank BUM NEW ROYAL HOTEL i, Zarelll PropA-Mf -A HOME AWAY FROM UOME" l Ai aa 50 Rooms Hot & cola Wit Prince Rupert, B.C. mm m f Rdf 1 THE m m mm-tr SEAL " QUALITY nii m fr M GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ijjj with r the year rouna p Prince Rupert